HomeMy WebLinkAbout052244-Regular Session MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, May 22 at 7:30 P M 4 9.2 the The City Commission of the City &Sanford, Florida, met in regular session at City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:3a o'clock P M Fey 22,1944. Mayor. Commissioner Edward Higgins, Geo.D.Bishop H.James Gut W.C.Hill M.J.Lodge City Attorney Fred R.Wileon ~ity Clerk H.N.Sayer Chief of Police R.G.Williame Present: Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Application next received from Herbert Benton to sell beer and wines in store building located on West side of Cypress Ave. between Third end Fourth Streets, and same was referred to Chief of Police Williams to investigate and report at next meeting. Report of May analysis of milk furni~-hed by all dairies operating in Sanford as prepared by Dr. L.R. Scribner's Laboratories at Orlando, next presented, such report showing ell such milk within the requirement of Grade "A" Milk. On motion of Commissioner Bishop, seconded by Commissioner Gut and carried, the Oommission next authorized the purchase from Rltenoure Investment Company,Wichita,Kansas, of 26 Refunding Series A Bonds with coupons due September 1,1944, and subsequent coupons attached at a price of $530.00 each, and 6 Refunding Series A Bonds with coupons due Sentember 1,1944 and subsequent coupons attached from B.J.Van Ingen & Company, Inc. Miami, at a price of $532.50 each. The'~Clerk next reported a balance of $~1,S16.?? available in the Sinking Fund for the purchase of Refunding Series A Bonds, after deducting the purchase of the above bonds. Request next received from Miss Margaret Roberts for the City to reserve a loading space in front of her grocery store at northwest corner of Magnolia Avenue a~d Second Street, and same was referred to Chief of Police Williams. Communication next read from Mrs Ella M.Fischer, Newark N.J. advising that she owns one of the City's old outstanding unrefunded bonds of Series A-3, dated January l, 192S, due January 1,1931, and offering to sell it at a price of $1,OOO.OO Thereupon after careful consideration, Commissioner Gut moved that the C~ty nurchase the aforesaid unrefunded bond from Mrs. Fischer et a price of $1000.OO, provided all the unpaid interest coupons are attached thereto. Seconded by Commissioner Bishop and carried. Supt. Moughton next reported that the grandstand at the Municipal Athletic Field is in bad condition end will have to be repaired before the Sanford Naval Air Station can use it in connection with their baseball games. Thereupon after considerable discussion and on motion duly adopted, the Commission authorized an expenditure for making the necessary repairs to the grandstand building. Consideration next given to the matter of sponsoring a oroject for the eradication of rats in the Oity, which have become very numerous and are doing considerable dsmage to property, and also a menace to public health. Thereupou after considerable discussion, and on advice that the City of Jacksonville has had a rodent control project in effect for two years with very satisfactory results, Inspector Duncan wes authorized to visit Jacksonville and make a study of t~irways and MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, May 22 at 7:3n ? ~ 19 a4 City. On recommendation of Chief of Pol~ ?,il!lams, and on motion duly carried, the Commission next aooroved the employment of Ernest M.Lee as oolice oatrolman at a fill the vacancy created by the resignation of as of May 16,1944. from W.V.~ltting to ourchaee 7ors 10 and 11 of Block 6, salary of $130.OO oer month, to R~ulerson, which was effective Aoolication next received this orooerty hsvlng been acquired by the City thru foreclosure of taxes and and County re×es for years 1926 thru 1943 ~ayfair, soecial assessment liens after Mey 1,1943. The Clerk then advised of unoaid State against this orooerty amounting to Thereuoon after cereful consideration and on motion of Commissioner Gut, seconded by Commissioner Blshoo and carried, the Commission authorized the sale to WoV. Bitting of Lots l0 and ll of Block 6 Mayfair, at a orice of $400.00, end the Clerk authorized to Day the aforesaid unoaid Stere and County taxes against same in amount of $2~$.O?. The Clerk next reoorted that there are only two available lots for sale in Evergreen Cemetery, advising that all of the lots in Sections H,J,L and M will have to be elevated by hauling in several yards of fill before they can be used for burial ourooses, and that it will be less exoenslve for the City to develoD the unolatted sections of the cemetery than to haul in the fill for the aforesaid lots. Thereuoon after considerable discussion, the Clerk was authorized to emoloy Engineer M C Hagen to survey and olat into lots the unolatted sections of Evergreen Cemetery, and to emoloy Brlnson Construction Comosny to do the necessary grade work and exoendlturee careful study by with a bulldozer machine. The Clerk next oresented an itemized statement of all revenues during the first six months of the fiscal year, and same was given the Board. There being no p.M. May Attest: City Clerk, / further business the meetlng then edJourned until 7:XO o'clock Mayor.