HomeMy WebLinkAbout082627CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, MINUTES August 26th at 2 P ~ ~[IN~TES OF AlU ADJOURNED SESSION OF THE ~ ~ ~I~Y CO~,:ISSION.OF THE CITY OF SA~0RD FLORIDA HELD AT T~V0 O'CLOCK P ,~,~ 0~ AUGUST 26th 1927. ?ne City Commission of the City of Sanford Florida met in adjourned session at the City Hall in Sanford Florida. at two O'Clock P ~[ on August 26th 1~27. Present: Co~issioner E FHousholder, acting " S 0 Chase City Clerk, L City Attorney City D~nager, R Philips George A DeOottes W B ~illiams Chief of Police, Roy ?:illiams Thereupon, the City Commission proceeded to canvases the returns of the speci~l Election held on August 25th 1927 to fill the vac~ncy in the City Co~m~[ission of the City of Sanford Florida caused by the resignation of Forrest Lake, ~ayor and City Commissioner. The Clerk was instructed to open the ballot box and the report of the Clerk and Inspectors of the election was e~m_umined and the report of said Clerk and Iuspectors showed that: 210 votes were cast for ',¥ C Hill lO votes were cast for C T Smith I vote was cast for H C DuBose A Canvass of the returns of said special election showed that ~,~ C Hill was elected City Commiss er of the City of S~nford Florida, to fill the unexpired term of Forrest Lake, resigned, ~':h[ct~ ' term expires on the first Tues~y after the first ~onday in January A D .192~. ?hereupon the followi,~ resolution was offered and un~.imously adopted: "WHE.qEAS, a canvass of the returns of the special election held throughout the City of Sanford, Florida on August 25th 1927 for the purpose of electing a City Cor.~missioner of the City of Sanford Florida to fill the unexpired term of Forrest Lake, Resigned, and an examination of the report of the Clerk and Inspectors of said election discloses that W C Hill was elected as a Cor.%missioner of the City of Sanford, Florida by a majority of two hundred votes, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, and it is hereby declared that as a result of said election, W C Hill has been duly elected as one of the Oity 0ommissioners of the City of Sanford, Florida to fill the unexpired term of Forrest Lake, resigned, to hold office until the first Tuesday after the first [(onday in January A.D.1928., THEREUPON, Conunissioner Chase stated that, in view of the fact that the language contained in Section 19 of Chapter 9897 , Laws of Florida, 1923, same being the City Charter of the City of Sanford, Florida, provides that a vacancy on the Commission for the remainder of an unexpired term shall be filled by a vote of the remaining members of the Commission if there should be more than sixty days between the hapoening~ of such vacancy and any general or special election , he thought it w~uld be best for the City Commission, as such, to appoint 5{r '~¥ C Hill as a City Commissioner to fill the unexpired term of Forrest Lake, resigned, and thereupon Commissioner Chase offered the following resolution, which was une.nimously adopted: "WHE~{EA$, W 0 Hill has been duly elected as one of the City Commissioners of the City of Sanford, Florida to fill the unexpired term of Forrest Lake, resigned, and WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient that this Com~?.issiou should, in order to CITY COMMISSION. SANFORD, FLORIDA, MINUTES August_E6th at 2 P ~,~ __19 27 hold office until the first Tuesday after the first !,[onday in January A D 192~." THEREUPON, [..Ir W C Hill, being present, a~ter being congratulated upon his election aes~ued and took the oath of office prescribed by law. Commissioner Housholder, the acting Zayor, anno,~uced that the next order of business would be the reorganization, of the City Commission. The roll was ordered called and the followin~ Commissioners were fo[md to be present: Co~nissioners E F Housholder $ 0 Chase. I W C Hill Commissioner Chase made a motion that Commissioner Housholder be elected [~ayor of the City of Sauford, Florida to succeed Forrest Lake, resigned, Commissioner Hill seconded this motion. On a roll call ou said motion, said motion were: Commissioner Chase Commissioner Hill Commissioner Nousholder not voting the Commissioners voting for the adoption of Aye Aye Thereupon, Commissioner Housholder was duly sworn in as Eayor of the City of Sanford Florida. The Clerk read the minutes of the meetir~s of the City 0on~ission held on August 6th, 8th, 10th and llth, which minutes were approved with slight corrections. Hr Chase offered the fbllowiug resolution, which was unanimously adopted: "'.[~EREAS, the Commission has been advised by officers of the First Hational Bank of Sauf ord that Savings Account Pass Book ~3089, issued by the First National B~nk of Sa~ord to the Bond Trustees of the City of $~nford, Florida, has been either lost or mis- placed, and ~HEREAS, every effort has been made on the part of this Commission to secure this savings account pass book from Forrest Lake, former 5[ayor of the City of Sauford Florida, and from Er A R Key, former City of Sanford, Florida, and Vice and secretary of the Board of Bond Trustees of the President of Seminole County Bank, without success, WHEREAS, the First National Bank of San_ford desires the adoption of a resolution by the City Co~mission under the terms of which resolution the City of Sanford Florida, is to indemnify and save harmless the First National Bank of Sanford from any financial loss by reason of any loss or misplacing of this savings account pass book, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by this Commission, that the City of Sanford, Florida, by and through its City Commission, agrees to indemnify and save harmless at all times the First National Bank of Sanford from any monetary loss by reason of the loss or misplacing of said pass book, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the First ~ational Bank of Ssmford be directed to transfer, in accordance with a resolution previously adopted, f~md acco~mt of the Bond Trustees to the checking account of deposit in the First i~ational Bank, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED. the balance in the savings the Bond Trustees, now on that a certified coov of this resolution be furnished the CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA,_ miNUTES Au~-as t 26 27 proposition to t~.ke uo Commission. Cormnissioner Chase made a motion, which unanimously prevailed, that the Chief of Police of the City of Sanford Florida, shall attend all re&~lar and special meetings of the City Con~uission and shall at all times keep proper order and decor~n, and that no one~ the City Commissioners, City Officials and those especially requested to do so, sha~ sit iu session with the City Commission behind the r~iling. The Clerk called to the attention of the Co~:~:~ission the f~ct that this was the d~y set for the equalization of the tax roll for the year 192~ and there~oon, Co~issioner Hill offered the following resolution, which ~animously prevailed: "~HE~REAS, the City officials and ma~y individuals desire to attend the funeral this afternoon of ~.~rs C E Hand, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that the matter of he,ring complaints on the assessed valuation ofl re~l property for the year 192y be deferred ~util two o'Clock P ~ August 29th, 192~; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED~ that the City Clerk shall insert notices in the local newspapers to that effect." Hr 0hase offered Resolution ~o 357 which w~s unanimously adopted, said resolution being entitled: "A Resoluiion providing for an issue of bonds by the City of Sanford, Florida~ in the sum of One Hundred and Fifty Five Thousand Dollars. The proceeds derived from the sale thereof to be used to finance in p~rt the cost of certain street improvements assessed against privately o~ed property fronting ~nd abutting said street i~orovements, orescribing the form and conditions of said bonds to be so issued and providin~ for a sink~ngfund for the payment Of the Principal ~nd interest of s~id bonds." ~,~r Chase offered a motion, which w~s duly seconded and unanimously adopted, that the City Attorney be i~tructed and directed to proceed at o~e with the completion of the bond issue authorized by said resolution No. 35~. ~r Haggard of the City Engineer's office, appeared before the Board with a to finance the completion of the city's pavir~ progr~m. ~r Haggard was directed the matter with the City Attorney and m~ke a report at the next n~eeting of the W. 99 links N 22 ch. ~. to Beg. ( This property ~poearing to be included in Wm Scott P. 6~2) Personal Tax 1926 - A R D!eriwether ~r Chase made a motion, seconded by ~r Hill, which ~u/animously prevailed, that the sum of ~lEOO.O0 from the paving fund bond account be paid to 5~r Fred T ~illiem~s, City Engineer for the Engineering Department account. Ers ~orse appeared before the Commissioners in regard to the City welfare work The City Eanager was directed to consult with the local wholesale grocers regardi~ furnishing food supplies for this department. The City Clerk was authorized to make the following cancellations and corrections in the 1~26 Tax Roll: of Beg. 9.32 ch ~ of S E Cot of Govt Lot l, Run along lake 11.62 ch S. 22.~5 ch E. 11.67 ch. (Cancel) 15.75 description of (Cancel) 4.90 ( It aooearing that A R ~.[eriwether had no personal property in the'~ity Jan I 1926) Personal Tax 1926 - The Texas Co. (C~ncel) 73.00 (S~m:e appearing to have been a double assessment. Improvements assessed ~ 2200.00, personal property had been transferred to new location and included in Re~l CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, MINUTES Adjou~'ned Session at S P ~,~ Au~ust 26th 19 27 ADJOL~l~D ii,[EETING OF A REGULAR EESSION OF THE CITY CO~,~:~!o 1014 OF ~HE CITY OF SANFORD FLORIDA HELD AT THE CITY HALL AT S P ~! ON FRIDAY AUGUST 26, 1927. present: City Attorney Also ~oresent: & Pentland. Cmm~issioners, E F Housholder (~.,ayo~) S 0 Chase and W C Hill George A DeOottes, and City Clerk L R Philips. · . _ ~ ~.. of Hall .,:r S I~ Gr ~ty~ certified public accountant, re~resenting the i:r !.i B Hutton, President of the Hutton Construction Co. a~peared before the City Commission and requested the Commission to give him a letter setting forth the contracts existing between the Hutton Construction Co. and the City of Sanford, Florida, and certi- fying that the EngineerinS De-artmeut of the City of Sanford Florida has submitted to the City Co~ission certificates of the co~pletion and accevtemce of all work done by the Hutton Construction Co. under the constracts aforesaid and set'ting up the balance now due the Said Hutton Construction Co. as shown by the records of the City of Sanford, Florida. On motion made by Commissioner S O Chase and seconded by Conm~issioner W C Hill and unanimously adopted, the following action was taken the the City 0ommissioners to-wit: "Sanford Florida August 26, 1927 To 7gnom It D;ay Concern: ~is is to certify that the Hutton Construction Company under paving contracts Nos p,o, and ,7, entered into between the City of Sanford, Florida and Hutton Construction 0ompany on the following dates to-wit: October 22nd , 1924 , Seotember 2yth 1~25 and Jsnuary 15, 192~, has satisfactorily completed the paving of all s~reets par- ticularly described and set forth in said pavia: contracts and additional paving awarded to Hutton Construction Company under the terms of said contracts. We further certify that the Engire er~ng DeFartment of the City of Sanford Florida, has issued and submitted to the City Conmlission of the City of Sanfford, certificates of completion and acceotance of said work, We also certify that the City of S~fford Florida is indebted to the ~{utton Construction Company under the terms of said contracts, in the sum of ~hvo Hundred Twenty Thousand Three Hundred Sixty Nine & ~6/100 Dollars (220,369.~6) as shown b' 'the attached auditor's sheets prepared by Hall & Pentland, Certified Public Accountants. We also further certify that instructions ha~e been issued to the legal denartment of the Cit~ of Senford Florida to oroceed with the' issuance of street caving assessments bonds in the sum of $155,000.00, the entire proceeds of whzch are to be used and expended in making a payment to H~tton Construction Company on acco~snt of the balance due it for work done and performed under the contracts aforesaid. The issue of street paving assessment bonds authorized is to be offered for sale dum-ing the first week in October of this year, after due advertisement and if a la~ful bid is not at that time se- cured for the purchase of said issue of bonds we have agreed with Hutton Construction Company to sell said bonds to Hutton Construction Company at private sale at and for a lawful price therefor, under the terms of the City Charter of the City of Sanford, Florida, and to accept at face value from Hutton Construction Company ~ouchers of the City of Sanford, Florida, held by it to an amount equal to the purchase price to be paid by it for said bonds. The bonds to be issued and offered for sale during the first week in October are to be of the denomination of One Thousand Dollars each, d~ted July 1st, 1927, and payable serially one- tenth each year, the first serial payment to become due and oayable January 1st, 1929, said bonds to bear interest at the rate of fi~e and one-half (5}~) Per centum per annum and are to be sold subject to the approving opinion of Zessrs Caldwell & Raymond, Bond Attorneys of l~ew York City. E F Housholder S 0 Chase W C Hill 'A's the City Cmm.uissiou of of S~nford Florida. the City L R Philips Clerk. Motion made and unanimously adopted that the Clerk furnish '~'~,[ B Hutton a certified copy of the minutes of this meeting.