HomeMy WebLinkAbout052703 ws/rm agenda AGENDA Santbrd City Commissiou Meetings Tuesday, May 27, 2003 Sanford City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue Santbrd, Florida WORK SESSION 4:00 P.M. in the City Manager's Conference Room, Second Floor 1. Interview of prospective Board appointees: (R-l) A. Civil Service Board. Interview Lindsay Oyewale. B. Planning & Zoning Commission. Interview Ai~thony W. Brown, Daryl Q. Shofield, and Robert Scgal. 2. Discussion re: City Manager Selection Advisory Committee recommendations. 3. Discussion re: selection of Underwriter for Bond refinancing. (C-7) 4. Discussion of Regular Agenda Items, Add-On Items, and Other Items. .5. Mayor's brieting. A. Seminole County Convention Center/Hotel Project. 6. Interim City Manager's briefing. REGULAR MEI~TFING at 7:00 P.M. in the City Comnfission Chantbers, First Floor Presentations: A. Issue Proclamation recognizing June 2-7, 2003, as Code Enforcement Officers Appreciation Week. B. Adopt and present Resolution No. 1936 which recognizes the contributions of Patty Mahany in her position as Vice President and Chairperson of Marketing and Fund Raising for the Sanford Airport Memorial Committee (SAMC). C. Adopt and prcscut Resolution No. 1937 which recoguizes the contributions of Chief Warrant Officer Sean MaltanV lo thc Sanford Airport Mentor/al Committee in locating an excess ILS. Navy RASC Vieilante aircraft for display at a Memorial at rite tbrmer Santbrd Naval Air Station. Approval of Minutes. May 12, 2003 Work Session and Regular Meeting. Recommended by the City Clerk and Interhn City Manager. Consent Agenda. 1. Approve payments made during April 2003. Recommended by the Interim City Manager. Approve payment of City Attorney's Statement for the month of April 2003. Recommended by the Interim City Manager. J Approve CPH Engineers Amendment No. 70 for engineering services for the desigu of lift station and three-main improvements at the Sanford Airport, in the amount of $159,000; lhnds available in account number 451-4520-536-31-02. Recommended bythe Interim Cily Manager. Approve Subordination of Utility Interests Agreement with Seminole County, and authorize the Mayor to execute the Agreement. Reco~nmended by the Interim City Manager. Approve the Utility Department's Toilet Exchange Rebate Program and the related 50% Cost Share Award for $2,000 from the St. John, s River Water Management District~ ftmds available in account number 451-4510-536-48-00. Recommended by the Interim City Manager. Approve Worker's Compensation settlement with Frank Hcwitt in the an~ount of $330,750, inclusive of attorney's fees. Recommended by the Interim Cily Manager. Authorize selection of either Hough or Hanifen as Underuq4ter tbr Bond refinancing, based on results of negotiations with each firm. Recommended by the Interim City Manager. (WS-3) Approve purchase of fire fighting bunker gear - 26 replacement set of coals and pants, in thc amount of $39,547, from Fisher Safety (l~i~.gv backing Orlando Fire Department's contract); funds available in account number 001-3001-522~52-05. Recommended by the Interim City Manager. Approve contract with Arias Concrete Products, Inc. for ol)enin?_/closing of m-ave snaccs. Recommended by the Interim City Manager. 10. Award the Utility Department portion of the Landscape Maintenance Bid (Bid #IFB 01/02-39) to Bon Terre Group, at an aunual cost of $53,032; funds available in account number 451-4,520-536-34-06. Recommended by the Interim Cily Manager. 11. Award Bid fnr thc purchase and installation of thc Historic Sanford Memorial Stadinm Information Sign to Stewart Signs, in the amount of $32,397~ funds available in account number 001-5501-572-63-60. Recommended by the Interim City Mva~ager. 12. Approve Cost Share Agreements with the St. Johns River Water Management District for reclaimed water system extension for Valencia Court/Mellonvillc Avenue/Montezuma Street, in the an~ount of $39,960, and Woodfield Drive, in the amount of $60,040; City's share of the funds will come from account number 451-4530-536453-00; upon approval of this Agreement, Bill Marcous will be eligible for the Employee Grant Inceutivc Progrmn (EGIP). Recommended by thc Interim City Manager. 13. Authorize execution of Glatting.lackson Work Order No. 13 for professional engineering consulting services as part of the overall coordinaiion of master plan improvements for the Downtown Revitalization Plan for the City, on a fixed fee basis contract not to exceed $5,000 without prior City approval; funds available in account number 001-1010-519-31-03. Recommended by thc Interim City Manager. 14. Approve Change Order No. 3 t}om Michael R. Cooper Construction Company for untbrsecn items required for A. A. "Mac" McClanahan Memorial Fire Station//2, in the an~ount of $14,786.40; funds available in account number 001-3001-522-62-07 and 001- 3001-522-46-03. Recommended by the Interim Cily Manager. 15. Am)rove Di~m, backing on existing Orange County contract to purchase pipe, pre-cast inlets, and related material tbr the 15th Street and Sanford Avenue Drainage Proiect, in the amount of $82,436; funds available in account 402-4045-541-63-74. Recommended by the Interim City Manager. Public Hearings: Re: 25.458_+ acres of property lying between East Lake Mary Boulevard and Pine Way and between Mellonville Avenue extended southerly and Andrews Road (595 :M~drews Road) (Magnolia Park PD, Phase III: Kenneth A. Burke, Rebecca F. Burke, Deborah C. Neukam, Mary K. Mixon, Jessica S. Middlemas, Patricia B. Va~ssallo, ct al., owners; BcnyJ. Walker, applicant/authorized agent. Second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 3760, to annex the property. Recotnmended by the Interim City Manager. Ad published May 14 and 21, 2003. Bo Second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 3761, to rezone the property from AG, Agriculture, to PD, Planned Developmem, based on consistencywith the existing Medium Densily Residential comprebeusive plan desiga~afion, and subject to conditions and Devclopmeut Order No. 02-0038; and approve Development Order No. 02-0038. Recom~nended by the Interim City Manager. Ad published May 14, 2003. Second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 3782, lo reestablish a temporary moratorium on thc review and extending consideration of applications for approval of multifamil¥ residential dwelling units. Recommended by the Interim City Manager. Ad published May 14 and 21, 2003. Re: 5.49+ acres of property lying between West S.R. 46 and West 5* Street and between Aero Lane and South Wtfite Cedar Road (3625 West 1'~ Stree0(Consolidated Investmem Properties Office Park); Consolidated Investmenl Properties, Inc., and Albert J. Light, owners; Robert G. Dcllo Russo, as President of Consolidated Investment Properties, Inc., and Albert J. Light, applicants. Second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 3783, to annex 2.88 acres of the property. Recommended by thc Interim City Manager. Ad published May 14 and 21, 2003. Second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 3784, to rezone the properq, from GC-2, General Commercial, to PD, Planned Development, with conditions and Devclopment Order No. 03-0024; and approve Development Order No. 03- 0024. Rcco~mnendcd by the luterim City Manager. Ad published May 14, 2003. First reading of Ordinance No. 3788 to rezone 34.5 +/- acres of property Ivi~ bclween Washinffton Street and S. R. 46 and between N. Cameron Avenue and Beardall Avenue (2305 Beardall Ave.)(Florida Extruders); Lcfllcr Company, owner. At the request of the property owner, the Planniug & Zoning Comnfission tabled the request uutil June 1, 2003. The Director of Planning & Community Development and the Interim City Manager recommend tabling until June 23, 2003. Ad published April 20, 2003. Regular items. 1. Board reappointments/appointments: (WS-I) Civil Service Board. The term of Kathi2a~ Alexander expires June 30, 2003; she has been contacted and is willing to continue to serve on the Board. NEED TO REAPPOINT/APPOINT. Application on file from Lindsay Oycwale. Code Enforcement Board. Thc terms of Robert Carraway and Robert Segal expire June 30, 2003; both have been contacted regarding their willingness to continue to serve on the Board. NEED TO RF~PPOINT/APPOINT. Planning & Zoning Commission. The terms of Ross Robert, Brim~ Volk, aud Bobby VouHerbulis expire June 30, 2003; all have bceu contacted regarding tbeir willh~gness to continue to serve on the Board. NEED TO REAPPOINT/APPOINT. Applications on file from Anthony W. Brown, Daryl Q. Shofield, and Robert Segal. Waterfront Master Plan Steering Commitlee. Gary Lowell resigned from the Board in February 2003, leaving vacant a tcm~ expiring June 28, 2004. NEED TO ACKNOWLEDGE RESIGNATION AND EITHER APPOINT NEW MEMBER OR CONTINUE THE VACANCY. The lem~s of Jerry Mills, F~ Poscy, Olatunji Oyewale,Jami Meeks, Cathey Bossert, and SaraJacob~)n expireJm~e 28, 2003; all have bceu contacted regarding their willingness to continue to serve on the Board. NEED TO REAPPOINT/APPOINT. There are no applicalions on file tbr lifts Board. Adopt Resolution No. 1933 to amend the Classification and Pay Plan to reclassify: one (I) Foreman position grade 14 to Field Supervisor grade 15; one (1) Eauinment Operator II position grade 8 to Maintenance Worker III grade 9; SignfFraffic Coordinator Position grade 14 to grade 15; and delete one (1) Maintenance Worker I position, all wiihln the Streets Division of file Public Works Department. Recommended by the Human Resources Direoor aud the Interim City Manager. Adopt Resolution No. 1934 ~o increase fees for opening/closing grave spaces. Recommended hy the Director of Parks & Recreation and the Interim City Manager. Adopt Resolution No. 1935 to increase Emergency Medical Transportation Service fees. Recommended by the Fire Chief and the Interim City Manager. 5. Appeal of the Historic Preservation Board's denial of a Certificate of Appropriateness tbr a vinyl fence at 901 S. Magnolia Avenue; Tony Dmficls, owner/applicant. Applicant notified May 9, 2003. The Director of Planniug & Community Development and the Interim City Manager recommend upholding the denial of the Certificate of Appropriateness. Appeal of the Historic Preservation Board's denial of a Certificate of Appropriateness for 30 vinyl windows at 1119 Magnolia Avenue; Cheryl G. Turner, owner/applicanL Applicant notified Apiil 18, 2003. The Historic Preservatiou Board recommends upholding thc dcifial of the Certificate of Appropriateuess; the Director of Planning & Commuuity Development and the Interim City Manager recommend Commission action as deemed appropriate. 7lzi~ item was tabled May 1~', 200,~1. Add-on items. Information. City Attorney's Report. City Clerk's Report. Interim City Manager's Report. Citizen Participation. City Commissioners' Reports. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATFER CONSIDERED AT TItE ABOVE MEETING OR HF.~A_RING HE MAY NEED A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS INCLUDING THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE WHICH RECORD IS NOT PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD. (F.S. 286.0105) PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES NEEDING ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THESE PROCEEDINGS SHOULD CONTACT THE HUMAN RESOURCES OFFICE ADA COORDINATOR AT 407-330-5626 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING.