HomeMy WebLinkAbout031003 ws/rm agenda AGENDA Santbrd City Commission Meetings Monday, March 10, 2003 Sanford City Hall, 300 North Park Avcnuc Sanford, Florida WORK SESSION at 4:00 P.M. in the C~ly Manager s Contercucc dom, Second Floor 1. Presentation to Employee of the Month for March 2003. Discussion re: City Manager idb vacancy/selection process. Presentation re: Ciw wide tree trilnming. Discussion re Joint Planning A ' · ' · · greement with Seminole County. Discussion re: removal of pay phones at 12th Street and Park Avenue. 6. Discussiou of Regular Agenda Ite~ns, Add-On Items, and Other Items. 7. Mayor's briefing. 8. Interim City Manager s briefing. REGULAR MEETING at 7:00 P.M. in the City Commission Chan~bers, First Floor Issue Proclamation declaring May 18-24, 2003 as National Public Works Week. Approval of Minntes. February 27, 2003 Tow~ Hall Public Meeting, March 4, 2003 Special Meeting, and March 5, 003 Special Meeting. Recommended by the City Clcrk and the Intcrim City Mm~agcr. Consent A~e nda. Accept proposal from Ardaman aud Associates for groundwater monitoring services al Site 10, Mavfair Golf Course, and Hidden Lake well field, at a cost of $32,215; thnds budgeted in accnunt number 451-4520-536-34-06. Recommended by thc Interim City Manager. Award Bid #IFB 02/03-11 tbr Airport Boulevard/Old Lake Mary Road utilily construction, to Maxwell Contracting, in the amount of $1,373,000, pending receipt of all contract documents and approval by FDEP; funds will come ti'om the S 'ta~e low h~terest loan program and utility impact fee account; .Recommended by the Interim City Manager. Approve request for reduction of Code Entbrcement Board Lien No. 01-1551, 200 Laurel Avenue, Henw Bereks, owner, in the amount of $5,000· Recommended by the Interim Cily Manager. 4 Approve request for St. Patrick's Day Festival/Car Cruise (Main Street) event to be held on City properly (Magnolia Square and 1st Street) from 6:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M. on March 15, 2003; approve street closure of 1st Street from Oak Avenue to Santbrd Avenue; Pahnetto Avenue from Commercial Street to 2nd Streetg Park Avenue t¥om Commercial Street to 2nd Street, on March 15, 2003, fi'om 4:00 P.M. to 11:00 P.M.; approve sale of alcobofic beverages and food outside during the event, with prope, supervision by thc Sautbrd Police Department; and deny request for waiver of fees. Recommended by fl~e Interim City Manager. Assign previously approved Development Agreement and all associated agreements, awards, and approvals originally aoDroved for Suncor Properties Inc., to ROLIHO, Inc. Recommended by the Interim City Manager. Pubfi~ Re: 25.458_+ acres of properly lying between East I~ake Mary Boulevard and Pine Way and betweeu Mellonville Avenue extended southerly and ?mdrcws Road (595 ,M~drews Road) (Magnolia Park PD, Phase II); Kc~mcd~ A. Burke, Rebecca F. Burke, Deborah C. Neuluun, Mary K. Mixon, Jess,ca S. Middlemas, Patricia B. Vassallo, et al., owners; Berry J. Walker, applicant/authorized agent. Tlds' I~(¢lll WgIS ~'Olllilllled at tl~e Dt~cet~tber .9, 2002 Regu]m' Meetblg'. First reading of Ordinance No. 3760, to annex thc property. ~l]~e Director of Plan~fing and Community Development and the Interim City Manager recommend continuance of the Public Hearing to a date certain, wifl~ said date to be based on a m~mmum 30 day lead time from Notice to Proceed with independent project First reading of Ordinance No. 3761, to rezone fl~e property t¥om AG, Agriculture to PD, Planned Development. ~l]~c Director of Planning and Community Development and the Interi~n City Manager recommend continuance of the Public Hearing to a date certain, with said date to be based on a minimum 30 day lead time from Notice to Proceed wifl~ independent project impact analysis. First rcading of Ordinance No. 3775 to vacate a fifty (50) tbot wide east-west right-of-wa~ and adjoining eight (8) tbot alleys and a fourteen (14) foot wide north-south alley between Ma~nolia Avenue and Palmetto Avenue and between East 14th Street and Eas! 15th Street, with conditions; Gracious Age Inc., City of Santbrd, owners. Recommended by the Development Review Team and fl~e Utility Deparunent, the Director of Plamfing and Community Development, and the Interim City Manager; all~cted property owners notified February 21, 2003; property posted February 24, 2003; ads published February 24, 2003. Re: Eckerd Drug Store, an urban infill redevelopment project located at 550 W. 1st Slreet; Thc Capstone Group, owner; Meredith A. Harper, Shutts and Bowen, I J .P, applicant. First reading of Ordinance No. 3777 to vacate that certain fourteen (14) foot wid, no~th-south alley and fl~at ceflain fourteen (14) tbot wide east-west alley lyin[~ between Commercial Street and 1 st Street and between Laurel Avenue and U.S. Hwy. 17-92; Aflkcted properly owners notified February 19, 2003; properly posted February 21, 2003; ad published February 23, 2003. Reconm~ended with conditions by the Direct~)r of Planuing and Commmfity Devclop~nent and the Intcrhn City Managcr. B. Approve Right-of-Way Usc Agreement to allow development and use of ~Commercial Street and Laurel Avenue for private use (parking and truck circulation). Recom~nendcd by thc Dircctor of Planning and Community Development and the Interim City Manager. C. Approve waiver to allow a drive-through facility in Sanford's Transportation Concurrency Exception Area (TCEA). Recommended by the Director of Plmmh~; and Community Devclop~nent and the Interim City Manager. D. Approve Site Plan, including thc ardfitectural desigu of all structures (buildings, signs, fences, lights, dumpster enclosures, etc.), subiect lo conditions and stipulations. Recommended by the Director of Plmnfing and Community Devclop~nent and the Interim City Manager. Condemnation of 815 Hickory Avenue, Condemnation Report No. 03-01, Flossie Baker, owner; 1018 Magnolia Avenue (ffara~e). Condemnation Report No. 03-07, Daniel Charron, owner; 1015 Cypress Avenue, Condemnation Report No. 03-08, Robert Cruz, owner; 1301 W. 13th Street, Condemnation Report No. 03-09, Veronica McCoy, owner. Tbe Director of Plannh~g & Community Development and the Interim City Managc~ recommend the structures be found unsafe, dilapidated, unsanitary or uninhabitable, to condemn said structures, and to give the owners thirty (30) days to repair or demolish; it' property owners fail to effect such demolition and removal or repair within said thirty (30) day period, the City shall demolish and remove the buildings and/or structures, and thc actual cost of said removal and disposal, including administrative costs, will be assessed as ~ lien a~inst the properties. Owucrs notified February 3, 2003; properties posted Februm y 3, 2003; ads published February 23 and March 2, 2003. 1. Condemnation status report for information purpose only; no action required. 2. Approve Preliminary Subdivision Plan for Kay's Landing, a 148 lot single fanfily subdivision located at 800 Vihlen Road, based on rite plan meeting the required standards tbr consideration and its consistency with thc approved Development Order No. 02-0049 and planned Development Master Plan, subject to conditions and stipulations. Recommended by the Planning and Zoning Comnfission, the Director of Planning and Couununity Development, and the Interim City Manager. 3. Approve Final Plat tbr Celery Lakes, Phase 1, for 140 lots of a 299 lot single family subdivision located at 2151 Celery Avenue, based on consistency with the approved Preliminary Subdivision Plan and compliance with Chapter 177 of thc State Statutes. Recommended by thc Planning & Zoning Commission, the Director of Plmmiug mid Community Development, and thc lnterhn City Manager. 4. First reading of Ordinance No. 3778 to an~end City Code, Chapter 9, pertaining to Fire Prevention and Safety. Recommended by thc Fire Chief and the Interim City Manager. Adopt Resolution No. 1927 accepting thc Program Construction Grant Agreement with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection for the construction of the Sanfo~d Riverwalk Stormwater Retrofit Discharge and Sedimentation Control Proiect. Recommended by the Director of Planning and Community Development and the Interim City Manager. Adopt Resolution No. 1928 relating to the State Revolving Loan Progrmn lb, implementation of a Stonnwater Management plan -Reconunended by the Public Works Director and the Interim City Manager. Approve CRA Budget amendments. Recommended by the Interim City Manager. .Authorize execution of Termination of Declaration and Grant of Easements to vaen~. the cross-access easement ivinu within I~rooertv k._-a..'_~J at 3803 U.S. Hwy. 17-9~ ~ Recommended by the Director of Planning and Community Development and the Interim City Manager. _Add-on items. Infom~ation. _C~W Attorney s Repon. _City Clerk's Reporl. Ci Man er's Re orr. Citizen Partici ation. _City Com~nissioncrs' Reports. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MADE WITH RESPECq' TO ANY MATFER CONSIDERED AT THE ABOVE MEETING OR HEARING HE MAY NEED A VERBATIM RECORD OFq~tE PROCI~.DINGS INCLUDING THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE WHICH RECORD IS NOT PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD. (F.S. 286.0105) PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES NEEDING ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THESE PROCEEDINGS SHOUI2) CONTACF THE COORDINATOR AT 407 '~ ....... HUMAN RESOURCES OFFICE ADA --0o~-oo26 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING.