HomeMy WebLinkAbout071403 ws/rm agendaEPNIII072 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida AGENDA JULY 14 2003 20__ 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Sanford City Commission Meetings Monday, July 14, 2003 Sanford City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, Florida WORK SESSION 4:00 P.M. in the City Manager's Conference Room, Second Floor Presentation to Employee of the Month for July. Board interview: Historic Preservation Board. Interview Bart Peterson. (R-1. B.) Discussion re: health insnrance options. (R-5) Discussion re: amendments to Land Development R _e~ulations. Schedule S. Historic Preservation- (R-3) Discussion re: Historic Preservation Board membership. (R-1. B.) Discussion re: Victory Temple Church Liability_ Insurance Claim. Discussion re: offer received to purchase pro_nerty located at 2313 S. Sanford Avenue. Items. and Other Items. Discussion of Regular Agenda Items. Add-On Mayor's briefing. Interim City Manager's briefing. REGULAR MEETING at 7:00 P.M. in the City Commission Chambers, First Floor June 2, 5, 18, 20, and 30, 2003 Special Meetings, and June 23, 2003 Work Session and Regular Meeting. ~ by the City Clerk and the Interim City Manager. Apnrove CPH Enoineers Amendment 073 for en~neerlng services during construction (installation of utilitY lines in the right-of-way} of East Lake Mary_ Boulevard Se~m_ eat liB, at a cost of $249.05~; funding available fxom water and sewer impact fees and the FDEP low interest program (SRF). ~ by the Interim City Manager. Approve purchase of a New Holland Tractor. Model #TSII0. at a cost of $38.977.56 from Landio Tractor Comply tState contract~: funds available in account number 451-4527-536-64-06. R~mmend~ by the Interim City Manager. Approve agreement with St. Johns River Water Management District for matching fund grant in the amount of $30.000 for Stormwater Master Plan. R~o~end~ by the Interim City Manager. Approve selection of Wi~am R. Homth & Co. as Senior Manager/Underwriter and StifeL Nicolaus & Co. as ~ for refinancin~ the Series 1992 and Series 1993 Water & Sewer Revenue Bonds. ~ by the Interim City Manager. Award Bid IFB 02/03-26 for installation of electrical and lighting system at Touhv Park to Palmer Electric. in ~ funds available account 001-5051-572-63-65. ~ by the Interim City Manager. Approve continuance of Supnlemental Insurance Benefits Program Agreement with Professional Insurance Co _rporafion ~PIC~ with conditions and eontinnanee of Seetion 125 _Program with Em_nl~_vee Benefits Corporation (EBC]: there is no cost to the City_ associated with this a_m. eement. ~ by the Interim City Manager. Approve Agreement Relating to St. Johns Parkway Right-of-Way and County_. City_. Dvson and Stenstrom Pronerties rclatin~ to St. Johns Parkway road improvement pro_iect and use of abandoned railroad right-of-way currently owned by Seminole County.. ~ by the Interim City Manager. EPNllI072 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida AGENDA JULY 14 2OO3 20__ Re: 34.82 acres of property _lying between Waahinoton Street and SAC 46 and between N. Cameron Avenue and BeardaH Avenue ¢2305 Beardall Ave.)(Leffler Warehouse): Leffler Company. Ken Leffler. President. Second r~adi~p and adoption of Ordinance No. 3787. to annex the property. Recommended by the Interim City Manager. Ad published July 2 and 9, 2003. Second readin_~ and adoption of Ordinance No. 3788, to rezone the property from PUD (Countyl. to PD. Planned Development, sub_iect to conditions and Development Order No. 03-0018: and approve Development Order No. 03-0018. Recommended by the Interim City Manager. Ad published July 2, 2003. Re: 0.623 acre of prooerty _lying, between Towne Center Circle and Rinehart Road and between Towne Center Bgulevard and 1-4 (1160 Rinehart Road~: City of Sanford, owner; Richard Merkel, P.E., Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc., applicant for VT. Inc. Second r~adin? and adoption of Ordinance No. 3793 to amend the Future Land Use Map designation of the Comprehensive Plan from PSP. Public Semi-Public. to HI. High Intensity_ ti-4). Recommended by the Interim City Manager. Ad published July 2, 2003. Second re, din? and adoption of Ordinance NO. 3794 to amend the Seminole Towne Center PD Master Plan to include the property and rezone said property_ from AG, Auriculture. to PD. Planned Development: and approve Development Order No. 03-0034. Recommended by the Interim City Manager. Ad published July 2, 2003. Re: 3.47 acres of property _lying between the Central Florida Grceneway and Rinehart Road and between Rinehart Road and Towne Center Boulevard: 11200 Rinehart Road) ISeminole Power Sports): Town Center Holdings, LLC, owner. First readin? of Ordlnanee No. 3795 to annex the property_. ~ by the Director of Planning & Community Development and the Interim City Manager. First reading, of Ordinance No. 3796 to rezone the property_ from A-1 (County~ to PD, Planned ve_0~E.~Jlllit~ ~ by the Planning & Zoning Commission, the Director of Planning & Community Development and the Interim City Manager, sub_iect to Development Order No. 03-0036. Ad published June 8, 2003. Condemnation of structures. Ads published June 22 and 29, 2003; owners notified May 30, 2003; properties posted May 30, 2003. Planning and Community Development Director and Interim City Manager recommend the structures be found unsafe, dilapidated, unsanitary or uninhabitable, condemned, and the owner(s) given thirty (30) days to repair or demolish; if property owner(s) fail to effect such demolition and removal or repair within said thirty (30) day period, the City shall demolish and remove the buildings and/or structures, and the actual cost of said demolition and removal, including administrative costs, will be assessed as a lien against the properties. Report 03-16, 1316 W. 13th Place; Lois & Valdeza Williams, owners. Report 03-17, 1205 W. 16th Street; Mary Garrison, owner. Report 03-18, 915 Maple Avenue; Tanya & Mabel Miser and Wanda Payne, owners. 1. Board reapnointments/appointments: Cemetery Advisory Committee. Thelma Mike's term expires August 11, 2003, and there is one vacancy for a term to expire March 27, 2005. NEED TO REAPPOINT/APPOINT REPLACEMENT(S). Application on file from Daryl Q. Schofield. Historic Preservation Board. Marveen Kelly has resigned. NEED TO APPOINT A REPLACEMENT OR LEAVE THE VACANCY IN ANTICIPATION OF REDUCING THE NUMBER OF MEMBERS. Application on file t~om Linda Daniels, Julie Overstreet, A. Bart Peterson, and Dr. Eric Zendell. (WS-2 or WS- 5) Waterfront Master Plan Steering Committee. Reginald Lowery's term expires August 24, 2003. Ron Fraser's term expires August 28, 2003. NEED TO REAPPOINT/APPOINT REPLACEMENT(S). No applications on file. 2. Condemnation Status Report: 97-1, 1219 Park Avenue, Kamjo Properties, LLC, owner. The Planning & Community Development Director and the Interim City Manager recommend removal from condemnation. 03-11, 1001 Cypress Avenue, Ann Brown, owner. The Planning & Community Development Director and the MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida AGENDA JULY 14 2003 20.__ Interim City Manager recommend demolitio- 03-14, 1008 W. 12th Street, Catherine B. McDonald Heirs, owners. The Planning & Community Development Director and the Interim City Mmmger recommend demolition. 01-14, 1605 Peach Avenue, Clontha Hampton, Edward Dupree, Judy Daniels, Br~dgette Perry & Iris Smith, owners. The Planning & Com~anity Development Director and the Interim City Manager ~ 0309, 1301 W. 13th Street, Veronica McCoy, owner. The Planning & Community Development Director and the Interim City Manager recommend tabHn_~ d_e..~mtn. tnd~.fiutt~]v for Stero provide ----~lv u_odn~ to t~, First re. ndin_o of Ordinanee No. 3792 to n_~_e_~d l.nnd_ Develo?--e~t Reouln~ Se__h_,~nl~, S. ]~ by the P]nnning & Zoning Commi~io~, Planning & Community Development Director, and the Interim City Manager. (WS-4) First readin~ of Ordinance No. 3797 to annex 0.41+/- acre of pronerty [yin_~ between 13th Street and Bh ~' Street and between Dixie Wa_v and S.C.L. R/R t13ff2 Dixie Way): Charles F. and Annie M. Collier, owners. ]kttl~alli~dl~[~ by the Planning and Community Development Director and the Interim City Manager. Apnrove renewal of health inmnraBee eoYel~_e~ ~ll_n life inl,sr~ne~ and voluntary_ gi~op d~ntal ;n-~?r~..~ for active City_ emplo~vees and el~i_ h~e retirees, eff~'~/ve October 1. 2(al3 ~ by the Human Resources Director and the Interim City Manager. (WS-3) Ci~_ Attorney's Repore~ Interim City_ Manager's Report_ City Commissioners' Reports. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THE ABOVE MEET1NO OR HEARING HE MAY NEED A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS INCLUDING THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE WHICH RECORD IS NOT PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD. (F.S. 286.0105) PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES NEEDING ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THESE PROCEEDINGS SHOULD CONTACT THE HUMAN RESOURCES OFFICE ADA COORDINATOR AT 407-330-5626 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING.