HomeMy WebLinkAbout041144-Adjourned Session476 MINUTES CiTY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, A~)ril ll at 7:30 P M 19 44 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida met in adjourned Regular Session at the City Ball in the City of tanford, Florida at ?:30 o'clock P.M. April 11,1944. Present: Commissioner Edward Higgins, Mayor. " George D.Blshop " H.James Gut " W.G.Htll City Attorney Fred R. Wilson City Clerk H.N.Sayer Chief of Police R.G.Willlams Absent: CommisslonerM~J.bodge Meeting called to order by the Chairman. M~nutes of regular meeting of February 28, adjourned meeting of March 1, and regular meeting of March 14,1944, next read and anproved. Current invoices and nayrolls for the month of March 1944, oroperly audited and vouchered as evidenced by Voucher Nos. 6626 thru 6?22 , submitted, examined, aooroved and payment authorized. Monthly reports of Streets, Sanitation, Health, Water, Police, Fire, Library and Golf Deoartments for the month of March 1944, submitted and examined. Financial statement and ststement of revenues and expenditures during the month of March 1944, submitted and examined. Bank statements in all accounts for the month of March 1944, oroperly recondiled, submitted and examined. Mr. Garland W. Soencer, Attorney , next aooeared before the Board and advised that he had been emnloyed by employees of the Police and Fire Departments to represent them in a legal capacity to consult with the Commission in ore~aring the oronosed Civil Service System for City employees, In order to protect ~heir interest in the matter. Thereupon slier considerable discussion, in which Attorney Boencer declined to re' the names of his clients, it was the oolnlon of the Commission that the Board should not accept recognition of counsel for any City Employees, but would be glad to listen to Mr. Spencer as a citizen and tax payer with respect to any criticism and recom- mendations that he may have to offer In connection with the proposed Civil Service System. Commissioner Gut then moved that City Attorney Wi]Son be authorized to invite Mr. Spencer, as a citizen, to confer with him in preparing the proposed ~ivil Service Ordinance, with a view to receiving the benefits from any constructive ideas or sug- gestlons that Mr. Spencer may have to offer that should be embodied in said Ordinance. Seconded by Commissioner Hill and carried. Report of April analysis of milk furnished from all dairies onerating in Sanford, as prepared by Dr. L.R.$cribner's Laboratories at Orlando, next presented, such reoort showing all such milk within the requirements of Grade "A" Milk. On motion of Commissioner Gut, seconded by Commissioner Bishop and carried the Commission next authorized the sale to Albert O Von Herbulis of Lot ? Block ? Tier 5, E.R. Trafford's Map, at a price of $2225.oO. This ~rooerty having been acquired by the City thru foreclosure of tax liens;and nroceeds from such sale to be divided between the City end County, nfo rata, ~n the pronortion of liens ~eal MINUTES CitY COMMISSION, SANF~ORD, FLORIDA, ~nrl_l 11 ~,t 7:.~0 P ]~ 477 Department of Seminole tractor to the school for several years. of each for general taxes against said property, in accordance with the provisions of Ohanter 22079, Acts of 1943 Legislature. On motion duly carried the Commission next authorized the sale to C.C. St!nson of the E ?O~ ft. of S. 78~ ft of Lots 4 and 5 Block 7 Tier 6 , E.R. Trafford's Map, at a price of $150.OO. This ~ronerty having been acquired by the City thru foreclosure of taxes liens, and the proceeds of such sale to be divided pro rata in the oronortion of liens of each for general taxes ageinst said property. Communication next read from Mr. Alex. R.Johnson, Director of Agricultural High School, requesting the City to dona~an old garden farm, which has been in storage at the City's repair shop Thereupon on advice of Supt. Moughton that the City ~ill have no further need for this tractor, the Commission authorized it to be donated to the Seminole High School Farm. Communication next read from Wlnn & Lovett Grocery Company with reference to renewing their lease on the City's dock property for an additional five years, as provided in the lease agreement exoirtng May 8,19~, and requested that same be renewed at a rental of $150.OO ncr year ~nstead of the present rental of $300.00, claiming that they can make only limited use of this property during the existing emergency because of lack of transportation facilities. Thereupon, after careful c--nsideration, it was felt that $3OO.OO net year is a reasonable rental charge for use of the aforesaid property, and on motion duly adopted, the Commission instructed that the lease be renewed at the present rate. Communication next read from the Procurement Division of the United States Treasury Department advising that they have a surplus pool of new care in dead storage at Army Depot, Atlanta, Georgia, that can be sold to non-Federal tax-supported organizations and institutions. The types of said vehicles and the prices at which they may be procured are as follows: Plymouth, 19~2 model ~-door touring sedans. Manufacturers standard color comblna~[on; Special DeLuxe Model $1,O82.84 DeLuxe Model 1,O~1.62 Thereupon after careful consideration, and in view of the fact that the 19~1 Model Chevrolet Sedan used as a patrol car in the Police Department has had more than 1OO,0OO miles of service, and has worn to such an extent as to be of considerable exnense to the City to keen in a state of re.air, it was the opinion of the Commission that it would be more economical to renlace this Chevrolet with a new car, and on motion of Commissioner Hill, seconded by Commissioner ~ut and carried, the Clerk was authorized to nurchase a new 19~2 Model Plymouth Special DeLuxe ~-door sedan from the United Btates Treasury Department at a price of $1,082.~, delivered at Atlanta. On motion duly'adopted, the Commission next authorized the nayment of exnenses of Clerk on trin to Atlanta for the nurpose of accenting deliver of the aforesaid automobile, at such time it is available. The Clerk next reported that one of the gaeo!ine ~ower driven air compres- sors at the Water P~ant, used for starting the diesel engines, has worn to such MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, Apr Xl at 7:30 r M 19 4~. an extent as to lose its efficiency, and that Engineer Abrahams has recommended that it be reolaced with an electric Dower driven comnressor; advising that bide for furnishing this equipment had been requested from Fairbanks,Morse & Company, Cameron & Barkley, General Electric Comnany and Ingersel-Rand Company, and only Fairbanks,Morse & Company has such equipment available at this time , and submitted the following bid: 1 Air Compressor No A-199, Type H-1 Vee-Belted to 220 Volt Motor 1 3 - H.P. Across Line Electric Starter Total Phase, 60 Cycle, $267.oo Thereupon after careful consideration, and in view of no other bids having been received, Commissioner Hill moved that the Clerk be authorized to purchase the above described Electric Driven Air Comnressor from Fairbanks , Morse & Comnany at a price of $294.00 F.O.B. Factory. Seconded by Commissioner ~ishop and carried. On motion duly adopted, Tax Collector Ellen Moy was next instructed to hold the 1943 Tax Sale on the let. day of July 1944. Request next received from Mrs Jennie Vaughan to be allowed widow's exemntion on her taxes for year 1943 against the following described nroperty, claim- ingthat she was not aware of the fact that application had to be filed each year for such exemotion: Beg 200 ft.W. of N E Cot of S 1/2 of N W 1/4 of N E 1/4 of S.E. 1/4 of Sec. 36 Tp 19 R. 30, run S. 280 ft W. 100 ft N . 280 ft . E. 1OO ft. (Less N. 30 ft and Less 15.9 ft on west side for street.) Thereupon Commissioner Gut moved that Mrs. Jennie Vaughan be granted widow's exemotion for year 1943 on the aforesaid nronerty. Seconded by Commissioner Bishop and carried. Communicstion next read from Dr. J.N.Tolar, City Physician, advising that Fireman R.T.Thomae received an injury to hie eyes several months ago, which has resulted in a growth that is soreadlng over his eyeballs, and recommending that this growth be removed as soon as noeslble because it is aggravated by light and wind. Thereupon after considerable discussion, and on advice of Fire Chief Cleveland that fireman Thomas received this eye injury while in line of duty for the City, Commissioner Bisho~ moved that Dr. To!ar be authorized to engage a physician, who soecializee in eye surgery, to nerform this operation on Fireman Thomas' eyes, the expenses in connection therewith to be borne by the City. Seconded by Commissioner Gu~ and carried. On motion of Commissioner Gut, seconded by Commissioner Bishop and carried, the Commission next authorized the oayment of additional salaries to the following firemen for over-time worked as follows, caused from vacancy in the department sion, mechanic at a salary of $145.OO oer month, and the salries of N.G. Harrlett by the resignation of J.T.Vernon. 1 day for M.N.Cleveland, R.T.Thomas, days for J.R. Crow and C.M.Whitten. M.G.Harrtett and R.E.Whlte, and 1~ On recommendation of Fire Chief Cleveland, and after considerable discus- Commissioner Gut next moved that fireman R.E.White be oromoted to fireman and 0.M. Factorye MINUTES City COMMISSION, SANFORD. FLORIDA, April ll at 7:30 P H 479 the Seconded by Commissioner Bishop and carried. On motion duly carried, the Commiesion next Bandshell building on the lake front be nainted, authorized and directed that Commissioner Hill and the 6lark being authorized to employ a ~ainter and sunervtse the work. The Clerk next renorted that the t~oof on the repair shop building ie leaking in several ~lacee and needs replacing before the water ruins the sheeting. Thereupon the Clerk was authorized to obtain bids for re-roofing the City's repair shop building, for consideration at the next regular meeting. Application next received from B.H.Williams to ~urchase several lots in San Lanta Second Section, which were acquired by the City thru foreclosure of taxes and/or special aseessment liens, and on motion duly adopted, the Commission authorized a sale nrice of $1OO. aO oar lot for the aforesaid pronerty. There being no further business the meeting then adjourned until 2:30 o'clock P M April 13,1944, for the nurpose of considering the adoption of the Civil Service System Ordinance that is being prepared by the City Attorney. Attest: City~e~. Mayor.