HomeMy WebLinkAbout051004 ws/rm min.EPNIII072 MINUTES WORK SESSION City Commission, Sanford, Florida MAY 10 2004 20 The City Coccmfission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Work Session on Monday, May 10, 2004, at 4:00 P.M., in the City Manager's Conference Room, 2nd Floor, City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida. Present: Absent: Call to order. Mayor Brady Lessard Vice Mayor Dr. Velma Williams Commissioner Art Woodruff Commissioner Randy Jones [present at 4:14 P.M.] Commissioner Kevin Hipes City Manager A1 Grieshaber Jr. City Clerk Janet R. Dougherty City Attorney William L. Colbert Mayor Lessard called the meeting to order at 4:11 P. M. (.5) Unicell. Mr. Girish Sharma, President, and Brij Sharma, Sr. Vice President, Unicell Paper Mills, lnc., requested city assistance with reducing the taxes (on the land, improvements, equipment, utilities and franchise fees) for their paper manufacturing facility at 3401 St. Johns Parkway, as these taxes are now much greater than what they were told they would be in 1999. City Manager Grieshaber reported the city could cap the amount of utility tax it receives from users of large amounts of utilities, and he would like to work with Finance Director Kevin Smith to work out a package that the city can take to the state and ask for some relief for this industry. Further, he will provide options for the City Commission's consideration on June 14, 2004. [Commissioner Jones joined the meeting during discussion.] (1) Five-year plan. Discussion led by City Manager Grieshaber. City Manager Grieshaber asked each member of the City Commission to give him the five (5) top goals each would like the city to accomplish in the next five years; he will put these together with Department Heads' five year plans in a spreadsheet, will survey 750 city residents for the top five (5) goals they would like the city to accomplish in the next five years, and provide the information for City Commission discussion leading to a goals and needs assessment. (1.5) Plan for Downtown Develo_~ment. City Manager Grieshaber reported he will work out a proposal with David Marks for the City Commission's consideration May 24, 2004. (2) Y~ Discussion led by Commissioner Woodruff. Commissioner Woodruffgave a power point presentation and discussed the YouthBuild Program proposal. The Commission concurred with the idea which included it being an agency of either the city or the county, with the director being a city or county employee, funded by grants. (3) 2nd quarter Financial Report. Presentation by Finance Director Smith. Finance Director Kevin Smith presented the Report. (4) Mayor's Report. (5) ' n ' (A) City Manager Grieshaber reported receipt of a letter dated April 26, 2004, from International Hospitality Services, which bid $312,000 for the PBA building, that as a result of the response from the restaurant industry International Hospitality Services is no longer interred in purchasing the property if there are restrictions in addition to those on all property of the same zoning classification as the PBA. Further, he still recommends that all bids received EPNIlI072 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida WORK SESSION MAY 10 2004 20 (6) (B) in response to Solicitation #1FB 03/04-15 be rejected, and this will be an Add-on Item at tonight's Regular Meeting. City Manager Grieshaber reported that the American Public Works Association (APWA) awarded the City of Sanford the Environmental Project of the Year Award for the Sanford RiverWalk, and that Chris Smith gave a RiverWalk presentation at the APWAconfcrence. Other items. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:55 P.M. Attest: Cit~ Clerk jd EPNIII072 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING City Comraission, Sanford~ Florida MAY 10 2004 20__ The City Coiiiii~ission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Regmlar Meeting on Monday, May 10, 2004, at 7:00 P.M., in the City Commission Chambers, City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida. Present: Mayor Brady Lessard Vice Mayor Dr. Velma Williams Commissioner Art Woodruff Cou~uisaloner Randy Jones Commissioner Kevin Hipes City Manager Al Grieshaber Jr. City Attorney W'dliam L. Colbert City Clerk Janet R. Dougherty ~ by Mayor Lessard at 7:00 P.M. INVOCATION by Dr. Theory Stringer, Community House of Prayer. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (1) Kristen Hoffman: "Thinking. Working. and Expecting the Best". Miss Ho$~mn was not present. (2) National Public Works Week Proclamation. Mayor Lessard presented a Proclamation to Tom George, Public Works Director, recognizing the week of May 16 to 22, 2004, as National Public Works Week. (3) American Public Works Association Environmental Pro_iect of the Year Award. Mayor Lessard announced that the City of Sanford was awarded the American Public Works Association Environmental Project of the Year Award for the Sanford RiverWalk. APPROVAL OF MIINUTES Minutes of April 26, 2004, Regular Meeting. R~mmend~ by the City Clerk and the City Manager. Commissioner Jones moved to approve the Minutes of the April 26, 2004, Regular Meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Hipes and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Lessard Aye Vice Mayor Dr. Williams Aye Commissioner Woodruff Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Commissioner Hipes Aye (1) ~ Municipal Liens on properties at 2102 W. 16th St~et and W. 12th Street owned by Homer and Gussie Comer and Tanisa Comer, by waiving the $221.03 of administrative costs and interest, leaving the owners responsible for $537.50; Code Enforcement Board Lien 03-7061 on property at 915 Park Avenue owned by Tim Sullivan Trustee FBO, from $6,450.00 to $3,225.00. (2) Approve Martin Luther Kin~_ Jr. Junet~enth Celebration Special EVent in Ft. Mellon Park between tennis courts and baseball field 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM June 19, 2004, and waive fees and city costs (total estimated amount of $3,925) for this City co-sponsored event. (3) Approve workers compensation aettlement with Thomas Ponicki in amount of $17,500.00 inclusive of attorney's fees. ~ by the City Manager. Commissioner Hipes moved to approve Consent Items (1) through (3). Seconded by Vice Mayor Dr. Williams and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Lessard Vice Mayor Dr. Williams Commissioner Woodruff Aye Aye Aye EPNIII072 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida REGULAR MEETING MAY 10 pI. fBLIC HEARINGS (l) Commissioner Jones Aye Commissioner HiDes Aye Second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 3863 to rezone .55 acre between St. Johns Parkway and the CSX Railroad and between Bevier Road and Meisch Road; 3005 St. Johns Parkway, from AG, Agriculture, to RI-l, Restricted Industrial, for the Sanford Auto Auction. Ad published April 28, 2004. Recommended by the City Clerk and the City Manager. Commissioner Woodmffmoved to adopt Ordinance No. 3863. Seconded by Vice Mayor Dr. Williams and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: (2) Mayor Lessard Aye Vice Mayor Dr. Williams Aye Commissioner Woodruff Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Commissioner HiDes Aye $~;ond reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 3864 to close, vacate and abandon a 14 foot wide east-west alley between W. 16th Street and W. 17th Street and between Main Street and Oleander Avenue; City of Sanford, Applicant. Ad published April 28, 2004, Recommended by the City Clerk and the City Manager. Vice Mayor Dr. Willi~a-ns moved to adopt Ordinance No. 3864. Seconded by Commissioner Woodruff and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: (3) First reading_ of Ordinance No. 3866 to close, vacate and abandon an unnamed 30 foot right of way between St. Johns Parkway and the Central Florida Grceneway and between Bevier Road and Maritime Drive; City of Sanford, applicant. Ad published April 25, 2004; owners notified April 21, 2004; property posted April 22, 2004. Recommended by the Development Review Team, Director of Planning and Development Services and the City Manager. Commissioner Jones moved to approve the first reading of Ordinance No. 3866. Seconded by Vice Mayor Dr. (4) Condemnation of structures. Deputy City Manager and the City Manager recommend the structures referenced below be found unsafe, dilapidated, unsanitary or uninhabitable, to condemn said structures, and give the owner(s) thirty (30) days to repair or demolish; if property owner(s) fail to effect such demolition and removal or repair within said thirty (30) day period, the City shall demolish and remove the buildings and/or structures and the actual cost of said removal and disposal, including administrative costs, will be assessed as a lien against the properties. Report 04-17. 1925 Summerlin Avenue. Clemon & Moniea Countryman. Commissioner Woodruff moved to find the structure(s) unsafe, dilapidated, unsanitary or uninhabitable, to condemn said structure(s), and give the owner(s) thirty (30) days to repair or demolish; ifproDerty owner(s) fail to effect such demolition and removal or repair within said thirty (30) day period, the City shall demolish and remove the buildings and/or Mayor Lessard Aye Vice Mayor Dr. Williams Aye Commissioner Woodruff Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Commissioner HiDes Aye Mayor Lessard Aye Vice Mayor Dr. Williams Aye Commissioner Woodruff Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Commissioner HiDes Aye Williams and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida REGULAR MEETING MAY 10 2004 ~eNm~72 20__ structures and the ectual cost of said removal and disposal, including administrative costs, will be assessed as a lien against the properties. Seconded by Commissioner Hipes and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Lessard Aye Vice Mayor Dr. Williams Aye Commissioner Woodruff Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Commissioner Hipes Aye Report 04-18. 506 E. 1 lth St~ Samuel Thompson heirs, c/o Veronica McGriff. Commissioner Jones moved to find the structures) unsafe, dilapidated, unsanitary or uninhabitable, to eondemo said structures), and give the owner(s) thirty (30) days to repair or demolish; if property owner(s) fail to effect such demolition and removal or repair within said thirty (30) day period, the City shall demolish and remove the buildings and/or structures and the actual cost of said removal and disposal, including administrative costs, will be assessed as a lien against the properties. Seconded by Commissioner Woodruffand carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Lessard Aye Vice Mayor Dr. Williams Aye Commissioner Woodruff Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Commissioner Hipes Aye Report 04-19. 1104 Locust Avenue Floyd & Theory Stringer. Commissioner Woodruff moved to find the stmetu~(s) unsafe, dilapidated, unsanitary or uninhabitable, to condemn said structure(s), and give the owner(s) sixty (60) days to repair or demolish; if property owner(s) fail to effect such demolition and removal or repair within said sixty (60) day period, the City shall demolish and remove the buildings and/or structures and the actual cost of said removal and disposal, including administrative costs, will be assessed as a lien against the properties. Seconded by Vice Mayor Dr. Williams and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Lessatd Aye Vice Mayor Dr. Williams Aye Commissioner Woodruff Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Commissioner Hipes Aye Report 04-20. 1317 Williams Avenue. Cynthia Bacon. Vice Mayor Dr. Williams moved to find the structure(s) unsafe, dilapidated, unsanitary or uninhabitable, to condemn said structur~ffs), and give the owner(s) sixty (60) days to repair or demolish; if property owner(s) fail to effect such demolition and removal or repair within said sixty (60) day period, the City shall demolish and remove the buildings and/or ~ and the actual cost of said removal and disposal, including administrative costs, will be assessed as a lien against the properties. Seconded by Commissioner Woodruffand carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Lessard Aye Vice Mayor Dr. Williams Aye Commissioner Woodruff Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Commissioner Hipes Aye Report 04-2 I. 1018 Avocado Avenue. Tony Covington. Commissioner Woodruff moved to find the structure(s) unsafe, dilapidated, unsanitary or uninhabitable, to condemn said structure(s), and give the owner(s) thirty (30) days to repair or demolish; if property owner(s) fail to effect such demolition and removal or repair within said thirty (30) day period, the City shall demolish and remove the buildings and/or stnmtures and the actual cost of said removal and disposal, including administrative costs, will be assessed as a lien against the properties. Seconded by Commissioner Jones and carded by vote of the Commission as follows: EPNIII072 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida REGULAR MEETING MAY 10 Mayor Lessard Aye Vice Mayor Dr. Williams Aye Commissioner Woodruff Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Commissioner Hipes Aye Report 04-22. 1204 W. 1 lth Street, Tony Covington. Commissioner Hipes moved to find the structure(s) unsafe, dilapidated, unsanitary or uninhabitable, to condemn said structure(s), and give the owner(s) thirty (30) days to repair or demolish; if property owner(s) fail to effect such demolition and removal or repair within said thirty (30) day period, the City shall demolish and remove the buildings and/or structures and the actual cost of said removal and disposal, including administrative costs, will be assessed as a lien against the properties. Seconded by Commissioner Woodruffand carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Lessard Aye Vice Mayor Dr. Williams Aye Commissioner Woodruff Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Commissioner Hipes Aye (1) Condemnation Status Report: removal from condemnation/demolition. Report 04-07. 1203 W. 16th Street. Nancy Morgan. Deputy City Manager and the City Manager v i from ond nat'on Commissioner Jones moved to remove Report 04-07, 1203 W. 16th Street, ~om condemnation. Seconded by Vice Mayor Dr. Williams and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Lessard Aye Vice Mayor Dr. Williams Aye Commissioner Woodruff Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Commissioner Hipes Aye Report 03-02. 516 E. 5th Street. Vivian Youngblood & Cobbin McGee et al. Deputy City Manager and the City Manager recommend demolition. Vice Mayor Dr. Williams moved to authorize a thirty (30) day time extension for Report 03-02, 516 E. 5th Street. Seconded by Commissioner Hipes and carded by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Lessard Aye Vice Mayor Dr. Williams Aye Commissioner Woodruff Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Commissioner Hipes Aye Report 03-21.1112 Orange Avenue. Vera Mae Johnson. Deputy City Manager and the City Manager recommend Commissioner Hipes moved to authorize the city to demolish Report 03-21, 1112 Orange Avenue. Seconded by Commissioner Jones and carded by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Lessard Aye Vice Mayor Dr. Williams Aye Commissioner Woodruff Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Commissioner HiDes Aye Report 04-06, 1108 W. 12th Street. Ladawn Woodall, Marion Brown & John Swam et al. Deputy City Manager and the City Manager recommend demolition. 2004 20___ MINUTES REGULAR MEETING City Commission, Sanford, Florida MAY 10 2004 Commissioner Jones moved to authorize the city to demolish Report 04-06, 1108 W. 12th Street. Seconded by Vice Mayor Dr. Williams and carried by vote oftbe Commission as follows: Mayor Lessard Aye Vice Mayor Dr. W'flliams Aye Commissioner Woodruff Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Commissioner Hipes Aye Report 04-08. 415 C_vpress Avenue. TJ & Laura Johnson, c/o Elizabeth Paige. Deputy City Manager and the City Manager r~commend demolition. Commissioner Hipes moved to authorize the city to demolish Report 04-08, 415 Cypress Avenue. Seconded by Commissioner Woodruff and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Lessard Aye Vice Mayor Dr. Williams Aye Commissioner Woodruff Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Commissioner Hipes Aye Report 04-09. 500 E. 5th Street. Elizabeth Paige and Ruth Allen JTS. Deputy City Manager and the City Manager recommend demolition. Commissioner Hipes moved to authorize the city to demolish Report 04-09, 500 E. 5th Street. Seconded by Commissioner Jones and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Lessard Aye Vice Mayor Dr. Williams Aye Commissioner Woodruff Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Commissioner Hipes Aye Report 04-10. 504 E. 5th Street. Elizabeth Paige & Ruth Allen JTS. Deputy City Manager and the City Manager recommend demolition. Commissioner Jones moved to authorize the city to demolish Report 04-10, 504 E. 5th Street. Seconded by Commissioner Woodmffand carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Lessard Aye Vice Mayor Dr. Williams Aye Commissioner Woodruff Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Commissioner Hipes Aye (2) First reading of Ordinance No. 3867 to amend the Ci_ty Code regarding Solid Waste and Recycling. by the Public Works Director and the City Manager. Conanissioner Woodruffmoved to approve the first reading of Ordinance No. 3867. Seconded by Vice Mayor Dr. Williams and carried by vote oftbe Commission as follows: Mayor Lessard Aye Vice Mayor Dr. W'flliams Aye Commissioner Woodruff Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Commissioner Hipes Aye (3) Approve the Final Plat for Celery_ Lakes. Phase 2, at 2151 Celery Avenue. Recommended by the Director of Planning and Development Services and the City Manager. Cona:i~ioner Hipes moved to approve the Final Plat for Celery Lakes, Phase 2. Seconded by Vice Mayor Dr. Williams and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: 20 EPNIII072 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida REGULAR MEETING MAY 10 2004 20___ Mayor Lessard Aye Vice Mayor Dr. Williams Aye Commissioner Woodruff Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Commissioner Hipes Aye (1) Solicitation #IFB 03/04-15. Sale of PBA Property. Commissioner Woodruffmoved to reject all bids received in response to Solicitation #IFB 03/04-15, Sale of PBA Property. Seconded by Commissioner Hipes and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Lessard Aye Vice Mayor Dr. Williams Aye Commissioner Woodruff Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Commissioner Hipes Aye INF~ CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT CITY CLERK'S REPORT CITY MANAGER'S REPORT CITIZEN PARTICIPATION CITY COMMISSIONERS' REPORTS Mayor Lessard requested that City Manager Grieshaber provide the crew that raised the flag on Friday, May 7th, with commemorative T-shirts. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:25 P.M. Attest: t~ity Clerk jd