HomeMy WebLinkAbout031212 rm agn & min2012 -105 CITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 12 2012 REGULAR MEETING CITY OF SANFORD CITY COMMISSION MEETING City Commission Chambers 1 St Floor Sanford City Hall MONDAY, March 12, 2012 300 North Park Avenue 7 Pm Sanford, Florida In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the City Clerk at 407.688.5010 at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. Advice to the public: If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he or she may need a verbatim record of the proceedings, including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford. (FS 286.0105) Speaking Before the City Commission. There is a three (3) minutes time limit for each speaker on each item, except a person representing an organization and presenting its views during a quasi judicial hearing will be allowed five (5) minutes, and a person speaking under Citizen Participation will also be allowed five (5) minutes. Your cooperation is appreciated in observing the time limit policy. Each person desiring to address the City Commission on an agenda item pending before the City Commission must, before addressing the City Commission, legibly complete a citizen's input form and submit the form to the City Clerk or designee. Pledge of Civility. A resolution was adopted by the City Commission of the City of Sanford recognizing the importance of civility, decency, decorum and respectful behavior in promoting citizen participation in a democratic government. The City of Sanford calls upon the elected officials, employees, and the public to exercise civility toward each other. (Resolution No. 2226, 04/11/11) AGENDA 1) Meeting call to order by Mayor Triplett. 2) Invocation: 3) Pledge of Allegiance. 4) Presentations /Commendations: 5) Minutes. February 27, 2012 Work Session & Regular Meeting. 2012 -106 CITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 12 2012 REGULAR MEETING 6) CONSENT AGENDA: The action proposed to be taken is stated for each item on the Consent Agenda. Unless the item is removed from the Consent Agenda by a City Commission member, no discussion on individual items will occur and a single motion will approve all items. [Commission Memo 12 -038] A. Approve work order to CPH Engineers, Inc. in the amount of $107,468 to obtain technical and engineering services applicable to the Water Main Looping Project. B. Approve $25,000 grant from Community Development Block Goldsboro Front Porch Council, Development Academy. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development Grant 2011 -2012 allocation to fund the Inc. Youth Empowerment and Leadership 7) PUBLIC HEARINGS: The purpose of a Public Hearing is to receive input regarding the item being considered. Public Hearings are not intended to be a time for the public to obtain information about the subject matter of the hearing. (Hearing Sequence: I" - staff; 2 nd - applicant/requesting party; 3` - public; final - City Commission motion, discussion and action.) A) Second Reading: Ordinance No. 4267: amending the Sanford Auto Mall Planned Development Master Plan (Evolution Auto). Owners: Seminole County BCC and SAMY Reality, LLC; Applicant: Florida Engineering Group. Ad published February 26, 2012. [Commission Memo 12 -039] B) Second Reading: Ordinance No. 4268, amending the City Code regarding Police Officers' Retirement System to allow investment in real estate. Ad published February 26, 2012. [Commission Memo 12 -040] C) First Reading: Ordinance No. 4266, annexing 1.0 acre at 325 Fern Drive. Owner /Applicant: Norman Builders, Inc. Ad published March 11, 2012. [Commission Memo 12 -041] 8) OTHER ITEMS. A) Resolution No. 2283, authorizing application to the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Florida Forest Service, 2012 National Urban and Community Grant Program. [Commission Memo 12 -042] B) Resolution No. 2284, authorizing application for the 2012 LWCF grant for $200,000 for the Goldsboro Trailhead project at Coastline Park. [Commission Memo 12 -043] C) Resolution No. 2285, amending the budget for the Joint Participation Agreement (JPA) with the Florida Dept. of Transportation (FDOT). [Commission Memo 12 -044] 2012 -107 CITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 12 2012 REGULAR MEETING D) Resolution No. 2286, authorizing application for a 2012 Seminole County Boating Improvement Program grant. [Commission Memo 12 -045] E) Resolution No. 2287, authorizing application for, acceptance and implementation of Economic Development Administration grant for Sanford Avenue Streetscape.[Commission Memo 12 -0461 F) Request for exception to the number of dogs allowable on residential property. Applicant: Tom and Judy Tedesco, Lessees; Owner: Chris Brown. [Commission Memo 12 -047] 9) CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT. 10) CITY CLERK'S REPORT. 11) CITY MANAGER'S REPORT. 12) CITIZEN PARTICIPATION. Each speaker is allotted five minutes to speak and may present additional written material. If you have a matter you would like to discuss which requires more than five (5) minutes, please feel free to arrange a meeting with the appropriate administrative or elected official. This Citizen Participation is for the City Commission to receive citizen input and comments pertaining to matters over which the City Commission has jurisdiction or control. Questions directed to the City Commission may be referred to City staff to be answered within a reasonable period of time following the meeting. 13) CITY COMMISSIONERS' REPORTS. 2012 -108 CITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 12, 2012 REGULAR MEETING The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Regular Meeting on Monday, March 12, 2012, at 7 PM, in the City Commission Chambers, City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida. Present: Mayor Jeff Triplett Vice Mayor Patty Mahany Commissioner Mark M ° Carty Commissioner Velma Williams City Manager Norton N. Bonaparte, Jr. City Attorney William L. Colbert City Clerk Janet Dougherty Deputy City Clerk Cynthia Porter Absent: Commissioner Randy Jones 1) Meeting was called to order by Mayor Triplett at 7:23 PM. 2) Invocation by Pastor Benjamin Adams, Rejected Stone Full Mission Non - Denominational Church. 3) Pledge of Allegiance. 4) Presentations /Commendations: Christine Dalton, Historic Preservation Officer and Community Planner, said that in 2011 the City submitted a grant to the Division of Historical Resources for a Preserve American Grant to create a historic preservation lecture series in partnership with the Sanford Historic Trust. The grant was awarded and provided an opportunity for the City to attract nationally renowned speakers to share their knowledge on various preservation related topics. Nelson Beverly, Historic Trust Treasurer, distributed invitations to the Commission to attend the 2012 Sanford Historic Preservation Lecture 2012 -109 CITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 12 2012 REGULAR MEETING Series sponsored by the Sanford Historic Trust and the City of Sanford Historic Preservation Board. 5) Minutes. February 27, 2012 Work Session & Regular Meeting. Vice Mayor Mahany moved to approve the Minutes. Seconded by Commissioner M and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Triplett Aye Vice Mayor Mahany Aye Commissioner M Aye Commissioner Williams Aye 6) CONSENT AGENDA: [Commission Memo 12 -038] A. Approve work order to CPH Engineers, Inc., in the amount of $107,468 to obtain technical and engineering services applicable to the Water Main Looping Project. B. Approve $25,000 grant from Department of Housing and Urban Development Community Development Block Grant 2011 -2012 allocation to fund the Goldsboro Front Porch Council, Inc. Youth Empowerment and Leadership Development Academy. Vice Mayor Mahany moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Seconded by Commissioner Williams and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Triplett Aye Vice Mayor Mahany Aye 2012 -110 CITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 12 2012 REGULAR MEETING Commissioner M Aye Commissioner Williams Aye 7) PUBLIC HEARINGS: A) Second Reading of Ordinance No. 4267, amending the Sanford Auto Mall Planned Development Master Plan (Evolution Auto). Owners: Seminole County BCC and SAMY Reality, LLC; Applicant: Florida Engineering Group. Ad published February 26, 2012. [Commission Memo 12 -039] Vice Mayor Mahany moved to adopt Ordinance No. 4267. Seconded by Commissioner Williams and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Triplett Aye Vice Mayor Mahany Aye Commissioner M Aye Commissioner Williams Aye B) Second Reading of Ordinance No. 4268, amending the City Code regarding Police Officers' Retirement System to allow investment in real estate. Ad published February 26, 2012. [Commission Memo 12 -040] Commissioner M moved to adopt Ordinance No. 4268. Seconded by Vice Mayor Mahany and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Triplett Aye Vice Mayor Mahany Aye Commissioner M Aye Commissioner Williams Aye 2012 -111 CITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 12 2012 REGULAR MEETING C) First Reading of Ordinance No. 4266, annexing 1.0 acre at 325 Fern Drive. Owner /Applicant: Norman Builders, Inc. Ad published March 11, 2012. [Commission Memo 12 -041 ] Commissioner M moved to approve the first reading of Ordinance No. 4266. Seconded by Commissioner Williams and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Triplett Aye Vice Mayor Mahany Aye Commissioner M Aye Commissioner Williams Aye 8) OTHER ITEMS. A) Resolution No. 2283, authorizing application to the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Florida Forest Service, 2012 National Urban and Community Grant Program. [Commission Memo 12 -042] Vice Mayor Mahany moved to adopt Resolution No. 2283. Seconded by Commissioner Williams and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Triplett Aye Vice Mayor Mahany Aye Commissioner M Aye Commissioner Williams Aye B) Resolution No. 2284, authorizing application for the 2012 LWCF grant for $200,000 for the Goldsboro Trailhead project at Coastline 2012 -112 CITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 12 2012 REGULAR MEETING Park. [Commission Memo 12 -043] Commissioner Williams moved to adopt Resolution No. 2284. Seconded by Vice Mayor Mahany and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Triplett Aye Vice Mayor Mahany Aye Commissioner M Aye Commissioner Williams Aye C) Resolution No. 2285, amending the budget for the Joint Participation Agreement (JPA) with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). [Commission Memo 12 -044] Commissioner Williams moved to adopt Resolution No. 2285. Seconded by Vice Mayor Mahany and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Triplett Aye Vice Mayor Mahany Aye Commissioner M Aye Commissioner Williams Aye D) Resolution No. 2286, authorizing application for a 2012 Seminole County Boating Improvement Program grant. [Commission Memo 12- 045] Commissioner M moved to adopt Resolution No. 2286. Seconded by Commissioner Williams and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Triplett Aye Vice Mayor Mahany Aye Commissioner M Aye Commissioner Williams Aye 2012 -113 CITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 12, 2012 REGULAR MEETING E) Resolution No. 2287, authorizing application for, acceptance and implementation of Economic Development Administration grant for Sanford Avenue Streetscape.[Commission Memo 12 -046] Commissioner M ° Carty moved to adopt Resolution No. 2287. Seconded by Commissioner Williams and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Triplett Aye Vice Mayor Mahany Aye Commissioner M ° Carty Aye Commissioner Williams Aye F) Request for exception to the number of dogs allowable on residential property. Applicant: Tom and Judy Tedesco, Lessees; Owner: Chris Brown. [Commission Memo 12 -047] Mayor Triplett passed the gavel to Vice Mayor Mahany and moved to grant three months to allow the resident to come into compliance. Seconded by Commissioner Williams. Vice Mayor Mahany passed the gavel back to Mayor Triplett. The motion was carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Triplett Aye Vice Mayor Mahany Nay Commissioner M ° Carty Aye Commissioner Williams Aye 9) CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT. 10) CITY CLERK'S REPORT. 11) CITY MANAGER'S REPORT. 2012 -114 CITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 12 2012 REGULAR MEETING 12) CITIZEN PARTICIPATION. Betty Anne Howard, the owner of a beauty salon on First Street, expressed concern over the closing of First Street for the upcoming art festival. The event is scheduled for the first weekend of the month from 3 PM on Friday, all day Saturday and all day Sunday until after 10 PM. When First Street is closed it definitely hurts business for her and all of those on First Street. Her shop has six people trying to make a living and they are definitely inconvenienced when the street is closed. It is unacceptable for the street to be closed. She asked why the RiverWalk can't be used for the festival. Mayor Triplett said that this item will be on the next agenda and Ms. Howard's comments will be taken into consideration. Toby Troutman asked where we are on the feeding situation. Mr. Thomas said that he is still working on the situation. The Development Review Team had a full discussion on it Tuesday. There are policies and procedures that need to be reviewed by various City departments. The item is still moving forward but there are issues coming up that weren't anticipated. If the particular site chosen does not work out, it won't stop them from being moved out. He is still looking for an alternate site. The goal is to get them out as quickly as possible. He gave the assurance that he is aggressively pursuing this matter. James Davis spoke about the tragedy of the young man who was shot. He doesn't question the Police Chief in his motivation in the handling of this tragic situation. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES 2012 -115 MARCH 12 2012 REGULAR MEETING He assumes that the Chief is color blind. He is not making it a racial issue. He is a concerned citizen who has observed a policy statement by the City through the Police Department which states that a white man can leave his residence packing a gun and get into an unofficial vehicle without an official uniform of any kind and under the auspices of neighborhood watch see a black man walking in his community and call the dispatch of the Police Department and be told not to engage this man, but engage this man and have a confrontation that results in that man being shot to death and that be called a justifiable shooting. What this policy means also is a black man with the same weapon permit can observe a white man walking in his community and engage that individual and conclude that that white man was acting suspicious in his neighborhood and have a confrontation with that white man and shoot him to death, and that should also be called a justifiable shooting. This current policy is being forced upon this City without being vetted by the City Commission or the citizens of Sanford. He is being asked of young black men what are the rules of engagement? If we have a white man accost us in a community how should we react? Should we assume that we're going to be shot and shoot first? Understand that this is the policy that is being perpetuated. The fourth amendment of the Constitution of the United States reads that the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrant shall be issued but upon probable cause supported by an oath or affirmation particularly describing the place to be searched, and 2012 -116 CITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 12, 2012 REGULAR MEETING the persons or things to be seized. We should be concerned as a City about what is being forced upon this City in terms of a policy being perpetuated or pushed by this Police Department. He thinks the Commission should look into this because it is something that is very important to us as black citizens in regard to these gated communities and these guys who are packing guns in these communities. We have a Constitutional right to feel secure in our person no matter where we walk and not fear that we will be accosted by somebody who is going to kill us. Henry Sweet spoke regarding the killing tragedy; it's criminal. He has yet to receive an answer to the question as to why was this man not arrested. Thelma Mike said that she is glad to see the trail opened. It is already in use. Regarding the situation with the shooting of the young man, it has put a block on the City of Sanford that we haven't had in a long time. We know that there have been problems and misunderstanding as far as the Police Department is concerned, and with the issue that is before us now, if we thought something was being done better, with this particular incident it seems like we are just where we were before. We can't say that we're going to settle all of these issues but we trust that it doesn't get any further out of hand. It is a blot on Sanford. We trust that we can alleviate some of the things because of all things that we do not want to happen is any violence if at all possible. She asked that these things be considered very carefully, very closely, and work with the Chief of Police and see what can be done and rectify this before it gets out of hand. 2012 -117 CITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 12, 2012 REGULAR MEETING Ben Adams said that a lot of people are wondering why a young man is gone for no particular reason and nothing has been done about it; we need to think about that. 13) CITY COMMISSIONERS' REPORTS. Commissioner Williams said the trail is looking great. She has received a lot of compliments and is very pleased. She thanked the Public Works and Recreation Departments. Regarding the shooting situation, she is pained and very concerned about it. She is helpless in terms of what she can do about it other than express her opinion and take a stand and she will always do that. Vice Mayor Mahany said that she is deeply sorry about the tragedy and is truly hoping and praying for justice. She is not privy to information about the case but she has tremendous faith in Chief Lee and his officers. She is really sorry for our community. Commissioner M said that he is saddened by all that has happened. He doesn't know how to express how he would feel if it was his daughter. He wants answers. Adversity is always difficult to go through. He hates to see the family and the City go through it. He recently attended the second annual prayer breakfast where they prayed for our employees, our business people, and our people who serve us. He is sure there will be a conclusion with this and it will be taken care of. He showed a video clip of good things going on in Sanford. 2012 -118 CITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 12, 2012 REGULAR MEETING Mayor Triplett said he sat with Mr. Davis and others the other night and stated exactly where he stands on this tragedy; it is truly is tragic for all of us; his heart goes out; hopefully tomorrow we'll bring some resolution to everybody. God bless you all. I love you all. This is all of ours City. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourthd at 9:04 PM. Mayor Jeff Tri Attest: C cp