HomeMy WebLinkAbout062347-Regular Session MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, June 23 at 7:30 P M 19 47 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in regular session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. June 23, 1947. PRESENT: Commissioner Robert A.Wllliams, Acting Mayor. " George D.Blshop " Andrew Carraway " Lea R.Lesher City Attorney Fred. R.Wileon City Manager & Clerk H.N.Sayer Deputy City Clerk Gordon L. Bradley Chief of Police R.G.Wllliams. Absent: Commissioner H.James Gut. Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Mr. A.L;Oolllns, representing the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company, next appeared with further reference to the City condemning and ordering to be repaired, the frame warehouse building owned by McCormick Lumber Company, which is located on the railroad's property, and advised the Commission that Mr. McCormick had agreed to 9ut this building in a sound state of repair immediately. Thereupon after considerable discueelon, and in view of the fact that the City has received no communication from Mr. McCormick relative to this matter, Commissioner Carraway moved that he be'notified that if the neceesary repairs were not commenced within one week, theCity would make such repairs in accordance with its Ordinance regulating the same. Seconded by Commissioner Lesher and carried. Sealed bids next received for furnishing F~M Radio Main Station Equipment for the Police Station, three two-way transmitter and receiver units for police patrol Cars, and one two-way transmitter and receiver unit for Sheriff's car , as follows: 150-162 MEGACYCLE F-M RADIO E~UIPMENT MOTOROLA , INC. RADIO CORP OF AMERICA 1-Motorola Model FSTRU-5OBY Central Station Trans~tter- Receiver Unit, designed for operation from the transmitter location, compl~:_~ady for installation. $73o.oo Motorola Model P-8350 Coaxial Colinear Antenna ............ 200.00 125'7/8" Copper Concentric Transmission Line O ................... lOC.CO 1 Kit of Fittings for above ...... 5.65 1 45 Watt Main Station RCA Transmitter, associ- ated Receiver mounted in 49" cabinet & all Accessories ...... $ i VHF RCA Ground Plane Antenna .......... $ 125' of 7/8" Trane mission line ...... $~ 4-20 Watt Mobile RCA Transmitters and associated receivers, completeS. 4, Motorola Model FMTRU- 30D Mobile Transmitter- Receiver Units, com- plete with antenna,micro- phone and all accessories ready to install :O $5 8.5o-. ........... $2, 5 .oo Installation fee- Free supervision O0 Total Cost F.O.B. Sanford 3,389.65 Total price in, tailed LINK RADIO CORPORATION Link Type 2190 Main Station, output of 75 watts,complete with receiver, transmitter and all accessories,wire for remote control, if required later ....... $ Link Type 3CA Coaxial Antenna ............ $ 125' RG 8/U Flexible Transmission line with end fittings___ $. Link Tyl~s 161? Test Meter ............ $ Link Type 230-D Frequency Monitor ........... Link Type 15-FMTR 7C-V Mobile Unites, Complete with trans- mitter,receiver, antenna,mount,control cables, vibrator power supply,etc,ready for installation .......... $ Less trade-ln allow- ance on old equipment ?5.00 NET PRICE $3,314.65 Price F.O.B.Sanford & ready for operation $4,166.70 Less trade-in allow- Less trade-in ance 300.00 allowance NET PRICE $3,866.?0 NET PRICE $2,835.00 no offer $2,835.00 494 MINUTES CiTY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, June 7: 0 P M 19 47 30-44 NEGACYCLE F-N E~UIPNENT MOTOROLA , INC. 1 Motorola Model FBTR-5OBY Central Station Transmitter-Receiver Unit, designed for operation from the transmitter location, complete, ready for installation $660.00 1. Motorola Model P-8250 Coaxial Antenna 150. O0 125' of ?/8" Concentric Transmis- sion Line $ 80~ 1 Kit of Fittings for above 100.00 5.65 Motorola Model FMATR-3ODM Mobile TransmittervReceiver Units, complete with antenna,microphones and all accessories, ready to install, at price of $499.50 1,998.00 Installation fee - Free Supervision O0 RADIO CORPORATION OF AMERICA 1 - 60 Watt Central Station Transmitter- Receiver Unit, complete with cabinet and all accessories $?40.00 Total Cost F.O.B,Sanford $2,913.65 Less trade-in allowance on old equipment NET PRICE 75.0o $2,s3s.65 1 RCA VHF Ground Plane Antenna 90.00 125' 3/8" Coaxial Transmission Line $ .40~ 1 Set end-seals for transmission~ line 2 55.oo 2 20.00 RCA Mobile Transmitter and re- ceiver Units with 30 watts of power output, the receivers to have dynamotor power supplies o $495.oo 990.00 RCA Mobile Transmitter and Re- ceiver Units with 60 watts of power output, the receivers to have dynamotor power supplies $515.oo 1,o3o.oo Accessories such as side mounted antennas, line termination pan- els, cables, control boxes, ers, microphones , etc. Installation, freight etc. Total cost INSTALLED Less Trade-in allowance on old equipment NET PRICE speak- 3oo.o0 200.1qO $3,425.O0 300.00 $3,125.oo Thereupon the Chairman appointed a Committee, consisting of Mayor Gut, Commissioner Carraway, the City Manager and Chief of Police, to tabulate the foregoing bids and submit recommendations to the Commission at an adjourned meeting to be held at 3:90 o'clock P.M. June 26. Application next received from Samuel Wright, colored, for permit for his 13 year old son to peddle "Sno-conee" on the streets with a motorscooter. Thereupon after considerable discussion, and in view of the fact that a boy of that age cannot obtain a permit to operates motor vehicle of any type, it was felt that he was also too young to maintain the proper sanitary regulations for selling this type of food product to the public, and on motion duly carried, the aforesaid application was denied. Request next received from Attorney George A. DeOottes for the Commission to reconsider the application of David L.Jeffry,colored war veteran, for permit to operate a taxicab and same was again denied because it was felt that there are sufficient colored cabs now in operation to serve the demands of the public. On motion duly carried, the Commission next approved the employment of Max A. Bass as police patrolman at a salary of $154.00 per month, effective as of June 16,1947. On motion of Commissioner Lesher, seconded by Commissioner Carraway and carried, the Commission next approved the employment of Frank F.Rockett as police desk sergeant at a salary of $143.00 per month, to fill vacancy created by resignation of G.C.Fellows on June 15, 1947. On recommendation of the Recreation Committee, and on motion of Commissioner Lesher, seconded by Commmsslone~- Oarraway and carried the Commission next approved the employ- ment of Roy L. Jones, Jr. colored, as colored recreation supervisor at salary of $100.00 per month, effective June 15, 1947, to supervise the City's summer program for colored children, endin~ Sent 1. 1947. MINUTES CiTY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, June :~ at ?:30 19 4? 495 restoration of permit issued Ollle B.Woods, colored, to operate a taxicab that was revoked by the Municipal Court under date of Mob. 20,1947, for second conviction of traffic violations, Case No. 3?804. This permit having been revoked under the provision of Ordinance No. 389, prohibiting the driving of a taxicab upon conviction of two traffic violations. Thereupon after conferring with the Chief of Police and being advised that the ex- tent of the two traffic violations were only minor offenses, Commissioner Bishop moved that the Commission accept the recommendation of the Municipal Judge to restore the aforesaid permit, and same died from lack of a second. Thereupon after further discussion, the Commission directed that this request for restoration of Ollie B.Woods Taxicab driver's permit be re-submitted after six months have elapsed from date of revocation. Request next received from Sanford Paint & Glass Company, ll? Park Avenue for a parking "Loading Zone" in front of their place of business. Thereupon after considerable discussion, and in view of the fact that the loading zone reserved in front of Rockey's Tire Shop at ll3 Park Avenue is being used almost exclusively by their own passenger car, Commissioner Bishop moved that it be eliminated and that one be reserved in front of Celery City Print Company at ll5 Park Ave. to serve all three business houses. Seconded by Commissioner Carraway and carried. Communication next read from G.W.Spencer, President of Sanford-Semlnole Company Inc. lessee of the Municipal Golf Course, advising that the Board of Directors had approved the proposal of Mr. Geo. S.Wltmer to trade the City the property described as Block 6 of Bel Isle Section of Loch Arbor Subd. for a similar area of the golf course property for the purpose ofstralghtening out the line between the two properties, also, enclos- ing a warranty deed from Mr. Wltmer to the City for hie property. Thereupon Commissioner Bishop moved that the City accept the property exchange offer- ed by Mr Wltmer, and that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute deed of conveyance to him of that tract of the golf course property described as: Beginning at a point on the east line of Section 4 , Township 20 B. Range 30 E. 1951 Ft. S. of N E Cor of Said Sec. 4, run thence S. along the E. line of said Sec. 106.6 ft thence W. 9~.9 ft, thence N. ?l Deg. 14 Min W. 385.5 ft. thence $. 87 Deg. 51 Min. and 15 seconds E. 464.10 Ft. to the point of Beg. Seconded by Commissioner Lesher and carried. On motion of Commissioner Lesher, seconded by Commissioner Carraway end carried, the Commission next authorized a further advance of $50.00 to Policemen Wade H.Raulerson for payment of hie final medical bill to Dr. R.H.Walker, for treatment of leg fracture as result of accident on Feb. l, 1945. Oonsideration next given to the request of the Fernald-Laughton Memorial Hospital, now located at the Municipal Airport, for the city to require Mrs. Velma L.Gonzalez, who has a franchise to operate a bus line in the City, to extablish a bus service to the airport for the benefit of the hospital patrons, visitors and staff. Thereupon after a discussion of the terms of the bus franchise ordinance, the Commission directed that Mrs Gonzalez be requested to make a survey of the demand for this request, with a view cf the feasibility of establishing either a schedule bus or taxicab service to the hospital, and to report recommendations to the Commission at the next regular meeting to be held on July 14, 1947. Consideration next given to the high cost of living bonus of $10.00 per month being MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, '-'r'~?e -~3 -"~" 7:30 P N 19 ~'7_ increase in llvir~ cost, Commissioner Lesher moved that this bonus be extended for another 60 days. Seconded by Commissioner Bishop and carried. On motion of Commissioner Carraway, seconded by Commissioner Bishop and carried, the Commission next authorized the paymant of $6.94 to City Attorney Fred R. Wilson for miscellaneous expenses incurred during January thru May, 19~7, relative to obtaining copies of Supreme Court decisions affecting munic~palities. The Clerk next submitted the tentative budget of revenues and expenditures for the fiscal ye$r 1947-1948, and same was taken under conslderstlon by the Board. There being no further business the meeting then adjourned until 3:00 o'clock P.M. June 26, 1947. Attest: C ~ty~c1 erk.