HomeMy WebLinkAbout061827204 CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, MINUTES June 18 - AdJuu~ned Sessiom- The City Commission .o~~ty of 8anford, Florida met at the City Hall at 2 0'Cl~ Po~. on tho.lSth day~__~of~e A D .192~ Pr&sent. Commie--s, Forrest Lake, S O Chase and E F Housholder. Oity Attorney, George A DeOottee, at private sale th~$1,0~ City Manager W B Williams.  submitted~ap~oposal in w~iting to purchase ,000.00 le ly issued Citgo( Sanford Florida 5}% Improvement Bonds dated July 1, 19~nd January l~gz? author~ed,,'by Ordinances Nos 113, 117, 119 $15o,ooo.oo city of?=ford, FloOds 5}% cipal*ire $~0,000.00 Oity of ~for~, Flor~ ~ ~tric Fire AI~ ~ POlice T~lephone / ~~ r ~tcl~1 Docks an~ ~es So~. ~ / ~0,000.00 0i~~ford, ~1o~ ~% ~e~,~tion & B~k~n&s. ~iscusse~, an~ thereupon Oo~ioner~ E F HousholGer off~ ~e ~llowing reso ~/~ ~E~AS, the 0i~t~o~is~ the 0i~y of Sanfor~, ,l~ri~ I ~ofore or~ere~ O~ Florida ~ I~rovem~t Bon~ ~etofore &~y aut~orize~ by 0:Gin~ces 11~, .17, 119, 120 1¢5, / ~EAS, on s~d te seals posals were received~y the omission ~e Oity of S~ford Florida for ~chase of said ~n~, and ~ck WHEREAS only two-~bids were ,sub~/tted to the City Commission for the purchase of bonds, and ':WHEREAS, after ~--~ue consid~n said bids were rejectedby the Commission, - WHEREAS s~id bonds were not sold purs~m-nt to said adveriisement, and may be legal- ~ 2 ly sold at private sale at any time~n sixty days from an~ter June 15, 19 ?., and WHEREAS U --~ has submitted a proposal for the p~rchase of said bond~eaming i%~est at the rate of 5}% Per annum, interest payable January 1st and July ~st, of each year, both principal and i~erest being payable at Chase National Bank, i~the City of New York and State of New Y~rk, Said bonds being / of the denomination o~/$1000.00 eac~and all of s~id bonds, except the $250,000.00 . City of Serif oral, Flori~a 5}% Hospi~Bonds being dated July l, 1926, and to mature 30 Bonds being date~ary 1, l~7~md to mature 30 years from date of issuance thereof, authorized by Ordinances Nos. ll3, ll?, 119 120 and 145, as aforesaid, said proposal being in wor~s and figure~as follows, to-wit: ~ ) S~n~ord Florida, June 18, 192? Hon. City Commis~sAon of Oity of rd Sanford, Florida. CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA. MINUTES June is. 27 .[ 1927 to mature July 1st, 19~7, $150,000.00 City of Sanford, Florida~ioopal Fire Station Bonds, dated July 1, 1926 to mature July 1, 19~6 $ 00,000.00 of an authorized issue of $400~000.00 City of Sa~ford,_Florida 5~% Municipal Docks and Wharves Bonds, dated July 1~192~, to mature July 1, 1955 $1~00,000.00 City of Sanford Florida 5~e lamation & Bulkheading Bonds dated July 1, 1926 to mature July 1, 1956 advertised for sale on June 15, 1927 as pe~:~tisements appearing in the Sanford Herald ' Jo Sanford Florida, and the/Daily Bond Buys . f New York, which bonds were not sold on the 15th day of June 1927, we will pay you th~f and accrued interest to date of deliv~y, upon delivery of said bonds to us at the 0hase tional Bank in New York accompanied by/the unconditional approving ~inion of 0aldwell~ R~ond, attorneys, of New bee.viag inter st at 5~% per annum at pa~J~ith accrue interest to date of deli e e best and high'est bid obtainable for ~he p~chase o~said bonds at private sale, said bidl being in ez~sa_~f_~any proposal subm~ed to this Co~ssion on June 15, 1927. for the ohase of sai_d~ public sale, THEREFORE BE IT RESOt~. that it is the op~on of thia~Oommission that the said bid of. This day sut~i~d for the p~chase of said issue of bonds a~ delivery, be and tke~same is hereby a~ce~ted, and /BE IT FURTHER~ ~SOLVED, that the<~.sale of sai~bonds be, and the same is~ereby a-~dsd offering to purchase said bonds at pr&vats sale. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said bonds of theory of Sanford, Florida, aggregating $1,040,000.00 authorized by the or~'~ afores~aid,~ b~delivered to upon the payment therefor by ! ~ of the sum of $ ~ d acJue~ interest to date of delivery. Adopted this 18th day ~,~2e AID.1927. Attest: L R Philips, City Olerk ...... Forrest Lake 'IS 0 Chase E F Housholder As the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. 206 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, lS ,9_ 27 Commissioner E F Hca~e~f~r offere~he following resolution, which WaS unanimously WHE.S on~. ~2~ lnstal~nts of principal ~d interest w~l~ become ~e ~ayable on severa~ ~ssues of street pa~ assessment ~d bu~head~n~ ~rov~ent bonds of the City of Sanford, Florida, which ben.were heretofore issued against special assessment, / levied, assessed and imposed~gainst/ privacy owned property fronting and abutting certain streets and public thor~es in the Ci~ of San~ord, Florida heretofore improved and paved by the City of Sanford, Fl~a, and levi~, assessed and imposed against privately owned property in East Side Bul~e~a~didSstrict Ngs._l and 2, and in West Side ~dlkhead District, impr, ed and benefitted by rec33~m~on and bulkh~ing, and WHEREAS, up to J.une 15, 19~her%-- was , and still is ou~$~hding,~ past due and unpaid to the 01ty of Sanfor~, Florins sum of $67,709.21 on a~co.~ of principal and interest pay~le to s~id C~y under special assessmtnes~ainst~.~va&ly owned property, benefitted b~ said paving aga~rs t which sal~/special ass$/ssments', .~t~e City of Sanford, Florida / / has heretofore issued certain street pavin~eola~ ass~sment bona.in anticipation of the of-'~azffo ~:~ 'lorida, t~:~ sum of $1}.1.6,~9~.0tl- on accountx.,~f principal and interest payable to the said City under special asSess~ent~ levied, assessed and imposed against privately owned property in said Bulk~ .d Dist~.~ts~, impro~ved and~tnefitted by r ecla~lation a~d bulk- heading, against which sai~ ;~ .eclal ~ssments the Ci';y~of Sanford, Florida has heretofore ° issued c in reclamation improvemen' bonds in anticipation of the col- lection of said s~ sments, ~ ~ ~WHEREASA? the ~al.of sai~/special assel merits and interest now payable and pas~ due as d, amounts sum ~ 21~,802.25,~ WHEREAS, under )ecial A~of the LegislA~ of the State of Florida enacted duri ? Session t!.ed: [ # An A~t~xrbh~r~zing th$ ~ of Sanford Florida to borrow money temporarXly in anticipation of ~'~f'~o~J;t~on of sp [ assessment/ in order~p_Fovide for the payment of maturing int- erest and principal of ne ~iable specie( assessment bon--d~-a~d also obligations payable only out[of a special fund, t ssue theref~,~TU~otia~l~ ee~ates of indebtedness which s.hall constitute general obliga ns of the-~i;~Y~of San~ord, Florida, and to provided for the li- the Oity of Sanford, ,~lorida is author~d and fury empowered by and. through its governing au authority, to borrow money temporarily I5 anticipator the collection of special assessment levied, assessed and impose~, but not collected at the time of said borrowing, for the payment of matuming interest and~,~inczpal~/- of sp~gial assessment bonds of the City of Sanford, Flori putstanding,th.re,ofore ued in antio ation the collection of said special assessments, and to issue for the moneyc~o borrowed~sl~ort term,negotiable certificates of indebtedness bearing interest at the rat~ n6t to ~e~ (6)Slx per centum per annum, interest payable semi-annually, which certif%cates of indebtedness shall be general obligations of the City of Sanford Florida, th~e,~ ~ BE IT RESOLVED th~ there shall~'ibe immediately duly issued two hundred and fourteen certificates%f indebtedne~/~ ~of the denominatiom of $1000.00 each, to be numbers negotiable from i to 21~, both n~ers//inclusiv~, bering interest at the rate of six per centum per her a MINUTES igned by the Mayor and t~of the C~of Sanford, Florida, each of said certificates of indebtedness to have affixed thereto t~rporate seal of the City of 8anford, Florida and to each of said certificates of. indebt~ss shall be attached interest coupons to be signed with t.he engraved or.fa~mile sign~ures o~ said May.or and Clerk, the said cer- tificates of ~ndebtedness w~h'e necessa~variatmons~ indmcate different numbers and dates, shall be substantially ~the foll~ng form to-wit: NUMBER < DOLLARS ~ , ~ · ~ $1000.00 Nunicipal Co~oration organized and e~g under the law/of the State o~]lorida, for value received 1 acknowledges ~elf J u~ly'lndebted, and ~omi~ses to pay t~e bearer hereof on the I th day of June A!ID.I~ w~tion of prior payment, in lawful money of the United Sta~tes of America, wit~ interest thereon from dat at the zate of six per centum per an, num, untl~, interest pa~ble semi-anfuually, on December 15th, and June 15th., both prin-i c ipal and interest being pay~le at the~¢hase National ~n the City of Sew York, State ~ew York. ~ ~certl~lcate o~ indeb~ess is one of two H~x~red and Fourteen Certificates of indebtedness, aggregating $214,~0 of like~, end is issued by the City of 8anford, Florida, ~v ~ ~3cipal p~rposes in striet conformity with an Act of the 1927 s~on of the Legis~lature of the Stat~ of Florida!, entitled: "An Act Authorizing the City ~ 8~s~rida to l~orrow money temporarily in anticipatior~ 9f. the .colle~cti.on of special asses~ents~ order to p .i~or the payment of maturing · n~eres~ ana pnncipal. ~f~egotiable@pecial assessmenth bonds and also obligations payable only out of a special fulTd., to lssu~therefor negotiable certificates of indebtedness which shll constitute General Oblig~kti~ns of the City of Sanford, Florida, and to provide for the liquidation of such lfemporary lo~*rfi." ~-~. and also pursuant to l~esulUtion ~3~ of the City Commission of the City of 8enford, Florida duly adopted on the 18th~Day of Jun~f~A D . 1927 IT I$ HEREBY CERT~IED, Rr. OI~D AND DECLARED that all acts, conditions and things required by law to ea~/happen andre performed, precedent to an on the issue~nce of this certificate of n~de~tedness,~ regular and due time, ~ and manner, as required by law, and that provision has been duly made by a resolutl~r~ of the City C ssion of the City of Sanford, FlOrida to assess an- nually a tax upon~ll taxable proper~y situate within the City of Sanford, Florida, to real- ize a sum suffio~t to pay the i t upon this certificate of indebtedness as it m~y be- come due, and t~/create a sinking~Auma~ for the payment of the principal hereof, at maturity. IN WITNr. S$,whereef the City of 8anford, Florida has caused this iht~erest bearin~ cer- 20S , / MINUTE ' L~,/. / June ~h~ 18 ~9 ~ On the Z5th ~y ~ D ~E CITY OF SAN~O~,LORIOA. ~ will pay to ~e r,~= ~i=~y ~_$30.~ollmre in ~ money of the United States of America at the e National B~k ~ ~e City of New Ye=k, 8tare of New Yo=k, bei~ six months~ interes then d~~tificate of i~te~esa dated J~e 15, 1927. ~ ~E ~ F~T~R ~SO t for the ng due provisiom for the pay- ively come due nd payable, the Sp ial Assessment~d interest ~oresa~ , no ne ~d c,llecte~, sh~l be se~ ~si~e ~n~ ~1~ in ~ Sp~l ~ for the p~ent ~f interest ~o t~T F~TH= ~ESOLV=~at in the evp the prooe~y ~erive~=om the collectio~ of said s~ assessments mhd ~est sh~c~_~isnt~full~vide for the payment o~ the principal m~ int~est of said c~rtificates of indebte~ess, as the s~e ~ become ~ble, the cit~a~ord, Fl~her~y o°~nts and ag~es~ wlth the holder~f said cer$ificates of ~bte~ess, ir ~y of them, ~to le~ a~lly upon all t~ble~ said O~~ficient ~eet ~ny deficiency, it being the i ntentio~ of sald City to provide ~ t~ p~ment of the ~noipal and~est of said certificates of indebte~ess out of the proceeds derived f~he collection of said specl~ assessments ~d interest which were due and p~le to the~ of S~ford, Florida, on or before J~e ~et ~collecte~t the f~h and.~ City of 8~ford, Fl~ is hereby ~evocably PledgSd f~z the ~nt o~Said certificates of'indebt~ess ~d~est to accrue there°~d there s~be l~d each yea=, said certificates o~d~t~ess are outstandi~ ~s~ficient ~ provi~ f~r the payment of the p~incipal ~d interest on said certijicates/of in~bte~ess ~t ~t~ty. ~ BE IT F~TH~ ~SOLV~as it ~s~e~ary to ~ve on h~d the proceeds derive~fX~ ~h~ ~ said ~ertificates of ~ebte~es~ to July l, 1927 that a te~o~a=y certif icate of indebtA~ess to be dated ~e 15, 192~ for the s~ of $214,000.O0 shall forthwith be issued ~d executed by the ~Clerk of the Oity~f ca, oral, Flori~, ~der the seal of the City ~f Sanfo=d, Florid~y~ble Ninety ~y~~te, ~d delivery to ~he p~chaser thereof wzth the ~derstundi~ ~eement th~om or before ninety ~ys from ~d afte~ Ju~ 15, 1927 said tempora~ti~te of i~e~ess shall be f~ded by the substitution therefo= of the perm~ent certificates o~ess n~bered from one to two h~ed ~d fo~teen, both n~bers i~ive, autho~y this resolutiom~ BE IT ~T~OLV~, that Forrest L~e, ~yor of the City of 8~ford, Florida be, and he is hereby, fully authorized ~d duly empowered to negotiate, sell ~d deliver all, CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, MINUTES diately from and after its passag~and a 'do~p~ton~ Adopted o~h day of ~e A D. / ~ Attest: ~U~ ~_~ L R Philips 0Zty Clerk. ForFeet Lake S 0 ~hase E F Housholder As the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. There being no further bus~.~s the meeting adjourned. July 5th, ~9~?;-- Mr. L. R. Philips, City Clerk, 8anford, Flor! da. 8ir: Re: $100,000 of an authorized issue of $150,000 Fire Station ~Onds. $400,000 ~Alkhead Bonds. proceedings of the Cit~'-~e~on relative t~the private e~ of t~e bonds of the City of S~ford,~ . ~orida, ~gregatl~ $$~,000.~, advertised for ~le on ~ 15th,1927, at which' ~e ~1 bide submitted ~re re- . Jeered, leavi~ certain bla~ ~aoes to be flll~ in -- ...... ~et~n f_~ r~New York. ~on o~ ar~lv~ in New York, Mr. ~e ~s ~able t~ aell all of the bonds a~ieed for sale on J~e 15th. I ~ encloel~ y~ h~ith d~aft of the oe~i~s of the City O~[saiom u~er,~te of J~e 8t ~ ~e 18th,192~, ree~eotivel~ ji ~ ...... ~ .h mxnumes of the City O~ission hel~ on ~id ~tes. The excerpts Ancl~eed a~ow th~ eubmission~f a fieea! agency proposition by R. I. Reilly and She ac- ~oeptanoe thereof by the City and the sale, at private sale, Of 'bonds o~ the C~ty of ~uford, ~lorida, as follows: (a) $100,000 f a~authorized issue of $150,000 City of Sanford, Florida 5~ Municipal Fire Station bo~ds, dated July lst,l$~6, to mature July lst,l~56; (b) $4~0,0~,0 City of ~anford, Florida 5~ Recla~ation & ~lkheading bonds, dated J~Y 1~t,19~6, to mature J~y lst,1956. Please deet2oy the lnco~lete minutes of the ~a,,..~ 16th and 18th of J~, ~ectively, in r very truly,