HomeMy WebLinkAbout122627-Regular MeetingCITY COMMISSION. SANFORD. FLORIDA. miNUTES 2otn, 1927 being no quorzum nresent meetirC adjourned to meet Attest: Clerk Tuesday December ~7~,~. at COL~.IooIO~ TUESDAY , DECE~BER 2,tn, 1927 2 ~ ~,~. ADJOURNED REGULAR SESSION OF CITY The City Commission of 'the Florida on Tuesday December 27th. Present: Commissioner E F Housholder " S 0 Chase ?¢ O Hill City iianaser, 7¢ B Ui!!iams. City Clerk, L R Philips ,e~ in the City Hall at Sar~ord City of Sanford Florida" ~ 1927 at ~vp O'Clock P ~. (~ayor) ~u?re~en~c. by G W Svencer, ~y Attorney, ....... '~'¢~ Jr. v~.,:ze~, of Police, R G Wi!lia:us l~h, 15th, 22nd and 2~ , 1927 were rePd and ~inutes of meetinc's of December 12th, smvroved. ~r T F Powell came before the Commission representing the United Brotherhood of Car- penters & Journeymen Local ~1751, and requested that the 1927 City Taxes ~gainst the North 52 ft. of W. 100 ft. of Block ~ Tier 12, Sanford, now assessed to above orlanization be cancelled and that said pro?erty be exempted from taxation ~n 1928, as oaza property is used for benevolent purToses only. On motion aul~ adopted the CI~ nas instructed to cancel ~e 1927 Taxes in the sum of .~21.25 and to exempt s:~me from tax?rich in 1~28, the same aTipear~n[2 to have cee ......... ? ~ ~ by the Coumty Assessor. Light ~ ' ' i:r O A Byrd off the Fla. Po;ver & Co. came beffore the ~o::u~:zsszon relative to ' ' ~,~o_ .,ee~,~ in January 192S. contract on power rate and action on same v:as ~aeferrec. to thc o~. ~.. Co:mnunication from City E.,~mneez jiving descri~rtion of lan{~ ~ec~zred from ~s~e~ on ~-',~..en~y~' Second ~= betreen French h~ha~'" ~.~,:~ze ..... Avenues to~-~'-e,~. Tv:enty Second Ss.' .~ ~' ~ O~ ~,1 o for zn v:idth and st~?ted ......... ' ....',- ' ~,~ Lottie Beasley ~ ~ ~"~,'¢ land s:;id s'trcet, an& that ~,,e pavz;~; cost assessed ~o ~.,~t s~:za Lots ~2 and 2~ of Boyd's Sub: , ...... '~,r ' Street ~ounted to ~I,lgI.![S The City suuager reco:m:enaea .... t sazc a~oe .....en~ in c3..oideration for a deed to s':id ~ Be?sley be .... lo,,.ed one-hail off said ~:;av~nC ..... ,, equ?.!inS :$o)~. . and: re~0ort to ~he'~1~' ~y ~ ~:,~'~:o' . Co, mtunication from !Ir T L D~uas relative to ~fi~shed building on east side of Park o ' ~' ' .~ c~-m in connection ~v~ between Eishth 2md }~inth St. and c~ll~n~:, attention to the fzre ]-'-zz~-*