HomeMy WebLinkAbout042202 ws/rm min. MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida WORK SESSION APRIL 22 282 E~I01414g The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida met in Work Session on Monday, April 22, 2002, at 4:00 P.M. in the City Manager's Conference Room, Sanford City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida. Present: Mayor-Commissioner Brady Lessard Commissioner Whitey Eckstein Commissioner An Woodruff Commissioner Randy Jones Commissioner Velma Williams City Manager Anthony VanDerworp City Clerk Janet Dougherty Absent: Conmissioner Whitey Eckstein (joined the meeting at 5:05 P.Mo) Commissioner Randy Jones (joined the meeting at 4:34 P.M.) City Attomey William L. Colbert The Chairman called the meeting to order at 4:03 P.M. Interview of nrosnective board annointees. Historic Preservation Board. Linda Daniels, Dr. Eric Zendell, and Thomas D. Goodman were interviewed by the Commission for the current Board vacancy. In addition, the applications of James Ross Lee and Stephanie Powers were provided to the Commission for review. [Commissioner Williams left the meeting.] Second quarter lighting, undate. Historic District streetlight pilot project, Tom George, Public Works Project Manager, outlined the Historic District streetlight pilot project for the Commi_~ion. [Commissioner Williams returned to the meeting.] Additional comments were made by Russell Lord of the Sanford Historic Trust, who said that the organization was committed to paying for the installation of electricity for the pilot program, and up to 200 residential lights overall. The Commission directed Mr. George to move forward with the pilot project. City street lighting. Mr. George distributed a quarterly streetlight update to the Commission. Discussion re~ardin~ fundin~ Lynx ADA services. Jay Marder, Director of Planning and Community Development, said that Seminole County had requested $96,000 from the City of Sanford to help fund the Lynx ADA services currently being provided to citizens. Mr. Marder said that staff recommended preparation of a letter from the Commission to the County in support of the ADA component Lynx for an undetermined amount. [Commissioner Jones joined the meeting during this item.] [Commissioner Williarns left the meeting.l Discussion re~ardinl Police Denartment mort~a~,e incentive Dropram. City Manager VanDerworp reviewed the ordinance, which was placed on the agenda for first reading at tonight's regular meeting, and he said that the accompanying resolution had been provided to the Commission tbr its early review. [Commissioner Williams returned to the meeting.] [Commissioner Eekstein joined the meetivqg during this item.] Discussion of Regular A~enda items, Add-on items, and other items. City Manager VanDerworp advised the Commission of a change in Consent Item No. 9, "Paw Park 1 ~ Anniversary Celebration," which was originally requested from 9:00 AoMo to 4:00 P.M. The amended request is from 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. The City Manager also told the Commission that the Historic District streetlight pilot project would be an add-on item for tonight's regular meeting. MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida WORK SESSIONAPRII~ 22 20 02 E001}14148 ............ ~ ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... , Mayor's briefing. Corpznission Liaison/Representative appointments. Mayor Lessard announced that the 2002 appointments would remain the same as the 2001 appointments, unless there were any objections. There were no objections. _C__~__.ty____M_____a__n__ag_e__r__~__s___b___n__'__e_fi_n_ig: Current special projects update/Convention Center status update. JoF, n Jones, Economic Development Manager, distributed a report entitled "City of Sanford Economic Development Department Projects Status: Activity Report Sunrotary, 4/22/02°" He said that also included was a briefing item regarding the Conference Center. Mr..Tones briefly went over the reports and was present to answer questions from the Commission. City of Sanford work program update. City Manager VanDerworp distxibuted a work program chart to the Commission and briefly went over the handout with changes, additions, and profess related to each item. District 6A Championship. City Manager VanDerworp distributed the District 6A championship tournament schedule for the event to be held at the Historic Sanford Memorial Stadium from April 22, 2002 through April 27, 2002. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:35 PoM. Mayor Attest: City Clerk rc MINUTES Fdq REGULAR MEETING APRIL 22 02 City Commission, Sanford, Florida 20~ E00014148 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Horida met in Reg,l__a_r Meeting on Monday, April 22, 2002, at 7:00 PoM. in the City Commission Chambers, City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida. Present: Mayor-Commissioner Brady Lessard ~ ........... Commissioner Whitey Eckstein Commissioner Velma H. Williams : Commissioner Art Woodraft Assistant City Attorney Lonnie N. Groot City Manager Anthony VanDerworp City Clerk Janet Dougherty Absent: Commissioner Randy Jones (joined the meeting at 7:03 p.m.) '~'~"" City Attomey William L. Colbert The Chairman called the meeting to order. Presentation to Anltelin Gordon thanking her for her contributions to the Sanford Housing Authority board. Mayor Lessard presented Angelia Gordon with a plaque in thanks for her outstanding service as vice chairman of the Sanford Housing Authority Board of Commissioners. [Commissioner Jones joined the meeting during this presentation.] Annroyal of Minutes of the Work Session and Regular Meetings of April 8, 2002. Recommended by the City Clerk and the City Manager. Commissioner Jones moved to approve the Minutes ofthe Work Session and Regular Meetings of April 8, 2002. Seconded by Commissioner Williams and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Willjams Aye ............... Commissioner Woodraft Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Consent Al~enda: (1) Annrove payments made durinl~ March 2002; (2) Annrove payment of Ci.ty Attorney's Statement for the month of March 2002; (3) Approve ourchase of five sole source remote telemetry units from Curry. Controls Company at a cost of $38,654; (4) Annrove nil,or-back purchase of Bobcat loader off of a federal contract in the amount ~ of $23,968; (5) Award bid for Phase IH construction of road, curbs, sidewalks, drainage, and utiH.ty facilities of St. Johns Parkway from Unsala Road to Rinehart Road to The Briar Corporation in the amount of $1,937,651; (6) Annrove CPH Enl~ineers Amendment No. 60 in the amount of $24,750 for desilia services for the Utility. Department relocation; Approve Boys & Girls Club of Central Florida, Inc. lease extension for 919 South Persimmon Avenue in the amount of $1.00 annually for a term beginninl~ April 15, 2002 and ending October 15, 2002; (8) Annrove request for use of southeast corner of Sanford/Seminole Coun.ty Chamber of Commerce parking lot from 10:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. on ....... Saturday, April 27, 2002 for "Family and Friends Bar-B-One" special event; annrove retluest to sell and serve alcoholic beveral~es and food outside with proper supervision by the Sanford Police Department durinl~ event; (9) Annrove rectuest for use of Paw Park from 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. on Saturday, May 4, 2002 for "Paw Park Ist Anniversan.' Celebration" special event; annrove street closure of 4j Street from Laurel Avenue to French Avenue, on Saturday, May 4, 20-02, from 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.; annrove request to waive "no parklull' restriction on Laurel Avenue between 3~d Street and 6~ Street during event; annrove request to waive all fees; (10) Annrove request for use of Fort Mellon Park from 8:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. on Saturda;,r, June 1, 2002, and Saturda;,,, July 6, 2002 for "Basketball Tournament" special event; ill} Annrove request for use of old soRball field area next to tennis courts in Fort Mellon Park from 10:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. on Saturday, July 27, 2002 for "2~a Annual Family Day in the Park" special event; (12) Annrove request for City personnel to extend a sanitary sewer line to serve five lots on 7a' Street between Avocado Avenue and MINUTES REGULAR MEETING APRIL 22 02 City Commission, Sanford, Florida 20-- E~1414S ................................................................................................. Pecan Avenue with the owner nayin~ for materials, Oermittin~ and surve.v. Recommended by the City Manager. Commissioner Jones moved to approve Consent items 1 through 12, with Consent Item 9 amended to read a.m. to 5:00 p.m." rather than "9:00 a.m. to 4:00p. m." Seconded by Commissioner Willjams and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Woodraft Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Public Hearint/s. Public henrinil and second readin~ and adonfion of Ordinance No, 3705 to amend Ci.t3r Code, re: amendin~ the Police Officer's Pen__s__i__o__n____P___l_a__n,. Recommended by the City Manager. Ad published April 10, 2002° Commissioner Jones moved to adopt Ordinance No. 3705. Seconded by Commissioner W'dliams and carded by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Woodruff Aye Com_missioner Jones Aye Re: 0,9174- acres of property. !yinl~ between 4~h Street extended easterly and Celery. Avenue and between B~sson Avenue extended northerly and Scott Avenue (2040 Celery. Avenue}~ Janet Gouid-Soenee and Vaul~hn Gould, owners, First reading of Ordinance No. 3706 to amend the future land use map of the Future Land Use Plan Element of the Comprehensive Plan, and change the designation of the property from SE, Suburban Estates~ to LDR-SF, Low Density Residential Single Family. Ad published March 24, 20020 Recommended by the Planning & Zoning Committee, the Director of Engineering & P!aming, and the City Manager. Commissioner Jones moved on the first reading of Ordinance No. 3706. Seconded by Commissioner Woodraft and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Woodruff Aye Commissioner Jones Aye First reading of Ordinance No. 3707 to rezone the property from AG, Agricultural, to SR-1, Single Family Residential. Ad published March 24, 2002. Recommended with conditions by the Planning & Zoning Commission, the Director of Engineering & Planning, and the City Manager. Commissioner Wiltiams moved on the first reading of Ordimance No. 3707. Seconded by Commissioner Jones and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor-Commissioner LessaXd Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Wi!liams Aye Commissioner Woodruff Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Re: 0,968& acres of omoerty. lvina between 4~ Street extended easterly and Cele~' Avenue and between Brisson Avenue extended northerly. and Scott Avenue (2200 Celery Avenue)~ Laura L, Vuiilemot and Daniel J, Reeves, owners, Table consideration to amend the future land use map of the Future Land Use Plan Element of the MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida REGULAR MEETING APRIL22 2~2___ F,~1414~ Comprehensive Plan, and change the designation of the property from SE, Suburban Estates, to LDR-SF, Low Density Residential Single Family, based on the owner's request; and table consideration to rezone the property from AG, Agriculture, to SR- 1, Single Family Residential, with conditions. Ads published March 24, 2002. Recommended by the Planning & Zoning Commission, the Director of Engineering and Planning, and the City Manager. Commissioner Jones moved to table consideration to amend the future land use map ofthe Future Land Use Plan Element ofthe Comprehensive Plan, and change the desigmtbn ofthe property from SE, Suburban Estates, to LDR-SF, Low Density Residential Single Family;, and to table consideration to rezone the property from AG, Agriculture, to SR- 1, Single Family ResidentLaI, with conditions. Seconded by Commissioner Woodruff and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Woodraft Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Aporove Preliminary. Subdivision Phu for Celery. Farms, located at 2250 Celery Avenue, subject to Develo~ament Order No. 00-0013 and with conditions and stioulations. Recommended with conditions and stipulations by the Planning & Zoning Commission, the Director of Engineering & Planning, and the City Manager. Conmissioner 'willjams moved to approve the Preliminary Subdivision Plan for Celery Farms, as recommended, and subject to Development Order No. 00-0013. Seconded by Commissioner Jones and carded by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Wooaft Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Re: Venetian Bay Subdivision, a 92-iot single family residential subdivision located at 2385 West Seminole Boulevard. Bern, Walker and Michael Murray, Central Florida Develoomeut Partners, apolieauts. First reading of Ordinance No. 3712 to adopt the revised Planned Development Master Plan as a restfit of mitigation, subject to conditions and stipulations and subject to execution of Development Order No. 02-0010. Ad published March 10, 2002. Recommended by the Planning & Zoning Commission, the Director of Engineering & Planning, and the City Manager. Commissioner Williams moved on the first reading of Ordinance No. 3712. Seconded by Commissioner Jones and carded by vote of the Comrnission as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner 'williams Aye Commissioner Woodruff Nay Commissioner Jones Aye Approve Preliminary Subdivision Plan subject to conditions and stipulations, and subject to execution of Developmere Order No. 02-0010. Recommended by the Planning & Zoning Commission, the Director of Engineering & Planning, and the City Manager. Commissioner Jones moved to approve the Preliminary Subdivision Plan for Venetian Bay, as recommended, and subject to execution of Development Order No. 02-0010. Seconded by Commissioner Wi!!iams and carded by vote of the Commission as follows: '! MINUTES REGULAR MEETING APRIL 22 1}2 City Commission, Sanford, Florida 20~ E000t4148 ~_ ................................................. Mayor-Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Woodruff Nay Commissioner Jones Aye Consider appeal of/he Plannintl & Zoninil Commission's decision to annrove with conditions a variance to increase the maximum building height for The Groves at Sanford Aoartments and its associated site Dhn (restrict all buildings adioininl! the Sanon Subdivision to two stories based on !and use comnatibilitV)~ Meredith Ao Hatoct, Esq., orillinal aOOlicant/al0OeHant; Clayton Inv Ltd. And CWC Inv Ltd., owners. Ad published April 10, 2002; property owner notified April 5, 2002; property posted April 9, 2002° The Director of Engineering & Plaraing and the City Manager recommend denial of the appeal and affirmation of the Plaming & Zoning Commission' s Februa~ 7, 2002 decision. (During lengthy discussion, artd during quasi°judicial proceeding, City Manager VanDerworp and Commissioners Jones and Willlares briefly left and then rejoined the meetLug, and the meeting was recessed and reconvened on two separate occasions~) Commissioner Woodruffmoved to deny ~he appeal arid affirm the Plarming & Zozting Con-anission's decision of February 7, 2002, based on the record as has been presented in the trark~cript and the supporting documents. Seconded by Commissioner Jones and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Eckstein Nay Commissioner W'ffiiams Nay Commissioner Woodraft Aye Commissioner Jones Aye [A brief recess was called in order to dear the room following this item.] Re~lular items. Board aDoointments. Historic Preservation Board. Commissioner Woodruffmoved to appoint Thomas D. Goodman to the Historic Preservation Board. Seconded by Commissioner Jones and carried by a vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Cormnissioner Willjams Aye Commissioner Woodruff Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Fiat readin~ of Ordinance No, 3710 to annex 0,26 acres of nrolaertY..tYinll between East 28a' Place and East 29~ Street and between Palmetto Avenue extended southerly and Magnolia Avenue (2827 Magnolia Avenue); Jerry W. Lord, and Li!ia B. Lord, owners. Recommended by the Developmen~ Review Team, the Director of Engineering & Planning and the City Manager° Commissioner Jones rmved on the first reading of Ordinance No. 3710. Seconded by Commissioner Woodruff m'xd carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Eckstein ,Aye Commissioner Willjams Aye Commissioner Woodraft Aye Commissioner Jones Aye ~~dini! of Orttinance No. 3711 to annex 0.23 acres of orooerW. located between West 28~ Street and Wicker Court e~xtend~! westerly and between South Park Avenue.and Oak Aven~ie extended southe,17.~j28~t~4S,p,u,~h' Park AvenUe)~ Iris F. Sefried Life Estate, owner. Recommended by the Development Review Team, the lYa'ector of~ngineering & 16iitlming MINUTES REGULAR MEETING APRIL 22 02 City Commission, Sanford, Florida 20-- E00014148 and the City Manager. Commissioner Woodruff moved on the first reading of Ordinance No. 3711. Seconded by Commissioner Williams and carded by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Woodruff Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Consider refund of application fee to Linda Kuhn, applicant, in the matter of the appeal of the P!annin~ & Zonin~ Commission's JanuanJ 17~ 2002 decision to aDDrove a conditional use Dennit for JP Pets at 210-212 Sanford Avenue. The Director of Engineering & Planning and the City Manager recommend taking action as deemed appropriate. Commissioner Woodruffmoved to approve an application fee refund to Linda Kuhn, applicant, in the matter of the appeal of the Planning & Zoning Commission's January 17, 2002 decision to approve a conditional use permit for JP Pets at 210-212 Sanford Avenue. Seconded by Commissioner Willjams and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Woodruff Aye i Commissioner Jones Aye First reading of Ordinance No. 3713 re: Police Department mortgage incentive proltram. Recommended by the Director of Finance and the City Manager. ........... Commissioner Williams moved on the first reading of Ordinance No. 3713. Seconded by Commissioner Jones and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye i Commissioner Woodruff Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Add-on items. Authorize Ci~. narticiOation, in an amount not to exceed $10,000, to ourchase 27 poles and liehts for the Historic District Streetlieht Pilot Project. Reconm~nded by the Director of Public Works and the City Manager Commissioner Woodrutfmoved to authorize City participation, in an amount not to exceed $10,000, to purchase poles and lights for the Historic District Streetlight Pilot Project. Seconded by Commissioner Willlares and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Woodruff Aye Commissioner Jones Ave Information on .hr. Ci~. Attorney's Renort. Ci~. Clerk's Report. City Mana~,er's Report. Citizen Participation. 'MINUTES REGULAR MEETING APRIL 22 City Commission, Sanford, Florida 20~ ..................... ci.tv commi_~_i__0__n___e_n'__R_.__e_p_.0____n___~, Commissioner Woodruff requested direction regarding the lead organization for the 2002 holiday season in Sanford. He suggested further discussion with the Downtown Business Association, and the Commission concurred. Commissioner Jones reported the City should move forward with designing kmprovements for the Park Avenue and 25th Street intersection as it is the eastern access point and a downtown access point. The City Manager reported that there are funds in the current year's budget earmarked for the design/rehabilitation of a couple of parks, some of which could instead be used to cover the estimated cost of design and materials for the Park Avenue and 25th Street intersection improvements of _. approximately $10,000. The Commission concurred that the City Manager move forward with design improvements for all four comers using funds designated for parks rehabilitation. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:56 p.m. Mayor Attest: City Clerk rc