HomeMy WebLinkAbout042798 ws/rm min.204 E718672 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida 3:30 WORK SESSION April 27 98 19-- The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida met in Work Session on Monday, April 27, 1998, at 3:30 o'clock P.M. in the City Manager's Conference Room, Sanford City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida. Present: Mayor-Commissioner Larry A. Dale Commissioner Whitey Eckstein Commissioner Kerry D. Lyons Commissioner Velma H. Williams City Manager William A. Simmons City Clerk Janet R. Dougherty Absent: Commissioner Brady Lessard City Attorney William L. Colbert The Chairman called the meeting to order. Discussion of future Interstate 4 improvements. Mayor Dale announced that Vicki Smith, Project Manager for Trans4Mation, has requested to reschedule this item to a future agenda. Request from Lake Mary High School for donation to their Project Graduation. Mayor Dale reported he received a request for funds from Lake Mary High School for Project Graduation. They have received funds in the past from various Cities' Police Confiscation Fund and asked that the City provide $300.00. Commissioner Eckstein said that the Commission doesn't provide funds to Seminole High School's Project Graduation. Commissioner Williams said she is planning to ask for Police Confiscation Fund dollars for a project. The Commission concurred m not provide the requested funding. Request from Lake Jessup Groves. Inc./George Wallace to amend the Site 10 Lease. City Manager Simmons reported that George Wallace, President of Lake Jessup Groves, has requested to modify the existing lease for Site 10 as follows: extend the date for planting future phases of citrus trees, to be allowed to sub-lease to a watermelon grower, and to apply a "COLA" increase to the amount paid by the City for maintenance of the unplanted grove areas. Further, Utility Director Paul Moore indicated he had no objections to extending the date for planting the citrus trees on future phases and to sub-leasing to a watermelon grower as long as the amount of reclaimed water usage is equivalent to the citrus and that the added profits are included in the annual audit. Mr. Moore was not in favor of paying additional funds for the maintenance of the unplanted grove areas and recommended going out for bid. City Manager Simmons concurred with Mr. Moore's recommendations. George Wallace appeared and reported that Lake Jessup Groves has invested $250,000.00 in the grove planting project. Ninety acres have been planted, with two additional phases of forty-five acres each to be planted. New planting is supposed to occur in the seventh year. The trees are four and a half years old. Because there were contractor delays, planting was done in August rather than in January, which caused a delay of growth time by a year. Mr. Wallace said the citrus industry' has gone down the tubes, and requested the Commission consider rolling back the required planting of the additional phases for a minimum of two years. Mr. Simmons said he had no objections to rolling back the planting for two years, but advised against a longer period of time, because the City does not receive rent until LJG begins to make money. This item was referred to tonight' s Regular Meeting for decision. [Commissioner Lessard joined the meeting.] E718672 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida 3:30P.M. WORK SESSION 205 April 98 City Manager selection process. Mayor Dale asked each member of the Commission to provide their individual selections. The selections were as follows: Commissioner Lessard - Wilkes, Rabun, VanDerworp, Vanderpool Commissioner Lyons - Rabun, Mitchell, Zumwalt, Wilkes Commissioner Eckstein - Zumwalt, Dolive, Steinbrenner, VanDerworp Commissioner Williams - Rabnn, Zumwalt, VanDerworp, Steinbrenner Mayor Dale - VanDerworp, Rabun, Vanderpool, Zumwalt Commissioner Eckstein asked to be allowed to make an argument for Henry Dolive. He stated that he has known Mr. Dolive for many years, that he was born in Orlando and raised in DeLand, has family in the area, and wants to relocate to Florida. He and Mr. Dolive attended high school together and Mr. Dolive was President of the senior class. They also attended the University of Florida together. Mr. Dolive attended Florida State University and was a member of the National Honor Society. Mr. Dolive also attended Stetson University where he received a B.A. in Political Science. He received a Master's Degree and Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Florida. They were in the reserves at the same time during the Vietnam War. He is intelligent and moral. His background is extensive, as is evident in his resume. Commissioner Eckstein asked the Commissioners to compare the resumes of the applicants and consider inviting Mr. Dolive to come for an interview. The Commission agreed to interview Tony VanDerworp, Ron Rabun, James Zamwalt, and Henry Dolive and asked Mr. Simmons to arrange for individual interviews beginning with the afternoon of May 5th and continuing through May 16th, to allow at least one and one half hours with each Commissioner. The City' s expense to interview Mr. Zumwalt and Mr. Dolive should be approximately a thousand dollars each, which includes air fare, hotel, and meals. If Mr. Dolive chooses to fly his own plane, then he would be reimbursed the cost of the airline ticket. Amending the Personnel Rules & Regulations: A. Educational Assistance Program - repayment method. Mr. Simmons said the Personnel Rule regarding educational assistance was written to allow someone who had received an advance to be allowed to pay it back over a period of time. Ordinance 3409 provides for repayment of educational expenses owed at the time of termination from any accrued sick leave or vacation leave cash benefits due the employee at the time of termination. B. Hours worked for overtime calculation. Mr. Simmons said there have been questions raised regarding the applicability of hours worked for overtime calculation, particularly for the Fire, Police, and Utility departments which have watch standers who are given vacation in lieu of holidays. There are anomalies which will have to be sorted. Because Ordinance 3409 pertains to both items A. and B., Mr. Simmons requested it be tabled to allow for refining, rather than have first reading. Possible acquisition of land for a City park. Mr. Simmons reported there had been an unsolicited offer from Sid Vihlen for the City to acquire land located north of the Seminole Herald facility. Because of where it is located, the land could be used for a park. 206 E718672 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida 3:30 WORK SESSION April 27 19-- 98 Mr. Simmons said that the City owned the property but in the early 80's made a deal to sell to a group of investors who wanted to build an assisted living facility on that site. The deal made allowed the investors to pay an annual payment in lieu of taxes to the City. The payment was made for a few years, and was then disputed by the investors. The City Commission at that time took no action. It was alleged there were sub-surface problems found. A use such as a park could avoid that issue since it would not be necessary to do a significant sub-surface foundation. The land is approximately ten acres and is contiguous to the City's Public Works Complex. The property overlooks the lake. Access could be made to the property from Fulton Street. Commissioner Lyons said he wouldn't mind seeing a park at that location because it would connect with the Riverwalk Project. Mayor Dale said the land, when combined with the Public Works Complex and the PBA building, is a real nice piece of property. With the fact that there is a dispute on the legal situation regarding the property, the City could possibly get a good deal on the land. Commissioner Eckstein said there is an initiative concerning the development of Fort Mellon Park, and the land in question could be used for a park and offered as a compromise to those who are concemed that park space is being taken away. Commissioner Williams said there is a lot of inaccurate information being circulated regarding the development of Fort Mellon Park. The accurate information needs to be supplied to all affected people, all the citizens, and registered voters. Commissioner Lessard said that if the citizens want to have a referendum and can get the necessary signatures and campaign for their issues, then let's do it. However, he said he is confident, based on the people he has spoken with, that if there were a referendum, that seventy to eighty percent would vote in favor of the development of Fort Mellon Park. The general consensus of the Commission was to move forward with preliminary negotiations on the land, and asked Mayor Dale and City Manager Simmons to discuss it with Mr. Feather and Mr. Hickman. Mayor Dale reported Seminole County and MetroPlan will help get out an information paper. The Commission concurred to proceed with an information paper. The Prioritization of CDBG projects. Charles Rowe, Director of Community Development, presented copies of Community Development Block Grant Programs: 7th Street Sewer Project, Strawberry Avenue Sewer Project (Seminole County jurisdiction), Oleander Avenue Sidewalk Project, Boys and Girls Club Building Improvements, and Coastline Park Renovation. He said that Seminole County staff will be the advisory body to the Board of County Commissioners and it is necessary to decide the City's position and present it to County staff. The projects for which the City made application total $309,933.00. Because the majority of the projects are in the district of Commissioner Williams, the Commission asked her to prioritize the projects. After discussion, it was decided by the Commission that the projects be listed in the following order: Strawberry Avenue Sewer Project, 7th Street Sewer Project, Oleander Avenue Sidewalk Project, and Boys and Girls Club Building Improvements. Commissioner Willjams reported she did not include the Coastline Park renovation because E718672 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida 3: 30 P .H. WORK SESSTON 207 April 219 98 the Commission had previously agreed to do the project. If there are any questions raised regarding the Pool Project, the Commission asked Mr. Rowe to report that the City has obligated a half million dollars. COPS grant Mr. Simmons said he is in favor of, and supports the COPS Grant. This grant award is for four (4) new, additional full-time officers, with the City to assume increasing budget responsibility for these four officers over the term of the grant. According to the grant, at year one the City will be paying almost $102,000.00, primarily for start up costs, and the grant will be paying $102,000.00. The City will pay $40,000.00 and the grant will pay $99,000.00 in year two. In year three, the City will pay $47,000.00 and the grant will pay $95,000.00. In year four, the City becomes totally responsible for the cost which would be $140,000.00. Request for extension of PBA Building lease. Mr. Simmons recommended that the lease of the PBA Building be extended for one year, but that no commitment be made for any continuation of the lease beyond May 1, 1999. The original lease with the AMVETS envisioned a two year lease. Mr. Mobley, Commander, Amvets Post # 17, was present and stated that he understood that at any given time, with sufficient notice, the lease could be terminated. After discussion, the Commission decided to grant the extension of the lease for one year, with inclusion of a provision whereby the City can terminate the lease upon sixty days notice. There will be a formal vote at tonight' s Regular Meeting. Request to rename Lake Gem Park in honor of James L. Dunn. Mr. Simmons said the Commission had formerly responded to a request from the family of James L. Dunn to name a City park in honor of him since he was a long standing employee of the City. The original request was for the renaming of Bay Avenue Park, however, the family has now requested renaming Lake Gem Park because Mr. Dunn was fond of that park. After discussion, the Commission agreed to approve the request. Junk vehicle on private property towing ordinance. Mr. Simmons said Ordinance 3410 was prepared to give the City the ability to handle in a more timely fashion, the removal of junk vehicles from public property and to give the City the authority to go on private property to remove unsightly vehicles. The intent is to have the removal of vehicles handled by a towing contractor. Ordinance 3410 is scheduled for first reading at tonight' s Regular Meeting. Revised fence regulations. Mr. Simmons said the Commission had previously discussed the revision of regulations regarding front yard fences and chain link fences. Mayor Dale made reference to a memorandum from Jay Marder, Director of Planning and Development, regarding the proposed revisions to the City's existing chain link fence criteria which prohibits barbed wire and/or chain link fence in the front yard. All fences will be required to be permitted. After discussion, the Commission authorized Mr. Marder to take the proposed revisions to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Implementation of a broader cafeteria plan. Mr. Simmons stated that staff is in favor of a cafeteria plan with a spending account as presented by Mr. Murdock at the Work Session of April 13. It is hopeful that the City will be able to piggy back on Seminole County's 208 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida 3:30 P.M. WORK SESSION April 27 19-- 98 contract with Professional Insurance Corporation; however, the City has been unable to obtain a copy of that contract, after several requests. Mr. Murdock of Professi0nal Insurance Corporation appeared and reported that his company has an employer agreement and there is a signed agreement between Seminole County and P.I.C. Mr. Simmons asked Mr. Murdock to supply a copy of the contract to the City within a few days so it will be available for discussion at the next Commission Work Session. The Mayor recessed the meeting for approximately 16 minutes, then reconvened it. FY1998/99 personnel requests. A summarized list of FY 98/99 departmental personnel requests and reclass/regrade considerations was l submitted from Tim McCauley, Human Resources Director. Mr. Simmons said that the requests will show up in the budget which the Commission will receive in late June, however, he wanted each Department Head who made a request to make comments to the Commission. Charles Rowe, Director of Community Development, requested the addition of one Building Inspector, one Plans Examiner, and one Secretary to the Building Division, the addition of three Code Enforcement Inspector positions to the CE Division, and one Community Development Officer to the CD Division. Mr. Rowe noted that on the matrix there was an error in the calculation of the addition of three Code Enforcement Inspector positions; the cost is $95,529 instead of $154,215. Mr. Rowe said the Building Inspector and the Plans Examiner positions could potentially be combined, however, the individual would need to have all of the certifications required for the position. The combination of the two positions could be a Code Compliance Inspector HI position paying $31,958, resulting in a savings of $25,264 which is the difference between the combined salaries of a Building Inspector and a Plans Examiner. Mr. Rowe said that the Community Development Department is experiencing and anticipates a considerable amount of development in the future which will require inspections, thus the request for additional employees. The request for three additional Code Enforcement Inspector positions is an attempt to respond to the request to push code enforcement into the proactive realm, and it is necessary to have additional staff to handle the cases. Because of the potential additional cases, more code enforcement meetings would be needed, more paperwork would be handled, thus the need for an additional secretary position. Commissioner Eckstein requested that Mr. Rowe provide a flow chart showing each position and what their duties are/will be. Commissioner Lyons suggested filling the current position of Building Inspector and add another Building Inspector if necessary, 'and look at one additional Code Enforcement Inspector. Commissioner Eckstein suggested Mr. Rowe reorganize the Community Development Department. Commissioner Williams asked that Mr. Rowe provide a list of positions by priority. Mayor Dale requested that Mr. Rowe work on a flow chart, get with Mr. Simmons, and provide all pertinent information regarding his request for future review, including all budget costs. The Commission requested that in the future, f,~ue'~sfor additional positions and reclassi~cation/regrades include benefit costs and show the current staffing ~. 1~718672 City MINUTES Commission, Sanford, Florida 3:30 P,M. WORK SESSION 209 April 2719 98 Joe Dillard, Chief of Police, requested one Office Assistant and one Police Corporal to the Administration Division, five Police Officer positions to Uniform Division, two Police Officer positions, one Property Custodian/Supply Clerk position, and one Community Service Officer to Investigation Division. ChiefDillard said that the Police Corporal position would be used to apply for and monitor grams, seek additional grants, assist in the administrative duties, assist the Platoon Commander, and be utilized as a back up for a supervisor or Corporal. He said there are several people who are on light duty and additional staff is needed. Commissioner Eckstein asked Mayor Dale, as liaison officer to the Police Department, to speak with Chief Dillard regarding utilizing those persons on light duty to write and monitor grants and assist in training. Mayor Dale suggested that ChiefDillard meet with the City Manager regarding the personnel requests for the police department. City Manager Simmons requested one Deputy City Manager to City Manager's Office, one Safety Coordinator to City Manager/Human Resources office, one Secretary position to City Manager/City Clerk Office, and the reclassification of one Administrative Secretary position to Deputy City Clerk. Mayor Dale said the person utilized as Administrative Secretary to the Mayor and Commission should be reclassified to Administrative Assistant to the City Commission, and said he would like to look into that if there was not a whole lot of difference in the pay between the positions. Commissioner Lessard said Diane wears many hat~ pretty well and works hard. Mayor Dale said she also goes into the field when the Commissioners are not able to do something, as do the County Administrative Assistants. City Manager Simmons reported the City may not have an Administrative Assistant classification, and he will compile information and review it with the Mayor. Mike Kirby, Director of Recreation and Parks, requested two Maintenance Worker I positions, and the regrade of two Pesticide Technician positions from Level 05 to 06 in the Parks/Grounds Maintenance Division. City Manager Simmons said that the regrading is a problem in terms of fitting it into our new pay scale; it will require further review, and he may not make the recommendation, because it would change the fabric of the interrelationship between the pay scales. Jay Marder, Director of Planning and Development, requested one Land Development Inspector position, the reclassi~cation of the position of Director of Plauning & Development to Director of Engineering & Planning (title change only), and the reclassification of the position of Professional Engineer to City Engineer (title change only). Mr. Marder said the Land Development Inspector position was needed for Zoning, to go into the field to do routine inspections currently handled by the Land Development Coordinator, and to handle the tremendous amount of increased paper work generated by the Plans Review Committee. Tom Hickson, Fire Chief, requested one Office Assistant position or one Secretary, and one Fire Protection Inspector to the Administration Division. Mayor Dale said that he would like for the City be proactive in educating the public in fire prevention. Paul Moore, Director of Utilities, requested the reclassification of one Cross Connection Control Technician position to Senior Utility Inspector, the reclassification of one Reclaimed Water Distribution System Foreman position to Utility Inspector, and the reclassification of one Irrigation Mechanic position to Utility Inspector. 210 E718672 City MINUTES 3:30 Commission, Sanford, Florida P.M. WORK SESSION April 2~ 19-- 87 Commissioner Williams said she would like to appeal to the Commission to seriously consider the positions Charles Rowe is requesting because of the good job they have done in code enforcement and because the City wants to be proactive regarding code enforcement. Board appointments. Not discussed. Regular Agenda items. Late items. and other items. Not discussed. City Manager's report. Not discussed. City Code Review. Not discussed. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Attest: cp E718672 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida 7:00 P.M. REG. MEETING April 2 'l-t 27 19-- 98 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida met in Regular Meeting on Monday, April 27, 1998, at 7:00 o'clock P.M. in the City Commission 'Room, City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida. Present: Mayor-Commissioner Larry A. Dale Commissioner Whitey Eckstein Commissioner Velma H. Williams Commissioner Brady Lessard Commissioner Kerry D. Lyons City Attomey William L. Colben City Manager William A. Simmons City Clerk Janet R. Dougherty The Chairman called the meeting to order. Presentation of the 1998 Pete Knowles Service Award. On motion of Commissioner Eckstein, seconded by Commissioner Willjams and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: Resolution No. 1784, entitled: was adopted. Mayor-Commissioner Dale Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Lyons Aye A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, THANKING AND COMMENDING MICHAEL J. GOOD FOR H/S SERVICES TO THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA AND ITS CITIZENS AND AWARDING HIM THE FOURTEENTH ANNUAL WARREN E. "PETE" KNOWLES SERVICE AWARD Mayor Dale read Resolution 1784 in full and presented it to Mr. Good along with a plaque recognizing him as the recipient of the Warren E. "Pete" Knowles Service Award 1998, and thanked him for everything he has done for the community. Citizen participation. Kelton Sweet, 1204 Palmetto Avenue, appeared to report a complaint that he has regarding 1217 Palmetto Avenue, located at the comer of Palmetto Avenue and 13th Street. He said the house is abandoned and has been a burden and a constant source of trouble in the neighborhood, with police making frequent visits, vagrants and prostitutes live in the house, or otherwise do business, and that he is continually picking up crack haggles and beer bottles from the area around the house. Mr. Sweet said that before he moved to the neighborhood, construction ceased on the house because alterations were being done which were not in accordance with the historic code. New owners purchased the house and did not return it to the guidelines required by the historic code. Mr. Sweet asked that the house be tom down. City Manager Simmons stated that the minutes of the meeting of April 13, show the property in question was condemned, with the owner given thirty days to repair or demolish. James Thomas, 1210 Magnolia Avenue, appeared and reported that he lives behind the laundromat located in the plaza on the 1200 block of Park Avenue. He is concerned about the door behind the laundry being open from moming until 11:00 P.M. The back door is used as the entrance and exit and people loiter there and make noise during all hours of day and night. There is a blaring television set that sits by the door. Mr. Thomas questioned whether it was legal, and whether there was an ordinance that governs if there can be an entrance into an establishment from an alley. Also, E718672 MINUTES City 'Commission, Sanford, Florida 7:00,R~G.MEETING April 27 19-- 98 there is a light above the door of the laundromat that shines so brightly that he can sit in his yard in the dead of the night and read. Mayor Dale said there is a new ordinance that addresses the light issue, which doesn't allow the glare of light into adjacent properties. Mr. Colbert said that the Code Enforcement Department can determine whether there is an issue regarding the open door. Sidney Spence, 1407 West 13th Street, owner of a restaurant, appeared and reported that the City had revoked his license at the last meeting due to code enforcement violations. He said that he has taken the steps necessary to bring the restaurant up to code, and that he passed his inspection today. There is still a problem with holes in the parking lot beside his restaurant, however, the parking lot doesn't belong to him; he has been given permission by the owner to use the parking lot. Mr. Spence said he has discussed the problems regarding his business with the police department, and said He is willing to do whatever is necessary to keep his business open, because it is his that he will work with them. livelihood. Mr. Rowe reported that Mr. Florian, Acting Building Official, inspected the building today, and all of the violations have been taken care of. Mr. Spence provided a letter today which gives him authority to use the parking lot. Mr. Rowe said there is a meeting planned for 10:00 A.M. on Wednesday, April 291h, between himself, Police ChiefDillard, and Mr. Spence to discuss any additional concerns. Commissioner Willjams moved to re-issue the occupational license and the alcoholic beverage certificate of registration. Seconded by Commissioner Eckstein and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: Approval of minutes. Mayor-Commissioner Dale Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Lyons Aye Commissioner Williams moved to approve the minutes of City Commission April 9, 1998 Special Meeting, April 13, 1998 Work Session and April 13, 1998 Regular Meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Lessard and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Dale Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Lyons Aye Public hearinff to consider closing. vacating and abandonine a noah-south alley between West 14th Street and West 15th Street and between Oak Avenue and Elm Avenue. Ad published April 9, 1998, owners notified March 30, 1998, and property posted April 9, 1998. Mayor Dale said the City had received the appropriate letters from the utility companies stating there is no objection, providing the alley is retained as a utility easement. There is a recommendation from the Plans Review Committee to vacate and retain the alley as a services easement, with no structures permitted in the easement. E718672 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida &:00 P.M. REG. MEETING April 213. 27 19 98 Mayor Dale reported the Commission would hear from those persons present to speak for, or in opposition to, Ordinance No. 3408. William Stallins appeared and reported that he is the applicant, and that he and a neighbor own the property adjacent to the alley, and she has no objection. Commissioner Lessard moved to approve the first reading of Ordinance No. 3408 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, CLOSING, VACATING, AND ABANDONING THAT CERTAIN NORTH-SOUTH ALLEY LYING BETWEEN WEST 14TH STREET AND WEST 15TH STREET AND BETWEEN OAK AVENUE AND ELM AVENUE IN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, RESERVING AN EXCLUSIVE CITY OF SANFORD PUBLIC SERVICES EASEMENT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. Seconded by Commissioner Williams and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Dale Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Lyons Aye Public hearin~ to consider second readin~ and adoption of Ordinance No. 3399 re: annexine a portion of the property between Celery Avenue and First Drive extended easterly and between Brisson Avenue and Mission Boulevard (2221 E. Celery Avenue). Ad published April 16 and 23, 1998. Mayor Dale reported the Commission would hear from those persons present to speak for, or in opposition to, Ordinance No. 3399. No one appeared. Commissioner Lessard moved on the second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 3399, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, TO ANNEX WITHIN THE CORPORATE AREA OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, UPON ADOPTION OF SAID ORDINANCE, A PORTION OF THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY LYING BETWEEN CELERY AVENUE AND FIRST DRIVE EXTENDED EASTERLY AND BETWEEN BRISSON AVENUE AND MISSION BOULEVARD (2221 E. CELERY AVENUE); IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE VOLUNTARY ANNEXATION PROVISIONS OF SECTION 171.044, FLORIDA STATUTES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. Seconded by Commissioner Lyons and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Dale Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Lyons Aye Public hearing to consider second readin~ and adoption of Ordinance No. 3400. re: authorizing six (6) additional Fire~flhter/Paramedie positions in the Fire Department and adoprint an amended Classification and Pay Plan. Ad published April 16, 1998. Mayor Dale reported the Commission would hear from those persons present to speak for, or in opposition to, Ordinance No. 3400. No one appeared. Commissioner Lessard moved on the second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 3400, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 3361, AND ITS AMENDMENTS, TO AUTHORIZE SIX (6) ADDITIONAL FIREFIGHTER/PARAMEDIC POSITIONS IN THE FIRE DEPARTMENT AND ADOPTING AN AMENDED CLASSIZFICATION AND PAY PLAN; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. 214 E718672 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida 7:00 P.M. REG. MEETING April 27 19-- 98 Seconded by Commissioner Williams and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Dale Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Willjams Aye Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Lyons Aye Public hearing to consider second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 3401, re: annexing a portion of the property between W. 281h Street and Laurel Drive and between Park Avenue S. and Oak Avenue extended southerly (2804 S. Park Avenue). Ad published April 16 and 23, 1998. Mayor Dale reported the Commission would hear from those persons present to speak for, or in opposition to, Ordinance No. 3401. No one appeared. Commissioner Williams moved on the second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 3401, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, TO ANNEX WITHIN THE CORPORATE AREA OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, LIPON ADOPTION OF SAID ORDINANCE, A PORTION OF THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY LYING BETWEEN WEST 28TH STREET AND LAUREL DRIVE AND BETWEEN PARK AVENUE SOUTH AND OAK AVENUE EXTENDED SOUTHERLY (2804 SOUTH PARK AVENUE); IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE VOLUNTARY ANNEXATION PROVISIONS OF SECTION 171.044, FLORIDA STATUTES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. Seconded by Commissioner Lyons and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Dale Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Lyons Aye Public hearing to consider second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 3402, re: annexing a portion of the property between Narcissus Avenue and West First Street and between Riverview Avenue and Rand Yard Road. Ad published April 16 and 23, 1998. Mayor Dale reported the Commission would hear from those persons present to speak for, or in opposition to, Ordinance No. 3402. City Manager Simmons noted that the effective date will. be immediately upon adoption of the Seminole County and City of Sanford Inte~ocal Agreement between the parties to preserve Seminole County' s zoning jurisdiction over the parcel. Commissioner Lessard moved on the second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 3402, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, TO ANNEX WITHIN THE CORPORATE ARE AREA OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, LIPON ADOPTION OF SAID ORDINANCE, A PORTION OF THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY LYING BETWEEN NARCISSUS AVENUE AND WEST FIRST STREET AND BETWEEN RIVERVIEW AVENUE AND RAND YARD ROAD; IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE VOLUNTARY ANNEXATION PROVISIONS OF SECTION 171.044, FLORIDA STATUTES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. Seconded by Commissioner Williams and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Dale Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Lyons Nay E718672 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida 7:00 P.M. REG. MEETING April 27 1998 Public hearing teconsiO_e~.sQc_ond readingshal adoption of Ordinance No. 3403. re: annexing a_portion of the property between Ross Street and East Airport Boulevard and between Me!lonville Avenue and Sanford Avenue (1220 E. Airport Boulevard). Ad published April 16 and 23, 1998. Mayor Dale reported the Commission would hear from those persons present to speak for, or in opposition to, Ordinance No. 3403. No one appeared. Commissioner Lyons moved on the second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 3403, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FI,ORDA, TO ANNEX WITHIN THE CORPORATE AREA OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, UPON ADOPTION OF SAD ORDINANCE, A PORTION OF THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY LYING BETWEEN ROSS STREET AND EAST AIRPORT BLVD. AND BETWEEN MELLONVILLE AVENUE AND SANFORD AVENUE; IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE VOLUNTARY ANNEXATION PROVISIONS OF SECTION 171.044, FLOR/DA STATUTES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. Seconded by Commissioner Williams and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Dale Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Lyons Aye Public hearing to consider second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 3404. re: rezoning a portion of the property between Rinehart Road and CR 46A and between Rinehart Road and Oregon Avenue South, from (AG) Agricultural to (PD) Planned Development. Ad published April 16, 1998. Mayor Dale reported the Commission would hear from those persons present to speak in favor of, or in opposition to, Ordinance No. 3404. No one appeared. Commissioner Lyons moved on the second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 3404, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 3117 OF SAD CITY; SAID ORDINANCE BEING A ZONING PLAN; SAD AMENDMENT TO REZONE THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY LYING BETWEEN RINEHART ROAD AND COUNTY ROAD 46A AND BETWEEN RINEHART ROAD AND OREGON AVENUE SOUTH FROM AG (AGRICULTURAL) TO PD (PLANNED DEVELOPMENT) PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. Seconded by Commissioner Williams and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Dale Aye Commissioner Eckstein Nay Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Lyons Aye Public hearin? to consider second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 3406, re: amending Chapter 2. Administration. Article XVI entitled Fire~ffhters Retirement System: Sections 2-281 through 2-292. of the City Code. Ad published April 16, 1998. Mayor Dale reported the Commission would hear from those persons present to speak in favor of, or in opposition to, Ordinance No. 3406. Commissioner Lessard moved on the second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 3406, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 2, ADMINISTRATION, ARTICLE XVI OF THE CITY CODE ENTITLED FIREFIGHTERS RETIREMENT SYSTEM; SECTIONS 2-281 THROUGH 2-292, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANFORD; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 216 E718672 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida 7:00 P.M. REG. MEETING April 27 19.-- 98 Seconded by Commissioner Williams. Mr. Lazar was present and questioned the 2.97% versus the prior discussion about 3%. Mayor Dale said 2.97% was recommended by the Pension Fund Board and that it was discussed by the Pension Fund Board and the Commission. The motion was carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Dale Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Willjams Aye Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Lyons Aye Public hearing to consider second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 3405. re: rezoning a portion of the property between SR 46 West and West 5th Street and between Aero Lane and South White Cedar Road from Seminole County's C-1 and MR-2 (Commercial and Multiple Family Dwelling Residential) to PD (Planned Development). Ad published April 16, 1998. Mayor Dale reported the Commission would hear from those persons present to speak in favor of, or in opposition to, Ordinance No. 3405. No one appeared. Commissioner Eckstein moved on the second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 3405, entitled: AN ORDiNANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDiNG ORDiNANCE NO. 3117 OF SAID CITY; SAID ORDiNANCE BEiNG A ZONING PLAN; SAID AMENDMENT TO REZONE THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY LYING BETWEEN SR 46 WEST AND WEST 5TH STREET AND BETWEEN AERO LANE AND SOUTH WHITE CEDAR ROAD FROM SEMINOLE COUNTY' S C-1 AND MR-2 (MULTIPLE FAMILY DWELLiNG RESIDENTIAL) TO PD (PLANNED DEVELOPMENT) PROVIDiNG FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. Seconded by Commissioner Williams and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Dale Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Lyons Aye Public hearing to consider second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 3407. re: amending and restating Chapter 2, Administration, Article XV. Police Officers' Retirement System. Sections 2-261 through 2-272, of the City Code. Ad published April 16, 1998. Mayor Dale reported the Commission would hear from those persons present to speak in favor of, or in opposition to, Ordinance No. 3407. No one appeared. Commissioner Williams moved on the second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 3407, entitled: AN ORDiNANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD AMENDiNG AND RESTATiNG CHAPTER 2, ADMINISTRATION, ARTICLE XV, POLICE OFFICERS' RETIREMENT SYSTEM, SECTIONS 2-261THROUGH 2-272, OF THE CODE OF ORDiNANCES OF THE CITY OF SANFORD; PROVIDiNG FOR SEVERABILITY OF PROVISIONS; REPEALiNG ALL ORDiNANCES iN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND PROVIDiNG AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Seconded by Commissioner Eckstein and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Dale Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Willjams Aye Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Lyons Aye E718672 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida 7:00 P.M. REG. MEETING April 217 27 ]998 Consideration of request to reestablish a non-conforming use (multi-family in a single-family zone) at 1115 Myrtle Avenue. City Manager Simmons reported the non conforming use for property located at 1115 ½ Myrtle Avenue was lost as a result of the garage apartment being vacant for over two years. The City Code provides that any discontinuation of a lawfully existing non-conforming use for longer than six months will result in loss of the "grand fathering". Ms. Plyler, the owner, wants to move into the garage apartment. The house is leased to a tenant. Mr. Simmons recommended that if the Commission wants to favorably consider the reestablishment of the non-conforming use, that the Commission authorize Ms. Plyler to apply to the Planning and Zoning Commission for appropriate action in this matter. Commissioner Lyons moved to authorize Ms. Plyler to apply to the Planning and Zoning Commission for a recommendation regarding re-establishing the non-conforming use of her property. Seconded by Commissioner Willjams and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Dale Aye Commissioner Eckstein Nay Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Lyons Aye First reading of Ordinance No. 3409, re: amending the Personnel Rules and Regulations, Educational Assistance Repayment method and Hours Worked for Overtime Calculation City Manager Simmons requested that Ordinance No. 3409 be tabled for two weeks because it covers two subjects and there are anomalies which must be sorted. Commissioner Lyons moved to table the first reading of Ordinance No. 3409 for two weeks. Seconded by Commissioner Lessard and carded by the vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Dale Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Lyons Aye First reading of Ordinance No. 3410. re: removal of junk cars on private property Commissioner Eckstein moved on the first reading or Ordinance 34 10, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION 11-30, "KEEPING OF JUNK CARS, PARTS AND DEBRIS WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF SANFORD, FLORIDA; EXCEPTION" OF THE SANFORD CITY CODE, AND AMENDING SCHEDULE F, SECTION 6, "INOPERABLE OR UNLICENSED VEHICLES" OF THE SANFORD LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATION, TO DELETE THOSE SECTIONS IN 'lrI-tEIR ENTIRETY AND ADD DEFINITIONS; PROVIDING FOR ABANDONMENT OF VEHICLES; PROVIDING FOR ALLOWING VEHICLES TO REMAIN OVER THIRTY (30) DAYS; PROVIDING FOR PENALTY; PROVIDING FOR CIVIL ACTION; PROVIDING FOR KEEPING PROHIBITED; PROVIDING FOR REMOVAL OF JUNK VEHICLES ON PUBLIC PROPERTY; PROVIDING FOR REMOVAL OF JUNK VEHICLES LOCATED ON PRIVATE PROPERTY; PROVIDING FOR POWER OF CITY COMMISSIONERS TO CONTRACT FOR REMOVAL; PROVIDING FOR COSTS OF REMOVAL; PROVIDING FOR ENTRY POWERS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS, AND EFFECTIVE DATE. Seconded by Commissioner Lyons and carded by the vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Dale Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Lyons Aye Mr. Simmons said he discussed Ordinance No. 3410 with City Attomey Colbert prior to tonight's Regular Meeting to clarify the interpretation of the removal ofjtmk vehicles from private property. The Ordinance is enforceable "218 E718672 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida 7:00 P.M. REG. MEETING April 27 19.-- 98 as written, however, in the case of a violent or physical objection on the part of a property owner, then it may be necessary to get a court order to enforce the Ordinance. Boards: appointments A. Nuisance Abatement Board The City Clerk reported there will be a vacancy due to the expiring term of Dennis Flauding on May 13. Commissioner Williams moved to appoint Joe Young to the Nuisance Abatement Board. Seconded by Commissioner Lyons and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor-CommissionerDale Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Lyons Aye Public Employees Relations Commission The City Clerk reported there is one vacancy, and in accordance with the PERC enacting legislation, City Manager Simmons has appointed George Wallace, subject to the City Commission's confirmation. Commissioner Willjams moved to confirm the City Manager's appointment of George Wallace to the Public Employees Relations Commission. Seconded by Commissioner Lessard and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Dale Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Lyons Aye Consideration of request from the Community Development Department to reimburse the Demolition/Relocation Grant Fund reMardin~ property at 1404 West 16th Street. Upon recommendation by the City Manager, Commissioner Willjams moved to authorize to reimburse the Demo/Relo Grant Fund from General Fund reserves, the amount of $1,279.28 for a condemnation demolition lien which the Demo/Relo Grant Fund paid in order for the City to convey clear title to the property at 1404 West 16th Street. Seconded by Commissioner Lyons and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: Golf course lease Mayor-Commissioner Dale Aye Commissioner Eckstein Nay Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Lessard Nay Commissioner Lyons Aye City Manager Simmons reported that at the direction of the Commission, City Attomey Colbert sent a letter providing sixty days to cure the lease default and the sixty days expires today. Further, considerable work has been done as a result of three meetings. He said a letter recently received from Mr. Harrison is an indication of willingness to negotiate a settlement. The City Commission has several options, one of which is to proceed with the follow up of the letter of default, directing the City Attorney to take further action. It may be fruitful for the Commission to authorize an extension to a specific date to allow more time to come to closure to avoid a lawsuit. Mr. Simmons recommended that the date of extension be May 26, which is the Commission' s second meeting in May, for staff and Mr. Daniels and his counsel to arrive at an amicable agreement which can be brought back to the Commission. If the Commission chose to go that mute, Mr. Simmons requested that the Commission provide to staff and attomey some guidance regarding the type of E?186'~ MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida 7:00 P.M. REG. MEETING April 219 27 19 98 settlement which is acceptable. As originally posted, the finance director indicates there is an approximate amount of $260,000.00 due to the City. The position taken originally by Mr. Daniels was that there is a credit due of $130,000 for capital improvements, over and above rent due. Mr. Simmons said that assistant City Attorney Reischmann has suggested that the five year statute offimitations according to Florida Statutes would play a significant part. Donna Watt, Finance Director, did another analysis of the apparent amount due based on the last five years and it is approximately $160,000; significantly less than previously calculated. City Manager Simmons doesn't recommend the credit for capital improvements because Seminole County already paid for the required relocation of.greens and tees due to the County's acquisition of a strip along the northern boundary of the golf course. Charles R. Harrison, Attorney 'and Counselor at Law, appeared and reported that it is his position that the money Mr. Daniels uses to make capital improvements on the course are in lieu of rent. However, the purpose for being present at tonight's meeting is to extend to the City the negotiation of a settlement with give and take on both sides. Mr. Harrison requested a thirty day extension to allow time for negotiations with representatives of the City and the City Commission. Commissioner Lyons moved to extend the date to cure the lease default to May 26, and asked Mr. Simmons to report back to the Commission at the next scheduled Commission meeting in two weeks. Seconded by Commissioner Eckstein and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: Consent Agenda Mayor-CommissionerDale Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Willjams Aye Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Lyons Aye Commissioner Lyons moved on Items A. through G. as follows: A. Authorize payment of statements from: (1) From Muller, Mintz, et al for Professional Services March 3, 1998 through March 31, 1998 in amount of $908.82. B. (1) Accept lowest bid which met specifications for Bid No. IFB97/98-41, Centennial Park Gazebo Repair from C. F. Tuohey Construction Company in the amount of $9,760.00. (2) Accept lowest bid which met specifications for Bid No. IFB97/98-65, Underground Utility Locator System from McLaughlin Boring Systems in the amount of $3,115.15. C. Accept COPS Universal Hiring Program grant from U.S. Department of Justice in estimated amount of $297,044 over a three year period effective March 1, 1998, with the City to assume increasing budget responsibility for the four officers over the term of the grant. D. Approval of the request for water service to a portion of the property between Celery Avenue extended easterly and SR 46E and between the St. Johns River and SR 415; River Run, Inc., owner, Rolf Bergrnann, President. Approval of water service to only the portion of the proposed development covered by the Annexation Petition, with applicant to pay all associated costs, City to record the Annexation Petition and consider annexation of the property when it becomes annexable. This approval specifically excludes water service to the remainder of the proposed development, for E718672 22O MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida &:00 P.M. REG. MEETING April 27 98 19-- which water service and annexation have not been requested, and which is owned by a different owner. E. Approval of request from Holy Cross Episcopal Church/Wanda Sherrouse to close 4th Street between Park Avenue and Magnolia Avenue between 8:00 A.M. and 3:00 P.M. on May 2, 1998 in conjunction with the Spring Marketplace Special Event. F. Acknowledge eight (8) invoices in total amount of $43,084.65 from Brantley & Associates ($3,333.00); Lake Jessup Groves, Inc. ($2,700.00); Conklin, Porter and Holmes ($2,067.50, $551.21, $808.73, $17,004.71); Mayfair Country Club ($14,000.00); and Universal Engineering Sciences ($2,619.50) paid during the period for previously approved lump sum contracts per City Commission approval on October 8, 1990 and November 5, 1991. G. Authorize to reimburse Seminole Community College the amount of $155,059.74 for design and construction of a new twelve (12) inch potable water line along College Drive, in accordance with the 1994 Interlocal Agreement with SCC for dedication of a conservation easement for wetland mitigation and installation ofpipelines. The 1994 water line construction cost estimate was $153,938.40 and did not include design fees. The new water line is completed and SCC has invoiced the city for $155,059.74 for design and construction, including $12,147.54 for design. Seconded by Commissioner Willjams and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Dale Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Willjams Aye Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Lyons Aye Consideration of PBA Buildinl~ lease extension Commissioner Lyons moved to extend the lease of the PBA Building for one (1) year, with an opt out provision by either the lessor or lessee with a sixty day notice, if public purpose is needed. Seconded by Commissioner Lessard and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: City Attorney's Report No report. City Clerk's Report. No report. City Manager's Report. Mayor-Commissioner Dale Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Lyons Aye A. Consideration of Proposal from Universal Engineering Sciences to perform Geotechnical Engineering Services (construction materials testing) for the Willow Avenue Drainage Project. City Manager recommends acceptance of Proposal in amount not to exceed $1,697.00. Commissioner Eckstein moved to authorize the contract for Geotechnical Services for the Willow Avenue Drainage Project with Universal Engineering Scien.oes~he st of $ ~[ ~597.00, funded by Stormwater. Seconded by 1~718672 City MINUTES Commission, Sanford, Florida 7:00 P.M. REG. MEETING April 221 27 19.98 Commissioner Willjams and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Dale Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Lyons Aye B. First reading of Ordinance No. 3411, re: annexing a portion of the property lying between East Airport Boulevard and Marquette Avenue and between Red Cleveland Boulevard and Ohio Street. Mayor Dale reported the Commission would hear from those persons present to speak for, or in opposition to, Ordinance No. 3411. No one appeared. Commissioner Lessard moved on the first reading of Ordinance 3411, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, TO ANNEX WITHIN THE CORPORATE AREA OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, UPON ADOPTION OF SAID ORDINANCE, A PORTION OF THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY LYING BETWEEN AIRPORT BOULEVARD EAST AND MARQUETTE AVENUE AND BETWEEN RED CLEVELAND BOULEVARD AND OHIO STREET; IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE VOLUNTARY ANNEXATION PROVISIONS OF SECTION 171.044, FLORIDA STATUTES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. Seconded by Commissioner Lyons and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Dale Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Willjams Aye Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Lyons Aye C. Request from Lake Jessup Groves, Inc./George Wallace to amend the Site 10 Lease. City Manager Simmons reported that George Wallace, representing Lake Jessup Groves, requests the following: 1) Approval to delay the planting of Phase 2 of the citrus area for two years. 2) Approval of an increase in the annual maintenance cost which the City pays for the mowing, herbiciding, and maintenance of the unplanted grove, from $10,800 to $13,500 per year. 3) Approve the planting of watermelon plants on some of the presently unplanted grove areas. Commissioner Lyons moved to approve all three items. Seconded by Commissioner' Eckstein and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Dale Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Lyons Aye D. Ranking of CDBG projects. Commissioner Lessard moved to approve the ranking of the CDBG projects as discussed at tonight' s Work Session, as follows: Strawberry Avenue Sewer Project (Seminole County jurisdiction), 7th Street Sewer Project, Oleander Avenue Sidewalk Project, and Boys and Girls Club Building Improvements. Seconded by Commissioner Lyons and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Dale Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Lyons Aye 222 E718672 City MINUTES Commission, Sanford, Florida 7:00 P.M. REG. MEETING April 27 98 19-- E. Request to rename Lake Gem Park in honor of James L. Dunn Commissioner Lessard moved to approve the request to name Lake Gem Park in lieu of Bay Avenue Park, in honor of James L. Dunn, former City employee. Commission as follows: Seconded by Commissioner Lyons and carried by the vote of the Other items A, Mayor-Commissioner Dale Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Lyons Aye Mr. Simmons reported that the EPA Administrative Order of Consent has been signed by all parties and that he has a completely executed copy on file. The next step will be to pay the City's share into the escrow fund, as is spelled out in the agreement. When the invoice is received it will be treated as a pre-authorized contract amount and will not be brought before the Commission for consent. B. Mr. Simmons reported that he and ChiefHickson received a letter from Insurance Services Office (ISO) which does the rating of fire departments for insurance purposes, and the City's Class 5/9 continues to apply. City Commissioners' Reports. Commissioner Eckstein - No report. Commissioner Willjams- No report. Commissioner Lessard - No report. Commissioner Lyons - No report. Mayor-Commissioner Dale - Reported that the City Manager selection process has been narrowed to four applicants: Mr. Zumwalt, Mr. Dolive, Mr. VanDerworp, and Mr. Rabun. The City Manager has been directed to set up individual interviews with each of the applicants over the next two weeks. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Attest: cp