HomeMy WebLinkAbout052647-Regular Session MINUTES CiTY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, M~_v ~6 ~t 7:30 P M 19 47 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. met in regular session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at ?:30 o'clock P.M..~ay 26,1947. Present: Commissioner H.James Gut, Mayor. , Andrew Carraway " Lea R. Lesher " Robert A '"llliams City Attorney Fred R.Wilson City Manager & Clerk H.N.Sayer Deputy City Clerk Gordon L. Bradley Chief of Police R.G. Willlams Absent: Commissioner Goerge D.Bisho; Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Attorney A. EdwAn Shinholser next appeared with further reference to the City dedicating the south 12 feet of Block 19 of San Lanta 2nd Sec. as a public alley, in order to open an alley in back of the property owners on north side of Catalina Drive in Magnolia Heights Subdivision, and submitted a deed of conveyance from R.T.Cowan to the south 12 feet of Lots I and 2 of Block 19, San Lanta 2nd Sec. for thi~ purpose. The City having title to the other lots in this block. Thereupon Commissioner Lesher introduced Ordinance No. 417 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA ,DEDICATING TO PUBLIC USE AS AN ALLEY, CERTAIN PROPERTY OWNED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, IN BLOCK 19 2nd. SECTION SAN LANTA IN THE SAID CITY OF SANFORD, F[~ORIDA. and same was read in full by the Clerk. Thereupon Commissioner Williams moved that the rules be waived and said Ordinance No. 417 be placed on its final passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Lesher. Thereupon the question recurred upon the waiver of the rules. The roll was called and the vote stands ae follows: Commissioner Gut AYe " Carraway Aye " Lesher Aye " Will lams AY e Thereupon said Ordinance No. 417 was placed on its final passage and adoption. The roll was called and the vote stands as follows: Commissioner Gut Aye " Carraway Aye " Lasher Aye " Williams Aye Thereupon the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, by unanimous vote had passed and adopted said Ordinance No. 417, entit~d. ORDINANCE No. 417. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFOBD, FLORIDA DEDICATING TO PUBLIC USE AS AN ALLEY,CERTAIN PROPERTY OWNED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA IN BLOCK 19, 2nd. SECTION SAN LANTA IN THE SAID CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. On motion duly adopted Ordinance No. 417 door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, the Charter, as amended. In response to request of the Comm~sion, the City Manager next subm~ted a report on the number of beer and wine vendors on West Tnlrteenth Street, of which there are twelve now in operation. Further consideration was sell beer and wines at lO11 W. wes next ordered POSTED at the front Florida, in accordance with the terms of then given to application of Lou~ Perides for permit to 13th St., and that of William Lewis for transfer of his MINUTES CiTY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, -7:30 19 47 permit and license from 90? W. 13th St. to 1009 W. 13th Street. Thereupon after considerable discussion, it was the opinion of the Commission bhat there are sufficient beer and wine vendors now in operation on W. Thirteenth Street to supply the demands in that area, and on motion of Commissioner Lesher, seconded by Commissioner Williams and carried, the aforesaid applications were denied. Ordinance No. 415 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR THE CONDE~INATION ORD~R TO BE D~OLISHED AND R~0VE~), OR TO BE PUT IN A STATE OF SOUND REPAIR, OF ANY AND ALL DILAPIDATED, UNSANITARY, AND UNSAFE BUILDINGS OR STRUCTURES IN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA; PROVIDING FOR PENALTIES FOR FAILURE OF THE OWNER OR OWNERS OF SUCH BUILDINGS OR STRUCTUMES TO D~OLISH AND RES~.OVE THE SA~IE, OR TO PUT THE SAME IN A STATE OF SOUND REPAIR; PROVIDING FOR THE DE~OLITION AND R~JIOVAL OF SUCH BUILDINGS OR STRUCTURES WHICH CANNOT BE PUT IN A STATE OF SC~JID REPAIR; REQUIRING THE OV~NER OR O~ERS OF SUCH BUILDINGS OR STRUCTURES TO PAY THE COST OF SUCH D~OLITION AND REMOVAL THEREOF, AND UPON FAILURE SO TO DO, THAT THE CITY l~t~Y SELL THE ~{ATERIAIS COMPOSING SAID BUILDINGS OR STRUCTURES; PRO- VIDING FOR THE DISPOSITION OF THE PROCEEDS OF SALE AND THAT ANY AMOUNT OF THE COST OF DEMOLITION AND REMOVAL IN EXCESS OF PROCEEDS OF SAig SHALL BE ASSESSED AGAINST THE LAND UPON WHICH SUCH BUILDING OB STRUCTURE IB LG~ATED AND CONSTITUTE A LIEN THEREON,AND PROVIDING FOR THE ENFORCEMENT OF SUCH LIEN. INTRODUCED AND PLACED ON ITS FIRST READING AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 12, 1947, was next placed on its final reading and read in full by the Clerk. Thereupon the roll was called for the final passage and adoption of said Ordinance No. 415, the vote being as follows: Commissioner Gut Aye " Carraway Aye " Lesher Aye " Will lams Aye Thereupon the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, by unanimous vote had passed and adopted said Ordinance No. 415, entitled: ORDINANCE No. 415. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN?ORD, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR THE CONDEMNATION AND ORDER TO BE D~,~OLISHED AND REPROVED, OR TO BE PUT IN A STATE OF SOUND REPAIR, OF ANY AND ALL DILAPIDATED,UNSANITARY, AND UNSAFE BUILDINGS OR STBUCTUBES IN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: PROVIDING FOB PENALTIES FOR FAILURE OF THE OWNER OR O~;~ERS OF SUCH BUILDINGS OR STRUCTURES TO D~OLISH AND RE~.{OVE THE SAME, OB TO PUT THE SA~ME IN A STATE OF SOUND REPAIR; pROVIDING FOR THE DE~OLITION ~.~D MEn'OVAL OF SUCH BUILDINGS OR STRUCTURES WHICH CANNOT BE PUT IN A STATE OF SOUND REPAIR; REQUIRING THE OWNER OR O"~NERS OF SUCH BUILDINGS OB STRUCTURES TO PAY THE COST OF SUCH DE~,~OLITION AND REad, OVAL THEREOF, AND UPON FAILURE SO TO DO, THAT THE CITY MAY SELL THE ~ATERIALS COMPOSING SAID BUILDINGS OR STRUCTURES; PROVIDING FOR THE DISPOSITION OF THE PROCEEDS OF SALE AND THAT ANY A~OUNT OF THE COST OF DEMOLITION AND REMOVAL IN EXCESS OF PROCEEDS OF SALE SHALL BE ASSESSED AGAINST THE LAND UPON W~{ICH SUCH BUILDING OR STRUCTURE IS LOCATED AND CONSTITUTES A LIEN THEREON, AND PROVIDING FOR THE ENFORCEMENT OF SUCH LIEN. On motion duly adopted, Ordinance No. 415 was next ordered POSTED at the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, in accordance with the terms of the Charter, as amended. Commissioner Williams next introduced Resolution No. 721, and after being read in full by the Clerk moved its passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Lesher and carried by the following vote of the Commission: CommisSioner Gut Aye " Carraway Aye " Lesher Aye " Williams Aye said Resolution No. 721 being in words and figures as follows: RESOLUTION No. 721. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COmmISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, REQUIRING THAT CERTAIN WAREHOUSE BUILDING ON THE EAST HALF OF BLOCK 3 of TI~2q 12 of E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF SANFO~D, FLORIDA, TO BE PUT IN A STATE OF SOUND REPAIR. WHEREAS, The Building Inspector of the City of Sanford, Florida, has reported to the City Commission of said City that %hat cerb~in warehouse building located on the East Half of Block 3 of Tier 12 of E.R.Trafford's Map of Sanford, Florida,is in a MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA,__Ma~' 26 at 7:30 P ~ 19 483 NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commas ion of the City of Ssnford, Florida, that the owner or owners of the above mentioned warehouse building and all parties having a legal or beneficial interest therein shall put said warehouse building in a state of sound repair unless they show cause before the City Commission of said city at their next regular meeting to be held at ?:30 P.~. on the 9th day o f June, 1947, in the City Commission room in the City H~lt of said city why they should not do so. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT copies of this resolution be served as provided by Section 2 of Ordinance No. 415 of said City of Sanford. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED and ADOPTED this 26th day of May, 1947. ( SEAL ) H.James Gut Nayor. Lea R. Lesher Andrew Carrawa~ Robert A Williams Ae the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. ATTEST: ~.N. Sa~er City Clerk. On motion of Commissioner Carraway, seconded by Commissioner Williams and carried, the Commission next authorized the purchase from Giant Nanufacturing Company, Council Bluffs, Iowa of one pipe pusher at a price of $150.00, to be used by the water department when installing water pipe under streets so as not to damage the pavement. Request next received from the Centr~l Florida Council of Boy Scouts of America for a contribution toward defraying expenses of their activities during the coming year. Thereupon Commissioner Carraway moved that $10.00 be donated for this purpoase. Seconded by Commissioner Williams and carried. Communication next read from Dr. H.A.Wettstine, Hazleton, Pa., declining the City's offer of $?50.00 for the purchase of his two lots in Fort Nellon Park, described as Lots ll and 12 of Block A, First Street Extension. Thereupon after further consideration, and in view of the fact that these lots are situated in the boundaries of a public park, it was felt that it would be for the best interest of the City to acquire title to this property before some other individual purchased it, and Commissioner Williams moved that the City accept Dr. ~ettstine's original offer of $1,000.00 for the two lots. Seconded by Commissioner Lesher and carried. On recommendation of Chief of Police ~llllams, and on motion of Commissioner Lesher, seconded by Commissioner Carraway and carried over the dissenting vote of Commissioner Williams, the Commission next authorized the temporary employment, not to exceed August l, 1947, of R.J.Hickeon as police patrolman to fill vacancy created by suspension of C.C.Bedenbaugh on April 2, 1947. On motion of Commissioner Williams, seconded by Commissioner Carraway and carried, the Commission next approved the employment of Charles B.Sparks as police patrolman at salary of $154.O0 per month to fill vacancy created by resignation of ~orrls ~. Falagan on Nay 15, 1947. The Clerk next read a letter from Nra Nary R. Brewerton accepting the position as MINUTES CiTY COMMISSION, SaNFORD, flonloa, i t J L30 _19 47 Request next received from Mr. described as Block 6 of Bel-Isle Section of Loch Arbor Subd. adjacent to the Golf Course property, for a similar tract of the Golf Course property adjacent thereto, order to straighten out a Jog in the property lines. Natter referred to Sanford Seminole Company Inc., operators of the Club and lessee of the golf course property. Consideration next given to communication from Ralph A Smith, 2021 relative to the inadequate storm sewers for drainage, intersection of George S. Witmer to trade the City a tract of land Seminole Country Park Avenue, Park Ave. and Twenty-first Street during excessive and damaging his lawn. Natter taken under advisement. rains, causing water to overflow on his property Letter next read from Er. Edmund B. Stowe, Superintendent of the Airport relative to the termination of his employment as of June l, 1947, and applying for further employment in the Park Department. Also givlng a brief summary of qualifications and experience in landscaping and horticultural work and outlining a program for beautifying the City. Natter taken under consideration. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Attest: ~- Clty~erk.