HomeMy WebLinkAbout020143-Adjourned Session MINUTES CItY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, February 1 at 4:00 p 19__ The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florl~., met in adjourned session at the City Hall in the City of S~nford, Floriaa, at 4:00 o'clock P.}.~ February 1,19[~3. Present: Co~m~issioner Edward Higgins, Eayor. " George D.Bishop " H.James Gut " W.C.Hill " N.J.Lodge City Attorney Fred R.Wilson City Clerk H . N.Sayer Chief of Police R.G.Williams Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Consideration next given to the matter of increasing the salaries and wages of several City employees. fhereupon after a careful study of the payrolls, Commissioner Gut moved that the fotlowina increases be made in the salaries and wae~es of the following employees, effective February 1,1943: NADiE OF E~,ikPLOZEE PPd~SENT SALARY INCREASED TO: J.B.Quattlebaum $110.OO per month $120.O0 Grovsr C.Williams 125.O0 " " 135.00 George Haskins 120.O0 " " 130.OO Carolyn NcKenney y~.O0 " " 85.00 R C Wilcox 82.50 90.00 ~.H Raulerson llO.O0 " " 120.00 J.R.Crow llO.O0 " " 120.O0 Elmer C.Nolan llO.O0 " " 120.00 Hanning G.Harriett 95.00 " " 105.00 R.E.White 95.00 " " 105.00 Tom Lodge llO.O0 " " 120.00 O.R.Smith llO.O0 " " 120.00 A.Kendall 30.25 per week ~2.50 Ben Smith 2~.10 " " ~4.00 Carl Smith 2~.00 " " 22.50 A.L/Barineau 21.15 " " 22.00 C 8 Teston 21.15 " " 22.00 C P Henderson 21.15 " " 22.00 H.W.Prescott 22.00 " " 2~.00 Willis Dixon 2.25 per day 2.35 Jerome Dixon 2.00 " " 2.10 Wilbur Jordan 2.00 " " 2.25 Robert Zanders 2.30 " " 2'62~ Jim Murphy 2.30 " " 2[62~ LeRoy Dixon 2.50 " " 2 60- John Lawson 2.00 " " 2.10 Phil King 2.50 " " 2.60 Letter dated January 27,1943, next read from G.W.Spencer, Attorney, enclosing a list of defendants sentenced in the Municipal Court and the charges and fines imposed on them by said Court, which he stated are in excess of the penalties prescribed by the ordinaces violated by said dei'endants. Matter referred to City Attorney ~Jilson for an opinion. Letter of complaint dated January 26,1943, next read i'rom Doshie Jones and her attorney G.W.Spencer, claiming that she was beaten witk a blackjack by police officer Grover Williams while held as a prisoner in the City Jail on January 18,1943, and same was referred to Chief of Police Willis~s for investigation. Application next received from W.L.Riley for permit to operate three Bsll R~ck G~mes and a ~,iiniature Golf Course on the vacant ~* prope~y at southeast corner of First Street and Sanford Avenue, and on recommendation o±' Chief of Police Williams, same was approved. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. At te st: [~ayor.