HomeMy WebLinkAbout090844-Adjourned Session MINUTES CiTY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA,~tember The City Commission of the City of ~anford, Floriea, at the City Hall in ~hs City of ~anford, Florias, at 1:30 Present: Commissioner Edward Higgins, Mayor. " George D.Bishop " H.Jamas Gut " W.C.Hill City Clerk H N Sayer Absent: Commissioner M.J.Lodge. Meeting called to order 0y the Chairman. The Commission then proceeded to a lengthy study of the estimated budget of revenues and expenditures I'or the fiscal year l~q~-i~5, as prepared by the City Clerk, which the meeting adjourned until l:OO o'clock P.~. SepDember 8, l~qq. met in adjourned session o'clock P.M. September 1,i~ after Mayor A~est: City ~le~k. glNUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, September ~ at 1:00 P.~. i~4~. The City Commission of the City of Ssnford, Florida, met in adjourned session at the City Hall in the City of oanford, Florioa, at l:OO o'clock P.N.Sept Present: Commissioner Edward Higgins, ~ayor. " George D.Bishop " H.James Gut " W. C. Hill " ~.J.Lodge City Attorney ~'red R.~ilson City Clerk H N Sayer Meeting called to order by the Ghairman Lieutenant John C.Baugh of the United States Navy Land Acquisition Office, Jacksonville, next appeared oefore the Board and requested the City ~o convey to the United Orates Navy thel 8.~q acres of land lying approximately in the center of ~he old municipal airport, which is now being used by the oanford ~aval Air Station, and to lease to the Navy the remainder of said airport property, consisting of 156 acres of land, at a rental of $1.OO per acre per year for the duration oI' %ne existing war and six months ~nereafter. ihereupon after careful consideration, the Com~ission rejected the foregoing request, and on motion duly carried, offereC the following proposition for Lieutenant Bsugh to sub- mit to the Navy ~epartment: The City will convey to ~he bnited States ~avy the aforesaid 8.~ acres of land at a price of ~200.00 with a reversion clause that it will revert to the City at such time the Navy ceases to use it, provided they will lease the remainder of 150 acres at s rental o~' ~300.00 per year for such period of time the Navy uses the ~.~ acres of land, or will lease tee entire airport at a rental of tqOO.00 per year, the Navy to maintain end turn it back to the City in as good concition as when leased. MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA.-- SeptemDe:~ 8 e~ 1:)00 P- 9. ~ final action oeing deferred pending further consideration. The meeting then adjourned until 1:30 o,clock P ~i September ~, l~q~. At ~est: City ~rk. MINUTES CITY CO~i~ISSION , SA~FORD , FLOI.:IDA, SeptemOer 9 at 1:30 P.M. 15qq. at fhe City Oo~ission of the City of oanford, Florida, met in adjourned session t~e City Hall in the City o£ ~snford, Florida, s~ 1:30 o'clock F.M. Sep~emOer ~,l~qq. Present: Commissioner Edward Higgins, Eayor. ,' George D.Bishop , H.James Gut ,, N.C.Hill City Clerk H.N.Ssyer Commissioner m.J.~odge to order by the Chairmen. then proceeded to s Zurtner stuuy o~ rates, and carez'ul consideration given to revising the which the meeting adjourned. Absent: Meeting called The Commission the occupational license tax schedule of seid rates, after ~!eyor. AtZest: City