HomeMy WebLinkAbout102344-Regular Session MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, Oct 23 ?:3o P ~ 19 ~ The City Commission of the City of City Hell in the City of Sarfford, Florida, Present: Commissioner Edward Higgins, " George D. Bishop " H.James Gut ,' W.C.Hill ,' M.J.Lodge City A~torney Fred R.Wilson City Clerk H.N.Sayer Sanford, Florida, met in regular session et the at ?:30 o'clock P.~. October 23, 19~q. ~ayor ~eeting called to order by the Chairmen. On motion of Oommissioner Hill, seconded by Commissioner Lodge end carried, the Mayor was next authorized to issue an election proclamation calling for a General Municipal mlection to be held on DecemOer 5, 19~, for the purpose of electing two City Commissioners for terms of three years each, to fill the vacancies to be created by the expiration of the terms of office of Co~mmissioners Geo. D.Bishop and H.Jemes Gut; the following Oeing designated as officials of said election: For Clerk: P.Beyard Smith For Inspectors: Mrs Margaret F.B~rnes, Mrs F.E.Roummillet end Mr. J.H.Beck. The Clerk next reported that Mr. Geo. D.Bishop and Mr. H.Jemes Gut were the only candidates to qualify for nomination as City Commissioners for the ~unicipal Primary Election to be held on November ?, 1944, and according to the law govern~ing elections, it will not be necessary to hold said Primary ~lection. Thereupon Commissioner hill moved that Mr. Geo. D.Bishop be uuly certified as the nominee for the position of City Commissioner in Group No. i and Mr. H.Jemes Gut be duly certified as the nominee for the position of City Commissioner in Group No. 2, end their names ordered printed on the ballot for the Generel ~unicipsl Election to be held on DecemOer 5, 194~. Seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried. A~plication next received from Louis Perides for permit to sell beer and wines at 1219 W. Thirteenth St., and on recommendation o£ Chief of Police ~illiems, same was approved. Application next received from ~r. John ~eisch Jr., for permit to plant a cherry laurel hedge on the parkway in front of hie home et 1315 fsrk Ave., and on recommendation of Supt. mo~ngton, same wes approved. On motion of Commissioner Lodge, seconded by Commissioner Gut and carried, the Commission next approved the sale to N.C.Mincy of Lot 2 Block & Tier 6, E.R.Trafford's Map at a price of $150.00. This property ~aving been acquired by the City thru foreclosure of tax liens and the proceeds from such sale to be prorated between the City and County in accornance wit~ Chapter 220?9, Acts of 19~3 Legislature. Mayor Higgins next reported that so many trees, limbs and other trash were blown on ~he streets during the hurricane on October 18th and 19th that it was necessary to employ extra crews and trucks to assist in clearing away the debris; advising that H.E.Cordell had been employed to furnish four crews consisting of three men and truck to each crew, at rate of $3.00 per hour each, end that Henry ~cAlister was furnishing one crew of three men and truck at cost of $3.00 per hour. MINUTES CiTY COMMISSION. SANFORD, FLORIDA, 0cto0e:~ 23 81; _7:}0 ? ~ 19 q4 Thereupon Commissioner Bishop moved the approval of the employment of the aforesaid trucks and lsoor 8t a cost of ~3.00 per hour for three men and truck to assist the City in clearing the street and alleys of debris caused by the hurricane, and that the ~ayor ce authorized to employ additional crews to assist in this work if he finds that it is necessary. Seconoea by Commissioner Hill one,tried. On motion uf Commissioner mishop~ seoonmed Dy Commissioner Gut and carried, the Cler~ and B.O.moore, Auditor of the firm of Pentland, Gray and Moore were next authorized access to the safety deposit box at the Oanford Atlantic National Oank for the purpose of verifying its contents. In connection witt~ converting tne 19~0 Dooge Pick-up truck transferred to the Fire Department into a onmmioal truck, Fire Chie~ Cleveland next adviseo that i~ will De necessary to purchase 8 ~00 gallon water tank, a water pump, 500 feet of 2~" fire hose ~nd ~00 feet of 1~" fire hose for installation on sale truck. Thereupon after careful consiaeration, t~e Fire ~nieI' was instruo%ea to obt8in prices on furnis~rng the aforesaid wa~er tank and pump, aha the Clerk was authorized to obtain bias for furnishing 5'0~ I'eet oi' 2~~' fire hose 8nd 200 feet of 1½" fire hose in accor¢ance with specifications recommended b) the ~'ire Chief. Oommunicstion next re8d from the oanford Lions Club with reference to the City providing proper zaoilities I'or a %railer camp, anc s~me was or~ red l'ile~ for further canal :~eraticn Pursuan1; %0 tL.e 8a.ai%~on81 19q~-1~%~ Budget i'or %f~e purpose appropriation of funas for the Police Department in the of increasing tZ~e I'orce to thirteen po±icemen so ss ~o change the workind hours 7 usys per week soned~,le, the followin~' police of~'icers effective Octooer 1~, 19~%: '.~.iJ.Raulerson st 881sry al ~i%0.00 per month. George O.Fellows 8t salary of $1~O.OO per month. N.O.~srner st salary of ~l[~O.O0 per month. ?.'lille Sutton st salary oI ~lOO.QO per month. Jeconded by Commissioner 'Jut sn(~ carried. from 1~ hours per day six days per week 1;o an/~our per day , Commzssioner Loage next moved the 89proval of the employment of Pursuant to the additional appropriation of funus for the Fire Department in the l~-l~p Buuget for the purpose of incresszng the force to eleven ~iremen so ss Zo change the workin6 hours tce ~-on and 2~-off schedule, the Commission nezt approved the employment of Huoert ~.';;hitworth as firem~n ~t salary oi' ~IFU.O'.) Der month, Ocoo~er lo~lj~, which orzngs the force up ~o the required number. On motion ~uly carried, t_e ~ommi~sion next approved an expenditure in amount $~.OO , contributed tow~ra the our~sl cx;en~es of ~en Jonnson, colorea, ~o was employed part time by the City ~s night %~atchman in Goldsboro section. f~ere oein~ no fu~.tner ousiness t~e t~en adjourneu unzil 1:30 o'clock P,N:. ~a yor. / ~