HomeMy WebLinkAbout082844-Regular SessionM|NU ES The City UommiSsion of the City of oenfOrd, Flori~a~ met in regula: session 8t the the City H~tl in %he City of oa~'or~, Florid8 at 7:~0 o,olook P.~- August 2~ 19~' present: co~issione~ Edward Higgins, ~syor. ,, George D. Bishop ,, H.James Gut , ~.J.Loage City Clerk H.N.~aye ~eeting ce. ilea to order Dy t~e Chairman ~inutes of regular meeting of June 20, adjourned meeting of July ~ regular meetinss of July lO sna 2~, adjourned meetings of July 2~, Augast 1 and lO and regular meeting of August 1~1~ next read and apprOved. mr. Fred Brandt and Ur j.j. Dela~e next appeared before the Board with reference to the conuUot of Police Officer Quat~lebaum~ olsimin~ that he threatened to do bodily harm to Dela~e and used profane language in the presence of his wife and family. Thereupon after considerable Discussion the ~tter wes referred to Chief of Police liems for investigation and report ~o the Commission. mrs. Helen SchultZ next appeared and requested %ne Commission to grant the local Chapter of %ne American 5ed Cross %ne use oI the yacht Qlub Building Ior its headquarters and same was referred to t~e local aivision of Coast ~uard~ who have Oeen crested the use of the aforesaid building for its ao%iviLies. ~he following applications nex~ received for permi~ to sell liquors: ~ B Smith for permi~ ~o sell liquors in packages~ to De consumed of/' premises~ at lO01 French Avenue. ~rs j..~.Jerrell for permit ~o sell liquors~ to De consumed on premises et French Avenue. Lewis A.Tate for permit 5o sell liquorS~ to be consumed on premises at corner of South french avenue end ~e~e Road ~o.~. ~hereupon after careful oonsi~era~ion~ 8nd in view of ~ne fac~ %he~ Ordinance No. ~l~ ~ passed an~ auopted Dy LSe City Commission u~aer aa~e of may lE,l~ql, limiLs permits and licenses to vendors of alcoho£iO beverages~ except Deer and wines~ %o noL in excess of one permit dna license to each lDO0 persons in the City o~ oanIord~ according ~o the las~ censUs ~nereOf~ ~te%e or Feeeral, and ~net ~ne last census of Oanfora shows e 9opula~ion oi IO;~OO Ior wi~ioh ~nere have ueen granted six such permits and licenses, %~e aforesaid applications for permits %o sell liqUOrS were ~eclined. Application sex5 received from Greay Stringer ior permz$ ~o sell Deer anu wines at ldQ~ ¥~. 13tn Or., ssa on sdvioe cz Chief of ?olios .i£1i~ms, same wes declined. Application next receives from Ollie brown for permit to sell Deer and ~ines at sna on advice of Chief of Police ~illisms, same was declined. milk from all dairies operating in oaniora, as Heport bi Augus~ Analysis of Dr. L.~.~crioner~s Laoore%ories milk wi~nin the requirements of prepared Dy et Orlando, next presented , such report showi~f 811 such ,*Grade A ~il~'~, except milk zrom Green Valley and Spencer- Haruen D8iriss. ilequest nex~ received ~rom the oanlOrG Nave1 Air s~auzon to pub. chase lOO ouoic yards of clay from %ne City's clay pit. ~'nereupon aI'~er osrezul consideration a~a on mo~ion uuly carried, the Commission authorized the sale Of 10~ cubic yards of clay to the Sanford Naval Air Station et a Der cubic yard · CITY COMMISSION, SANFOED, FLORIDA'~U~t ~ at ~: 3~ p~19-~- __ Bishop and carried, the On motion of commissioner Gut, seconded by Commissioner Commission next authorized the temporary employment of ~.E.Jameson at a salary of per day and James Hardy Jr. at a salary of $3.50 per day, to assist Engineer in makin~ the survey of streets in Goldsboro section %hat the C%~Y proposes ~o re-surfsoe- ~ mo%ion of Commissioner Gu%, seconded by Commissioner Bishop ~d carried, the Commission next authorized %he employmen~ of Sam Burke, by contract %o furnish labor and equipment in cieanin& several ditches in Goidsboro sec%ion st 8 price of 1~ per lineal yard, and %o furnish labor and equipmenZ in di~gin~ a ditch in same sec%ion at 8 price of .~ per lineal yard. On motion of Commissioner Gu~ seconded by Commissioner Bishop and carried, Co~uission next authorized the emplo~en% of H.H.Niokerson a% a salary of ~5.00 per week and Henry Williams, colored carpenter a% a salary of $~.00 per day %o assist Inspector Duncan with the vent stoppage and rat-proOfi~ of oo~ercisl Ouildin~s in connection wi~h the rodent control project. On motion of Commissioner Bishop~ seconea by Commissioner ~u~ andcarried, Commission next approved the emplo~en% of ~rs ~ary Jones as Clerk in %he Water DepartmenZ at a salary of ~11~.00 per month. On reoo~enda%ion of Fire Chief Cleveland, and on mo%ion of Commissioner Bishop~ seconded by Oommission Gu% 8nd carried, ~he Co~ission next authorize~ the paymen~ of 10 days salary ~o fireman ~snnin~ ~. Harriet% in lieu of vacation. Fireman Harriet% havin~ been inducted into military service durin~ the month of ~ mo~ion of Commissioner Bishop, seconded by Commissioner Gut and carried, the CommiSsion next approved the payment of $100.00 toward the ~revel expense of Mayor Higgins on %rip %o ~8shin~%on D.C. on Au~us~ ~1, ~o confer wi~h officials of %he Civil Aeronautics Administration wi~h r espec~ %o workin~ out ~ satisfactory disposition of %he ~unicipal Airport a% such tim8 the United S%8%es Navy ceases ~o use i% as a Naval Air Application nex~ received from ~iss Ellen Hoy for permi~ %o transplant two trees on %he parkway a% nor%neas~ corner of ~k Ave 8nd ~leven%h Street, and on reoomme~a%ion of SupS. ~ou~hton same ~ss appIoved. Communes%ion nex~ read from %he Board of County Commissioners in reply Clerk's lea%er wi~h reference ~o %he City's share of Road and Brid~e ~axes for %he years i9~ ~hru 19%~, advisin~ %hs~ %ney are se%%in~ up ~%~00.00 in %ne i9~ Bud&e% for paym~n~ of i9~ %axes, ~d su~es~in6 ~hs% the City have 8n auai~ maas of ~he County's recoras determine %he amount of ~lance, if any, due %he City from collections of prior years ~sxes. Thereupon the Clerk was instructed to find out from %he County how they arrived at the amount of $~5OO.OO which they have estimated as being the City's Bridge taxes collected from the 1953 tax roll. ~he Clerk next advised that the property descriOed as: Beg. ~. of N.b.corner of Block 3, Tier 12, run E. qO ft. S. 1~3 ft. E, 58 ft to Pt. of Beg. was assessed as improved property for error, whereas, this property is vacant and should have been share of the Road and 158 ft. E. and 1OO ft. W. 98 ft. N. 153.2 ft yere 193~ thru 1939 in assessed as unimproved for those years. Thereupon in order to correct this error in assessment, Commissioner Hill moved that the taxes against the aforesaid property be adjusted to $9.00 per year for the years 1~3~ thru l~3Y, $7.20 for year 1~38, and 3.OO for year 1939. Seconded by Commissioner Gut an~ carried. MINUTES CiTY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA,____ Request next received from Inspector Duncan for the City to subscribe for a member_ ship to the Southern Building Codes Congress at a cost of include furnishing the City a copy of the Southern me~ s thereto, and also entitle the City to their i'or Sanford. $25.00 per year, which will Standard Building Code and all amend- services in preparing a building code Thereupon Commissioner Gut moved the Payment of ~ues to the Southern Building Codes Congress. ~5.00 for one year's memOership Seconded by Commissioner Hill and ~arried. The Clerk next reported that the members of the Civil Service of the City ol' Oanford held an election on July 7,1~qq, flor the purpose cfi electing the third member cfi the Civil Service Board, in accordance with the provisions of Section 2 of Ordinance No. 3~R, creating a Civil ~ervzce System ~or the City, and that L.F.Boyle was duly elected as the member o~ said Civil Service Board. Thereupon , on motion duly carried, Harry Lee , H.E.Tooke and L.F.Boyle were duly certi£ied as the members of the Civil Service Board of the City of SSn~ord, Florida. There being no further business the meeting then adjourned until 1:30 o'clock P.M. September 1,1~qq. At ~est: City