HomeMy WebLinkAbout121144-Regular Session MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, Dec. 11 at 7:3o P N 19 44 City Attorney The City Commission of the City the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Present: Commiseloner ~dward Nt. ggins, Mayor. Ceo D.Blshoo H.James Gut M C Hill M J Lodge Fred B. ~llson City Clerk H.N.Sayer Chief of Police R.G.Willi~ms of Sanford, Florida, met in regular session at Florida, at 7:ZO o'clock P.M. Dece,ber 11,1944o Current Involces and oayrolls for the month of November 1944, orooerly and vouehered as evidenced by voucher Nos. aooroved and oayment authorized. Monthly reoorts of streets, sanltet!on, health, water, oolice, f!re, library and golf deoartments for the month of November 1944, submitted and examined. Financial statement and statement of revenues and e~oendltures during the of November 194h, submitted and examined. Bank statements in all ac¢Sunt~ for the month of November 1944, ciled, submitted and examined. The following bids received for grading, audited 7~9 thru 7431 ~ubmltted, exemined, month nrooerly recon- from French Ave. to Tenth St. from Olive Ave. Coast Line Railroad, was next ooened and ordered Earle. J D Manley Construction Comoany, Leesburg Brinson Construction Comoany, Tamoa Reoort oreoared by showing ail to Pecan Ave, and Pecan Ave. filed draining and oaving Th{rteenth Street Southwest Road, Olive Ave. from Thirteenth to Tenth Street, from Tenth St. to Atlantic for tabulation by Engineer of December analysis of milk from all dairies ooerating Dr. L R Scribner's Laboratories at Orlando, next oresented, such milk w~thin the requlrements of "Grade A Milk." Sanford, as such reoort On motion of Commissioner HI'i,' seconded by Commissioner Gut and carried, the Commission next authorized the sale to W.-.Harvey, Jr. of the W. 52 ft. of the 1/? of Lot 14 of Block Y, St. Gertrude Add., at a cries of $125.OO. This orooerty having been acquired by the City thru foreclosure of taxes and soscial a~sessment liens and the nroceeda from such sale to be d~vlded between t~e City and County Chao, in accordance with the provisions of/-22679, Acts of 19~ Legislature. On motion duly carried, the Commission next authorized the rental to Carl S.Mynes of one-half of the City's 1945, at a cries of $50.00, said Block X,St. Gertrude's Addition. farm land for the soring season ending June 30, orooerty being described as Lots 2,4 and 8 of Request next received from Mr. Matthew H.Jones for an adjustznt of the 1944 oersonal taxes in amount of $45.00 against the oersonal orooerty of the Sanford Bowling Center because said orooerty was destroyed by fire during the month of October, 19~4. Thereuoon after careful consideration, CommissSoner Hill moved that the 1944 oersonal taxes of the Sanford Bowling center be adjusted to $M7.5©. ~econded by Commissioner Gut and carried. 9u MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA,. Dec. 11 at 7:30 P N Ft, of Lot S Block 1~ Tier g, E,R,Trafford's MaD, but that it failed to get recorded on the tax roll. Thereuoon Commissioner Hill moved that ~rs Msude Mills be allowed widow's exemot- ion for the year 19h$ on the aforesaid orooerty. Seconded by Commissioner Gut ~nd carrled. Request next received from Mr Frank D. Letske, QO5 Palmetto Ave. for an adjust- ment of his November water bill in smbunt of $12.75, the exceselve amount of the bill being due to a burst in olde llne under his house, which he claims was caused from strain on the oioe as a result of reoairs made by the City to the meter connect- ion, Thereupon after careful consideration, Comm~ssloner Lodge moved that the Clerkbe authorized to adjust Mr Leiske's November water bill to the amount of his average month- ly bill. Seconded by Commissioner Gut and carried. On motion of Commissioner Gut, seconded by Commissioner Bishoo and carried, the Commission next authorized the salary of firemen C.A. ~nderson increased from ~120.OO to $125.O0 oer month, effective as of December l, 1921~. On motion duly carried, Chief of Police Williams was next ordered to enforce the one-hour oarkinE regulatlon~ in the down-town business district during the comlng Christmas holidays. There being no further business the meeting then adjourned until l~O o'clock P M December 1~, 19~, Attest: Mayor;