HomeMy WebLinkAbout100247-Adjourned Session MINUTES Cit~ Commission, Sanfotd, Florida,........O.c.taD en _.2_.at~._ L:.~.O... lq.. ~ _19.. of oanford, Florida, met in adjourned session October 2, 1947. The City Commission of theCity at the City Hall in the City of 5snford, Florida st 1:50 o'clock P.t.!. Present: Commissioner H.James Gut, !~eyor. ,, George D.Bishop Andrew Csrraway Lea R Lesher ,' Robert A Williams City Att rney Fred R. Wilson City }~ansger & Clerk H N Sa?er Deputy City Clerk Gordon L Bradley Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Communication next read from Southern Bell Telephone Company advising theft their October statements for local telephone services had been prepared and mailed prior to the adoption of ordinance No. 421 on Sept. 23, 194y, increasing the maximum utility service tax to $~.O0 per month, and requested that they Oe granted authority to accept the October bills without the increased tax. Thereupon Commissioner Williams moved that the Southern Bell Telephone Company be authorized to accept payment of the telephone bills for month of October, 1947, without the increased tax as required by Ordinance No. 421. Seconded by Commissioner Bishop and csrrled. Application next received from ~os~lle Sheffield for permit to sell beer and wines at 509 Senford Avenue, and on recommendation of Chief of Police Wllllems, same was a~proved. In accordance with regulations governing the holding of Primary Elections, and on motion of Commissioner ~esher, seconded by Commissioner Willis~ms and carried, the ~[ayor was next autnorlzed to issue an election proclamation calling s Primary Election to be held on November 4, 1947, for the ~urpose of selecting two nominees for the posi- tion of City Commissioners, one to fit! the vacancy to be crested ~y the expiration of the term of office of Commissioner George D.Bishop, and the other to fill the vacancy to be created by the expiration of the term of office of City Commissioner H. James Gut; the following being designated as Clerk and inspectors of said election: For Clerk Mrs F.E.Roumlllat For Inspectors: ~,~rs ~argaret F.B~rnes, ldrs. W.E.Wetson and Mr J H Beck. On motion of Commissioner Williams , seconded by Commissioner Bishop and carried, the Commission next approved the acceptance from the Ssnford Atlantic National Bank, of ~ederal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Safe-keeolng receipt No. 189-SC covering $100,000.00 2~ U.S.Treasury Bonds of 1950-52, in exchange for their Safe-keeping receipt No. 5?55 covering $100,000.00 2~ U.S.Treasury Bonds of 1948-50. These securities deposited with the City to protect funds on deposit in said bank. Request next received from Harry Crosson , lessee of theYunicipal Trailer Park, to assign his lease agreement to R.H.Beckhsm, effective as of October l, 194y. Thereupon after careful conslderstion, Commissioner Lesher moved that the City authorize the assignment of the aforesaid lease agreement to R.H.Beckhem, and that the Mayor and Cler~ ~e authorized to enter into a new lease ~reement with ~.ir. Becknam MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Flnrida October 2 at 1:30 ~, 47 .... p '~ ' '- ~ ' for the unexoired term of the old lease. Seconded by Commissioner Williams and carried. The proposed lease agreement with Florida Fasnlons Inc. covering the A.& R. Building at the ~unicipal Airport, was next re-submitted for final approval, after certain changes having been made at the request of the lessee. Thereupon after considerable discussion of the terms aha conditions, Commissioner Lesher moved the approval of the aforesaid lease a~reement and tna% the Eayor and Clerk be authorized to execute same on behalf of the City. Seconded by Commissioner Bishop and carried. Said Lease a~reement 0sing in words and figures as follows: THIS LEASE, ~Iade bet~een CITY OF SANFOPD, LEASE and entered into in duplicate on the 1st d~y of October, 194?, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as Lessor, State of Florida, Lessee, WITNESSETH: and FLORIDA FASMIONB, INC. s corporation organized ~nd existing under the laws of t~ with its principal office at Sanford, Florida, hereinafter referred to as That the Lessor, for and in consideration of ~e rent~ls a~reed to be paid and covenants to be performed by the Lessee, has leased and let and by these presents does lease and let unto the Lessee the following described property, situated at what was formerly the Sanford Naval Air Station, in Seminole County, Florida, to-wit: BUILDING No.5 ( A. & R. Building ) and land immediately contiguous thereto necessary to the maintenance and operation thereof. TO HAVE ~D TO HOLD the above described property unto the Lessee for a period of one (1) year Yrom the date hereof at and l'or a rental Of TWO HUNDRED TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS ($225.00) per month payable in advance, with the option to renew this lease from year (~250.OO) (¢300.OO) per month payable in advance for the second ~ear's renewal, THREE HUNDRED FI?TY DOLLARS (~350.O0) per month payable in advance for t~e third ~e8r's renewal, and FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS (~400.00) per month payable in advance for the fourth year's renewal,said renewals to be upon the same terms and conditions as this lease, except as to rental. The Lessee has rented the above described property of an from the Lessor at and for the aforesaid rental of TWO HUNDRED TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS (~225.00) per month payable in advance, the first month's rental having been ~ald upon the execution and delivery of this lease, and s like rental to be paid on the first day of each and every calendar month after date hereof for and during said term. The Lessor and the Lessee do further covenant and agree to and with each other as follows: 1. The Lessee nas inspected said property and accepts the same in its present condition , and agrees to maintain and keep at its own expense the interior of the afore- said building in good repair and the grounds surrounding it in good condition and appear- ance, and in accordance with the requirements of Lessor and the Civil Aeronautics Administration. 2. The Lessor shall maintain and keep the exterior of the aforesaid building in good repair, of which the Lessor shall be the judge. 3. In the event the above described ~remises shall be so damaged by fire or the to year for an additional four (4) years at s rental of Two HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS per month oaysble in advance for the first year's renewal, THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS MINUTES City Commission, Saniord, Florida,---.--P~-~pO--~-!L-~-- ~:}-- .]:.!3..[? .[....l.i... _19. is too great to restore and repair said demised premises, and should Lessor determine not to repair said leased 9remises this lease shall cease and determine, and the rent shell abate from the time s~ld demised premises became untensntable. In the event the demised property shall be so damaged by fire or the elements and Lessor determines to promptly repair the same, the rent shall be abated corresponding with the time and extent to which said property cannot be used by Lessee after damage occurred and be- fore repair. 4. This lease and the Lessee conditions of the Federal Government the President ,of the United States or the Congress thereof, and also suoJect to cond~tlons, covenants and restrictions embodied in title to said property. 5- That the Lessee shall promptly pay all bills for utilities service. 6. The Lessor shall have the right to enter the premises at any %i~ durln$ the term of said lease for the purpose of inspectin~ the re8l property in order to determine ~ethsr the terms and conditions of said lease are being observed and carried out Oy the shall be subject to the restrictions, terms and during the existence of any emergency declared by all have the right to make alter- and upon the premises, which fixtures, alterations or signs so placed in or upon or attached to said premises shall be and remain the property of the Lessee ~nd may be removed therefrom upon the termination of the ~ase, and the Lessee, if reduired by the Lessor, shall, upon the termination of said lease, restore the said premises to the seme condition as theft existing at the time of the Lessee's entering upon the same under ssld lease, reasonable and ordlnery wear and tear and damage by the elements or by circumstances over which tke Lessee has no control, excepted, provided, however, Lessee shall be given written notice before the termination of this lease. 8. The Lessee shall not assign said lease or sublet any of the written consent of the Lessor. 9. Default for a period of ten (10) monthly rentals or default after thirty that if the Lessor requires such restoration the d~ys thereof by the Lessor at least %hirty said property without days in the payment of anyone of the aforesaid (30) days written notice mailed to the Lessee at its last known address, in the performance by the Lessee of any of the other covenants contained in said lease on its part to be performed shall work an immediate forfeiture of said lease and the Lessor shall have the right to enter upon said property and retake possession ~ereof without the necessity to resort to process of law therefor. 10. The Lessee shall surrender possession of all of the aforesaid property at the end of said term or the earlier termination of said lease, unless said lease is renewed, in as good condition as the same now is, ordinary wear and tear and damage by the elements excepted. IN ~ITNESS WHEREOF, the Lessor has caused these presents to be executed in its name by its ~[ayor and attested and its official seal to be hereunto affixed by its City Clerk, and the Lessee has caused these presents to be executed in its name by its President and attested and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed by its Secretary, all on the day and year first above written. Lessee. 7. The Lessee shall, during the term of said lease, atlons, attach fixtures and erect partitions and signs in MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, Oct 2 a~ 1:30 SEAL) Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: Helen M Witte Gordon L Bradley As to Lessor. A Edwin Shinnolser Thelma Brewer As to Lessee Consideration next given CIT"' OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. By.__ H.James Gut ~ayor. Attest: H.N, SaNer City Clerk FLORIDA FASHIONS, INC. By Frank J Shames President Attest: Kicnael Ginson Secretary to the application of ~.'r, J P Williamson to lease the laundry building and Small Arms Building at the 5~uniclpal Airport for the purpose of operating a diaper factory. Thereupon after considerable discussion, the Commission agreed to lease the aforesaid buildings to ~.~r Wiillamson for a term of two years at a rental of $100.00 per month, subject to renewal st terms to be agreed upon. Communication next read from the Sanford Rotary Club advising of their recentmeeting at which the members vot~ to urge tneOity to commence immediate construction of the proposed swimming pool, of which plans and specifications are on file ann funds in amount of $30,000.00 are reserved in the Public Projects Fund for this purpose. The City ~mnager then presented a letter of September 23, 194~, from Wesley Bintz Swimming Pool Engineer, in which he submitted an estimated cost of ~60,OOO.00 to con- struct the swimming pool under the present day labor and material costs. Thereupon after considerable discussion and in view of the fact that the estimated cost of constructing the proposed swimming pool exceeds the available funds by approxi- mately ~30,O00.O0, it w~s the opinion of the Commission that the City could not undertake its construction without the necess~ry funds being available. TheClty ~anager next reported on an opinion from the Legal Department of Leedy, ~eeler & Company, Orlando, that the City does not have authority to issue revenue certif- icates to finance the cost of resurfacing streets without a referendum vote of the free- holders, stating that the City Attorney had also concurred in their opinion. Thereupon after a further discussion of ways and means of financing the proposed street resurfacing project, the City Han~er was authorized to apply to the local banks for s loan in amount of $40,000.00, under authority granted the City by Special Act of 19hl Legislature, Chapter 21520, Laws of Florida, aut~orizing the City to borrow the sum of not more than ~40,O00.00 at any one time, to be repaid in not more than four years. Consideration w~s then given to resurfacing the streets that are in the worst state Of repair wl~ the limited amount of funds that will be available for financing the cost. Thereupon after considerable discussion and careful study of the estimated cost of resurfacing the wrlous streets, the C[ty !lsnager was autnorlzed to prepare the plans and soecificatlons and the preliminary assessment rolls for resurfacing Seminole HouleYard from Park Avenue to Sanford Avenue; Commercial Street from Park Avenue to Sane'or0 Avenue; First Street from Sanford Avenue to Yellonville Avenue; Yellonville Avenue from First MINUTES Cify Commission, Sanforcl, Florida, ....... -0-¢-~,o~e-~._..2.. ~-5---1--:--30--P .~¢.__19 ~,8 Twentieth Street from French Avenue to S~nford Avenue; and Ei.~hteenth Street from French Avenue to Park Avenue. ]~:r. Roy A Browning, operator of the Sanford School of Aviation at the -~]unicipal Airport, next appeared wit~ further reference to the lease ~greement to ~e entered into with t~e City for the airport facilities he is using in connection with his flight school, l~Ir Brownin~ having been operating under an agreement for lease since August 15,1946. Thereupon after considerable discussion of the fauilitles requested by 21r Browning and the terms ~nd conditions of the proposed lease agreement, final action was deferred pending further consideration. ~'r H.H. Coleman, local manea~er, and i~[r. A1 Wright, representative of the Florida Power & Light Comoany, next ~ooesred ~nd submitted a proposed five year contract rate for furnishing bower for the ~unlcipel ~¥ater Plant, which would eliminate the City operating the diesel engines for gener~tlng Obi-er. Thereupon after considerable discussion ~n~ careful study of their statement of comparative cost of electric bower with diesel power, the City ~'aneger was directed to prepare an itemized str~temement of the City's cost of generating power at the water plant for the past ten years, for further consideration of the Commission. There being no further business the meeting then adjourned until ~:30 o'clock P.~{. October 6, 194~. ¥.ay or. Attest: Cit~, Clerk.