HomeMy WebLinkAbout030547-Adjourned Session MINUTES CiTY COMMiSSiON, SANFORD, FLORIDA, ~,{arch ~/ at 2-'90 R ~ at Present: The City Commission of the City of Sanford, the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, Commissioner H. James Gut, Mayor. " George D.Bishop " Andrew Carraway " Lea R. Lesher " Robert A Williams City Attorney Fred R.~ilson City ~anager & Clerk M.N.S~yer. Florida, met in adjourned session at 2:00 o'clock P.M. ~.~arch 5,1947. Nesting called to order by the Chairman who a~nounced that the purpose of the meeting was to confer with Senator L.F.Boyle and Hon. Bralley Odham and M.B.Smith, Representatives of Seminole County to the Florida Legislature, wlt~ respect to several Bills to be presented at t~e 1947 Session o~ Legislature, and to handle any other matters that may come before the Board at t~is time. Thereupon the Commission and Representatives then proceeded to a lengthy study and discussion oI~ the Bills as presented by City Attorney Fred R. Wilson. On motion duly carried, instructions were next ~Sued to advertise notice of intention to present Bills for pass~ge by the 1947 Se~slon oI' the Legislature as follows: "To authorize the declaration of French Avenue as a State Road from Seminole Boulevard on the north to its Juncture with State Road No. 17 on the south." "To validate, ratify and confirm all ordinances of the City of Sanford heretofore passed vacating, closing and abandoning any streets, avenues or alleys of seid City." "To enlarge, re-define and declare the corporation boundaries of the City of Banford so as to include the property heretofore known as the SANFO~D NAVAL AIR STATION." Attorney A.Edwin Shlnholser next appeared on behalf of Mr. James S. Rivers and requested certain changes in the lease agreement covering site for the pro- posed radio broadcasting station, which was authorized by the Co.~.mission at the regular meeting of December 23, 1946, advising that as a result of a final survey of the necessary property required for erecting the studio, tower and underground mat, it was found that the tract of land described in the lease agreement is not suf- ficient. Thereupon after considerable discussion, the City Attorney was directed to prepare an amended lease agreement covering additional property so as to include the necessary requirements for the radio broadcasting station site, and to embody the other changes requested by ~r. Rivers. On motion duly adopted the Commission ne×t ~pproved the expenses in amount of $~8.80 incurred by City Manager for entertaining guests of the City in connection with attending the Southeastern Soaring Society Contest held in Sanford on N~rch 1 and 2, 194~. There being no further business the meetlng adjourned. Attest: ~ --~ity Ct e~A.