HomeMy WebLinkAbout112447-Regular SessionMINUTES Ci[y Commission, Sanford, Florida, No~em~e.r ~ .a~ 7:30.. ? ~,~ .19. · H-89796 The City Commission of the City of banford, the City Hall in the City of S~nford, Florida, at Present: Com~.~issioner H.James Gut, idayor " George D Bishop " Lea R. Lesher " Robert A WillisJns City Attorney Fred R Wilson City .'[anager t Clerk H.N.Sayer Deputy City Clerk Gordon L Bradley Absent: Commissioner Andrew C~rr~w~y I~eeting called to order 'tlr the Chairman. ~4rs W ~ Collins next appeared and requested an adjustment of her against Block 24 of .V. ellonvllle, for years 1938 thru 1947. Florida, met in regular session at 7:30 o'clock P M November 24, 1947. unpaid taxes to property without the requirement of payment of 193~ anm subsequent years taxes at sa~e time. l~r. Fred W. Bender next appeared before the Board and submitted a proposed re-plat for subdividing into small lots, size 50' x 75', the property located between Fourth and Sixth ~treets and Locust and Bay Avenues. Mr. Bender also suSmitted the plans and specifications of a small one story frame dwelling with 365 sq. ft. of ground floor area that he proposed to construct on each of the aforesaid lots, and requested the Commission to re-zone this area into a special district so as to provide for the construction of these small dwellings thereon. Thereupon after consldersble discussion, the matter was referred to the Zoning Adjustment Board for recommendation. Pursuant to request of the Commission, ~r. J.~( Perkins, sales repreeent~tlve of ?.H.Rhodes, Inc, manufacturer of the !~ark-Tlme Parking Yeters now in operation by the City, next appearec and demonstrated the new Rhodemaster ~.!odel five-penny, one-nickel meter and offered to exchange the 2~0 Perfection }(odel one-penny,one-nickel meter heads for this new type he~d at a cost of ~10.00 per meter. ~Ir Perkins also demonstrated the new Rhodemaster model five-penny, two-hour meter that the City proposes to install in other locations, the purchase price being ~62.50 each, plus cost of installation not to exceed ~5.00 per meter. Action deferred, pending a survey by the Commission of the parking area proposed to be ~tered. Mr. W.G.Kilbee, meat producer ~ next appeared an~ requestee that the City furnish meat inspection service six mall days per week, claiming that the present arrangement of lr~pectlng me~t products only on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons is not satisfactory because it works a hardship on both the producer and the ourchaser. Thereupon after careful consider~tion, and in view of the fact %h8t the cost of furnishing meat inspection service exceeds the fees collected for such services by i,.~atter taken under advisement. On motion duly adopted the Commission next authorized and directed the Tax Collector accept payment of 193~ and prior years taxes and paving assessments against the aforesaid City would not be Justified in increasing ~e[ng offered for sale in Sanford, and denied. colored '"elfare Le~ue of Seminole $100.00 or more each month, it was felt th~:t the this cost for the small amount of meat products on motion duly adopted the aforesaid request was Attorney E.?.Houeholder, representing the County, .D.Powell, Presiaent bY the Colored "'elfere League, - ~ ~n( Dr. Geo. H.Starke, MINUTES November 24 at 7:30 P ~ 47 City Commission, Sanford, Florida, .......................................... i9 Board to reinstate 'Tillle Sutten, colored, to his duties as police watchman in West Sanford (Goldsboro) section. Sutten having been suspended by Chief of Police Williams on OctoLer 27, 19a7, for his use of endue force in arresting ~.!athew Hagins, colored. Thereupon after consldera~;le discussion, Commissioner Bishop moved that Willie Sutten be re-employed as ~oliee w~,tehman at ~he expiration of a thirty days suspenslon~ amd thlt a colored assistant be Seconded ~.- Commissioner ".'ill lams. i~r B G Duncan, further reference to employed to assist him temporarily. Lesher and carried over the dissenting vote of Commissioner Vice President of the ~outn atlantic Gas Co,,pany, next a~peared with tnelr request to increase the rates for gas service in ~an~ord. The City Llanager then submitted a comparazlve statement snowina the proposed schedule of increased rates and the schedule of rates cnar~ed in DeLand, Daytona Beach, Palatka, 'Vinter Perk and "'inter Haven. Thereupon after ~ careful study of the comparative statement of schedule of rates~ In v.hlch it was found that the increased ret, es proposed by the South Atlantic Gas Company were in lane with the rates charaed for g~s service in the foregoing Central rlorlda cities, Commiss[oner ~ishop moved the approval of the proposed increase in rates for gas service, effective as of Jan 1, 194~. Seconded by Commissione£ Lesher and carried. The following being the ne~,, rets schedules for gas service approved by the City Commission: Ava ilabl e SOUTH ATLANTIC GAS CO~iPANY RES IDENT IAL SERVICE Rate Schedule ~[[ ............ in Sanford, Florida Applicable To $!l residential consumers using service for liontln6, cooking, neat~ng, room ~nd house heating, and incidental purposes. Character of Service: Continuous- Low Pressure ~,lanufactured Gas. Rate per ~lonth: Net) ~1.00 for first 400 cu ft. or less .16 per CCF for next 2600 cu.ft. · 13 . , ,, ,, 3000 Cu. ft. .11 " " " additional cu.ft. Ninlmum charge - il.O© per month Service under this schedule is subject to the currently effective Gas Service" on file in the Company's office. D~te Effective: On all meter readings after December , 194~. SOUTH ATLANTIC GAS C~rPANY C~[?'E~CIAL SERVICE Rate Schedule Available In ~anford, Florida Applies:ale To Commercial Customers. Character of Service: Continuous - Low Pressure lanufactured Gas Rate per Eonth: (Net) $1.00 for first 400 cu ft. or less 16 per CCF for next 2600 cu ft. 13 " " " " 32,000 cu. ft. ll " " " additional cu.ft. }~lnlmum Cherge: $1.00 per month Service under this scheaule is subject to the currently effective Gas Service" on file in the Company's office Date Effective: On all meter readings after December , 1947. refrigeration, water "Requirements for "Requirements for MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, November ?.4 ?:30 P 5.I ._19 47 prepared by Dr. L R Scribner's Laboratorele at all such milk within the requirements of grade On motion of Commissioner ~¢llliams, the Com~,~ssion next approved the ~urchsse of one ~efu~l Lng Series "B' Bond at price Orlando, next submitted, SUCh report showing "A" milk. seconded by Commissioner Bishop and carried, from Herbert J Sims & Company Inc. New York City, of ~9OO.00. On motion of Commissioner Lasher, seconded by Commissioner Williams and carried, the Com:nlssion next authorized the ourchsae of one Coin Sorter machine from Handy Coin Sorter Comoany, Denver , Colo at price of ~90.OO. On motion duly carried, the Commission next approve5 the employment of J S Lee as fireman at salary of f:132.00 per month, to fill vacancy crested by resignation of C.A. Anderson on October 15, 1947. Resignations of police patrolman RslphH Gelger and desk sergeant & Radio maintainer Paul Trued, effective as of December 1, 1947, were next submitted and accepted. The Tax Assessor next reported that s concrete block dwelling was constructed on Lots 4 and5 of Block 10 Tier' 17, Seminole Park, aurin6 1946, and the improvement was assessed as being completed with assessed value of $1,500.OO for 1947, whereas t~e interior of this dwelling was not completed before January 1,1947, and requested autnorty to a0just the assessed valuation on this property to $750.00. Ther~upon in order to correct tills error in assessment, Commissioner Lasher moved that the assessed valuation on the aforesaid property be adjusted to ~750.00 for the year 1947. Seconded by Commissioner Bishop and carried. The City Nanager ne×t submitted a request of Frenehmans Bay 9outing Company, together with the plans snd specifications, to enclose a portion of tbs north end of the b~mdshell building instead of the entire north end, as required in their lease agreement with the City. Thereupon after careful consideration and on advice of the Building Inspector that the proposed plans and specificstlons comply with the Building Code, Commissioner Bishop moved a temporary %w~iver of the provision in the lease agreement for enclosing the entire north end of bandsnell building, and to grant them a permit in lieu thereof, for temporary enclosure of a portion of said building in accordance with the plans anm specifications submitted. Seconded by Commissioner Williams and carried. The City Manager next reported that Lne exterior of City Hall buildin~ had not been painted since 1935 and that it is badly in need of Waterproofing anu repaintin~ in or,er to preserve the interior from any further water damages. Thereupon Commissioner Lasher moved that the City Lianager be authorized to call for sealed bids for furnishing all labor and materials for waterproofing and painting the City Hall building, for consideration of the Commission. Seconded by Commissioner Bishop and carried. Nr. J R ~vles next submitted a proposal for furnishing 165 gallons of primer coating and 330 gallons of asbestos roof coating at a cost of 9556.~5 for repairing the roof on the City's large repair shop building. This roofing material manufactured by the Pantkor Oil & Grease Company, Fort ~Vorth, Texas, and carries a seven year guarantee. Action deferred, pending inspections of this material on other local buildings that ~'or has been applied/more than one year and also recommendations from the owners of such buildings. Inspector Duncan next reported of number of house trailers parked on premises of dwellings, vacant lots and service stations throughout the City~ and recommended that an ordinance be MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida,.._....~.~.~?,i~ ~ ~....7.,'..3.Q....~...~_I19 _.4~ authorized end directed to pre,are such an ordin~,nce for further consideration of the Commission. Commissioner Lesher next introduced Ordinance No. 427, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANEORD, FLORIDA, LiAKiNG IT UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON OR PERSONS TO PARK A MOTOR VEHICLE OR VEHICLE OF ANY KIND ON EITHER SiDE OF THE PORTZOI~$ OF FRENCH AVENUE BET"fEk~ SE~CiNOLE BouLEVARD A~D T.~ INTERSECTION OF FRENCH AVENUE L'ITH STATE ROAD NO. 15 DEbIGANTED BY $Id~N$ INDICATING RAkKiNG PP~OHi~ITED TO BE ERECTED ON SUCH PORTIONS AS idAY BE DESIGNATED BY THE CHIEF OF POLICE OF THE CiTY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AND PPOVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. and same was ~laced on its first reading and read in full by the Clerk. There being no further ~usiness the meetin6 then adjourned until 2:00 o'clock P.~. December 4, 1947. Attest: C£ty Clerk. Neyor.