HomeMy WebLinkAbout070747-Adjourned Session MINUTES City Commission, Sanfozcl, Flozida, ......... ~.~' ..7......a..~_....?..!..~....~...~ ........... 19 .. ~.7 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in adjourned session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. July Y, 19~7 to receive the Tax Assessor's Roll for the year 1947, as prepared by the City Tax Assessor, and to sit as a Tax Equalization Board. Present: Commissoner H.James Gut, Mayor. , Geo. D.Bishop Andrew Carraway , Lea R. Lesher Robert A. Wllllsms City Manager & Clerk H.N.Sayer Deputy City Clerk Gordon L. Bradley Meeting called to order by the Chairman. The Commission then proceeded to sit as a Tax Equalization Board to receive any complaints or objections filed with the City Clerk as to assessed valuation on the 1947 Tax Roll as prepared by the City Tax Assessor and presented at this time. Thereupon the following complaints were presented and taken under consideration: N$3 -. Elnora Hamilton Elijah Williams Mary Overstreet DESCRIPTION:. Lots 1 and 5 Elnora Square W. 98 ft. of N 135 ft of Lot 25 Robinson's Survey Lot 5 Block l0 Tier 19 Seminole Park ASS'D VALUATION: $1,400.00 1,250.00 Soo.cO Florida State Bank N. 53.25 ft. of Lot 1 Block 3 Tier 4 22,000.00 There being no further complaints or objections CO~PLAINTS: Claims too high. Claims too high. Claims too high. Claims assessed valua- tion ~ould not be increased for improvements made. registered, the Commission then adjourned as an Equalization Board until 7:30 o'clock P.M. July 10,1947, and thereupon proceeded to handle any other business which may come before it. Request next received from Mrs Henry Wight, 1600 Park Ave, for an adjustment of her water bill for month of June in amount of $26.67. The excessive amount caused from broken pipe under her house, which was not discovered until the meter was read, due to the fact that she is partially desf. Thereupon on motion duly carried, the Commiszlon authorized Mrs Wight's excessive water bill adjusted to the amount of her average monthly bill for the past three months. Bill of F.A. Dyson in amount of $803.24 covering labor and materials furnished in making alterations to the Fire Station Building, next submitted, the total cost being twice the amount of his estimate submitted and authorized by the Commission at the meeting of February 24, 1947. Thereupon after examining the statement rendered, the high cost of materials and labor furnished, it was and taking into consideration felt that the cost was in line with current prices, and on motion of Commissioner Bishop, seconded by Commissioner Williams and carried, same was approved and payment auti~orized. Communication next read from C.M.Boyd, local insurance agent, advising of the cancellation of public liability and property damages insurance on all local taxi-cabs insured with the Keystone Mutual Casualty Company cn -~ll 1~1 +~-~ ~- ~d ~ith which was so ordered by the State Insurance Com- mission because of the financial condition of said insurance company. Also, enclosing MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida .. .Ju~;~ .~ a~, 7:~0 ~ ~ .. 19. 4? Exchange of Kansas City , Mo. The Clerk then presented a letter from the Casualty Reciprocal Exchange notify- ing the City that the aforesaid Public Liability and Property Damages Insurance on taxicabs would be cancelled by them on August 5, 1947. Thereupon after considering the problem of securing such insurance on taxicabs, action was deferred so as to grant Mr. Boyd more ti~ to secure this insurance. On motion of Commissioner Lesher, seconded by Commissioner Williams and carried, the Commission next authorized the purchase from L & L Steel Company, Orlando, of an additional power lawn mower for the cemeteries, at a price of $172.50. The City Manager next reported that the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company had only repaired three of their crossings and discontinued the work, and that there are still several crossing in very bad condition. Thereupon after further discu~ssion of the matter, Commissioner Carraway moved that the City Attorney be directed to serve notice on the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company to repair the aforesaid crossing immediately, or the City would in- stitute the necessary proceedings to have this work done and attach a lien on their property for the cost. Seconded by Commissioner Williams and carried. There being no further business P.M. July 10,1947. Attest: the meeting then adjourned until 7:30 o'clock i ~yor.