HomeMy WebLinkAbout062843-Regular Session MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, June 2~ att 7530 P M 1943 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, Present: Commissioner~dward Hlgglns, Mayor. " George D.Bishon " H.James Gut " M.J.Lodge City Attorney Fred R.Wilson City Clerk H.N . Bayer Chief of Police, R.G.Williams Absent: Commissioner W.C.Hill. Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Florida met tn regular session at at 7:30 o'clock P.M.June 28,19~3. Minutes of regular meeting of May 24, special meeting of June 12, and regular meeting of June 14,1943, next read and approved. Report of June analysis of milk furnished by all dairies operating in Banford , as prepared by Dr. L.R. Scribner's Laboratoreis at Orlando, next presented, such report showing all such milk within the requirements of "Grade A Milk", with the excention of milk furnished by Bnencer-Hardin Dairy. On motion of Commissioner Gut, seconded by Commissioner Bishop and carried, the Commission next approved the acceptance from the Sanford Atlantic National Bank, of Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Safe-Keening Receipt No. 6374 covering 140,000.00 1~% U.S.Treasury Notes, Series B-1946,Due Dec.15,1945, in exchange for Bale-Keening Receipt No.5772 covering $25,000.00 3% Home Owners Loan Corn. Bonds and Safe-Keening Receipt No. 6180 covering $28,000.00 7/8% U.S.Certiflcates of Indebtedness. These securities being deposited to protect City of Sanford funds deposited in said bank. The Clerk next presented tentative budget of revenues and expenditures for the fiscal year 1943-1944, and same was taken under consideration and study. Mayor Higgins next reported that all members of the advisory committee of the "Public Projects Fund", appointed by the City Commission at the adjourned meeting of June 17,1943, had accented such appointment. Commissioner Lodge next introduced Resolution No. 661 and after being read in full by the Clerk, moved its passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Bishop and carried by the following vote of the Commission: Commissioner Higgins Aye " Bishop Aye " Gut Aye " Lodge Aye said Resolution No. 661 being in words and figures as follows: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD FLORIDA, FIXING THE PRICE TO BE PAID BY THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FOR THE PURCHASE O~ THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THAT CERTAIN LEASE DATED MARCH 4,1943, FROM THE CITY OF SANFOPD TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IF THE OPTION GRANTED TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TO PURCHASE THE SAME AS PORVIDED IN PARAGRAPH 6 OF SAID LEASE IS EXERCISED AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK OF SAID CITY TO INSERT SAID PURCHASE PRICE IN BAID PARAGRAPH OF SAID LEASE. WHEHEAS, oursuant to Resolution No. 646 adopted by the City Commission of the City of Banford, Florida, on the 8th day of March , 1943, authorizing the execution by the Mayor and City Clerk of said City of a lease to the United States of America of the following described lot, piece or oarcel of land situate at the northeast corner of First Btreet and Sanford Avenue in said City , to-wit: BEGINNING on the north side of First Street in the City of Sanford, Florida, at a ooint 60 feet east of the southeast corner of Block 2 Tier 1, E R Trafford's MINUTES CitY COMMISSION. SANFORD, FLORIDA- J,~n~ P~, At .7:3{~ P ~I AND, WHEREAS, Paragraph 6 of said lease granted to the United States of America, referred to in said lease as the Government, the right to purchase said premises at expiration of the original term of said lease or any renewal intention to do so, but the amount of said purchase price was Paragraph 6 of said lease; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Sanford is of the thereof, after giving notice of not inserted in said the opinion that the sum of $25,000.00 would be a fair price for the aforesaid property upon the exercise by the Government of the potion contained in Paragraph 6 of said ]ease to purchase the same: NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, that Paragraph 6 of the aforesaid lease be amended by inserting therein in the third line thereof the figures $25,OOO.OO as the cons~deration to be paid for said property if the option therein given is exercised by the Government, and that the City Clerk of said City be and he is hereby authorized to insert said figures in the Droner place in said Paragraph 6 of said lease. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution shall become effective immediately upon its nassage and adootion. PASSED and ADOPTED this 28th, day of June,1943. i,iEdward HiEgins Mayor. M,J.Lodge iGeo.D?Blshop H,James Gut ..... As the City Commission ~f the City of Sanford,Flor~da. Attest: H,N,Sayer ~tty Clerk. (Seal) The Clerk next repo~ted that the new supply well and booster pump installed in the City's water supply system by the Federal Works Agency has been completed and placed in ~oeration. Communication next read from Chief of Police Williams recommending that Case No. 29602 of Hubert Whitworth, convicted in the Municipal Court under date of July 10,1942, of disorderly conduct and sentenced to pay $25.00 and cost or serve ~o days, be suspended. Thereupon Commissioner Lodge moved the acceptance of Chief of Police Williams' recommendation and that the aforesaid case no.29602 be suspended. Seconded by Commissioner Gut and. carried. Consideration next given to the matter of purchasing a new radio receiver and transmitter for the night police patrol car for the ournose of reolaclng the old equi~ment which has worn to such an extent as to hinder the efficiency of the department. Thereupon after considerable discussion, the Clerk was directed to obtain prices for furnishing this radio equipment for the Police Denartment. Communication next read from A.M.Kidder & Company, New York City, requesting the City to furnish a legal oninion on ten City of Sanford Refunding Series A Bonds, Nos. 5OO6/5015, which were delivered to John J.Flynn on February 2~,1940, in exchange for ten special assessment bonds, Series ABBc , Nos.2h5/254, such opinion not having been MINUTES CiTY COMMISSION SANEORD FLORIDA ? 19 43 353 and deliver same to A.M.Kidder & Company. On motion duly carried, the Clerk and City Attorney were next authorized access to Safety Deposit Box No.177 at the Sanford Atlantic National Bank for the ouroose of securing two Water Plant Revenue Certificates due July 1,1943, said certificates owned by the Insurance Fund as an investment, The Clerk next reported that Lot 48, Block J Chsope!l's Subdivision had been assessed as improved property for the years 1934 thru 1942, whereas, the house was removed from th~s property in 1933. Thereupon in order to correct this error in assessment, Commissioner Gut moved that the taxes against the aforesaid property be adjusted to $3.15 for years 1934 thru 1937, $2.52 for year 1938, and .90 for year 1939 thru 1942. Seconded by Commissioner Bishop and carried. The Clerk next reported that Lot 3 ( Less the E. 4 ft.~ of Block ll Tier ll, Martin's Addition was assessed as improved property in error for years 1932 thru 1939. Thereupon in order to correct this error in assessment, Commissioner Gut moved that the taxes against the aforesaid property be adjusted to $12.O0 for the year 1932, $7.20 for years 1933 thru 1937, $5.76 for year 1938, and $2.40 for year 1939. Seconded by Commissioner Bishop and carried. The Clerk next reported that Lots 1 and 2 Block 13 Tier 9, E.R. Trafford's Map were assessed as improved property in error for the years 1940 and 1941. Thereupon in order to correct this error in assessment, Commissioner Gut moved that the taxes against the aforesaid property be adjusted to $5.10 for years 19~O and 1941. Seconded by Commissioner Bishop and carried. On motion of Commissioner Bishop , seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried, the Commission next authorized the cancellation of the 1942 Personal taxes in amount of $6.00 assessed in error against Ben ~antwell, he having removed his personal property from this City nrior to January 1,1942. Bill of Title Guaranty & Abstract Company in amount of $25.00 covering title informa- tion furnished on properties two years tax delinquent, lying between Second Street and Lake Monroe and Mellonville Avenue east to City limits, next presented, and on motion duly carried same was approved and payment authorized. On motion duly carried, City Attorney Wilson was next authorized to employ Miss Annie Weeks to assist with the foreclosure suits of delinquent taxes and special assessments against oror~rties that are two years tax delinquent., Request next received from Sarah Gordon Wilson for an adjustment of the assessed valuation in amount of $1,150.OO olaced on Lot 5 Block 12 Tier B, for years 1934 thru 1942, claiming that the assessment is too high. Thereuoon after comparison of the assessed valuation of this orooerty with similar properties similarly located, Commissioner Gut moved that the assessed valuation be adjusted to $1,OOO.00 forthe years 1934 thru 1942. Seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried. On motion of Commissioner Lodge , seconded by Commissioner Bishoo and carried, the Commission next approved an exoenditure in amount of $82.68 for travel exoenses of Mayor Higgins and Commissioner Gut to Ta!lahassee on June 23,to confer with State Road Department officials with respect to olanning for post-war oroJects. MINUTES (~ITY COMMI$SION~ SANFORD, FLORIDA,June 28 at 7:30 P M J.K.Vaughn Lot 2 ( Less E. 69 fi) Woodruff Subdtv. Taxes & Penalties 1932/41 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 166.47 Special Assessment and Interest ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 26.28 Victoria Dargon Hill. E. 1/2 of Lot lO Block ? Tier D , Sanford. Taxes & Penalties 1933/~1 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 121.63 Milton Bell. Lot 3 Block ~ Tier F, Ssnford Taxes & Penalties 1927/39 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 14.46 Jeanette Laing Lot 3 Block 11 Tier 11 Martin, Addn. Taxes and penalties 1932/39 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 22.20 Sewald & Alberta Williams W 1/2 of Lot 2 Block 11 Tier H Taxes and Penalties 1929/41 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 7.36 Sarah Gordon Wilson Lot 5 Block 12 Tier B, Sanford. Taxes and Penalties 1927/41 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 346.0? Gilbert Stokes Mrs Ed. Humohrey E 1/2 of Lot 10 Block 10 Tier G, Sanford. Taxes and Penalties 1931/~1 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: Lot 22 Block A Buena Vista Estates. T~xes and oenaltis 1930/37 ( Ord.#2?5) ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: Lot 24 Block 2 Lockhart Subdiv. Taxes and penalties 1931/34 ( ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: Gussie Wilson Mrs Archie B.Smith 204.00 78.39 Outside 1935) 1.50 Mrs. Archie B.Smith Lots 108,109,110.111,112 Oak Hill Taxes and penalties 1931/39 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: Taxes - Lot 113 Oak Hill Taxes and penalties 1932/39 16.05 Mrs Archie B. Smith ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: Lots 115,116,117,118,119 and 120 Oak Hill Taxes and penalties 1927/41 3.21 Gilbert Stokes Gilbert Stokes ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: E 1/2 of Lot l Block 11 Tier H Taxes and penalties 1929/39 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: E 1/2 of Lot 2 Block ll Tier H Taxes and penalties 1929/39 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to 23.58 5.95 5.95 MINUTES CiTY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, June ;~8 at 7:70 P M 19 4~ Gilbert Stokes Martha Murphy J ~ Martin Olive Murray Alice Frazier Lot 4 Block 10 Tier G, Sanford Taxes and oenalties 1929/39 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: Lot 6 Block ll Tier 15 Clark Sub. Taxes and oenaltles 1927/41 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: Lots 1/30 Block 22 Pine Level Taxes & Penalties 1928/41 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: Lot ? Block A. South Banford Taxes & Penalties 1930/41 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: Lot 4 Florida Land m Colo. Co. Addn. to Sou Sanford. Taxes and penalties 1932/42 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: DeLand Finance Co. Lot 4 Block 7 Lock_hart W C Hill R A Newman R A Newman R A Newman R A Newman Jerry Walker Jeaae~te~Lalag 11.40 $177.7o $216.77 87.29 SUb. Texas & Penalties 1931/32(1933 outside Gity) ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 10.82 Lot 2 Dorsey'e Subdivision Taxes and nenalties 1931/42 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to 113.64 Lot 104 Rose Court. Taxes & Penalties 1929/39 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 24.96 Soecial Assessment & Interest ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 10.93 Lot 105 Rose Court Taxes & Penalties 1929/39 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 24.96 Special Assessment & Interest ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 10.9~ Lot 106 Rose Court Taxes & Penalties 1927/39 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 24.96 Special Assessment & Interest ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 12.75 Lot 107 Rose Court Taxes & Penaltis 1936/39 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 15,$7 Lot 5 Block 13 Tier F, Banford Taxes & Penalties 1929/42 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 159.11 Lot 3 Block 11 Tlerll Martin Addn. S~ecial Assessment a Interest MINUTES CiTY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA. June 28, at ?:~0 P ~' 19 4~ Olive Murray Lot ? Block A South Sanford Sidewalk lien & Interest ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: $6.13 There bei~no further business the meeting adjourned until 7:30 o'clock P M. July 5, 19~3. City ~rk.