HomeMy WebLinkAbout121427CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, MINUTES c~ourned Regular Session Dec. l~th 2 P Ml~7 255 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met at the City Hall, S:~nford Florida in adjourned Regular Session on ?!e~uesday December 14th. at ~vo O' Clock P M. 1927. Present: Commissioner E F Housholder, (Mayor) " S O Chase " W C Hill City ~anager , ~,V B Williams City Attorney , George A, DeCottes. City Clerk, L R Philips. Minutes of Regular Meeting of December 12th. read and approved. Communi~tion from First National B~nk of Sanford Re: Security for deposits of was reard and ordered spread upon the minutes, in words and figures as follows: the City Sanford Florida December 7, 192y. City Commission and Bond Trustees. City of Sanford S~nform, Florida. Gentlemen:- This will certify that the Commercial Department of the First National Bsnk of Sanford, has deposited with the Trust Department of said First National Bank of Sanford, the follo~ir~ described items, to be held in trust as security for ~ny and all deposites of the City of Sanford in the Commercial Department of the Said First ~ational Bank of S~mford: 1. City of Smuford Time Warrant , Voucher ~10967 3/4 dated July 21, 1927, Due January 21 1923 $5,000 00 issued to the Seminole ~ - · ~ount~ Bank or order, and endorsed by that bank. 8 per cent interest. 2. City of Sanford Time Warrant , voucher ~10967~- , dated July 21, 1927, due January 21, 1928 .!~5,000.00 issued to Seminole ~ ~ --~ ~oun~y Bank or order, endorsed by that bank, S per cent interest.'~ 3. City of S'-~uford Time Warrant, voucher ~IOS1y~ dated Jzme 30, 192Y, due December 30, 1927 issued to Seminole County Bank or order, endorsed by that bank, principal ~%,000.00 , ~ oer cent interest, - ~ ( Items l, 2 and 3, account City of Sanford Ordinary Fund') 4. City of S~mford Time Warrant ( Bond Trustees) Voucher~&n=(~-.~ ~ , dated ~anuary 12, 192~, ~cayable on demand, issued to First National Btnk, Sanford, Florida, princioal -~30 000.OO S per cent interest. ~ ' 5 Eight i:er cent interest oearing certificate of indebtedness, City of Sanford, Florida issued to First National Bank , om~ford, Florida, under date of Au~mot 15, 1927, due November i5, 1927 $10,000.00 , N~mubered I ........................... We believe that the deposit of these items in trust by the Commercial Department of the First hatzonal B~m. of Sanford is in accord with your instructions of even date herewith V~ry Truly Yours First National Bank of Sanford. Trust Department By ~ V Bradbury, Assistant Trust Officer. Communication from the City Attorney relative ~o a proposed ordinance providing for a fee for registration of automobiles etc. advising that such an ordinance would not be en- forcible was read and ordered filled. Con~nunication from the City Attorney relative to claim of J G :faits for injury to child on west side play grounds, jiving it as his legal opinion that there is no responsibility on the part of the City, was read and orderea filed, and the Clerk was instructed to return bill to Mr ~aits. The matter of the City Playgro~m~d/at the schools was discussed and referred to the City N~nager for investi?~ation and reoort. CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, MINUTES 27 Dec l~ .... c. after so~ue discussion it '~o~- decided to hold a conference employment at the Golf Course ~' ~' ..... de ~ ur ~lne with ~:r Symes, },~-" Voorhes aaa the Czty City Manager to investigate ~xe mstter ~ what ' '' · ~, ' o~:~,ien. ~C~l,Dll ohoulck be ~ A ~ ' ~+' from American I~zo, Post services of the / Legion as Vol,~teer Assistants of the dollar. came beffore the Co?muission and offered the to the Fire Degart~,lent. The Com~ission accepted the offer, and referred them to the Fire Chief for proper organiza- tion and instructions. The matter of taking over the Yscht Club House was discussed and referred to the City Attorney and the Auditing De~artment to work out a proper plan. On motion duly adopted the following banks were designated as city Devositories for , upon condition that they qualify in conformity with Section ~ and 49 City Charter, and give security for all City deposits of one hundred cents on the The First National Sanford, Florida. of Bank of Sanford, Florida, The Sanford Atlantic National Bank The Clerk was instructed to notify the above banks of this action. On motion duly adopted ~r Gray of Hall & Pentland was authorized to make a detailed statement of the operation of the gas plant for the last fiscal year. Commissioner S 0 Chase moved, and the motion was seconded by Commissioner U C Hill and =~animously adopted that l~r Roy G. Willi~us be, ~d he is hereby appointed as Chief of Police, to serve at the ::leasure of the City Commission, this action taking effect as of Decmnber 15, 1927. Mr C A Byrd came before the Commission relative to the gran ting of a franchise to the Florida Po~er & Light Co. and on motion duly adopted it was a~reed to take this matter up at the second regular meeting_: in January 1928. ~e City Manager submitted his report for the month of November and ss~e was accepted and ordered filed. Report of tae First Navional Bank enclosir~ cancelled checks paid in the month of November was submitted and ordered filed. ~e current bills and salaries as audited and vouchered oy t~e Accounting Depart- ment were submitted , examined and auproved and the Clerk was authorized to draw cheeks to pay same. The meeZing then took recess zo mceZ Taurs~ay Decemoer Z5th. 1927 at 2 O'Clock P. 1927. Attest: City Clerk.