HomeMy WebLinkAbout072847-Regular Session MINUTES Cify Commission, Sanford, Florida,.. ~U)-.Y .28 at 7:~0 p M 19 47 ~ . ~-~ ............................. The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. July 28, Present: Commissioner n. James Gut. " George D.Bishop Andrew Carraway in regular session at the 1947. Robert A Williams City Manager & Clerk H N Sayer D~puty City Clerk Gordon L. Bradley Chief of Police R.G. Williams Absent: Commissioner Lea R.Lesher Meeting called to order by the Chairman Upon the request of Commissioner Carraway and the City Manager , Mr H G Lingle next appeared before the Board and submitted recommendations for spraying the Citrus grove at the airport; stating that the trees are infected with white fly, scale and rust mites, and recommended a lime sulphur spra~, of wh~h it would require approximately 40 tanks, which he could furnish and apply at a cost of $8.00 per tank. Thereupon after considerable discussion, Commissioner Carraway moved that the City employ Mr. Lingle to furnish and spray the citrus grove with approximately 40 tanks of lime sulphur spray at a price of $8.00 per tank. Seconded by Commissioner Bishop and carried. Nr W.G. Kilbee next appeared before the Commission and filed a complaint against Dr. Raymond Bass, City Neat Inspector, for condemning and destroying a beef which he had left in storage at the Table Supply Store, stating that he was not notified of the condemnation until after the meat had been disposed of, and consequently did not have an opportunity to send a sample of it to another veterinarian or laboratory for verification. Dr. Bass havirg condemned the beef because of signs of toxic condition throughout the carcus, wh~h was cuased from food poison, and immediately had it destroyed under the authority and requirements of City ordlranoe No. 374, providing for the inspection of meats. Matter taken under advisement, pending a written report from the City ~eat Inspector. Commissioner Carraway next introduced Ordinance No. 419, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OM THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, LEVY INGAND ~.'POSING LICENSE TAXES FOR MUNICIPAL PURPOSES UPON THE OCCUPATIONS, BUSINESSES AND PROFESSIONS HEREIN STATED; F~X- INGAk!D DETEP~INING THE AMOUNT OF SUCH LICENSE TAXES TO BE PAID,WHEN THE SAME SHALL BE PAID AND FOR WHAT PERIOD OF TINE;REQUIRiNG EACH PERSON, FIR~ OR CORPORATION,BUSINESS OR PROFESSION WITHIN THE CITY OF SANFORD,FLORIDA,TO PAY THE LICENSE TAX HEREIN PRESCRIBED FOR SUCH OCCUPATION, BUSINESS OR PROFESSION, AND OBTAIN A LICENSE FROM THE CITY TAX COLLECTOR. FOR SUCH OCCUPATION, BUSINESS OR PROFESSION TO BE ENGAGED IN;AUTHORIZING THE '~EFUSAL TO ISSUE OR RENEW A LICENSE AND kUTHORIZING AND PROVIDING FOR THE REVOCATION OF ANY LICENSE ISSUED HEREUNDER;PROVIDING FOR THE ENFORCEL~NT OF THE PROVISIONS HEREOF BY THE SEIZURE AND SALE OF CERTAIN PROPERTY, AND PRESCRIBING A PENALTY FOR NOT PAYING SAID LICENSE TAX WHEN DUE AND FOR ENGAGING IN SUCH OCCUPATIONS, BUSINESSES OR PROFESSIONS WITHOUT PAYING SAID LICENSE TAX AND OBTAINING LICENSE THEREFOR AND REPEALING CERTAIN ORDINANCES. and same was placed on its first reading and read in full by the Clerk. The proposed ordinance regulating the keeping of fowls within a certain distance from buildings occupied for dwelling purposes, Was next submitted for consideration of the Commis- sion. Action deferred. On motion of Commissioner BlOop , seconded by Commission next authorized the purchase from Leedy, Refunding Series A Bonds at a price of $605.00. Commissioner Williams and carried, the Wheeler & Company, Orlando, of one On motion duly carried, the Commission next authorized the temporary employment of W.E. Jameson as relief man at the water plant for one month durln~ v~.c~ttnn ~ ~. _ H~97~6 MINUTES Ci~ Commission, Saniord, Florida,_.J_~....28....a~--~--13-D---P---~ ........... 19.. ~'~ Communication next read from the Silver Fleet C~bs with further reference to their request for an increase in taxicab fares, in which they submitted a proposal for increasing the fares in certain zones. The present fare of 256 per passenger would remain in effect in the zone extending to Mellonville Avenue on the East, Twentieth Street on the South, and Cedar Avenue on the West ; and all fares outside of this zone would be increased to 50¢ for one passenger, and 25~ each for two or more passengers going to the same destination. Matter taken under advisement, pending fur%her considers, tion. The City Manager next reported of acceptance of delivery of the three l½ ton long wheel base Chevrolet Trucks purchased from Holler Motor Sales under bid awarded by the City Commission under date of April 28, 19~?, and on motion duly carried, the Commission authorized the pay- ment of same. Request next received from the Church of God for the City to install a street light intersection of Elm Avenue and 25th Street, add also from colored Church of God for the installation of street light at intersection of Hickory Avenue and Fifth Street. at Requests ordered filed. Consieratlon next given to offer of H.M.Watson to furnish the City a quit-claim deed on city-owned lots described as Lots 18/21; 31/38;~0/46;55/5~,65,111 and ll2, Amended Plat of Magnolia Heights, and Lots 1/~O of Block 18; Lots 6/19 of Block 19; lots 1/9 and 13/21 of Block 20 Ssn Lanta Second Section, for the sum of $200.00. The City having acquired thy property thru foreclosure of taxes and special assessment liens. Thereupon after careful consideration, it was the opinion of the Commission that a quit-claim deed to the C~y from the original owners of the aforesaid property would be ~eneflolal in perfecting the title in order that title insurance may be secured on same, and on motion of Commissioner Williams, seconded by Commissioner Bishop and carr~ d, the Commission authorized %he payment of $200.00 to H.M.Watson for furnlshirg quit-claim deeds to this property from the original owners. There being no further business the meeting then adjourned until 2:00 o'clock P.M.July Attest: City Clerk.