HomeMy WebLinkAbout022447-Regular Session MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, Feb. 24 at 7:3o P ~ 19 47 at 1947. Present: The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida , met in regular session the City Hall in the City of Sanford, ?lorida, at 7:30 o'clock P.~. February 24, Commission H.James Gut, Mayor. " George D.Blshop " Andrew Carraway " Lea R.Lesher " Robert A Williams City Attorney Fred R.Wllson City N4~nager & Clerk H.N.Sayer Chief of Police, R.G.Willlams. Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Mr. C.K.Ellis next appeared with further reference to his appl~ation to purchase the ~. 31 ft of N. 100 ft of Lobs 41 and 42 of Block G, Chappell's Subdiv., and submitted a counter offer of $1,000.00. The Commission having set a sale price of $1,250.00 on this property. Thereupon after considerable discussion. Commissioner Carrsway moved that the City Accegt Mr. Ellis' offer of $1,000.~0 for the pruchase of the aforesaid property. Seconded by Commissioner Bi~hop and carried. Appl~ation next received from J.P.Windsor for permit to operate a taxicab , and on motion of Comm~sioner Carraw~y, seconded by Commissioner Lesher and carried, same was granted, provdied he m~intains an established taxicab stand on private property. Appl~stion ne×t received from Joe Gamble for permit to construct a bath house and house trsiler on his property at 1307 Myrtle Avenue, and same was denied because of zoning restrictions. On motion of Commissioner Williams, seconded by Commissioner Bishop, and ~rried, the Clerk was next authorized to transmit to the Central Hanover Bank & Trust Company, New YorkOity, funds in amount to pay interest coupons due March l, 19~, on all outstanding Series A & B Refunding Bonds dated March l, 1937, and Series C,D & E Refunding Bonds dated Narch 1,1941. Report of February analysis of milk from all dairies operating in Sanford as prepared by Dr. L.R. Scribner's Laboratories at Orlando, next submitted, such report showing all such milk within the requirements of "Grade A $~ilk". The City ~anager next submitted an estimate obtained from ?.A.Dyson , building contractor, in amount of $400.00 for cost of furnishing labor and materials to remodel the back entrance to the fire station building so as to provide sufficient door space to brlng the fire equipment in and out said entrance. Thereupon after considerable disc~$zlo~ and on recommendation of Fire Chief Cleveland, Commissioner Carraway moved that the City ~anager be autaorized to employ F.A.Dyson to make the aforesaid alterations to the Fire Station building at an approximate cost of SNO0.O0. Seconded by Commissioner Bishop and carried. Communication next read from the Zoning Adjustment Board recommending that a Public Hearing be held ~o consider re-zoning the following described property from District R-1 ( One single family) to C-2(Commercial-Industrial* ) District: MINUTES CiTY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, F~b 7:3 _19 Thereupon after careful study of the Zoning Map, Commissioner Williems moved that a public hearing be held at 8:OO o'clock P.M.~arch 17,1947. to consider the aforesaid changes in the boundaries of the Zoning Ordinance and that legal notice of such hearing be published in the Ssnford Herald. Seconded by Commissioner Carrawsy and carried. The Sanford Giants colored Baseball team next ao?ared before the Board and requested that they be granted the use of the ~unicpal Ball Park on Sundays that it will not be used by the Sanford Baseball Association; or the City provide them with a suit- able baseball park with grandstand facilit~s in order that they may play in the Florida Colored Baseball League. Action deferred. The City Manager next reoorted that notice had been served on the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company several times during the past year to repair their crossings throughout the City, and each t~me their superintendent assured the City that the repairs would be made immediately, out they had failed to do so. Thereupon the City Attorney was Coast Line Railroad Company to place Consideration next given to the Southern Bell Telephone Company. directed to serve final notice on the Atlantic their railroad crossing in good condition: unsatisfactory service being rendered by the Thereupon the City ~anager was directed to address a le~ter to the District ~anager of the Southern Bell Telephone Company calling this matter to his attention, and requesting immediate action toward improving on the local telephone service. ~r. M.G.Loftin next submitted a cash offer of $2,000.00 for the purchase of Lots 39 and 40 of Lake View Park, and on motion duly carried, same was rejected. Mr. Joel Field next appeared on behalf of the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars with further reference to their request to conduct a carnival in Sanford and requested that they be granted a permit to conduct a carnival during week of March 10. Thereupon after considerable discussion, Commissioner Lesher moved that the aforesaid permit be denied. Seconded by Commissioner Williams and carried. Request next received from Harry Crossen, lessee of municipal trailer park for permit to erect an office with living quarters on the aforesaid property , andon motion duly carried, same was approved subject to approval of the plans and specifications of the proposed building. On motion of Commissioner Bishop, seconded by Commissioner Williams and carried, the Commission next aoproved the purchase of 3 Refunding Series B bonds from B.J. Van Ingen & Company, Miami,at a price of $975.00 each. Request next received from the Sanford Baseball Association for the Ci~y to move the back portion of the baseball fence closer to the diamond so as to give the players an opportunity to knock balls over the fence. Request denied. Petition next submitted by the Seminole County Chapter of American Red Cross I'or the City to donate to said Chapter the gate house at the Ssnford Naval Air Station for the purpose of removing to a suitable location to be used for its headquarters, and same was ordered filed until such time final disposition is made of this property MINUTES CiTY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDa,~19_~ by the War Assets Administration. Communication next read from E.P.Owen, Secretary and Treasurer of the Florida League of ~unicipalities, outlying the League's program for assisting municipalities at the 1947 Session of Legislature and reauestlng financial assistance from the City toward defraying expenses in connection therewith. Thereupon CommDssloner C~rraway moved that the City contribute $200.00 to the Florida League of ~unicipalitles for Legislative Services for 1947 and that the Clerk be authorized to execute a contract with the League for such Legislative Services, payment therefor to be made at once. Seconded by Commissioner Lesher and carried. The Clerk was next directed to extend an invitation to the Senator and Representatives of Seminole County to meet with the Board at 2:00 o'clock P.N. ~arch 5, 1947, to consider legislative matters to be suomitted at the 1947 Session. Consideration next given to request of A.B.Peterson, owner of adjacent property, to purchase the City owned tract of land lying immediately north of Lake Ada in Section 2, Township 20 S., Range 30 E, containing approximately 78 acres. This property having been acauired by the City for the purpose of locating wells for the municipal water supply, but as a result of test, found it not suitable for this purpose. Thereupon after considerable discussion, Commissioner Williams moved that the City convey to Mr. Peterson the west 30 acres, mor~ or less, of the aforesaid property at price of $100.OO in order to straighten the east boundary line of his property. Seconded by Commissioner Bishop and carried. Commissioner Carraway then moved that the City sell Nr. Peterson the remainder of the said tract of land, with power line, pipe line and timber reservations, at a price of $50.00. Seconded by Commissioner Bishop. Thereupon after further discussion, the roll was called and the motion failed to carry on the following vote of the Commission: Commissioner Gut Naye " Bishop Aye " Carraway Aye " Lesher Naye " Williams Nays Consideration next given to the matter of amending section i of ordinance ~325 imposing a license tax on coin operated amusement machines, so as to provide for an increase in the quarterly license fees. Commissioner Williams then moved that the Ordinance providing for the licensing of amusement machines and ounch boards be repealed, and same died for lack of s second. Thereupon after further discussion, Commissioner Carraway moved that Section I of Ordinance No. 325 be amended so as to increase the license tax on coin operated amusement machines to $25.00 per quarter. Seconded by Commissioner Bishop and carried over the dissenting vote of Commissioner Williams. Commissioner Lesher moved that the City Nanager be authorized to advertise for bids to be received by the Commission at the m~ting of Narch 10,1947, on the sale of City owned property lo~ated between Locust and Bay avenues and Fourth and Sixth Streets, which was acquired by the City for ~he purpose of a colored recreation center. Seconded by Commissioner Williams and carried. MINUTES CItY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, Sam Brown as police patrolman at salary of $143.00 per month to fill vacancy created by resignation of R.L.Gillyard. Minutes of Special meeting and adjourned meeting of December 4, regular meetings of December 9 and 23, 1946, adjourned meeting of January 2, regular annual meeting of January 7, and regular meeting of January 13, 1947, next read and approved. There being no further business the meeting then adjourned until l:O0 o'clock P.M. February 26, 1947. Attest: City Clerk. i;~