HomeMy WebLinkAbout021599 sws agenda & min. AGENDA 1999 FES 10 H1 6: 03 - . 'D Special City Commission Meeting 3:00 P.M. on Monday, February 15, 1999 Bettye D. Smith Cultural Arts Building, 119 West 5th Street Sanford, Florida Strategic Planning Work Session Attendees: City Commission Department Directors City Attorney Press Rules: Dress Casual Tum Off Pagers and Cell Phones Break Refreshments Will Be Provided Come Prepared to Participate and Enjoy Yourself AGENDA 1. Introduction and Purpose 2. Reality Check (The City Today) 3. Vision Statements (The City Tomorrow) 4. Goal Formulation (Main Areas to Work on to Realize Vision) 5. Actor Identification (Who Can Make It Happen) 6. Actions To Pursue 7. Align Actions to Goals 8. Organizational Evaluation (Getting the City Ready to Deliver) 9. Future Actions: _ Review action set against current work program. - Adjust work program into Action Plan. - Publish results for community input. _ Set Fiscal Year 1999/2000 Action Plan and Budget ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THE ABOVE MEETING OR HEARING HE MAY NEED A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS INCLUDING THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE WHICH RECORD IS NOT PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD. (FS286.0105) PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES NEEDING ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THESE PROCEEDINGS SHOULD CONTACT THE HUMAN RESOURCES OFFICE ADA COORDINATOR AT 330-5626 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. E718672 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida 3:00 P.M. Special Work Session 523 February 15 1999 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida met in Strategic Planning Work Session on Monday, February 15, 1999, at 3:00 P.M. in the Betrye D. Smith Cultural Arts Building, 119 West 5th Street, Sanford, Florida. Present: Mayor-Commissioner Larry A. Dale Commissioner Whitey Eckstein Commissioner Brady Lessard Commissioner Kerry D. Lyons City Manager Tony VanDerworp City Clerk Janet R. Dougherty City Attorney William L. Colbert Absent: Commissioner Velma H. Williams Introduction and purpose. City Manager Tony VanDerworp reported the purpose of the meeting was to build on previous work done with respect to goals and visioning in the City. The City Manager read a quote from The Ten Steps of Strategic Thinking, by Thomas Howell, "Determine the purpose, establish a vision, assess the extemal and intemal environments, establish short term and long term objectives, prioritize those objectives, analyze the objectives in terms of resistors and assistors, a step by step plan for achieving the objectives and monitoring progress." City Manager VanDerworp said strategic planning is to determine where we are today, what our current environment is, where we want to be tomorrow, who can make the vision happen, what actions to take, implementation of actions, and the monitoring of progress. The City Manager reported there are five tables in the room, each with a place card with a symbol representing a specific thought: boat, hand, light bulb, directional arrows, and stop sign. The City Commission, Directors, and staff were asked to think about why they sat at a particular table and to consider the values, feelings, and actions regarding the symbol at their table. After discussion, a representative from each table reported. Mayor Dale reported his group, the boat symbol, discussed alI of the signs being a part of what makes an organization function. The boat symbolizes the City put into motion through help, ideas, and prudence. It takes a knowledgeable crew to handle specific assignments to sail a smooth ship. He said the City Manager was indicative of the First Mate or Crew Chief and the Mayor and Commission was indicative of the Captain of the ship. Commissioner Lessard, representing the hand symbol, [Commissioner Williams present] said Sanford is an open community and has a lot of blue collar, hard working, God fearing people who work with their hands. Another representation of the hands is that the future is ours to mold as we see fit. Another representation is that Sanford needs special help because of its socioeconomic base. Charles Rowe, representing the light bulb symbol, said Sanford was created as the idea of a developer, General Henry Sanford, and is an idea whose time has come; combining ideas with actions. Mike Kirby, representing the directional signs, said the signs are representative of the different things happening in Sanford. The signs also represent Sanford as the transportation hub of the area, with the interstate, the airport, the rail road, and the water. The pole could represent the City and the arrows could represent the direction given by various departments to solve a problem. Ray Bronson, representing the stop sign, said Sanford is a good stopping place for retirement. The stop sign could also represent the last navigable portion on the St. Johns River. City Manager VanDerworp said people are attracted by different things and think differently and the Sanford 524 E718672 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Hotida 3.- o0 P.M. Special Work Session February 15 19 99 community is very diverse, however, there is a way to address everyone's needs. Reality Cheek (The City Today). City Attomey Bill Colbert said there are buildings downtown that should be improved. The industrial park, the air base, the historic district, and the tax base are improving. and west side. There is a need to revitalize areas and neighborhoods on the east Diane Crews said some of the City's major assets are undergoing renovation: Fort Mellon Park, Touhy Park, Historic Sanford Memorial Stadium, and Coastline Park. Several of the City's parks need new equipment. Howard Jeffdes said the City's drainage system needs improvement, that Seminole Boulevard is in disrepair, and reclaimed water needs to be available to more areas. Jerry Herman said more roads are needed for new development. Commissioner Willjams said there are many unpaved streets on the west side. Commissioner Eckstein said the City's educational system is superior in the State of Florida. Jerry Herman said the City has a low tax base and therefore has a high tax rate.. Industry and commerce on the west side are increasing the tax base. Andrew VanGaale said the City's services are very good; an example would be the Soap Box Derby which receives national recognition. Commissioner Lessard said the millage rate is progressive and the development of large scale businesses should be encouraged. [The Commission took a break and reconvened.] Vision Statements (The City Tomorrow). Joe Denaro said in the future the condition of the City would be revitalized with a higher occupancy rate of commercial buildings, and the quaint and homey neighborhood trend should continue. Mayor Dale said he would like to see a higher quality of development, because Sanford is in the primary growth corridor of one of the major economic metropolitan areas of the world. ~ qhris Smith said the City' s parks and other facilities such as the waterfront and the stadium allow the City to host nationally recognized events. The City offers facilities for every occasion. Jerry Herman said the Riverwalk is going to be a big asset to Sanford. Mayor Dale said the opportunities which will be made available through the development of Fort Mellon Park are numerous: a club atop the hotel, a pier for recreational purposes, tour boat opportunities, etc. Tom Hickson said the City could become the transportation hub of the area to meet future needs because of the major roads and all of the methods of transportation available in the City. The City's boundaries have been squared off and utilities have been extended to meet the needs. Donna Watt said the City' s roads should be paved and well maintained. The City Manager said the roads should be landscaped throughout the City. Ron Neel said the City's educational system is excellent and should be marketed with an excellent image. The City should have more vocational education oppommities to provide a skilled labor pool for industry. Commissioner Williams said education should be accessible to the communities. municipal workers. expanded. Jerry Herman said there needs to be a public works academy for Ray Bronson said the mentality used in the Park on Park project, which involved the community, should be Commissioner Lessard said the level of the City's services should continue to be provided in the future at competitive costs, offering the best possible services at the lowest possible costs. Regarding taxes, he doesn't think there E718672 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida3:00 M. Special Work Session 525 February 15 19 99 should be a millage rate in the future. Joe Denaro said property values should be higher and family incomes should increase. Industries relocating to this area would have an effect on the property values and per capita income. Ron Neel said there should be upscale housing opportunities. The City Manager said there should be diverse housing opportunities. Andrew VanGaale said economic development and educational programs reduce crime. The proposed Charter change and possible administrative changes in the Police Department will make the Sanford Police Department a premier, state of the art service to Central Florida. Chuck Hargrove said there should be diversified leadership which includes the government and the community, with focus groups from each district. Actor Identification (Who Can Make it Happen). Mayor Dale said the news media is vital to projecting a positive image of the City. Regional involvement should include the following: Seminole County, Seminole County School Board, St. Johns River Water Management District, Department of Community Affairs, Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Coast Guard, Federal Govemment environmental agencies, Board of Realtors, Housing and Urban Development, Code Enforcement Board, Seminole County Sheriff's Department, the Judicial system, Seminole County tax assessor, Metropolitan Planning Organization, Lynx, Federal Aviation Authority, Florida Department of Transportation, Community Redevelopment Agency, Fraternal Order of Police, Port Authorities, Tourist Development Commission, Department of Defense, citizen groups, youth groups, Auto Train, hospitals, insurance agencies, banks and financial institutions, developers, industrial developers, consultants, tourists, the health department, social services, contractors, and citizens. Strengths. Mike Kirby said many of the City's employees are involved in community affairs and volunteer oppommities. The staff is willing to cooperate between departments to achieve a goal. The education level of the staff has increased because they have taken advantage of the educational reimbursement policy. These employees represent resources that can be tapped for meeting the needs of the next century. Weaknesses and Actions Needed. Charles Rowe said some of the weaknesses are lack of vision and goals. He said the inflexible job classification system results in too many specialists versus fostering generalists which forces members to narrowly define job duties. Paul Moore said it is necessary to communicate strategic planning results to all members. Further, it is necessary to develop broad- based job descriptions and the ability to assign staff special projects within and between departments. Mr. Rowe said a lack of communication between departments results in inefficiency. The management team meets regularly and communicates goals to staff. An example of effective communication is the ability of Police and Public Works staff to initiate code enforcement cases. Mr. Moore said it is necessary to hold regular management member meetings to communicate organizational vision changes in the way business is done, and use the business planning process to identify areas of departmental overlap and ways to maximize service deficiencies. Mr. Rowe said the performance standards foster mediocrity; the rating system allows marginal performers to maintain their jobs and receive pay raises. The City has no way to recognize and reward outstanding and innovative employees. Mr. Moore said performance system revisions are underway to include evaluations for teamwork, attitude, recognition for providing a new service and for a cost efficient way to provide existing 526 E718672 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida3:a0 P.M..qp,~,c-ial Work Session February 15 19 99 services, excellence in customer service, etc. Mr. Rowe said the hierarchy structure fosters inefficiency and poor customer service. Mr. Moore said a new organizational chart is being developed to empower members to do their jobs. Mr. Rowe said that supervisors have come up through the ranks without receiving necessary training. The City has rewarded hard working staff by promoting them to supervisory positions without arming them with the training and skills necessary to do their job. Mr. Moore said it is necessary to start a comprehensive mandatory supervisor training program, including performance measurement, customer service, and supervisory skills. Mr. Rowe said new employees are not being indoctrinated into the City's vision. They receive an orientation which includes benefits, personnel rights, and the appeal process, but it is necessary for them to know what the City is about, what performance and attitude is needed to perform their job to make the City a rewarding place to work. Mr. Moore said that orientation for new employees needs to include the City's vision and goals, familiarization with City's departments, citizen groups and socioeconomic problems. Mr. Rowe said that departments often react to public demands as opposed to pro-actively addressing service needs. Mr. Moore said that action needed is a multi-year capital budget business plan and project prioritization. Actions to pursue. The City Manager said actions will be to review the current work program, adjust the work program into an action plan, publish the results for community input, and set the budget according to the action plan. Mayor Dale said that future strategic planning sessions should include the Sanford Airport staff and the Sanford Housing Authority Staff. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Attest: ¢t/ty Clerk cp