HomeMy WebLinkAbout102347-Adjourned SessionMINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, Oal~obexl..23. at 2.:£t0 P ~.~..19 .. 47 The City Commission of the City of $~nford, ~lorida, met in ~djourned se~ion at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 2:00 o'clock P.]!.October 23,1947. Present: Commissioner H.JAmes Gut, Mayor. " George D.Bishop " Andrew Carraway " Lea R. Lasher " Robert A Williams City Attorney Fred R ~ilson City ][anager & Clerk H. N Bayer Deputy City Clerk Gordon L. Bradley ~eeting caled to order by the Chairman. Chief of Police '?illiams next reouested that the Commission give considerstlon to Increastng the salaries of policemen, advising that several of them had given notice of intent to resign because they cannot meet the high cost of living under the present selaries, and that he has been unable to secure new aSplicAtions because of the s~me reason. ?e~ter t~ken under Advisement. The Clerk next submitted plans and specific~tlons for resurf~cing Seminole Boulevard from Park Avenue to OAnford Avenue; Commercial Street from Park Avenue to Sanford Avenue; First Street from ganford Avenue to !dellonville Avenue; ~[ellonville Avenue from First St~ est to T~enty-fifth Street; Sanford Avenue from Fifth Street to Tu,enty-fifth Street; Twentieth Street from French Avenue to SAnford Avenue; and Eighteenth Street zrom French Avenue to Park Avenue, of waich the toLal esti~te amounted to ~61,549.~6. City Attorney Wilson then savised that ne had conferred with the Attorneys ~'or the local C~nks with reference to the City's a~plication to co, row ~40,O00.00 under authority o~ Chapter 21520, Acts o~' 1941 Legislature, and after reviewing several Supreme Court Decisions , it was their opinion that said Chapter is inefI'ective to permit the City to borrow money as a general obligation without sn election of the freeholders. S~id aoplicAtion having been mede with a view to using the s~id sum of $40,000.O0 toward paying the cost of resurfAcing the aforesai~ streets, to be repaid in three Annual inst~llments from special assessments to Oe collected from the abutting property owners. Thereupon after a further discussion as to ways and means of raising the addition- al funds needed to o~y the cost of resurfac[ng the foregoing streets, Comml~sioner Bishop moved that the City Attorney be directed to investigate the legality of borrowing this money from the Public Projects Fund, to be repaid from the special assessments to be collected from the abutting property owner, s, and if he finds the City has authority to borrow such funds from the Public Projects Fund, to prepare the necessary resolution for adoption, at the next regular meeting to be held on October 27; and that the Commission vote in like man- ner on said resolution as they do on this motion. Seconded by Co~t~missloner Carraway. Thereupon the roll wes called anm the vote stands as follows: Commissioner Gut " Bishop " Carraway " Lesher " Williams Bill ct Title Guaranty & rendered in furnishing names of to be resurfaced, next submitted, Aye Nay Nay Abstract Company in amount of $75.O0 covering services tltle holders of the property shut. ting the streets proposed and on motion of CO~mmissioner Carraws~v. seconded bv MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, .............. ~c~o~e~ ~ ~2:0~ .........p ~ _19 47 Commissioner Williams and carried, same was approved and payment authorized. On motion of Commissioner Carraway, seconded by Commissioner Lesher and carried, the Commission next a~proved the rental of four dump trucks from S. E Parker at a price of ~3.00 p~r hour, including drivers and gasoline, for the ouroose of hauling clay for constructing baseball diamonds for the New York Giants Baseball Club. The ~'syor next submitted a request of the South Atlantic Gas Company to increase their rates for furnishing gsa service in Sanford, in order to reduce their operating loss. Thereupon after considerable discussion, it was felt that the South Ail. antic Gas Company should submit a financial report substantiating their request before any consideration be given it by the Board. The City ldanager next submitted an itemized statement snowing the cost of gener- ating power with diesel engines at %ne [~iunicipal Water Plant for the past ten years Thereupon after a comparison oi' the aforesaim cost with the electricity cost su0mitted by Florida Power & Light Ccmpany in their proposed I'ive year contract su~mitted at the meeting of October 2, of which an annual savings of a~proxlmately ~3,000.00 was shown by diesel power, Commissioner Williams moveG that the aforesaid contract be declined. Seconded by Commissioner Carraway and carried. On motion duly carried, the Commission next authorized an e~enditure for entert~inlng all white employees with the annual barbecue to be held on Friday evening, October 31,1947. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Attest: City