HomeMy WebLinkAbout111447-Adjourned Session MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida,...I~a.¥.emb.ar~ L~....~t 2'..00...I~ I~_19.. 47. The City Commission of the City of Sanford, at the City Hall in the City of Senford , Florida, 14, 1947. Present: Florida, met in adjourned session at P:O0 o'clock P.Y. November City of Sanford Sanford, Florida. Seconded by Co~issioner t~'lllia.ms and carried. Said letter of proposal bein~ in words and f~gures as l'ollows: '~July 26, 194~. Attention : ~[r H.N.Ssyre City ~'anager Subject: Engineering Services in Connection ~.ith Proposed ~"~rehouse and tTharf Develooment on Lake mront. Gentlemen: %?e have been advised through ]~r Edward His~:~ins, of your Chamber of Commerce, that the City is contemplating ~ project to provide ~n industrial development on the lake front ~,~hlch will include ~arehouse facilities with wharfage ana related rail- road spurs, access roads and similar features to permit and f~cilltete shipping and receiving of products by commercial b~rge carriers. It is understood that in connection wltn the project it may also be ~esired to coasiaer the aevelopment of a boat or yacht b~sin in tns same ~eneral area. t';e understs~nd inapt the City int~.~nds to issue revenue certificates secured by anticipated revenues from these f~cilltles ann to sell these securities to R.F.C. or to privste capit~l in order to secure funds for the construction of the proposed improvements In this contraction, the City ~ill require certaLn professional en~ineering services in rag?rd to preliminary stuaies in the development o~' pr~limlnary estimates oi' cost cz' construction ann operation aha assistance in preparing en~in~ering data to accompany the applic~tion to R.F.C. or other financial interests. Although it is ~ontrary to the est&Dlisned policy o£ this finn to enter into engineeri~ work on a purely contingent basis, we are very appreciative of the very pleasant relationsnlps we na~e enjoyed with your City and are, therefore, very de- sirous ol' assistin~ you in every way possible in the ~evelopment of any worthwhile project. For this reason, we hereOy offer to perform such preliminary engineering Commissioner M.James Gut, " Andre~ Carrawsy " Le~ R. Lesher " Robert A Williams City ~anager & Clerk H.N.S~yer Deputy City Clerk Gordon L Bradley Absent: Commissioner George D.Bishop Lieetin~ called to order sy the Cnai~nan. ~r Edward Higgins, 5lansger of beminole County Chamber o~' Commerce, next appeared with further reference to his request for %ne C~y to lease a County Fair Association ( which v~ill be organized) the Syntnetlc Trainer BuildLng, the Parachute Loft and the land used by the Dusty Boots & Saddle Club at the ~unicipal Airport for the ourpose of conducting annual Fairs and other attractions, stating that the members of the Fair Association will be resoonsible partie~ who will form s corporation of approxi~te $10,000.00 c~oital to underwrite the f~irs and ~ther events. Thereupon after ~ further discussion, final action was ~eferred, vending further consideration Further consideration ne×t given to the proposal of Smith & Gillespie, Jacksonville, submitted at ~n adjourned meeting of August ~, i94~, for furnishing engin- eering services in connection ~iQ~ the proposed ?unicipal Dock and ?er~inal Development on the lake front. Thereupon after a furt~er discussion ~,ith l~r. %~lie ~.Gillesple, Engineer of said firm, Commissioner Carrsway moved the accepta~nce ol' the proposal and tn&t the ~ajor and Cl~rk be authorized to execute same on behalf of the City. MINUTES .... November 14 at 2:00 P ~ 47 City Commission, Sanford, l~ £1orlma, ..................... S! services as may be requirem to develop preliminary plans and estimates oi' cost of con- struction anm operation adequate to accompany your application to the financial interests whom you may contact on this project. We will per1'orm these services without any charce to the City other than to request that we be reimbursed for any travel costs or exoenses for trips which we may make at the request of the C~y ~'or consultation or conference with the financial interest to whom you may apply. 'Ye also will ask that the City reimburse us for any cost of necessary blueprints or similar printed matter t.~hich we may furnish in this connection. This offer is made contingent on the City agreeing to employ us as its consulting engineers on the project if an when it may materialize at appropriate fees to be determined by negotiation after the size of the project and sco~e of services to be performed have been definitely determined. In making this offer, it is understood that the City will secure such economic d~ta as may be required to substantiate the estimates of sntlcl~sted income, volume of freight to be handled and similar information. After the C~y h~s secured this economic data, we will be glad to assist you in developing ~nd presenting it in suitable form. Your sccept~nce of this proposal will constitute a ~orking agreement until the project develops to a point where a more formal type of contract is indicated. Should the City wish to accpt this proposal, we v'il! appreciate your returning one executed copy of this letter to us ~'or our records. Re~pectiu~ly submitted 5L:ITH AND GILLESPIE ';lylie tV Giilespie. " The foregoin~ proposal accepted ~y the City Commission of $anrord, Fl~rida at adjourned meeting held on the 14th day of NovemOer, 1947. Attest: H.N.Sayer (Seal) City Clerk. H.James Gut Diayor. The Board, together with Engineers Wylie VLGillespie and B.F.Borden of the firm of Smlth & Gillesole, next proceeded to s lengthy study ~nd discussion of the oroposed contract and report, submitted by )'r. M.H.Colem~.n, Fanager of the ~lorid~ Power & Light Company, for furnishing .electric po,,,er for the ?unicipal ".r,~ter Plant, thus eliminating the two 150 hp Diesel Engines operated by the City except for standby service. S~id report showina: a savings to the City of over ~1,200.00 annually by replacing the 100 h.p.electric pumps and operating with electric oower instated of diesel engine power. .~,[r. Gillespie w~:s then directed to su0mlt a detailed report on their study of comparative costs of the i.',unicipal ",kter Plant operations, using diesel engine drive and purchased power, for further consideration of the Commission. On motion duly carried, the Clerk and Geo. H.Willi~ns, Auditor of the firm of Pentland & Gray ~ere next authorized access to the safety deposit Sox at Sanford Atlantic Natlonel Bank for' the purpose oi' verifyin6 its con%ents. There Oein~ no further ousinesa the meeting t~en adjourned until 2:00 o'clock P.Z. November 18, 194~. Attest: - City/G'lerk.----- ~syor.