HomeMy WebLinkAbout010543-Regular Annual SessionMINUTES The City Commission of the City of Sanford, ?]or,da, met in Regular Annual Session at the City Ha~l in the City of S~nford, Florida ~t 5:00 o'clock P.M. January 5, ] Present: Commissioner :.f.C.HI~i, Mayor. " George D. Blsho~ " H.James Gut. City At%orney Fred R. Wllson Cl%y Clerk H N Ssyer Chief of ~ol~ce R.G. Wlll~ms Meet~nM call~ to order by the Chairv}an. On rnotlon of Co~rmlsstoner Ht~Ins, seconde~ by Oommlss~oner Lo~ge sn~ carried the Clerk and City Attorney were ne~t authorized access to safety denosit box No. 177 st the Sanford Atlantic National Bank for the .~uroose of ~ecurlng Water PSant Revenue Certif'lcstes due January 1,1943, said certificates owned ~v the Insurance Fun~ ss an investment. On recommenOstlan of Chief of Police Wi!!~ams, an{] .on motion 8uly carried, Commission ne~t authorized the salary of oollceman W.F.Eaulerson ~ncrease~ from ~!oO.~0 to $110.Oo var month, effective as of January ], !94~. The Clerk n~xt renorted t~st the extension of t~me granted Mrs. J.E.Williama in ,~,hich to either reoa!r or demot~sh the oart!y burned d,~re]]1~g house located on Lot !c ~lock Il; Tier 5, E.R.Trafford's ~',ao eXolred on January 1,194~, and tn~t she has not made any d~soosltlon of ~ald build~ng, same hav~ng been condemned oy Resolution No. 6~7' oassed and adovted by the City Commlsslcn at the ~eetln~ of October 12, 1942. the Thereunon the Clerk ~.'as ~nstructed to notify -~',rs Williams that unless some dlsoosltlo~ is made of the sforesald butldln~ by Yeorusry -,19 ~, the Oily will demolish and remove It from the oremlses. On motion duly carried the Somrrl~s~on next aoorove~] the Sale to ~ ~e Washington of the old two story frame building located on Lots 41 and 4~ of Block G, ohsona~l's Subdlv~s~on, at a vrlce of ~!~.0.OO, sale build~ng to be demolished anal removed from the oremIses. Th~s o~,nerty having been acquired by the City thru forec]o=ure of ta~ liens. On motion oe Comm~=g~oner Bl~hoo, sacom]ed by Comm~=~oner ~ut and carrled, the Commls~lon next authorized the fo!lowln~, sales sf nr~nert~es acou~r, ed by the City thru foreclosure of rexes and/or Soeclsl assessment liens, subject to ~oh~ C~ty ,~1 unoald State and County t ~es. Ella ~ · Olmms. Lot 4 Block ~ T~r B at a orice of ~1OO.OO, vaysble *pO.OO cash en~ balance .~!0.OO monthly ,.qth ~nter~ st at 2~ on unoald Jerry Bentley Lo~ 1~ Eob%nson Survey, st a or, ce of ~94.38, osyable ~$1~0. O0 cash ~'on unns~d b~lance. There be~n~ no further bus~ness S~ne D~e. Coc~mlssloner Hlggins then moved thgt the meet~ngz adjourn Seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried. The Comm~t,~n ~ .... MINUTES ,? 2 ~, 2 J nusr¥ 5, at :no P 19- CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA,- ns moved that Comm~ s~loner ~ut be Meae temoorary ~he ~,uoon Oomm~s~ oner Chp~rmen, oen~]~n~ the e?eCt%orl '~f ~ Thereunon Comm~e~oner Gut too~ the Chair. The f~r~t order of bus~nes~ be~nW- the election ~f a M~yor for the e~ s~i ~[ Commissioner H~9~ns a~ )~eyor of the yerr, oo~mlr~ioner B~ho~ next nominated of Svnford, F!or~_d~ f~r the ya~r further nom~n~t%~ns, Comm~s~,~oner H~ll then moved that the There ,,)e~ ~ ~0 - nominations be closed. Bec)haled by CommiS~oner B~ho~ end carried Thereupon Comm~ssloner HiEs~ns was dec/Steal t~ be unanimously Mvyor of th~~ C~ty of S~neo~ ~, F]:~r~ ~a, to ~rve dur~_ng the Comm~rs~:~ner Hig;f~ns then s!~ned the oeth ~f of cite elected es year 1943. >f ¢.s:yor of the ~ty of , orl~ ~nd the Chair. At tl%~ t~me. So~o7~c!'%lDner Hill exoressed h%s thanks and anoreclat[on rIO members of the Commlss~on sn~ the e~nvloyees ~n the vnr~.ous ~eosrtments of the s terms of off[ce as ~syor. ~' -~, %e~' ~o furth,~r ~u,.~ .. , - the