HomeMy WebLinkAbout062727CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, MINUTES REGULAR ~EETING JUNE 27 at 2:30 P.M. ~9 2.7 Regular meeting of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida was held at the City Hall in Sanford Florida at 2:30 O'Clock P.M. on June 2yth 1927 Present: Commissioners 50 Chase and E F Housholder. Absent: Commissioner Forrest Lake. Commissioner Housholder offered the following resolution which was unanimously adopted. ~ Resolution ~3~9 entitled: "Be it resolved that Resolution ~348 heretofore adopted by this Commission on the 18th day of June A D 192,7 be and the same is hereby repealed and rescinded." Commissioner Housholder offered the following resolution which was unanimously adopted: Resolution ~350 WHEREAS on July l, 1927 installments of principal and interest will become due and payable on several issues of street paving assessment and bulkheading Improvement Bonds of the City of Sanford, Florida, which bonds were heretofore issued against special assessments levied assessed and imposed against privately owned property fronting and abutting certain streets and public thoroughfares in the City of Sanford, Florida, heretofore improved and paved by the City of Sanford, Florida, and levied, assessed and imposed against privately owned property in East Side Bulkhead Districts Nos I and 2 and in West Side Bulkhead District. improved and benefitted by reclamation and bulkheading and, WHEREAS up to June 15, 1927, there was, and still is outstanding, past due and unpaid to the City of Sanford, Florida the sum of $67,709.21 on account of principal and interest pay- able to said City under special assessments against privately owned property, benefitted by said paving, against which said special assessments the City of Sanford, Florida has heretofore issued certain street paving special assessment bonds in anticipation of the collection of said special assessments and, WHEREAS up to June 15, Sanford, Florida, the sum of 1927 there was, and still is past due and unpaid to the City of $146,893.04 on account of principal and interest payable to the said City under special assessment levied, assessed and imposed against privately owned property in said Bulkhead Districts, improved and benefitted By reclamation and bulkheading against which said special assessments the City of S~rnford, Florida has heretofore issued certain bulkheading and reclamation improvement bonds in anticipation of the collection of said special assessments, and WHEREAS the total of said special assessments and interest now payable and past due as aforesaid, amounts to the sum of $21~,802.25 and WHEREAS, under a Special Act of t~ Legislature of the State of Florida enacted during the 1927 session, entitled: "AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF SANFORD FLORIDA TO BORROW MONEY TEMPORARILY IN AN- TICIPATION OF THE COLLECTION OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS IN ORDER TO PROVIDE FOR THE PAYMENT OF MATURING INTEREST AND PRINCIPAL OF NEGOTIABLE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT B~DS AND ALSO OBLIGATIONS PAYABLE ONLY OUT OF A 8PECIA~ FUND TO ISSUE THEREFOR NEGOTIABLE CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS WHICH SHLL CONSTITUTE GENERAL OBLIGATIONS OF THE CITY OF SANFORD FLORIDA, AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE LIQUIDATION OF SUCH TEMPORARY LOANS, the City of Sanford, Florida is authorized and fully e~oowered by and through its governing authority, to borrow money temporarily in anticipation of the collection of special assessments levied, assessed and imposed, but not collected at the time of said borrowing, for the paymen~ of matuming interest and principal of special assessment bonds of the City of Sanford, Florida outstanding there£ofore issued in anticipation of the collection of said special assessments and to issue for the money so borrowed short term negotiable certificates of indebtedness CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA. MINUTES Jure 27th. a7 of the City of Sanford Florida, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that there shall be immediately duly issued one Hundred and' Sixty One negotiable certificates of indebtedeness of the denomination of $1000.00 each, to be numbered from 1 to 161 , both numbers inclusive, bearing in{~rest at thefts of ~% per centum per annum, all of said ce~tificates of indebtedness to be dated July 1st, 1927, and to mature and bec~me due and payable on July 1st 1929, both principal and ? interest to be payable at the Chase National Bank in the City of~ New York , State of New York, in lawful money of the United States, said certificates of indebtedeness to be signed by the Mayor and the Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida , each of said certificates of indebtedness to have affixed thereto the corporate seal of the City of Sanford, Florida and to each of said certificates of indebtedness shall be attached interest coupons to be signed with the engraved or fac-simile signatures of said Mayor and Clerk, the said cer- tificates of indebtedness with the necessary t~ariations to indicate different numbers and dates, shall be substantially in the following form , to-wit: NUMBER D/~ITED STATES OF AMERIOA STATE OF FLORIDA. COUNTY OF SEMINOLE DOLLARS $1ooo.oo CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA 5~ Per Cent INTEREST BEARING CERTIFICATE OF INDEBTEDNESS. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the City of SaD_ford, Florida, a municipal corpora- tion organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida , for vlaue received acknowledges itself justly indebted~ and promises to pay to the bearer hereof the sum of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS. ON THE LST DAY OF July A D 19 . in lawful money of the United States of America, with interest thereon from date at the rate of five and one-half per centum per annum, until paid interest payable semi-annually, on January 1st, and July 1st, both principal and interest being payable at the Chase National B~nk in the City of New York, State of New York. Thais certificate of indebtedness is one of one Hundred and Sixty one certificates of indebtedness, aggregating $161,O00.00 of like date and tenor, and is issued by the City of Sanford Florida, for municipal purposes in strict conformity with an Act of the 192Y Session of the Legislature of the State of Florida, entitled: "An Act authorizing the City of Sanford, Florida, to borrow money temporarily in anticipation of the collection of special assessments in order to provide f~r the payment of maturirg interest and principal of negotiable special assessment bonds and also obligations payable onl; out of a special fund, to issue therefor negotiable certificates of indebtedness which shall constitute General O~ligations of the City of Sanford, Florida, and to provide for the liquidation of such temporary loans. and also pursuant to Resolution ~350, of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida duly adopted on the 27th day of June A.D.1927 IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED , RECITED AND DECLARED, that all acts, conditions and things required by law to exist, happen and be performed, precedent to and on the issuance of this certificate of lndebtedenss, have existed, have happened and have been performed in r~gular CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, MINUTES June 27 19 27 hundred and sixty one, both numbers inclusive, authorized by this resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Forrest Lake, Mayor of the City of Sanford, Florida be, and he is hereby fully authorized and duly empowered to negotiate , sell and deliver all, or any part of the certificates of indebtedness authorized by this resolution, as well as said ~emporary certi2icate of indebtedness. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall be and become effective immediat( from and a~ter its passage and adoption. Adopted on this 27th day of June A.D.1927. CORPORATE SEAL) .Y S 0 Chase E F Housholder. As the City Commission of the City of San~ord, Florida. Attest: L R Philips City Clerk. The meeting then adjourned to meet Tuesday July 5th at 2:30 P.M. Attest: City Clerk. Mayer CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, MINUTES June 27th. m 27 of the City of Sanford Florida, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that there shall be immediately duly issued one Hundred and' Sixty One negotiable certificates of indebtedeness of the denomination of $10OO.00 each, to be numbere~ from I to 161 , both numbers inclusive, bearing in'rest at thefts of 5~% per centum per annum, all of said c~tificates of indebtedness to be dated July 1st, 1927, ~ud to mature and become due and payable on July 1st 1929, both principal and interest to be payable at the Chase National Bank in the City o~ New York , State of New York, in lawful money of the United States, said certificates of tndebtedeness to be signed by the Mayor and the Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida , each of said certificates of indebtedness to have affixed thereto the corporate seal of the City of Sanford, Florida and to each of said certificates of indebtedness shall be attached interest coupons to be signed with the engraved or fac-simile signatures of said Mayor and Clerk, the said cer- tificates of indebtedness with the necessary ~ariations to indicate different numbers and shall be substantially in the following form , to-wit: dates, NUMBER L~ITED STATES OF AMERIOA STATE OF FLORIDA. DOLLARS $1000.OO COUNTY OF SEMINOLE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA 5~ Per Cent INTEREST BEARING 0ERTIFICATE OF INDEBTEDNESS. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the City of Sanford, Florida, a municipal corpora- tion organized ~nd existing under the laws of the ~tate of Florida , for vlaue receiVed acknowledges itself justly indebted~ and promises to pay to the bearer hereof the sum of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS. ON THE LST DAY OF July A D 19 . in lawful money of the United States of America, with interest thereon from date at the rate of five and one-half per centumper annum, until paid interest payable semi-annually, on January 1st, and July 1st, both principal and interest being payable at the Chase National B~nk in the City of New York, State of New York. Thais certificate of indebtedness is one of one Hundred and Sixty one certificates of indebtedness, aggregating $161,000.00 of like date s_nd tenor, and is issued by the City of Sanford Florida, for municipal purposes in strict conformity with ~n Act of the 192? Session of the Legislature of the State of Florida, entitled: "Au Act authorizing the City of Sanford, Florida, to borrow money temporarily in anticipation of the collection of special assessments in order to provide f~r the payment of maturirg interest and principal of negotiable special assessment bonds and also obligations payable only out of a special fund, to issue therefor negotiable certificates of indebtedness which shall constitute General O~llgations of the City of Sanford, Florida, and to provide for the liquidation of such temporary loans. · and also pursuant to Resolution ~350, of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida duly adopted on the 2?th day of June A.D.192? IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED , RECITED AND DECLARED, that all acts, conditions and things required by law to exist, happen and be performed, precedent to and on the issuance of this certificate of indebtedenss, ha~e existed, have happened and have been performed in regular and due time, form and menner, as required by law, and that provision has been dulM made by CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, MINUTES June 27 a sinking fund for the payment of the principal hereof, at maturity. INT WITNESS whereof the City of Sanford, Florida has caused this interest bearing certificate of indebtedness to be signed by its Mayor and its Clerk , and the seal of the City tO be af£ixed hereto, and this certificate to be dated the let day of July A.D.1927. Attest: City Clerk. Mayor. (FORM OF INTEREST COUPON) $S7.50 On the 1st day of January 19 July 19~* THE CITY OF SANFORD FLORIDA will pay to the bearer twenty seven 50~100 Dollars (27.50) in lawful money of the United States of America at the Chase National Bank in the City of New York, State of New York, being six month's interest then due on its Certificate of Indebtedness dated July lst,1927. Mayor Certificate No City Clerk. BE IT RESOLVED THAT for the purpose of making due provision for the payment of the principal and interest of said certificates of indebtedness, as they respectively come due and payable, the special assessments and interest aforesaid, now due and payable to the City of Sanford, Florida aggregating the sum of $214,302.25 as and when collected, shall be set aside and held in a special fund for the payment of interest to accrue on said certificates of indebtedness, and for the redemption of said certificates of indebtedness at the maturity thereof. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proceeds of the certificates of indebtedness of the City of Sanford, Florida, in the amount of One Hundred and Sixty One Thousand (161,0005 Dollars authorized by this resolution ko be issued be, as is provided by section 5 of the Act recited in th in this resolution applied to the taking up and holding uncancelled the following described bonds and interest coupons of the City of Sanford Florida, heretofore issued in anticipation of the collection of special assessments against real property in said City to-wit Bonds numbered 46 to 60 both nt~bere inclusive , and all interest coupons numbered maturing July let, 1927 of $151,000.00 City of Sanford, Florida 5~% Street Paving Special Assess- ment/ bonds dated July 2nd, 1923. All interest coupons numbered 8 maturing July let 1927, of an issue of $112,000.00 CiTM of Sanford Florida 6% Street Paving Special Assessment bonds dated July 2nd, 1923, designated as Series. "A" Bonds numbered ll to 15, both ntunbers inclusive, maturing July let, 1927, of an issue of $72,OO0.00 City of Sanford, Florida, 5~% Street Paving Special Assessmant Bonds dated Jan- nary 1st, 1924, known as Series "B" CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA. miNUTES June 27 19__ 217 All interest coupons numbered 6 maturing July let, 1927, of an issue of $227,000.00 City of ,~anford, Florida 6% Street Paving Special Assessment Bonds~ dated July let, 1924 known as Series "C" Bonds numbered 21 to 40 both numbers inclusive, and also all interest coupons numbered 5 maturing Ju~y let, 1927 of an issue of $204,000.00 City of Sanfo=d, Florida, Street Paving Special Assessment Bonds, dated .~anuary 1st, 1925, known as Series All interest coupons n~nbered 4, maturing July let, 1927 of an issue of $224,000.00 City of Sanford, Florida 5 $% Street Paving Special Assessment Bonds, dated July let, 1925, known as Series "J" All interest coupons numbered 3, maturing July 1st, 192? of an issue of $232,000~.00 City of Sanford, Florida, 6% Street Paving Special Assessment Bonds, dated January 1st, 1926. knov~ as Series All bonds numbered I to 3 maturing July 1st, 1927 of lO both numbers inclusive, and all interest coupons numbered an issue of $104,000.00 City of Sanford, Florida 6% Bulkhead Improvement Bonds, dated January let, 1926, known as Series A-BB" All bonds n~nbered I to 8, both numbers inclusive, and all interest coupons.numbered 3 maturing July 1st, 1927, of an issue of $81,000.00 city of Sanford, Florida 6% Bulkhead Improvement Bonds, dated January 1st, 1927, known as Series "A-BBA" All bonds numbered I to 54 , both numbers inclusive, and all interest coupone numbered 3, maturing July 1st, 1927 of an issue of $549,000.00 City of Sanford, Florida, 6% Bulkhead Improvement Bonds, dated January 1st, 1926, and known as Series "A-BBc" Be it Further Resoleved, That the right of the ~ty of Sanford, Florida to levy at any time taxes for the payment of principal and interest of said bonds hereinabove described be, and the same is hereby expressly retained on behalf of the City and the holders of the certificates of Indebtedness authorized by this resolution to be issued. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that in the event the proceeds derived from the collection of said special assessments and into=est now delinquent as ~foresaid shall be insufficient to fully provide for the payment of the principal and interest of said certificates of indebted- ness, as the same become due. and payable, the City of Sanford, Florida, hereby covenants and agrees with the holders of said certificates of indebtedness, or any of them, to levy an- nually upon all taxable property in said City a tax sufficient to meet any deficiency, it being the intention of said City to provide for the pa~uent of the principal and interst of said certificates of indebtedness out of the proceeds derived from the collection of said special assessments and interest which were due and payable to the City of Sanford Florida, on or before June 15, 1927 and as yet uncollected, but the full faith and credit of the City of Sanford, Florida is here irrevocably pledged for the payment of said certificates of indebtedness and all interest to accrue thereon, and there shall be levied each year, sai& certificates of indebtedness are outstanding, a tax sufficient to provide funds for the payment of the principal and interest on said certificates of indebtedness at maturity. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, as it is necessary to have on hand the proceeds derived from the sale of said certificates of indebtedness pripr to July l, 1927, certificate of indebtedness to be dated June 15, 1927 for the sum of forthwith be issued and executed by the ~ayor and Clerk of the City of Under the seal of that a temporary $161,000.00 shall Sanford, Florida CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, MINUTES June 27 .'19. 27 hundred and sixty one, both numbers inclusive, authorized by this resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Forrest Lake, Nayor of the City of S~nford, Florida be, and he is hereby fully authorized and duly empowered to negotiate , sell and deliver all, or any part of the certificates of indebtedness authorized by this resolution, as well as said ~emporary certificate of indebtedness. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall be and become effective immediate from and after its passage and adoption. Adopted on this 27th day of June A.D.1927. CORPORATE SEAL) S 0 Chase × E F Housholder. As the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. Attest: L R Philips City Clerk. The meeting then adjourned to meet Attest: City Clerk. Tuesdzy July 5th at 2:30 P.M. Mayor Y