HomeMy WebLinkAbout123027CITY COMMISSION. SANFORD, FLORIDA MINUTES December Z0,_at~4:00 The City Commission of the City of 3anford, Florida met at the City Hall at 3anford, Florida on December 30th, at 4:00 Present: Commis~ioner, E. F. }£ousholder (~,rayor) " S. 0. Cha~e " '% C. !~ill City Clerk, L. R. Philips City L~anager, ?i. E. "~illi~'ns Chief of Police, R. ~. Williams The Clerk submitted a statement from the accounting department of the Sanford Herald's account against the City claiming a balance due the ~anford Herald on account of publishing the Tax list of 1927 in the sum of $253.78. After due discussion of the matter on motion of Commissioner S. 0. Chase, seconded by Commissioner ,',. C. ~ill and unanimously adopted, the Olerk was authorized to draw check to cover this balance as final payment infull of said account. The Commission also approved the adjustment of the Sanford Times account, made by the accounting department under date of December 22nd, 192V showing a final balance of $Z29.77 and authorized a check on the Ordinary Fund in ~he sum of ~206.92 and on the Capital i"und of ~g122.85 in full settlement of same. ~r. ~,:iddleton from the Forrest Zake !~otel came before the Commission, relative to making arrangment with the City,for the use, by the t~otel of the City's Ds. se Ball Bus. After discussion-1Zr. ~'[iddleton was r~,quested to raake u~ a proposition and submit same to the next meeting of the Commission. The City Clerk submitted the completed Tax Roll for 1927 Taxes and same was duly approved and signed by the City Commission. The Chief of ?olice, R. G. 'd!lliams sub:aitved certain pape£-s from the ~, . S. '~reas'~ry Department and J. il. Lee, ?robihition Administrator, and same were ordered filed in ~he City Clerk's office. The City ::anager advised the City Commission that the Sanf~d Herald nad advised him that i?~ the future the rate charged the City for legal advertisements would be .~l.00 per inch instead of 42~ per inch, the rate heretofore charged by them. ~hereupon the City Commission instructed the City Manager vo withdraw all advertising from the Sanford ~[erald and to publish all future City legal advertising in the ~anford Signal whose rate is 42~ per inc ~1. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Attest: City Clerk ~tay or.