HomeMy WebLinkAbout4265 RedistrictingOrdinance No. 4265 An ordinance of the City of Sanford, Florida, relating to the redistricting of City Commission districts; providing for legislative findings and intent; providing for new City Commission districts and the adoption of a map of City Commission districts; providing for implementing administrative actions; providing for conflicts; providing for a savings provision; providing for codification; providing for severability and providing for an effective date. Whereas, Section 6.07 of the City Charter of the City of Sanford relates to City Commission districts and redistricting and provides as follows: (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Charter the Mayor shall represent the City as a whole and be elected by electors throughout the City. Each City Commissioner shall represent a single City Commission district, shall actually physically reside in the district for which they seek office from the date of qualification for office until the expiration of the term of office for which elected and shall be elected solely by the voters of that district. (b) There shall be four (4) City Commission districts that shall be established, defined and geographically described areas of the City as defined by Ordinance Number 4032 and subsequent successor ordinances relating to City Commission redistricting as required by this Charter, general law and constitutional principles. Each district shall be formed from compact contiguous territory with the boundary lines following the centers of streets to the extent practicable. Due consideration shall be given to maintaining the geographical integrity of neighborhoods and developments within the individual districts. City Commission district lines shall be constructed so as to comply with the constitutional principles of equal and effective representation required by applicable State and Federal guidelines. The City Commission shall give due consideration to the multiple constitutional principles involved in the electoral process and shall give due regard for the opportunity of minority representation on the City Commission as a part of the redistricting process in compliance with applicable State and Federal constitutional standards. (c) An incumbent Commissioner's seat number may change due to the realignment process occurring during redistricting. However, no incumbent 11Page Commissioner shall have a term of office cut short by the adoption of a redistricting plan. (d) The City Commission may modify City Commission districts by the enactment of a successor ordinance under such processes, procedures and redistricting committees and /or consultants the City Commission may deem to be desirable. The City Commission shall begin the initiation of a redistricting process for City Commission districts within thirty (30) days after the receipt of the official Decennial Census data every ten (10) years so as to finalize the redistricting process one hundred fifty (150) days in advance of the first date to qualify for the next regular City election. In the event the redistricting process is not completed prior to said one hundred fifty (150) day advance period, the City Commission shall accomplish the redistricting process as soon as is reasonably possible thereafter. The official Decennial Census data shall be the authoritative source for demographical data used in reconstituting City Commission districts in compliance with applicable State and Federal standards. ; and Whereas, Section 6.07 of the City Charter of the City of Sanford, accordingly, requires the City Commission to redesignate the boundaries of each district after each decennial census conducted by the United States Government; and Whereas, the redistricting effort of the City of Sanford is a requirement of the constitutional principles of democracy which govern our American system of government and which provides that we as a people choose (elect) our fellow citizens to assist us with the ownership and operation of our government; and Whereas, in order to govern ourselves, we organize ourselves into geographical areas (electoral districts) based on population statistics and other legal principles as set forth in controlling law and we use "voter districts" to determine where we vote, which positions we vote for and who we wish to represent us; and Whereas, City Commission of the City of Sanford has used the 2010 U.S. 21Page Census population numbers in conjunction with mandatory and other lawful criteria in determining the construction of City Commission of the City of Sanford district boundaries that will be used for City elections for the next 10 years, 2012 -2021; and Whereas, the City Commission of the City of Sanford adopted Resolution Number 2232 and determined to create the City of Sanford's Redistricting Advisory Committee in order for that Committee to meet and discern the views of the public and to recommend any necessary or desirable changes to the boundaries of the City Commission districts based on the 2010 census; and Whereas, the City Commission of the City of Sanford recognized the paramount importance of redistricting in the City's effort to comply with the "one person- one vote" principle as well as other constitutional principles that may be applicable to the City of Sanford; and Whereas, the City Commission of the City of Sanford found that the mandatory redistricting criteria that would be used in the redistricting process included the following: 1. equal population (making voter districts, as near equal population as possible); 2. compactness (making voter district shapes as closely packed as possible); 3. contiguity (making voter districts physically encompassed /connected, which may include spanning water); and 4. avoidance of split U.S. Census Blocks (not dividing the smallest geographic unit of census data when forming districts.); and 31Page Whereas, the City Commission of the City of Sanford found that the 2011 redistricting plan should, if possible: 1. avoid splits of voting precincts between the City Commission, County Commission, School Board, State legislative and Congressional election districts; 2. maximize voter convenience and the effective administration of elections; 3. preserve communities of interest; 4. consider the importance of voter turnout for Citywide elections; 5. preserve, to the extent possible, the shape of existing districts; 6. protect incumbents and avoid pairing of incumbents in order to preserve the sanctity of prior voter choices and electoral decisions; 7. ensure political fairness or competitiveness; and 8. provide for the effective administration of elections; and Whereas, the City Commission of the City of Sanford expressed its intent to adopt a redistricting plan such that the four City Commission districts will continue to be contiguous territories as nearly equal in population as practicable while taking into consideration the demographics of the City, the geography of the neighborhoods, existing precinct lines and minority population interests; and Whereas, the City Commission of the City of Sanford expressed a desire that the redistricting process be conducted in an open, public and fair forum in which all Sanford residents have a right to observe and participate; and Whereas, the City Commission of the City of Sanford required that the Redistricting Advisory Committee make a recommendation to the City Commission no 41Page later than October 1, 2011 with a proposal for redistricting the City into four City Commission districts of contiguous territory as nearly equal in population as practicable and instructed the Redistricting Advisory Committee to take into consideration the demographics of the City, the geography of the neighborhoods, existing precinct lines and minority population interests as well as the other matters set forth in Resolution No. 2232 and controlling law; and Whereas, based upon the foregoing, the Redistricting Advisory Committee has acted on September 15, 2011 and endorsed a redistricting map thereby making a recommendation to the City Commission as desired by the City Commission of the City of Sanford; and Whereas, the Redistricting Advisory Committee has advised the City Commission that the Committee conducted the following meetings: (Regular Meeting (July 20, 2011): Introduction, election of Vice Chairman, and established five (5) subsequent meeting dates, and adopted rules of procedure. Review of legal, guiding constitutional principles, and duties of committee members by City attorney. Distribution of existing district maps, census data, and provision of web addresses for My District Builder free software. Public Hearing (August 4, 2011): Re- review of guiding constitutional principles, legal, and duties of the committee by City attorney. Feedback received by each individual committee member of their redistricting ideas and suggestions. Regular Meeting (August 18, 2011): City staff presentation to committee members on the use of My District Builder software. Re- reviewed, discussed, and established redistricting issues and guidelines to include goal of achieving 60% African American majority /minority district. Rationale of goal agreed to offset anticipated decrease in such population and such district for the next 10 years. Committee members instructed to submit their redistricting map ideas and proposals to city staff for electronic creation and for review as a group during the next scheduled regular meeting. 51Page Regular Meeting (September 1, 2011): Review and discussion of several redistricting maps by committee members. Committee continued redistricting work collectively as a group modifying submitted maps to better achieve goal of creating a majority /minority district to represent 60% African /American voters, as well as achieving all other constitutional guidelines and principals. By unanimous vote, committee selected a redistricting map for presentation at next public meeting. Public Hearing (September 15, 2011): Review of actions of the Committee. Committee discussed maps and proposals. Committee adopted proposed redistricting map for recommendation to the City Commission; and; Whereas, the Redistricting Advisory Committee recommended that the City Commission adopt a redistricting map and the City Commission reviewed and evaluated the recommended map and developed additional potential alternative maps and the redistricting plans associated therewith; and Whereas, the City Commission requested the Redistricting Advisory Committee to review and evaluate the additional potential alternative maps and the associated redistricting plans and the Committee met on January 19, 2012 and made a recommendation to the City Commission with regard to the proposed alternative maps that were submitted to the Committee for review; and Whereas, the City Commission has determined to adopt the map and redistricting plan for the City of Sanford as set forth herein. Now, Therefore, Be It Enacted By The People Of The City Of Sanford, Florida: Section 1. Legislative Findings And Intent. The legislative findings and intent of this Ordinance are as set forth in the recitals 61Page (whereas clauses) to this Ordinance. Section 2. Redistricting Plan And Map Adoption. (a). The City Commission hereby adopts for the electoral processes of the City of Sanford the City Commission districts as set forth in Exhibit "A" to this Ordinance which Exhibit is incorporated herein by this reference thereto as if fully set forth herein verbatim. (b). The City Commission hereby adopts for the electoral processes of the City of Sanford the City Commission districts map as set forth in Exhibit "B" to this Ordinance which Exhibit is incorporated herein by this reference thereto as if fully set forth herein verbatim. Section 3. Implementing Administrative Actions. (a). The City Manager, City Clerk and City Attorney are hereby authorized and directed to implement the provisions of this Ordinance. (b). The City Commission recognizes that the legal description associated with the map of the new City Commission districts may require technical adjustments and editing. The City Commission hereby authorizes the City Clerk, in conjunction with the City Attorney, to make such adjustments based upon the technical input that they receive from staff under the supervision of the City Manager. Section 4. Conflicts. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed and the Code codifier is hereby directed to take all actions necessary to implement the provisions of this Ordinance in that regard. 71Page Section 5. Savings. The prior actions of the City of Sanford relating to electoral processes and procedures and the establishment of City Commission districts, and related matters and processes, are hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 6. Codification. It is the intention of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, and it is hereby ordained, that the provisions of this Ordinance shall be codified; provided, however, that sections 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 shall not be codified. Additionally, the code codifier shall have liberal authority to codify the provisions of this Ordinance. Section 7. Severability. If any section, sentence, phrase, word, or portion of this Ordinance is determined to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional, said determination shall not be held to invalidate or impair the validity, force or effect of any other section, sentence, phrase, word, or portion of this Ordinance not otherwise determined to be invalid, unlawful, or unconstitutional. Section 8. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take immediate effect upon enactment. Passed and adopted this 13 day of February 2012. Attest: City Commis ion of the City of Sanford, FLoric* WMV .W . LIM Approved as to form 81Page and legal sufficiency. Villiam L. Colbert, City Attorney kc',,J� 0, 6c R 91Page EXHIBIT A Legal Description District 1: That property in the corporate limits of the City of Sanford and within the boundaries of: Beginning at the centerline of French Avenue and the centerline of the West First Street, thence west along the centerline of West First Street to the centerline of Terwilliger Lane, thence north on Terwilliger Lane to the centerline of Northwest Highway 17 & 92, thence east along the centerline of Northwest Highway 17 & 92 to the centerline of Virginia Avenue North, thence south along the centerline of Virginia Avenue North, including Lots 13, 14 and the east 50 feet of Lots 19 & 20 Block 5, of Marvania 2 nd Section and lot 6, of Amended Plat of Monroe Terrace, to the centerline of East 8 th Street, thence west along the centerline of East 8 th Street, to the westerly property line extended north, of Lot 1, of Mayfair Section 1 St Addition, thence south along subdivision line to the centerline of Celery Avenue, thence east along the centerline of Celery Avenue to the west subdivision line of Celery Key Subdivision, thence north to the centerline of East 4 th Street, thence west along the centerline of East 4 th Street to the western property line of Lot 16, Block 6, of Marvania 2 nd Section , thence north along said property line and the westerly property line of Lot 13, to the north property line of lot 13, thence east to northerly property line of Lot 5, Block 8, of Marvania 2 nd Section, thence north along said property line to the north property line of Lot 4, thence east to the east property line of lot 4, thence south to a point of intersection with the north property line of Lot 15, Block 8, of Marvania 2 nd Section, thence east along said property line and continuing to the centerline of Crescent Boulevard, thence north along the centerline of Crescent Boulevard north to its intersection with the north property line of Lot 5, Block 10, of Marvania 2 nd Section, extended westerly, thence east along said property line to the eastern property line of said Lot 5, thence south along said property line to a point of intersection with the north subdivision line of Celery Key Subdivision, thence east along the north subdivision line of Celery Key Subdivision and the north subdivision line of Celery Estates North to the east subdivision line of Celery Estates North to the south property line of Lot 12, Celery Estates North Subdivision, thence west along said property line to the east property line of Lot 11, Celery Estates North Subdivision, thence south along said property line to the centerline of Celery Avenue, thence west along the centerline of Celery Avenue to the east subdivision line extended northerly of Tusca Place North Subsivision, thence south along said subdivision line to the south subdivision line of Tusca Place , thence west along said subdivision line to a point of intersection with the westerly property line of Tract B, Palm Point Subdivision extended north, thence south along said property line 137 feet, thence east 21 feet, Thence south 69.5 feet, thence east 28.75 feet, thence south 45 feet, thence west 132 feet, thence north 25 feet, thence west to a point of intersection with the easterly subdivision line of Celery Lakes Subdivision, thence south along said subdivision line to the southerly subdivision line of Celery Lakes Subdivision, thence west along said subdivision line to the westerly subdivision line of Celery Lakes Subdivision, thence north along said subdivision line to the northern property line of Parcel 32- 19 -31- 300 -071 B0000, thence west along said line to the westerly property line of said parcel , thence south to along westerly property line to point of intersection with the northerly property line of Parcel 32- 19 -31- 300 - 0240 -0000, thence west along said property line and continuing along the northerly ROW of 1 St Drive, to a point of intersection with eastern subdivision line of Bel -Air Subdivision, thence south along said subdivision line to a point of intersection with the east west alley adjacent to Hardens Addition, thence east along centerline of said alley to the westerly property line of Lot 14, Hardens Addition extended south, thence north along said property line to the northerly line of said Lot 14, thence east along said line and continuing to the center line of Scott Drive, thence south along centerline of Scott Drive to its intersection with that east -west alley lying east of Scott Drive, thence east along centerline of said alley to its intersection with the westerly lot line of Lot 2, Hardens Addition extended south, thence north along said property line to the northerly property line of said Lot 2, thence east along said property line and continuing to the centerline of Burrows Lane, thence south along the centerline of Burrows Lane to along said ROW line to its intersection with the northerly property line of Lot 34, Roseland Park extended westerly, thence east along said property line and continuing along the northerly property line of Lot 33, Roseland Park, thence south along the easterly property line of said Lot 33, to the centerline of 2 nd Drive, thence west along the centerline of 2 nd Drive to a point of intersection with the easterly property line of Lot 41, Roseland Park , thence south along said property line to the northerly property line of Lots 47 and 48, Roseland Park, thence east along said property line to the easterly property line of Lot 47, thence south along said property line to the centerline of 3` Drive, thence east along centerline of 3` g Drive to the easterly property line of Lot 10 Roseland Park' s First Addition extended north, thence south along said property line to the northerly property line of Parcel 32- 19 -31- 503 - 0000 -0150, thence east along said property line to the northerly ROW line of Hughey Avenue, following southwesterly to its intersection with the easterly property line of Lot 17, Roseland Park' s First Addition, thence north along said property line to the northerly property line of the same Lot 17, thence west along said property line to the westerly property line of Parcel 32- 19 -31- 503 - 0000 -0150, thence north along said property line to the southerly property line of Lots 13 and 14, Roseland Park' s First Addition, thence east along said property lines to the westerly property line of Lot 12, thence north along said property line and continuing to the southerly property line of Lot 41, Roseland Park, thence west along said property line to the centerline of Burrows Lane, thence south along the centerline of Burrows Lane to centerline of South Street, thence west along the centerline of South Street to the easterly subdivision line of Cedar Hill Replat, thence south along said subdivision and continuing along the easterly subdivision of Wynnewood Subdivision to the centerline of State Road 46, thence east along the centerline of State Road 46 to the centerline of Beardall Avenue, thence south along centerline of Beardall Avenue to the northerly property line of Parcel 04- 20 -31- 300 - 0130 -0000 extended west, thence east along said property line to the westerly property line of Parcel 04- 20 -31- 300 - 0080 -0000, thence north along said property line to the southerly property line of Parcel 33- 19 -31- 300 - 132 -0000, thence west along said property line to the centerline of Beardall Road, thence north along the centerline of Beardall Road to the southerly property line of Parcel 33- 19 -31 -30 -1258 -0000, thence west along said property line to the westerly property line of Parcel 33 -19- 31- 511 -0000 -0000, thence north along said property line to the northerly property line of Parcel 33- 19 -31- 300 - 1240 -0000, thence east along said property line to the centerline of Beardall Avenue, thence north along the centerline of Beardall Avenue to the northerly property line of Parcel 33- 19 -31- 300 - 1320 -0000, thence east along said property line to the easterly property line of same parcel, thence south along said property lie to the northerly property line of Parcel 33 -19- 31- 300 - 1330 -0000, thence west along said property line to westerly property line of same parcel, thence south along said property line to the northerly property line of Parcel 04- 20 -31- 300 - 0080 -0000, thence east along said property line to the easterly property line of the same parcel, thence south along said property line to the northerly property line of Parcel 04- 20 -31- 300 - 0090 -0000, thence west to the westerly property line of the same parcel, thence south along said property line to the northerly property line of Parcel 04- 20 -31- 300 -01 OA -0000, thence east along said property line and continuing to the westerly property line of Parcel 04- 20 -31- 300 - 0010 -0000, thence north along said property lie to the centerline of State Road 46, thence east along centerline of State Road 46 to the centerline of East Lake Mary Boulevard, thence south along the centerline of East Lake Mary Boulevard to the southerly property line of Parcel 03- 20 -31- 300 -003C -0000, thence west along said property line to the centerline of Cameron Avenue South, thence south along the centerline of Cameron Avenue South to the southerly property line of Parcel 03- 20 -31- 300 - 0050 -0000, thence east to the easterly property line of Parcel 03- 20 -31- 300 -006A -0000, thence south along said property line to the southerly property line of the same parcel, thence west to the centerline of Cameron Avenue South, thence south along the centerline of Cameron Avenue South to the northerly property line of Parcel 03- 20- 31 -300- 0070 -0000, thence east along said property line to the easterly property line of the same parcel, thence south along said property line to the northerly property line of Parcel 03- 20 -31- 300 - 0080 -0000, thence east to the easterly property line of the same parcel, thence south along said property line to the northerly property line of Parcel 03 -20 -31 -5AY- 0000 -26A2, thence west to the easterly property line of Parcel 03- 20 -30- 300 -008B -0000, thence north along said property line to the northerly property line of the same parcel, thence west along said property line to the centerline of Cameron Avenue South, thence south along the centerline of Cameron Avenue South to the southerly property line of Parcel 03 -20 -31 -5AY- 0000 -23AO, thence west along said property line to the easterly property line of Parcel 04- 20 -31- 300 - 0120 -0000, thence south along said property line to the southerly property line of the same parcel, thence west along said property line to the easterly property line of Parcel 03- 20- 31 -5AY- 0000 -14AO, thence south along said property line to the southerly property line of the same parcel, thence west to the centerline of Beardall Avenue, thence north along the centerline of Beardall Avenue to the southerly property line of Parcel 03 -20 -31 -5AY- 0000 -09AO extended east, thence west along said property line to the easterly property line of Parcel 04- 20 -31- 300 - 0310 -0000, thence south along said property line to the northerly property line of Parcel 04-20-31- 300 -037A- 0000, thence east along said property line to the centerline of Beardall Avenue, thence south along the centerline of Beardall Avenue to the northerly property line of Parcel 03 -20 -31 -5AY- 0000 -33A2 extended west, thence east along said property line and continuing to the westerly property line of Parcel 04-20-31-300 - 042A -0000, thence north along said property line to the northerly property line of same parcel, thence east along said property line to the easterly property line of same parcel, thence south along said property line to the centerline of Moores Station Road, thence west along the centerline of Moores Station Road to the westerly property line of Parcel 03 -20 -31 -5AY- 0000 -33A0, thence south along said property line to northerly ROW line of unnamed road, thence east along said ROW to the westerly property line of Parcel 04- 20 -31- 300 - 0450 -0000, thence north along said property line to the centerline of Moores Station Road, thence east along the centerline of Moores Station Road to the centerline of Cameron Avenue South, thence south along the centerline of Cameron Avenue South to the southerly property line of Parcel 04- 20 -31- 300 - 0480 -0000, thence west along said property line to the westerly property line of 04- 20 -31- 300 -046A -0000, thence south along said property line to the southerly property line of the same parcel, thence east along said property line to the westerly property line of Parcel 03- 20 -31- 300 - 0140 -0000, thence north along said property line to the northerly property line of the same parcel, thence east along said property line to the westerly property line of Parcel 03- 20 -31- 300 - 0150 -0000, thence north along said property line to the south ROW line of Moores Station Road, thence east along said ROW line of Moores Station Road to a point of intersection with the westerly property line of Parcel 03- 20 -31- 300 - 0160 -0000, thence east 152 feet, thence south 25 feet, thence east along northerly property line of said parcel 03- 20 -31- 300 - 0160 -0000, thence following southwesterly along the easterly property line of said parcel, thence following northwesterly along the south property line of said parcel and continuing along the southerly property line of Parcel 10-20-31 - 300 -002A -0000 to its intersection with the easterly property line of Parcel 10 -20- 31- 300 -001C -0000, thence following the easterly property line of said parcel southwesterly to a point of intersection with the northerly property line of Parcel 03 -20 -31 -5AY- 0000 -0100, thence east along said property line to the easterly property line of said parcel, thence south along said property line to the southerly property line of said parcel, thence west along said property line to the centerline of unnamed north south road, thence south along the centerline of said unnamed road to the southerly property line of Parcel 03 -20 -31 -5AY- 0000 -0270 extended east, thence west along said property line to the centerline of Cameron Avenue South, thence south along the centerline of Cameron Avenue south to the southerly property line of Parcel 03 -20 -31 -5AY- 0000 -0530 extended east, thence west along said property line to the westerly property line of the same parcel, thence north along said property line and continuing along the westerly property line of Parcel 03 -20 -31 -5AY- 0000 -0290 to a point of intersection with the southerly property line of Parcel 03 -20 -31 -5AY- 0000 -0310, thence west along said property line to the easterly property line of Parcel 03 -20 -31 -5AY- 00000410, thence south along said property line to the northerly property line of Parcel 03- 20-31-5AY- 0000 -042D, thence east along said property line to the easterly property line of same parcel, thence south along said property line to the north ROW line of East Lake Mary Boulevard, thence west along the north ROW line of East Lake Mary Boulevard to the centerline of that unnamed north -south ROW lying adjacent to Parcel 03 -20 -31 -5AY- 00000390, thence north along said ROW to the southerly property line of Parcel 03 -20 -31 -5AY- 0000 -0350, thence west along said property line to the westerly property line of same parcel, thence north along said property line to centerline of Marquette Avenue, thence west along the centerline of Marquette Avenue to the easterly property line of Parcel 03-20-31 - 5AY- 0000036B, thence south along said property line and continuing along easterly property line of Parcel 03 -20 -31 -5AY- 00000360 to the southerly property line of said parcel, thence west along said property line to centerline of Sipes Avenue, thence north along the centerline of Sipes Avenue to the centerline of Marquette Avenue, thence west along the centerline of Marquette Avenue to the easterly property line of Parcel 08- 20 -31- 300 -036A -0000 extended north, thence south along said property line to the southerly property line of same parcel, thence west along said property line and continuing along the north ROW line of Brooks Lane to a point of intersection with the centerline of unnamed ROW adjacent to Parcel 08- 20 -31- 501 - 0000 -0010, thence south along the centerline of said unnamed ROW to the southerly ROW line of East Lake Mary Boulevard, thence east along said ROW line to the easterly property line of Parcel 17- 20 -31- 501- 0000 -0150, thence south along said property line to the southerly property line of the same parcel, thence west along said property line to the easterly property line of Parcel 17- 20 -31- 501 - 0000 -0030 extended north, thence south along said property line and continuing to the centerline of Pineway, thence west along the centerline of Pineway to the westerly property line of Parcel 17- 20 -31- 501- 0000 -0040, thence north along said property line to the northerly property line of Parcel 17- 20 -31- 501 - 0000 -005B, thence west along said property line to the centerline of Brisson Avenue South, thence south along the centerline of Brisson Avenue South to the centerline of Pineway, thence west along the centerline of Pineway to the easterly property line of Parcel 17-20-31- 5AZ -0000- 0370, thence north along said property line to the northerly property line of same parcel, thence west along said property line to the centerline of unnamed ROW immediately adjacent to same parcel, thence south along centerline of unnamed ROW to the centerline of Pineway, thence west along the centerline of Pineway to the easterly property line of Parcel 18- 20 -31- 300 -010F -0000, thence south along said property line to the northerly property line of Parcel 18- 20- 31 -300- 011 A -0000, thence east along said property line to the easterly property line of same parcel, thence south along said property line to the centerline of Palmway, thence west along the centerline of Palmway to the westerly property line of Parcel 17 -20 -31 -5AZ- 0000 -021A extended north, thence southe along said property line to the southerly property line of Parcel 17 -20 -31 -5AZ- 0000 -021 B, thence west along said property line to the centerline of Mellonville Avenue, thence north along the centerline of Mellonville Avenue to the southerly property line of Parcel 17 -20 -31 -5AZ- 0000 -0040 extended east, thence west along said property line to the westerly property line of the same parcel, thence north along said property line to the centerline of Pineway, thence west along the centerline of Pineway to the easterly property line of Parcel 17 -20 -31 -5AZ- 0000 -002A extended north, thence south along said property line to the northerly property line of Parcel 17 -20 -31 -5AZ- 0000 -0070, thence east along said property line to the easterly property line of the same parcel, thence south along said property line to the centerline of Palmway, thence west along the centerline of Palmway to the centerline of Sanford Avenue, thence north along the centerline of Sanford Avenue to the northerly property line of Parcel 17 -20 -31 -5AZ- 0000 -0050 extended west, thence east along said property line to the westerly property line of Parcel 17 -20 -31 -5AZ- 0000 -0020, thence north along said property line to the north ROW line of Pineway, thence west along the north ROW line of Pineway to the easterly property line of Parcel 18- 20 -31- 300 -005A -0000, thence north along said property line to the northerly property line of same parcel, thence west along said property line to the westerly property line of the same parcel, thence south along said property line to the southerly property line of Parcel 18-20-31-300 - 009A -0000, thence west along said property line and continuing to the centerline of Sanford Avenue, thence north along the centerline of Sanford Avenue to the northerly property line of Parcel 13- 20 -30- 501 - 0000 -2740, thence west along said property line to the westerly property line of same parcel, thence south along said property line to the southerly property line of same parcel, thence west 18 feet, thence south 102 feet, thence west along the northerly property line of Parcel 13- 20 -30- 501 - 0000 -2810, thence west along said property line to the westerly property line of Parcel 13- 20 -30- 501 - 0000 -2620, thence north along said property line to the south ROW line of CSX RR, then northeast along CSX RR ROW to the northerly property line of Parcel 13 -20 -30 -501- 0000 -2620, thence east to the centerline of Sanford Avenue, thence north along the centerline of Sanford Avenue to the southerly property line of Parcel 13- 20 -30- 501- 0000 -1710 extended east, thence west along said property line to the westerly property line of same parcel and continuing to the northerly property linen of Parcel 13- 20 -30- 501 - 0000 -1690, thence east along said property line and continuing along the centerline of High Way to the centerline of Cypress Avenue, thence south along the centerline of Cypress Avenue to the centerline of By Way, thence southwest along the centerline of By Way 163 feet, thence south to the north ROW line of Andrews Road, thence northeast along the north ROW of Andrews Road to the southerly property line of Parcel 07-20-31- 300 -0270- 0000, thence west along the centerline of North Way to the centerline of Cypress Avenue, thence south along the centerline of Cypress Avenue to the southerly property line of Lot 7, Ginderville Heights Subdivision extended east, thence west along said property line to the centerline of the north -south alley immediately adjacent to said Lot 7, thence south along said centerline to the south property line of Lot 39 Ginderville Heights Subdivision, thence west along said property line to the centerline of Sanford Aveneue, thence north along the centerline of Sanford Avenue to the southerly property line of Parcel 12- 20 -30- 300 -019C -0000 extended east, thence west along said property line and extending to the westerly property line of Parcel 12- 20 -30- 300 - 0190 -0000, thence north along said property line to the centerline of East Lake Mary Boulevard, thence east along the centerline of East Lake Mary Boulevard to the easterly property line of Parcel 07- 20 -31- 300 - 0175 -0000, thence north along said property line to the northerly property line of Parcel 07- 20 -31- 300 -017C -0000, thence east along said property line, thence south along the easterly property line of the same parcel to the centerline of East Lake Mary Boulevard, thence east along the centerline of East Lake Mary Boulevard to the westerly property line of Parcel 07- 20-31- 3000350 -0000 extended south, thence north along said property line to the southerly property line of Parcel 07 -20- 310300 -017Z -0000 extended east, thence west along said line to the centerline of Sanford Avenue, thence north along the centerline of Sanford Avenue to the southerly property line of Lot , Block 1, Flora Heights Subdivision, thence west along said property line to the westerly property line of said Lot , thence north along said property line to the southerly property line of Lot 16, Block 1 Flora Heights Subdivision extended east, thence west along said property line to the westerly property line of same Lota6, thence north along said property line to the southerly property line of Lot 15, Block 1, Flora Heights Subdivision, thence east along said property line to the westerly property line of Parcel 12- 20 -30- 503 - 0100 -0050, thence north along said property line and continuing to the southerly property line of Parcel 12- 20 -30- 503 - 0100 -001 A, thence east along said property line to the easterly property line same parcel, thence north along said property line to the southerly property line of Parcel 12- 20-30- 503 - 0100 -0010, thence east along said property line to the centerline of Sanford Avenue, thence north along the centerline of Sanford Avenue to the southerly property line of Lot 3, Block 4, Rosalind Heights Subdivision extended east, thence west along said property line to the westerly property line of same Lot 3, thence north along said property line to the northerly property line of the same lot, thence east along the said property line to the centerline of Sanford Avenue, thence north along the centerline of Sanford Avenue to northerly property line of Lot 10, Block 15, AB Russell's Addition to Fort Reed, extended west, thence east along said property line to the westerly property line of to the southerly property line of Lot 6, Block 15, AB Russell's Addition to Fort Reed, thence west along said property line to the centerline of Sanford Avenue, thence north along the centerline of Sanford Avenue to the northerly property line of Lot 3, Block 15, AB Russell's Addition to Fort Reed, thence east along said property line to the westerly property line of Lot 1, Block 15, AB Russell's Addition to Fort Reed, thence north along said property line to the centerline of Wylly Avenue, thence east along the centerline of Wylly Avenue to the westerly property line of Lot 8, Block 10, AB Russell's Addition to Fort Reed, thence north along said property line to the northerly property line of Lot 5, Block 10, AB Russell's Addition to Fort Reed and continuing to the centerline of Rut Avenue, thence north along the centerline of Rut Avenue to the centerline of East 26 Street, thence west along the centerline of East 26 Street to the easterly property line of Parcel 06- 20 -31- 503 - 0300 -0010 extended north, thence south along said property line to the southerly property line of the same parcel, thence west along said property line to the westerly property line of the same parcel to the centerline of East 26 Street, thence west along the centerline of East 26 Street to the centerline of Poinsetta Avenue, thence south along the centerline of Poinsetta Avenue to the southerly property line of Lot 4, Block 4, AB Russell's Addition to Fort Reed, thence west along said property line to the easterly property line of Lot 6, Block 4, AB Russell's Addition to Fort Reed, thence west along said property line to the centerline of Grandville Avenue, thence north along the centerline of Grandville Avenue to the southerly property line of Lot 1, Block 5, AB Russell's Addition to Fort Reed extended east, thence west along said property line and continuing to the easterly property line of Lot 5, Block 5, AB Russell's Addition to Fort Reed, thence south along said property line and continuing to the northerly property line of Lot 4, Block 5, AB Russell's Addition to Fort Reed, thence east along said property line and continuing along the northerly property line of Lot 3, Block 7, AB Russell's Addition to Fort Reed to the easterly property line of the same Lot 3, thence south along said property line to the southerly property line of the same Lot 3, thence west along said property line and continuing west along the southerly property line of Parcel 06- 20 -31- 503- 0600 -0040 to the westerly property line of the same parcel, thence north along the said property line to the southerly property line of Lot 2, Block 6, AB Russell's Addition to Fort Reed, thence west along said property line to the centerline of Sanford Avenue, thence north along the centerline of Sanford Avenue to the centerline of Rosalia Drive, thence east along the centerline of Rosalia Drive to the centerline of Mellonville Avenue, thence northeast along the centerline of Mellonville Avenue to the centerline of East 4th street, thence west along the centerline of East 4 Street to the centerline of Locust Avenue, thence north along the centerline of Locust Avenue to the centerline of East 2 nd Street, thence west along the centerline of East 2 nd Street to the centerline of Pine Avenue, thence south along the centerline of Pine Avenue to the centerline of East 3` Street, thence west along the centerline of East 3 rd street to the centerline of Sanford Avenue, thence south along the centerline of Sanford Avenue to the centerline of East 15 Street, thence west along the centerline of East 15 Street to the centerline of Magnolia Avenue, thence north along the centerline of Magnolia Avenue to the centerline of East 14 Street, thence west along the centerline of East 14 Street to the centerline of Oak Avenue, thence north along the centerline of Oak Avenue to the centerline of West 13 Street, thence west along the centerline of West 13 Street to the centerline of Laurel Avenue, thence north along the centerline of Laurel Avenue to the centerline of West 11 Street, thence west along the centerline of West 11 Street to the centerline of French Avenue, thence north along the centerline of French Avenue to point of beginning. Legal Description District 2: That property in the corporate limits of the City of Sanford and within the boundaries of: Beginning at the centerline of French Avenue and the centerline of the West First Street, thence west along the centerline of West First Street to the centerline of Terwilliger Lane, thence north on Terwilliger Lane to the centerline of Northwest Highway 17 & 92, thence west along the centerline of Northwest Highway 17 & 92 to the eastern ROW line of Oak Drive, thence south along said ROW line and continuing south to the northerly property line of Lot 53, Wolfer's Lake View Terrace, thence west along said property line to the westerly property line of said Lot 53, thence south along said property line to the northerly property line of Lot 54, Wolfer's Lake View Terrace, thence east along said property line to the westerly property line of Tract A Venetian Bay Subdivision, thence south along said property line to the northerly property line of Lot 56, Wolfer's Lake View Terrace, thence west along said property line to the westerly property line of same Lot 56, thence south along said property line to the northerly property line of Lot 57, Wolfer's Lake View Terrace, thence east to the westerly property line of Tract H, Venetian Bay Subdivision, thence south along said property line to northern subdivision line of Venetian Bay Subdivision, thence west along said subdivision line and continuing to the westerly property line of Parcel 22-19-30 - 5AD- 0000 -013H, thence south along said property line to the northerly property line of Parcel 22 -19 -30 -5AD- 0000 -0130, thence east along said property line to the easterly property line of the same parcel, thence south along said property line to the centerline of Narcissus Avenue, thence east along the centerline of Narcissus Avenue to the easterly property line of Parcel 22-19-30- 5AD -0000- 0190 extended north, thence south along said property line to the southerly property line of the same parcel, thence west along said property line to the westerly property line of Parcel 22 -19 -30 -5AD- 0000 -0180, thence south along said property line to the northerly property line of Parcel 22-19-30- 5AD -0000- 020F, thence west along said parcel line to the centerline of Riverview Avenue, thence south along the Centerline of Riverview Avenue to the northerly property line of Parcel 22 -19 -30 -5AD- 000- 02Gextended west, thence east along said property line to the westerly property line of Parcel 22 -19 -30 -5AD- 0000 -0180, thence south along said property line to the southerly property line of the same parcel, thence east along said property line to the westerly property line of Parcel 26- 19 -30- 300 - 0070 -0000, thence south along said property line to the centerline of West First Street, thence west along the centerline of West First Street to the centerline of Riverview Avenue, thence north to the southerly property line of Parcel 26- 19 -30- 300 - 0080 -0000 extended east, thence west along said property line to the westerly property line of the same parcel, thence north along said property line to a point of intersection with the southerly property line of Parcel 22 -19 -30 -5AD- 0000 -021 E, thence west along said property line to the easterly property line of Tract A, Riverview Townhomes Phase II Subdivision, thence north along said property line to the centerline of Narcissus Avenue, thence west along the centerline of Narcissus Avenue to the easterly property line of Parcel 22 -19 -30 -5AD- 0000 -0240, thence south along said property line to the southerly property line of the same parcel, thence west along said property line and continuing to the westerly property line of Parcel 22 -19 -30 -5AD- 0000 -024A, thence north along said property line to the centerline of Narcissus Avenue, thence west along the centerline of Narcissus Avenue to the easterly property line of Lot 253, Preserve at Lake Monroe Unit 2, thence north along said property line and continuing to the northerly property line of Parcel 22-19-30-5AD-0000- 0110, thence east along said property line to the easterly property line of Tract B, Preserve at Lake Monroe Unit 2, thence north along said property line and continuing north to the southerly property line of Parcel 22- 19 -30- 501 - 0000 -0020, thence west along said property line to the westerly property line of the dame parcel, thence north along said property line and continuing north to the shoreline of Lake Monroe, thence west along the shore of Lake Monroe to the westerly property line of Tract E, Preserve at Lake Monroe Subdivision extended north, thence south along said property line and continuing south to the southerly ROW line of ACL RR ROW, Thence northwest along said ROW line to southerly property line of Parcel 16 -19 -30 -5AC- 0000 -0410, thence west along said property line to the westerly property line of the same parcel, thence north along said property line, thence northwest to the northerly subdivision line of Tract I, Rand Yard Commerce Center, thence northwest along said property line and continuing to the south ROW line of School Street, thence west along School Street to the easterly property line of Parcel 16 -19 -30 -5AC- 0000 -0348, thence south along said property line to southerly property line of the same parcel, thence west along said property line to the westerly property line of Parcel 16 -19- 30 -5AC- 0000 -0440, thence south along said property line to the centerline of Church Street, thence west along the centerline of Church Street to the westerly property line of Parcel 21- 19 -30- 505 - 0000 -004A extended north, thence south along said property line to the southerly property line of the same parcel, thence east along said property line to the easterly property line of the same parcel, thence north along said property line to the centerline of Church Street, thence east along the centerline of Church Street to the easterly property line of Parcel 16 -19 -30 -5AC- 0000 -056A, thence south along said property line to the southerly property line of the same parcel, thence west along said property line to t he westerly property line of Parcel 16 -19 -30 -5AC- 0000 -0630, thence south along said property line to the centerline of Iowa Avenue, thence west along the centerline of Iowa Avenue to the centerline of Monroe Road, thence south along the centerline of Monroe Road to the northerly property line of Parcel 16-19-30 - 5AC- 0000 -OOFO extended east, thence west along said property line to the westerly property line of same parcel, thence south along said property line to the southerly property line of the dame parcel, thence east along said property line to the westerly property line of Parcel 16 -19 -30 -5AC- 0000 -OOF2, thence south along said property line to the southerly property line of the same parcel, thence east along said property line to the centerline of Monroe Road, thence south to the centerline of Narcissus Avenue, thence east along the centerline of Narcissus Avenue to the westerly property line of Parcel 16 -19 -30 -5AC- 0000 -087A, thence south along said property line to the northerly property line of Parcel 16-19-30 - 5AC- 0000 -087C, thence east along said property line to the easterly property line of same parcel, thence south along said property line to the northerly property line of Parcel 16 -19 -30 -5AC- 0000 -096A, thence south along said property line and continuing south to the centerline of West First Street, thence west along the centerline of West First Street to the westerly property line of Parcel 28- 19 -30- 522- 0000 -0020, thence south along said property line to the northerly property line of Parcel 28- 19 -30- 523 -0000 -0000, thence west along said property line to the centerline of Upsala Road, thence south along the centerline of Upsala Road to the southerly property line of Parcel 28- 19 -30- 502 - 0000 -0120, thence east along said property line to the westerly property line of Lot 9, Booth's Subdivision, thence south along said property line to the north ROW of Ruby Street, thence east along said ROW to the westerly property line of Parcel 28 -19- 30- 506 - 0000 -0200, thence north along said property line to the northerly property line of the same parcel, thence east along said property line to the westerly property line of Parcel 28- 19 -30- 508 - 0000 -0050, thence south along said property line to the northerly property line of Parcel 28- 19 -30- 506 - 0000 -020Q, thence west along said property line to the westerly property line of the same parcel, thence south along said property line to the northerly property line of Parcel 28- 19 -30- 506 - 0000 -020K, thence west along said property line to the easterly property line of Parcel 28- 19 -30- 506 - 0000 -020J, thence south along said property line to the southerly property line of same parcel, thence west along said property line and continuing to the easterly property line of Parcel 28-19-30-502 - 0000-001A, thence south along said property line to the southerly property line of the same parcel, thence west along the said property line continuing to the centerline of Upsala Road, thence south along the centerline of Upsala Road and thence east along the centerline of Upsala Road to the centerline of Central Park Drive, thence south along the centerline of Central Park Drive to the northerly ROW of SR 417, thence southeast along said ROW to the southerly property line of Parcel 26 -19 -30 -5AE- 2300 -0000, thence east along said property line to the westerly property line of Parcel 27- 19 -30- 503 -OB00 -0000, thence south along said property line to the southerly property line of same parcel, thence east along said property line to the westerly property line of Parcel 27-19-30- 503 -OB04- 0000, thence south along said property line to the southerly property line of same parcel, thence east along said property line and continuing to the westerly property line of Parcel 27- 19 -30- 503 - 0300 -0000, thence south along said property line its intersection with the northerly property line of Parcel 26-19-30 - 5AE- 5800 -0000 extended east, thence west along said property line to the westerly property line of same parcel, thence south along the said property line to the northerly property line of Parcel 34- 19- 30- 5AK -OB00 -0360, thence west along said property line to the westerly property line of same parcel, thence south along said property line and continuing to the southerly property line of Parcel 34 -19- 30- 5AK -OB00 -0250, thence east along said property line and continuing east to the westerly property line of Parcel 34- 19- 30- 5AK -OB00 -0120, thence north along said property line to the centerline of Harrison Street, thence east along the centerline of Harrison Street to the easterly property line of Parcel 26- 19- 30 -5AE- 890A -0000, thence north along said property line to the southerly property line of Lot 7, Dixie Subdivision, thence east along said property line to the centerline of Dixie Way, thence north along the centerline of Dixie Way to the northerly property line of Lot 7, Dixie Subdivision extended east, thence west along said property line to the easterly property line of Parcel 26- 19- 30- 5AE -890A -0000, thence north along said property line to the southerly property line of Lot 5, Dixie Subdivision, thence east along said property line to the easterly property line of Parcel 35- 19 -30- 514 - 0000 -0160, thence north along said property line to the centerline of West 13 Street, thence east along the centerline of West 13 Street to the westerly property line of Parcel 35- 19 -30- 514 - 0000 -027A, thence south along said property line to the southerly property line of same parcel, thence east along said property line to the easterly property line of same parcel, thence north along said property line to the centerline of West 13 Street, thence east along the centerline of West 13 Street to the centerline of Roosevelt Avenue, thence south along the centerline of Roosevelt Avenue to the southerly property line of Parcel 35- 19 -30- 514 - 0000 -0360, thence west along said property line to the westerly property line of same parcel, thence north along said property line to the southerly property line of Lot 35, Dixie Subdivision, thence west along said property line and continuing to the centerline of Dixie Way, thence south along the centerline Dixie Way to the centerline of Harrison Street, thence east along the centerline of Harrison Street to the westerly property line of Parcel 35- 19-30- 514 - 0000 -025A, thence north along said property line to the northerly property line of same parcel, thence east along said property line to the easterly property line of same parcel, thence south along said property line to the centerline of Harrison Street, thence east along the centerline of Harrison Street to the centerline of Southwest Road, thence northeast along the centerline of Southwest Road to the centerline of Roosevelt Avenue, thence south along the Centerline of Roosevelt Avenue to the northerly property line of Parcel 34-19-30 - 5AK -OBOO -0010 extended easterly. Thence northwest along said property line to the westerly property line of same parcel, thence southwest along said property line to the southerly property line of same parcel, thence southeast along said property line to the centerline of Roosevelt Avenue, thence south along the centerline of Roosevelt Avenue to the northerly property line of Lot 11, Block 17, Pine Level Subdivision extended east, thence west along said property line to the westerly property line of same Lot 11, thence south along said property line and continuing to the southerly property line of Lot 2, Block 12, Pine Level Subdivision, thence west along said property line to the centerline of Tangerine Avenue, thence north along the centerline of Tangerine Avenue to the centerline of West 18 Street, thence west along the centerline of Tangerine Avenue to the westerly property line of Lot 8, Block 13, Pine Level Subdivision, thence south along said property line and continuing to the southerly property line of Lot 12, Block 13, Pine Level Subdivision, thence east along said property line to the centerline of Tangerine Avenue, thence south along the centerline of Tangerine Avenue to the southerly property line of Lot 1, Front Porch at Pine Level Subdivision, thence east along said property line to the centerline of Roosevelt Avenue, thence south along the centerline of Roosevelt Avenue to the centerline of West 2oth Street, thence west along the centerline of West 20 Street to the centerline of Southwest Road, thence southwest along the centerline of Southwest Road to the southerly property line of Parcel 35-19-30- 5CH -0000- 0570, thence east along said property line to the westerly property line of Parcel 35 -19 -30 -5CH- 0000 -0580, thence south along said property line to the centerline of Country Club Road, thence east along the centerline of Country Club Road to the westerly property line of Parcel 35- 19 -30- 300 - 0240 -0000, thence south along said property line to the southerly property line of the same parcel, thence east along the said property line to the centerline of Old Lake Mary Road, thence south along the centerline of Old Lake Mary Road to the centerline of West 25 Street, thence east along the centerline of West 25 Street to the centerline of Hartwell Avenue, thence south along the centerline of Hartwell Avenue to the centerline of Florida Street, thence southeast along the centerline of Florida Street to the centerline of Desoto Drive, thence northeast along the centerline of Desoto Drive to the westerly property line of Lot 15, Block 22, Dreamwold 4th Section extended north, thence southeast along said property line to the southerly property line of the same Lot 15, thence east along said property line to the westerly property line of Lot 8, Block 22, Dreamwold 4 Section, thence south along the said property line to the centerline of Florida Street, thence east to the centerline of Orlando Drive, thence northeast along the centerline of Orlando Drive to the southerly property line of Lot 6, Block 15, Dreamwold Subdivision extended east, thence northwest along said property line to the southerly property line of Lot 12, Block 15, Dreamwold Subdivision, thence west along said property lien to the centerline of Hiawatha Avenue, thence north along the centerline of Hiawatha Avenue to the northerly property line of Lot 12 extended west, thence east along said property line to the westerly property line of Lot 5, Block 15 Dreamwold Subdivision, thence north along said property line to the northerly property line of same Lot 5, thence east along the said property line to the centerline of French Avenue, thence north along the centerline of French Avenue to the centerline of West 15 Street, thence east along the centerline of West 15 Street to the south ROW line of CSX RR, thence southeast along RR ROW to the centerline of Sanford Avenue, thence north along the centerline of Sanford Avenue to the centerline of Rosalia Drive, thence east along the centerline of Rosalia Drive to the centerline of Mellonville Avenue, thence northeast along the centerline of Mellonville Avenue to the centerline of East 4 street, thence west along the centerline of East 4 Street to the centerline of Locust Avenue, thence north along the centerline of Locust Avenue to the centerline of East 2 " Street, thence west along the centerline of East 2nd Street to the centerline of Pine Avenue, thence south along the centerline of Pine Avenue to the centerline of East 3 Street, thence west along the centerline of East 3 rd street to the centerline of Sanford Avenue, thence south along the centerline of Sanford Avenue to the centerline of East 15 Street, thence west along the centerline of East 15 Street to the centerline of Magnolia Avenue, thence north along the centerline of Magnolia Avenue to the centerline of East 14 Street, thence west along the centerline of East 14 Street to the centerline of Oak Avenue, thence north along the centerline of Oak Avenue to the centerline of West 13 Street, thence west along the centerline of West 13 Street to the centerline of Laurel Avenue, thence north along the centerline of Laurel Avenue to the centerline of West 11 th Street, thence west along the centerline of West 11 th Street to the centerline of French Avenue, thence north along the centerline of French Avenue to point of beginning. Also Including: Begin at northwest corner of Parcel 16 -19 -30 -5AC- 0000 -013A, thence east along the northerly property line of said parcel and continuing to the easterly property line of Parcel 16 -19 -30 -5AC- 0000 -014A, thence south along said property line to the southerly property line of Parcel 16-19-30- 5AC -0000- 022A, thence east along said property line to the easterly property line of Parcel 16-1 9-30-5AC-0000-01 4A, thence south along said property line to the northerly property line of Parcel 16 -19 -30 -5AC- 0000 -0360, thence east along said property line to the easterly property line of the same parcel, thence south along said property line to the northerly ROW line of ACL RR, thence northwest along said ROW to the southwest corner of Parcel 16 -19 -30 -5AC- 0000 -013A, thence northeast along westerly property line of same parcel to point of beginning. Legal Description District 3: That property in the corporate limits of the City of Sanford and within the boundaries of: Beginning at the centerline of French Avenue and the centerline of West 15 Street, thence east along the centerline of West 15 Street to the south ROW line of CSX RR, thence southeast along RR ROW to the centerline of Sanford Avenue, thence south along the centerline of Sanford Avenue to the centerline of East 26 Street, thence west along the centerline of East 26 Street to the centerline of Palmetto Avenue, thence south along the centerline of Palmetto Avenue to the northerly property line of Parcel 01- 20 -30- 506 - 0000 -0770 extended west, thence east along said property line to the centerline of Sanford Avenue, thence south along centerline of Sanford Avenue to the southerly property line of Parcel 01- 20 -30- 506 - 0000 -0770 extended east, thence west along said property lien to the centerline of Palmetto Avenue, thence south along the centerline of Palmetto avenue to the centerline of east -west alley immediately adjacent to lot 87, Frank L Woodruffs Subdivision, thence east along centerline of said east -west alley to the centerline of Sanford Avenue, thence south along the centerline of Sanford Avenue to the southerly property line of Parcel 01- 20 -30- 506- 0000 -0890 extended east, thence west along said property line to the centerline of Palmetto Avenue, thence north along the centerline of Palmetto Avenue to the centerline of east -west alley immediately adjacent to lot 180, Frank L Woodruffs Subdivision, thence west along centerline of said east -west alley to the centerline of Magnolia Avenue, thence north along the centerline of Magnolia Avenue to the southerly property line of Lot 246, Frank L Woodruffs Subdivision, thence west along said property line and continuing to the centerline of Myrtle Avenue, thence south along the centerline of Myrtle Avenue to the southerly property line of Lot 428, Frank L Woodruffs Subdivision, thence west along said property line to the centerline of north -south alley immediately adjacent to same Lot 428, thence south along said centerline to its intersection with the centerline of east -west alley immediately adjacent to Lot 436, Frank L Woodruffs Subdivision, thence east along said east -west alley to a point of intersection with centerline of north -south alley immediately adjacent to Lot 389, Frank L Woodruffs Subdivision, thence south along said north -south alley the northerly property line of Lot 398, Frank L Woodruffs Subdivision extended west, thence east along said property line to the centerline of Oak Avenue, thence north along the centerline of Oak Avenue to its intersection with the centerline of east -west alley immediately adjacent to Lot 341, Frank L Woodruffs Subdivision, thence east along said east -west alley to the centerline of Park Avenue, thence south along the centerline of Park Avenue to northerly property line of Lot 271, Frank L Woodruffs Subdivision extended west, thence east along said property line to the centerline of north -south alley immediately adjacent to same Lot 271, thence south long centerline of north -south alley to southerly property line of Lot 277, Frank L Woodruffs Subdivision, thence west along said property line and continuing to easterly property line of Parcel 01- 20 -30- 506 - 0000 -3590, thence south along said property line to the centerline of West 27 Street, thence east along the center line of West 27 Street to the centerline of Park Avenue, thence south along the centerline of Park Avenue to the northerly property line of Lot 15, First Addition to Park View Subdivision extended west, thence east along said property line to the eastern property line of same Lot 15, thence south along said property line to the southerly property line of the same Lot 15, thence west along said property line to the centerline of Park Avenue, thence south along the centerline of Park Avenue to the southerly property line of Parcel 01-20-30-516 - 0000-018A extended east, thence west along said property line to the westerly property line of Parcel 01- 20 -30- 516 - 0000 -0200, thence south along said property line to the southerly property line of same parcel, thence east along said property line to the easterly property line of Parcel 01- 20 -30- 516- 0000 -022A, thence south along said property line to the southerly property line of same parcel, thence west along said property line to the easterly subdivision line of South Pinecrest Subdivision, thence south along said subdivision line to the northerly subdivision line of South Pinecrest, First Addition Subdivision, thence east along said subdivision line to the centerline of Park Avenue, thence north along the centerline of Park Avenue to the northerly property line of Parcel 01- 20-30- 516 - 0000 -010A extended west, thence east along said property line to the easterly property line of the same parcel, thence south along said property line and continuing to the northerly property line of Lot 5, South Pinecrest, First Addition Subdivision, thence east along said property line to the centerline of Magnolia Avenue, thence north along the centerline of Magnolia Avenue to the southerly property line of Parcel 01- 20 -30- 300 -012A -0000, thence east along said property line to the easterly property line of the same parcel, thence north along said property line to the northerly property line of the same parcel, thence west along the said property line and continuing along the southerly property line of Parcel 01- 20 -30- 516- 0000 -0080, to the westerly property line of the same parcel, thence north along the said property line and continuing to the southerly property line of Parcel 01- 20 -30- 516 - 0000 -0060, thence west along said property line to the westerly property line of the same parcel, thence north along the said property line to the northerly property line of the same parcel, thence east along the said property line to the centerline of Magnolia Avenue, thence north along the centerline of Magnolia Avenue to the centerline of East 28 Street, thence east along the centerline of East 28 Street to the westerly property line of Parcel 01- 20 -30- 300 - 0240 -0000, thence north along said property line to the northerly property line of the same parcel, thence east along said property line to the westerly property line of Parcel 01- 20 -30- 300 - 0090 -0000, thence north along said property line to the centerline of East 27 Street, thence west along the centerline of East 27 Street to the centerline of Palmetto Avenue, thence north along the centerline of Palmetto Avenue to the northerly property line of Lot 111, Frank L Woodruffs Subdivision, thence east along said property line to the centerline of Sanford Avenue, thence south along the centerline of Sanford Avenue to the northerly property line of Lot 1, Rosalind Heights, thence west along said property line to the centerline of Palmetto Avenue, thence south along the centerline of Palmetto Avenue to the northerly property line of Lot 2, Frank L Woodruff's Subdivision extended west, thence east along said property line to the westerly ROW line of Sanford Avenue, thence south along said ROW line to the southerly property line of Lot 2, Frank L Woodruffs Subdivision, thence west along said property line to the easterly property line of Parcel 01-20-30-519 - 0100 -002A, thence south along said property line to the southerly property line of the same parcel, thence west along said property line to the centerline of Palmetto Avenue, thence south along the centerline of Palmetto Avenue to the centerline of East 29 Street, thence west along the centerline of East 29 Street to the centerline of Magnolia Avenue, thence south along the centerline of Magnolia Avenue to the centerline of unnamed ROW, thence east along centerline of unnamed ROW to its intersection with the centerline of north -south alley immediately adjacent to Lot 12, Block 5, Rosalind Heights Subdivision, thence north along centerline of north -south alley to the northerly property line of Lot 5, Block 5, Rosalind Heights Subdivision, thence east along said property line to the centerline on Palmetto Avenue, thence south along the centerline of Palmetto Avenue to the northerly property line of Lot A, Rosalind Heights Subdivision, thence east along said property line to the centerline of Sanford Avenue, thence south along the centerline of Sanford Avenue to the centerline of Hibiscus Drive, thence west along the centerline of Hibiscus Drive to the easterly property line of Parcel 12- 20 -30- 503 - 0100 -0110 extended north, thence south along said property line to the southerly property line of the same parcel, thence west along said property line to the centerline of Palmway, thence north along the centerline of Palmway to the westerly property line of Parcel 12-20-30-503 - 0000-OOBO and continuing north to the southerly property line of Lot 24 South Pinecrest Subdivision 2 nd Addition, thence west along said property line to easterly property line of Lot 4, South Pinecrest Subdivision 3 rd Addition, thence south along said property line to the northerly property line of Parcel 12- 20 -30- 503- 0400 -0020, thence east along said property line to the centerline of Palmway, thence south along the centerline of Palmway to the southerly property line of Parcel 12- 20 -30- 503 - 0400 -0020 extended easterly, thence west along said property line to the easterly property line of Lot 6, South Pinecrest Subdivision 3 rd Addition, thence south along said property line and continuing to the northerly property line of Lot 4, Block 5, Flora Heights Subdivision, thence east along said property line to the centerline of Palmway, thence north along the centerline of Palmway to the southerly property line of Parcel 12- 20- 30 -503- 0500 -001 B extended east, thence west along said property line to the westerly property line of same parcel, thence north along said property line to the centerline of Poinsetta Drive, thence east along the centerline of Poinsetta Drive to the centerline of Sanford Avenue, thence south along the centerline of Sanford Avenue to the northerly property line of Lot 10, Block 2, Flora Heights Subdivision extended east, thence west along said property line to the centerline of north -south alley immediately adjacent to said Lot10, thence south along the centerline of said north -south alley to the centerline of Rose Drive, thence west along the centerline of Rose Drive to centerline of Palmway, thence south along the centerline of Palmway to the southerly property line of Parcel 12- 20- 30 -503- 0300 -0110 extended west, thence east along said property line and continuing to the westerly property line of Parcel 12- 20 -30- 503 - 0300 -0010, thence north along said property line to the centerline of Rose Drive, thence east along the centerline of Rose Drive to the centerline of Sanford Avenue, thence south along the centerline of Sanford Avenue to the centerline of Fern Drive, thence east along the centerline of Fern Drive to the centerline of Palmway, thence north along the centerline of Palmway to the southerly property line of Lot 4, Block 6, Flora Heights Subdivision extended east, thence west along said property line to the westerly property line of same Lot 4, thence north along said property line to the southerly property line of Lot 14, South Pinecrest Subdivision 4th Addition, thence west along said property line to the westerly property line of Lot 19, South Pinecrest Subdivision 4th Addition, thence north along said property line to the southerly ROW line of West Jinkins Circle, thence west along said ROW line then following ROW north to the southerly property line of Parcel 12-20-30- 300 -0050- 0000, thence west along said property line to the westerly property line of the same parcel, thence north along said property line to the northerly property line of same parcel, thence east along said property line to the easterly property line of parcel 12- 20 -30- 300 - 0040 -0000, thence north along said property line to the southerly property line of Lot 18, South Pinecrest Subdivision 3` Addition, thence west along said property line and continuing to the westerly property line of Lot B, South Pinecrest Subdivision 3rd Addition, thence north along said property line to the southerly property line of Lot A, South Pinecrest Subdivision 3 Addition, thence northwest along said property line to the southerly property line of Lot 9, South Pinecrest Subdivision 2nd Addition, thence west along said property line and continuing west to the easterly property line of Parcel 12- 20 -30- 300- 0030 -0000, thence south 75 feet, thence east 312 feet, thence south 200 feet, thence west 312 feet, thence south 4730feet to the northerly property line of Parcel 12- 20 -30- 300 -004B -0000, thence west along said property line to a point of intersection with the eastern ROW line of SR 417, thence south to the northerly property line of Parcel 12- 20 -30- 300 -016A -0000, thence east along said property line and continuing to the easterly ROW line of SR 417, thence northwest along said ROW line to the northerly property line of Tract B, Monroe Meadows Subdivision, thence east along said property line and continuing to the easterly property line of Lot 56, Monroe Meadows Subdivision, thence south along said property line to the northerly property line of Lot 57, Monroe Meadows Subdivision, thence east along said property line and continuing to the centerline of Sanford Avenue, thence south along the centerline of Sanford Avenue to the southerly property line of Parcel 12- 20 -30- 300 - 0160 -0000, thence west along said property line and continuing west to the easterly property line of Parcel 12- 20-30- 300 -012X -0000, thence south along said property line and continuing to the westerly property line of 12- 20 -30- 300 - 0140 -0000, thence south along said property line to the northerly property line of Parcel 12- 20 -30- 300 - 0110 -0000, thence east along said property line to the easterly property line of the same parcel, thence south along said property line to the southerly property line of Parcel 12- 20 -30- 300 - 0140 -0000, thence east along said property line to the westerly ROW line of CR 427, thence southwest along said ROW line to the northerly property line of Parcel 13- 20 -30- 300 - 0130 -0000, thence west along said property line to the westerly property line of the same parcel, thence south along said property line to the northerly property line of Parcel 13- 20- 30 -300- 0140 -0000, thence west along said property line to the westerly property line of the same parcel, thence south along said property line to the westerly ROW line of CR 427, thence southwest along said ROW line to its intersection with the easterly property line of Parcel 13- 20 -30- 300 - 0400 -0000 extended north, thence south along said property line to the southerly property line of the same parcel, thence west along said property line to its intersection with the easterly ROW line of CR 427, thence northwest to the southwest comer of Parcel 13-20-30-300 - 017C -0000, thence northwest along said property line to the southerly property line of Parcel 13- 20 -30- 300 -017A -0000, thence east along said property line to the easterly property line of the same parcel, thence north along said property line and continuing to the southerly property line of Parcel 13-20-30- 300 -0160- 0000, thence west along said property line to the westerly property line of the same parcel, thence north along said property line toe the northerly property line of the same parcel, thence northeast along said property line to the westerly property line of Parcel 12- 20 -30- 300 - 0130 -0000, thence north along said property line to the northerly subdivision line of Sunland Estates First Addition Subdivision, thence west along said subdivision line to the easterly property line of Lot 8, Block U, Sunland Estates First Addition Subdivision, thence north along said property line to the northeast corner of Parcel 14- 20 -30- 501 -OT00 -0060, thence west along the northerly property line of the same parcel and continuing to the easterly property line of Lot 9, Block S, Sunland Estates Subdivision, thence south along said property line to the northerly ROW line of Cherokee Drive, thence west along said ROW line, tuning south and continuing along ROW to southerly property line of Lot 8, Block S, Sunland Estates Subdivision, thence west along said property line to the easterly property line of Parcel 14- 20- 30 -507- 0000 -0040, thence south along said property line and continuing to the southerly property line of Parcel 14- 20 -30- 300 - 0080 -0000, thence west along said property line to the centerline of Orlando Drive, thence southwest along the centerline of Orlando Drive to the southerly property line of Parcel 14- 20 -30- 501 -OG00 -0090 extended northwest, thence southeast along said property line to the easterly property line of same parcel, thence northeast along said property line to the southerly ROW line of Collins Drive, thence southeast along said ROW line to the easterly property line of Parcel 14- 20 -30- 501 -OG00 -0110, thence south along said property line to the southerly property line of the same parcel, thence northwest to the easterly property line of Parcel 14- 20 -30- 501 -OG00 -0000, thence northeast along said property line to the northerly property line of the same parcel, thence northwest along said property lien to the centerline of Orlando Drive, thence southwest along the centerline of Orlando Drive to the northerly property line of Parcel 14- 20 -30- 300 - 0230 -0000 extended west, thence east along said property line to the easterly property line of the same parcel, thence south along said property line to the northerly property line of Parcel 14- 20-30- 300 - 0150 -0000, thence west along said property line to the centerline of Orlando Drive, thence southwest along the center line of Orlando Drive to the westerly property line of Parcel 14- 20 -30- 300 - 0230 -0000 extended north, thence south along said property line to the southerly property line of 15-20-30-300 - 044A -0000, thence west along said property line to its intersection with the southerly ROW line of East County Home Road extended northwest, thence southeast along said ROW line to the easterly corner of Parcel 22- 20- 30 -518- 0000 -0010, thence south along said property line to the northerly ROW line of CR 427, thence southwest along said ROW line to the southerly property line of Parcel 22 -20 -30 -518- 0000 -0010, thence west along said property line to the westerly property line of the same parcel, thence north along the said property line and continuing along the westerly property line of Parcel 22-20-30- 518 -0000- 0020 to the centerline of Orlando Drive, thence northeast along the centerline of Orlando Drive to southerly property line of Parcel 15- 20 -30- 300 - 0440 -0000 extended east, thence west along said property line and continuing to the centerline of 1 st Road, thence north along the centerline of 1 St Road to southerly property line of Parcel 15- 20 -30- 300 -041A -0000 extended east, thence west along said property line to the westerly property line of Parcel 15- 20- 30 -300- 0410 -0000 extended south, thence north along said property line to the northerly property line of the same parcel, thence east along said property line and following the northerly property line of Parcel 15- 20 -30- 300 - 0430 -0000 and continuing to the westerly property line of Parcel 11- 20- 30- 5AM -OJ01 -0000, thence north along said property line and continuing to the centerline of West Lake Mary Boulevard, thence west along the centerline of West Lake Mary Boulevard to the westerly property line of Parcel 10- 20 -30- 300 - 0120 -0000, thence north along said property line and continuing to the southerly ROW line of SCL RR, thence northeast along said ROW line to the northwest corner of Parcel 10- 20 -30- 507 -OR00 -0000, thence southeast along said property line to the northwest corner of Parcel 10- 20 -30- 507 - 0000 -010A, thence southeast along the northerly property line of the same parcel to the westerly property line of Parcel 10- 20 -30- 300 -003A -0000, thence north along said property line to the northerly property line of the same parcel, thence east along said property line and continuing to the westerly property line of Lot 14, Ramblewood Subdivision, thence north along said property line and continuing northwest to the northerly property line of Lot 23, Ramblewood Subdivision, thence northeast along said property line and continuing along subdivision line to westerly property line of Lot79, Block 4, Hidden Lake Subdivision, Phase II, Unit 1, thence northwest along said property line and continuing along subdivision line to the northerly property line of Lot 73, Block 4, Hidden Lake Subdivision, Phase II, Unit 1, thence east along said property line and continuing along subdivision line to the southerly property line of Tract H, Egrets Landing Subdivision, thence following said property line and continuing along southerly property line of Tract L, Egrets Landing Subdivision to the westerly property line of Parcel 02-20-30- 300 -0340- 0000, thence north along said property line to the southwest corner of Parcel 02- 20-30- 300 -034A -0000, thence north along westerly property line of the same parcel to the southerly ROW line of CSX RR, thence northeast along said ROW line to the centerline of West Airport Boulevard, thence southeast along the centerline of West Airport Boulevard to the centerline of Orlando Drive, thence northeast along the centerline of Orlando Drive to its intersection with the centerline of French Avenue, thence north along the centerline of French Avenue to point of beginning. Legal Description District 4: That property in the corporate limits of the City of Sanford and within the boundaries of: Beginning at the centerline of West First Street and the centerline of Upsala Road, thence south along the centerline of Upsala Road to the southerly property line of Tract A, Regency Oaks Subdivision Unit 2, thence west along said property line to the easterly property line of Tract D, Regency Oaks Subdivision Unit 1, thence south along said property line to the southerly property line of the same parcel, thence southwest along said property line, and continuing along southerly property lines of Tracts A and B, Regency Oaks Subdivision Unit 1 to the westerly property line of Tract B, Regency Oaks Subdivision Unit 1, thence north along said property line to the southerly property line of Parcel 28- 19 -30- 513- 0000 -0010, thence west along said property line and continuing to the easterly ROW line o Rinehart Road, Thence south along said ROW line to the northerly ROW line of SR 417, thence southwest along said ROW line to the easterly ROW line of Towne Center Boulevard, thence south along said ROW line to the northerly property line of Parcel 32- 19 -30- 501 - 0000 -004B, thence northeast along said property line to the easterly property line of same parcel, thence south along said property line to the northerly property line of Parcel 32- 19-30- 501 - 0000 -0100, thence east along said property line to the easterly property line of the same parcel, thence south along said property line to the centerline of Rinehart Road, thence northeast along the centerline of Rinehart Road to its intersection with the easterly property line of Parcel 32- 19- 30 -501- 0000-01 D extended south, thence north along said property line to the northerly property line of the same parcel, thence west along said property line to the easterly property line of Parcel 32- 19 -30- 501 - 0000 -005B, thence north along said property line to the northerly property line of the same parcel, thence west along said property line to the westerly property line of Parcel 32-19-30- 501 -0000- 0050, thence north along said property line to the southerly ROW line of SR 417, then following east said ROW line to a point of intersection with the northerly property line of Parcel 32- 19 -30- 501 - 0000 -007A, thence east along said property line to the westerly property linen of Parcel 33- 19 -30- 300 - 0160 -0000, thence south along said property line to the southerly property line of same parcel, thence east along said property line and continuing to the westerly property line of Parcel 33 -19 -30 -5AF- 0000 -0260, thence north along said property line and continuing to the northerly property line of Parcel 33 -19 -30 -5AF- 0000 -0250, thence east along said property line to the centerline of Upsala Road, thence north along the centerline of Uosala Road to the northerly property line of Tract A, Pamala Oaks Subdivision, thence east along said property line and continuing to the easterly property line of Tract B, Pamala Oaks Subdivision, thence south along same property line to the northerly property line of Parcel 33- 19- 30 -5AF- 0000 -027E, thence west along said property line and continuing to the easterly property line of Parcel 33- 19- 30- 5AF- 0000027C, thence south along said property line to the southerly property line of same parcel, thence west along said property line to the centerline of Upsala Road, thence south along the centerline of Upsala Road to the northerly property linen of Lot 9, Block B, Idyliwilde of Loch Arbor subdivision extended west, thence east along said property line to the easterly property line of Parcel 33 -19 -30 -5AF- 0000 -0390, thence north along said property line to the southerly property line of Parcel 33-19-30- 5AF -0000- 0350, thence east along said property line to the westerly property line of Lot 5, Crown Colony Subdivision, thence north along said Property line to the southerly ROW line of Vihlen Road, thence east along said ROW line to the easterly property line of Tract F, Crown Colony Subdivision, thence south along said property line to the southwesterly property line of Parcel 34-19-30- 300 -004A- 0000, thence southeast along said property line to the westerly property line of Parcel 34- 19 -30- 505 - 000 -0480, thence south along said property line to the northerly ROW line of H E Thomas Jr Parkway, thence east along the said ROW line to the centerline of Country Club Road, thence east along the centerline of Country Club Road to the westerly ROW line of SR 417, thence south along said ROW line to the centerline of H E Thomas Jr Parkway, thence east along the centerline of H E Thomas Jr Parkway to the westerly property line of Parcel 34- 19-30- 300 -012B -0000, thence north along said property line to the northerly property line of same parcel, thence east along said property line and continuing to a point approximately 95 feet east of easterly property line of Parcel 34- 19 -30- 300- 0140 -0000, thence north approximately 215 feet, thence west approximately 126 feet to t point of intersection with the westerly property line of Parcel 34 -19- 30- 300 - 0200 -0000 extended south, thence north along said property line to the northerly property line of same parcel, thence east along said property line continuing east approximately 185 feet, thence south approximately 210 feet to a point of intersection with the northerly property line of Parcel 35-19-30- 300 -0150- 0000, thence east along said property line to the easterly property line of the same parcel, thence south along said property line to the centerline of Country Club Road, thence east along the centerline of Country Club Road to the easterly property line of Parcel 35- 19 -30- 300 -021 B -0000 extended north, thence south along said property line and continuing to the northerly property line of Parcel 35- 19-30- 300 -021A -0000, thence east along said property line to the easterly property line of the same parcel, thence south along said property line to the northerly property line of Parcel 35- 19 -30- 300 - 0250 -0000, thence east along said property line to the westerly property line of Parcel 35- 19 -30- 300 -024A -0000, thence north along said property line to the northerly property line of the same parcel, thence east along said property line and continuing to the centerline of Old Lake Mary Road, thence south along the centerline of Old Lake Mary Road to the southerly property line of Parcel 35- 19 -30- 300 - 0260 -0000 extended east, thence west along said property line and continuing to the easterly property line of Parcel 35- 19 -30- 300 -021A -0000, thence south along said property line to the centerline of West 25 Street, thence east along the centerline of West 25 Street to the easterly property line of Parcel 02- 20 -30- 300 - 0260 -0000 extended north, thence south along said property line and continuing to the southerly property line of Parcel 02- 20 -30- 300 - 0240 -0000, thence west along said property line to the centerline of Old Lake Mary Boulevard, thence north along the centerline of Old Lake Mary Boulevard to the northerly property line of Parcel 02- 20-30- 300 -303A -0000 extended east, thence west along said property line to the westerly property line of the same parcel, thence south along said property line and continuing to the southerly property line of Parcel 02- 20 -30- 300 - 0300 -0000, thence east along said property line to the centerline of Old Lake Mary Boulevard, thence south along the centerline of Old Lake Mary Boulevard to the to the centerline of West Airport Boulevard, thence north along the centerline of West Airport Boulevard to the centerline of H E Thomas Jr Parkway (West 25 Street), thence west along the centerline of H E Thomas Jr Parkway to the easterly property line of Parcel 03- 20 -30- 503 - 0000 -0380 extended north, thence south along said property line to the southerly property line of the same parcel, thence west along said property line to the westerly property line of the same parcel, thence north along said property line to the centerline of H E Thomas Jr Parkway, thence west along the centerline of H E Thomas Jr Parkway to the centerline of Vinewood Drive, thence south along the centerline of Vinewood Drive to the southerly property lien of Parcel 03- 20 -30- 503 - 0000 -014A, thence west along said property line to the westerly property line of the same parcel, thence north along the said property line and continuing to the centerline of thence west along the centerline of H E Thomas Jr Parkway to the easterly property line of Parcel 03- 20 -30- 503 - 0000 -0380 extended north, thence south along said property line to the southerly property line of the same parcel, thence west along said property line to the westerly property line of the same parcel, thence north along said property line to the centerline of H E Thomas Jr Parkway, thence west along the centerline of thence west along the centerline of H E Thomas Jr Parkway to the easterly property line of Parcel 03- 20- 30 -503- 0000 -0380 extended north, thence south along said property line to the southerly property line of the same parcel, thence west along said property line to the westerly property line of the same parcel, thence north along said property line to the centerline of H E Thomas Jr Parkway to the easterly property line Lot 10, Loch Arbor Crystal Lakes Subdivision extended north, thence south along said property line to the southerly property line of the same parcel, thence west along said property line to the westerly property line of the Lot 9, Loch Arbor Crystal Lakes Subdivision, thence north along said property line to the centerline of H E Thomas Jr Parkway, thence west along the centerline of thence west along the centerline of H E Thomas Jr Parkway to the easterly property line of Parcel 03- 20-30- 503 - 0000 -0380 extended north, thence south along said property line to the southerly property line of the same parcel, thence west along said property line to the westerly property line of the same parcel, thence north along said property line to the centerline of H E Thomas Jr Parkway to the centerline of Forrest Drive, thence south along the centerline of Forrest Drive to the southerly property line of Parcel 04- 20 -30- 501 - 0600 -004A extended east, thence west along said property line to the westerly property line of said parcel, thence north along said property line and continuing to the centerline of H E Thomas Jr Parkway, thence west along the centerline of H E Thomas Jr Parkway to the centerline of Upsala Road, thence north along the centerline of Upsala Road to the southern property line of Lot 10, Tee N Green Estates Subdivision extended east, thence west along said property line to the westerly property line of the same Lot 10, thence north along said property line to the northerly subdivision line of Tee N Green Estates Subdivision, thence west along said subdivision line to the westerly subdivision line of the same subdivision, thence south along said subdivision line to the centerline of H E Thomas Jr Parkway, thence east along the centerline of H E Thomas Jr Parkway to the centerline of Country Club Road, thence south along the centerline of Country Club Road to the northerly property line of Parcel 04- 20 -30- 501 - 0200 -0010, thence east along said property line to the easterly property line of the same parcel, thence south along said property line and continuing to the northerly property line of Parcel 04-20-30- 501 -0000- 0010, thence east along said property line to the westerly ROW line of Ridge Drive, thence south along said ROW line to the southerly ROW line of Fairway Road, thence southeast along said ROW line to the westerly property line of Parcel 03- 20 -30- 506 - 0600 -0000, thence northeast along said property line to the easterly property line of the same parcel, thence following said property line south to the northerly property line of Parcel 03- 20 -30- 506 - 0100 -0150, thence east along said property line to the easterly property line of the same parcel, thence southeast along said property line to the northerly ROW line of West Crystal Drive, thence west along the said ROW line to the southerly property line of Parcel 03- 20 -30- 300 - 0110 -0000, thence west along said property line to the westerly property line of the same parcel, thence north along said property line to the southerly property line of Parcel 04- 20 -30- 300 -003C -0000, thence west along said property line to the easterly subdivision line of Mayfair Club Subdivision Phase 1, thence south along said subdivision line to the southerly subdivision line of the same subdivision, thence west along said subdivision line to the easterly property line of Lot 1, Block 1, Loch Arbor - Phillips Sec , thence south along said property line to the northerly ROW line of West Crystal Drive, thence west along said ROW line to the centerline of Country Club Road, thence north along the centerline of Country Club Road to the southerly subdivision line of Mayfair Club Subdivision Phase 2 extended east, thence west along said subdivision line and continuing to the easterly property line of Parcel 04- 20 -30- 300- 0160 -0000, thence southwest along said property line to the westerly property line of the same parcel, thence north along said property line and continuing along the westerly property line of Parcel 04- 20 -30- 300 - 0030 -0000 to the centerline of H E Thomas Jr Parkway, thence west along the centerline of H E Thomas Jr Parkway to the easterly property line of Parcel 33-19-30- 300 -0260- 0000 extended south, thence north along said property line to the northerly property line of the same parcel, thence west along said property line to the westerly property line of the same parcel, thence south along said property line to the centerline of H E Thomas Jr Parkway, thence west along the centerline of H E Thomas Jr Parkway to the easterly property line of Parcel 32-19-30- 300 -013A- 0000 extended south, thence north along said property line to the northerly property line of the same parcel, thence west along said property line to the westerly property line of the same parcel, thence south along said property line to the centerline of H E Thomas Jr Parkway, thence west along the centerline of H E Thomas Jr Parkway to the southerly property line of Parcel 32-19-30-300 - 007G -0000, thence west along said property line to the westerly property line of the same parcel, thence northeast along said property line and continuing to the southerly property line of Parcel 32- 19 -30- 301 -0086 -0000, thence southwest along said property line then west to western property line of Parcel 32- 19 -30- 301- 008E -0000, thence south along said property line to the centerline of H E Thomas Jr Parkway, thence west along the centerline of H E Thomas Jr Parkway to its intersection with the easterly ROW line of Interstate 4, thence following northeast said ROW line to the westerly property line of Parcel 32-19-30-300 - 007A -0000, thence northeast along said property line to the southerly property line of same parcel, thence west along said property line to the centerline of Interstate 4, thence northeast along the centerline of Interstate 4 3,300 feet thence west approximately 250 feet to the westerly ROW line of Interstate 4, thence northeast along said ROW line to a point on aid ROW line approximately 3,700 feet north of the centerline of West First Street (SR46W), thence southeast to the northwest corner of Parcel 20- 19 -30- 300 -004C -0000, thence southwest along the easterly ROW line of Interstate 4 to the northerly ROW line of West First Street (SR46W), thence east along said ROW line to point intersecting the westerly property line of Parcel 28- 19 -30- 506 - 0000 -0060 extended northerly, thence south along said property ling to the centerline of West First Street, thence east along the centerline of West First street to point of beginning. Also including: Beginning at the centerline of Orlando Drive and the centerline of Florida Street, thence west along the centerline of Florida Street to the centerline of Hartwell Avenue, thence north along the centerline of Hartwell Avenue to the centerline of West 25 Street, thence west along the centerline of West 25 Street to the westerly property line of Parcel 02- 20 -30- 300 - 0210 -0000 extended north, thence south along the said property line to the southerly property line of the same parcel, thence east along the said property line to the western ROW line of ACL RR, thence southwest along said ROW to the centerline of West Airport Boulevard, thence southeast along the centerline of West Airport Boulevard to the centerline of Orlando Drive, thence northeast along the centerline of Orlando Drive to point of beginning. Also Including: Beginning at the southwest corner of Lot 3, Kay's Landing Subdivision Phase 3, thence north along westerly property line of said Lot 3 and continuing to the northerly property line of Tract H, Kay's Landing Subdivision Phase 1, thence east along said property line to its intersection with the northerly property line of Lot 14, Kay's Landing Subdivision Phase 1, thence east along said property line and continuing to the westerly property line of Tract A, Kay's Landing Subdivision Phase 1, thence north along said property line to the northerly property line of the said Tract A, thence east along said property line and continuing to the westerly ROW line of SR 417, thence southeast along said ROW line to the southerly property line of Tract F, Kay's Landing Subdivision Phase 1, thence west along said property line to the westerly property line of the same Tract F, thence north along said property line to the northerly ROW line of Vihlen Road, thence west along said ROW following north then west to point of beginning. 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