HomeMy WebLinkAbout07261943-Regular Session374 MINUTES CItY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, July.~29 at 2: co P M19 43 at The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida met in adjourned session the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 2:00 o'clock P M July 29,1943. Present: Commissioner Edward Hlggins, Mayor , H.James Gut . W.C.Hill .Lodge City Clerk H.N. Sayer Public Projects Fund Committeeman W.A.Leffler Absent: Commissioner Geo.D.Bishop Meeting called to order by the Chairman who announced that the purpose of the meeting was to confer with Geo.W.Simons Jr. Research and Planning Engineer,Jacksonville, with respect to Zoning Sanford for future planning and development, also to handle any other business that may come before the Board at this time. Thereupon Mr. Simons outlined in detail the procedure in zoning the City stating that it would necessitate making a complete overall community inventory showing the exact present status, and reflecting the poseiblities of future growth and development, and also preparing the necessary maps and zoning ordinance. After a lengthy discussion Mr. Simons was requested to submit a proposal cov~ing his fees for the work as outlined above in connection with zoning Sanford, for further consideration by the Commission. Consideration next given to the matter of establishing a recreation center for the colored citizens of Sanford, including a recreation building and athletic field facilities. Thereupon after considerable discu/ssion as to a location for the proposed recreation center, Commissioner Gut was authorized to negotiate with the owners of the property described as Lots 48 to 55 of J.E.Pace's Subdivision of Block "C", Mellonville located between Fourth Street and Sixth Street, and Locust Avenue and Willow Avenue, with respect to the City purchasing this property for the aforesaid purposes. On motion duly carried, the Clerk and City Attorney were next authorized access to Safety Deposit Box No.17? at the Sanford Atlantic National Bank for the purpose of securing two Water Revenue Certificates due August 1,1943, said certificates owned by the Insurance Fund as an investment. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Attest: ~ C i t~rk. MINUTES C~ITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, July 26 at 7:30 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at Present: Commissioner Edward Higgins, Mayor. ,' Geo. D.Bishop , H.James Gut M.J.Lodge Ci~y Attorney Fred R.Wllson City Clerk H N Bayer Chief of Police, R.G.Williams Absent: Commissioner W.C.Hill. Meeting called to order by the Chairm~n. Florida, met in regular session at ?:30 o'clock p.M. July 26, 1943. Commisdu3n: Commissioner Higgins Aye , Bishop Aye , Gut Aye , Lodge A~e Said Resolution No.662 being in words and figures as follows: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, REQUIRING THAT CERTAIN DILAPIDATED. UNSANITARY AND UNSAFE BUILDING OR STRUCTURE LOCATED ON LOT 10 of BLOCK 11 of TIER 2 OF E.R.TRAFFORD'$ MAP OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, TO BE PUT IN A STATE OF SOUND REPAIR OR DEMOLISHED AND REMOVED. WHEREAS, the Building Inspector of the City of Sanford has reported to the Oity Commission of said City that there is located on Lot 10 of Block 11 of Tier 2 of E R Trafford's Map of Sanford, Florida, a dilapidated, unsanitary and unsafe building which should be put in a state of sound repair or demolished and removed; a~d the City Commission finds that said building is dilapidated , unsanitary and unsafe and should be put in a state of sound repair or demolished and removed. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE~)LVED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, that that certain building or structure located on Lot 10 of Block 11 of Tier 2 of E.R.Trafford's Map of Sanford, Florid~ be put in a state of sound repair or demolished and removed, or cause shown why the same should not be done at the regular meeting of the City Commission at 7:30 o'clock P.M. on the 9th. ~v nf August . lq4~. at the City Hall in said City. RePOrt of July analysis of milk furnished by all dairies operating in Sanford, as prepared by Dr. L.R.Scribner's Laboratories at Orlando, next presented, such report showing all such milk within the requirements of "Grade A Milk" with the exception of Milk furnished by Spencer-Hardin Dairy. Mr. H.J.Lehman next appeared on behalf of Mrs Harry Bradhamwith reference to the delinquent taxes for year 1938 in amount of $51.O0 and accrued interest and penal- ties thereon amounting to $19.20, against the E. 11.65 ft. of Lot 61 and the W. 41.68 ft. of Lot 62, Sanford Heights, which is her home, the subsequent years taxes having been paid. Mr Lehman requested the Commission to waive the accrued interest and penalties on the aforesaid taxes, claiming that Mrs. Bradham inquired at the Tax Collector's office during the year 1940 and was advised at that time that all taxes were paid on this p~erty. Matter taken under advisement. Commissioner Gut next introduced Resolution No. 662 and after being read in full by the Clerk moved its passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Bishop and carried by the following vote of the MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, July 26 at 7:3O P M 19 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution shall become upon its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 26th day of July, 1943 . effective immediately Sdward Higgins Mayor ~.J.Lodge. H.James Gut Ceo .D ~Bishop Attest: H N SsYer City Clerk. (Seal) As the City Commission' of the City of Sanford Florida. In response to the request for bids to lease the City's hangar at the old airport for warehouse purposes for storing crate materials, the following bid was next presented: Patrick & Lingle Fruit Company - Monthly basis at a rental of $25.50 per month, agreeing to make all necessary repairs to the hangar. Thereupon in view of no other bids having been received, Commissioner Lodge moved the acceptance of the aforesaid bid o£ Patrick & Lingle Fruit Company. Seconded by Commissioner Gut and carried. Request next received from E.C.Hayman for the City to remove two trees from the parkway in front of his home at 2205 Palmetto Avenue, and on recommendation of ~Apt Moughton, same was authorized provided he pay for the service. Communication next read from the Sanford Equipment Company requesting that a whiteway light be installed at the southeast corner of Park Avenue and Second Street in front of their Bus Station, claiming that they are having to burn a flood light each night in their station because this corner is very dark. Thereupon the Clerk was instructed to make a survey of the street lights with a view of removing a light from some other location and having it installed at the southeast corner of Park Avenue and Second Street. On motion of Commissioner Bishop, seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried, the Commission next authorized the employment of Cedil D.Bass as a police officer at a salary of $4.20 per day. Applica~mon next received from Mrs. J.M. Joyner to purchase Lots 25 and 26 of Block 9 Bel Air Subdivision, this property having been acquired by the City th~u foreclosure of taxes and special assessment liens . Thereupon on motion duly adopted, the Commission authorized the sale of the aforesaid property to Mrs. Joyner at a price of $150.OO , subject to all unpaid State and County taxes. On motion of Commissioner Gut, seconded by Commissioner Bishop and carried, the Commission next authorized the purchase from Fairbanks, Morse & Company of two No. MUO Exhaust Silencers for the diesel engines at the Water Plant at a price of $301.50 each FOB factory. The Clerk next reported that the construction of the USO Recreation building MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, July 26 at 7:30 P M 371 it should be destroyed by fire. Thereupon after considerable discussion, Commissioner Bishop moved that the Cl=~ be authorized to insure the aforesaid recreation building against fire loss in amount of $16,000.O0 thru A.P.Connelly & Sons, Inc. Seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried. In connection wi~h the City's endeavor to secure title to the remainder of individually owned property lying within the boundaries of Fort Mellon Park, Mayor Hi,gins next reported that Mr. R.H.Walthour had agreed to convey to the City by warranty deeds Lots I and 2 of Block C, First Street Extension at a price of $1000.00 Thereupon after careful consideration, ¢oSmissioner Gut moved the purchase of the aforesaid property from R.H.Walthour at a price of $1000.O0 for park purposes. Seconded by Commissioner Bishop and carried. Bill of Flexible 8ewez-Rod Equipment Company in amount of $933.69, covering purchase of sewer cleaning equipment for the Street Department, next presented and on motion of Commissioner Gut, seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried, same was approved and payment authorized. On motion of Commissioner Gut, seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried, the Commission next authorized the purchase from B.J.¥an Ingen & Company, Inc. Miami , of two Refunding Series A Bonds Nos. 3289 and 3290, with coupons due Sept 1,1943, and subsequent coupons attached, at a price of $435.00 each and interest. On motion duly carried, the Commission next authorized the delivery of ten Refunding Series "E# Bonds Nos. 18 to 2y, inclusive, dated March 1,1941, payable September 1,1977, with coupons due Sept. l, 1943 and subsequent attached, to Ed. O.Wright & Company, St. Petersburg, Florida, in exchange for ten Refinancing Series A-3 Bonds Nos. 66 to ?5, inclusive, dated January 1,1928, due January 1,1936, with coupons due Jan 1,1935, and subsequent coupons attached; also the payment of $800.00 to Ed. C.Wright & Company for coupons Nos I to 4 inclusive, detached from said Refunding Series "E" Bonds. On motion duly carried, the Clerk and City Attorney were next authorized access to Safety Deposit Box Nc.l?? at the Sanford Atlantic National Bank for the purpose of securing the aforesaid ten Refunding Series "E" Bonds to be exchanged with Ed.C.Wright & Company. On recommendation of Chief of Police Williams, and on motion duly adopted the Commission next authorized the salary of policeman W.H.Raulerson increased from $130.00 to $142.00 per month, effective July 16,1943. The following adjustments of delinquent taxes and/or special assessments were next presented, and on motion duly carried , same were approved. Mrs Anna Belle Lee W 1/2 of N W 1/4 of Blk 4 Tr. 20 r~xes and penalties 1932/1938 $ ADJUSTNENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: $125.68 Annie Simmons Lot 6 Block 5 Meisch Sub. Taxes and Penalties 1931/39 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 61.38 Annie Simmons Lot ? Block 5 Meisch Sub. Taxes & Penalties 1931/39 $ ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED '372 MINUTES CiTY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, ~uly 26 at 7:30 P M 19 E R Poppell E R ?oppell Susie Jeff J G Leonardy Doudney & Jinklns Doudney & Jinkins Doudney & Jinkins Lots Doudney & Jinkins Doud~ey & Jinkins Lots ~ & 5 Blk F Buena Vista Special Assessment & Interest ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 17.15 Lot 3 Block F Buena Vista Taxes and penalties 1930/42 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: Special Assessment ADJUST~ENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 8.58 Lot 5 Blk. 13 Tier E Taxes and penalties 1929/39 ~J)JUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: l~.y5 Lot ll Block 8 Tier B Special Assessment & Interest ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 10.18 Lots 4,5,6,10,11,15,16,1? & 18 Boyd Subdiv. Taxes and penalties 1927/42 ADJ~JSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 202.95 Lot l~ Boyd Subdiv. Taxes and penalties 1927/42 ADJUStmENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 22.99 %5,6,10 and ll Boyd Sub. Special Assessment & Interest ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: ~?.20 Lots 15,16,1y and 18 Special assessment & Interest ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 5~.66 Lot l~ Boyd Subdiv. Special Assessment & Interest ADJUStmENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: Doudney & Jinkins Doudney & Jinkins Willie Roundtree Bessie Jeff Fields 8.00 & Interest 13.66 Beg 1723.6 ft W. and ~lO ft S. of N E Oor of Sec. 35-1~-30 Run E. 52½ ft. S. 210 ft. west 52.~ ft N 210 ft. to beg. Taxes and penslties 1930/42 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 11.75 Lot 5 Block 14 Tier y '( y yr plan) Taxes and penalties 1930/364 ~ADJUSTM2ENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: I51.11 ~pecial Assessment & Interest ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to 46.y5 S 1/2 of Block ll Tr. 20 ( Less E. 51 ft of S. 125 ft) Taxes and penalties 1927/39 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 15.50 ll? ft of Lot 3 Holden Real Est. Taxes and penalties 1930/39 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, ~uly 26, at 7:3o 19 43 373 Sidney Vihlen ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 3.24 Lot 9 Block $ Tier 6 Taxes and penalties 1927/39 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 22.39 Special Assessment and interest D C Brock Willie Jeff Jeanette Laing Willie Levett ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: W. 50 ft of Lot 2 and W. 50 ft of N 1/2 of Bbt 3 Blk 9 Tr. N Ta xes & Penalties 1931 /42 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 15.60 Lot 4 Block 13 Tier E Taxes & Penalties 1929/39 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 14.20 E. 16.6 ft of W. 423 ft of Lot ~ Robinson Survey Taxes and penalties 1928/39 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 6.10 Beg N E Cot Lot 1 Robinson 8ur. Run W. 85 ft 8. 60 ft E. 85 ft N 50 ft. to Beg. Taxes 1911,1912,1917 and taxes & penalties 1930/32 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORI~n Adjusted to: 3.57 New Bethel Bap.Church Lot 10 Block 10 Tier D, Sanford. Taxes and penalties 19~/~9 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 9.10 There being no further business the meeting then adjourned until 2:00 P.M. July 29,19~3. Attest: city Cl~,~