HomeMy WebLinkAbout031747-Special Session MINUTES CiTY COMMISSION, SANfORD, FLORIDA,_ 17 19 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Special Session at the City Hall in the City of S~nford, Florida at 8:~O o'clock P.M. March l?, 1947, for the purpose of a public hearing to consider changes in the boundaries of certain districts of the Zoning Ordinance. Present: Commissioner H.James Gut, ~ayor. Andrew Carraw~y " Lea R.Lesher Robert A 'Villi~ms City Attorney Fred R. Wilson City Nanager & Clerk H.N.Sayer. Absent: Commissioner Geo. D. Blshop. Meeting~lled to order by the Chairman who directed the Clerk to read the legal notice of this Hearing that was published in the Sanford Herald on February 26 and Narch 5, 1947, as follows: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED AMEND~,~ENTS AND CHANGES IN BOUNDARIES OF DiSTRiCTS OF ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held at the office of the City Commission in the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at S:O0 o'clock p.m. on the l?th day of March 1947, to consider the following changes and amendments in the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Sanford, Florida: The property Zoned in District R-1 ( One Single Family) described as the North one half of Block ~, of Tiers 19,20,21 and 22 of E.R.Trafford's Map; and Beg at Southwest corner of N & S 1/4 Section Line of Section 26 Township 19, S. Range 30 E., thence run S. along said section line 136.1 ft , east to west line of Persimmon Avenue, north to point of beginning, is proposed to be changed to C-2 (Commercial-Industrial) District. Said property located on south side of ~est First Street and extending from west line of City limits east to Jessamine Avenue. All parties in interest and citizens said hearing. By order of the City Commission of of February, 1947. shall have an opportunity to be heard at the City of hanford, Florida, this 24th day H.N.Sayer As City Clerk of the of Sanford, Florida. City The Chairman then stated that the Commission would be glad to hear any protest from parties interested in the changes proposed in the foregoing notice. There being no protest registered, Commissioner Williams moved that the Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to transfer the property described in the foregoing notice from District R-1 ( One Single Family) to District C-2(Commercial-Industrlal.) Seconded by Commissioner Lesher and carried unanimously. The Commission then adjourned the nublic Hearing and re-convened into an adjourned session to handle any other business which may come before it. Communication w~s next re~d from the Deputy ~eglonal Director of W~r Assets Administration, Jacksonville, enclosing a formal application to be executed by the City requesting transfer to it of that portion of the Ban ford Naval Air Station, together with certain operating equipment that has been classified as airport property, under the provisions of the Surplus Property Act of 1944, as amended. The Commission then proceeded to a lengthy study and discussion of the terms, reser- vations,restrictions and conditions set forth in the aforesaid application agreement. Thereupon after careful consideration, Commissioner Carraway introduced Resolution No. 716, and after being read in full by the Clerk, moved its passage and adoption. 444 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, March 17 at SP M 19 Seconded by Commissioner Gut Aye " C a rr away Ay e " Lesher Aye " Will i~,~ Aye s~id resolution No. Commissioner Lesher and carried by the following vote of the Commission: 716 being in words and figures as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 716. R E S ~ L U T I 0 N WHEREAS War Assets Administration gives notice that there disposal as an airport under the Surplus Property Act of 1944,as amended, pursuant to Executive Order 9689, dated January 3l, 1946, and applicable regulations and orders, certain airport property described in said notice, commonly known as SANFORD NAVAL AIR STATION; and F1 or ida, assume~ is now available for and under and rules, and more WHEREAS the City of Sanford, Florida, Acts of 1945, to acquire, terminals and landing fields; and is authorized by 0hapter 22846, Laws of maintain and operate airports, aviation '~EREAS the said City of Sanford, Florida, is desirous of accepting the said property so made available for disposal as an airport by the Tar Assets Administration, as described in the said Notice of Availability. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida., that the City of Ssnford, Florida, does, by this Resolution, determine and announce that the City of Sanford, Florida, desires to acquire the said property and vA ll accept said property described in the said Notice of Availability and does hereby agree to abide by the terms, reservations, restrictions and conditions under which the said property is offered for disposition. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that H.James Gut, The Mayor, and H.N.Sayer, t~e City Clerk thereof be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute in the name of the City of Ssnford, Florida, and under its seal, and to deliver to War Assets Administra- tion or to accept delivery on behalf of said City of Sanford, Florida, any and all instruments necessary to carry out transfer of said property to the City of Sanford, Florida. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, .Florida , ATTEST: 17th day of ~arch 1947. H.Jsmes Gut Mayor. H.N.Sa~ver City Clerk. in adjourned regular meeting assembled this There being no.further business the meeting adjourned. Attest: C lty~Cl~ Mayor.