HomeMy WebLinkAbout091348-Regular Session MINUTES City Con,mission, Sanford, Florida Sept. embar 1.~ at 7:~0 I~ ~9 ~ The City City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at ?:30 o'clock p M September 13, Present: Commissioner Lea R. Lesher, ActingMayor. " Andrew Carraway " Randall Chase. City Attorney Fred R Wilson Assistant City Attorney A E Shinholser. City Manager & Clerk H N Sayer Deputy City Clerk , Gordon L . Bradley Chief of Police R.G. Williams. Absent: Commissioner Robert A Williams, Mayor. " John Krider Sr. Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Commissioner Carraway next moved that Mayor Robert A.Williams meeting due to illness. Commission of~e City of Sanford, Florida met in regular session at the 194S. be excused from the Seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried. Current invoices and payrolls for month of August 194~, properly audited and vouchered as evidenced by voucher Nos. 1983 thru 2089 submitted, examir~d, approved and payment authorized. Monthly reports of streets, sanitation, health, water, police , fire, airport and library departments for month of August 1948, submitted and examined. Financial statement and statement of revenues and expenditures during month of August 1948 submitted and examined. B~nk statements in all accounts for month o f August 1948, properly reconciled , submitted and examined. Minutes of adjourned meeting of the Commission of August 2Oth and of the regular meetirg of August 23rd, 1948 next read and approved. Gilbert A Williams next appeared before the Board and stated that he had purchased the business of Louis Peridee at 1105 W. Thirteenth St. and requested a transfer of the beer and wine license to his place of business at 120~ W. Thirteenth St. Matter taken under advisement. Mr. George Hennessy a representative of the Lumino Company of Orlando, before the Board and requested the City to water-proofing the City Hall building, when the bid was submitted. next appeared stand part of the loss incurred in connection with caused by sandblasting which they did not contemplate Matter taken under advisement. Application next received from Mr.S.A. Allen for permit to operate a fleet of taxi-cabs starting with three cabs, to be known as The Yellow Cab Co. Thereupon after considerable discussion, Commissioner Carraway moved that a permit be granted Mr. Allen to operate a fleet of taxi-cabs, subject to the necessary coverage by insurance. Seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried. Application next received from M~ Albert A Ericson, owner of Lormann's Restaurant located at 2?50 Orlando Hiway, for permit to sell beer. Thereupon Commissioner Carraway moved that the aforesaid permit be granted. MINUTES 249 City .Commission, Sanford, Florida, ...... S.e. Dt 13 ~t 7:~0 P M 19 48 On motion of Commissioner Chase, seconded by Commissioner Carraway and carried, the Board next authorized the Clerk to open the Registration Books on September 20,194~, for the purpose of registering for the Primary Election to be held on November 2, 194~. On motion of Commissioner Chase, seconded by Commissioner Carraway and carried, the Board next accepted the release from the West Virginia Training School Inc. releasing the City from any and all obligations under that certain letter dated December 27, 1947, wherein the City agreed to lease them certain land and buildings at the Sanford Naval Air Station. Said release being in words and figures as follows: "KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT THE WEST VIRGINIA TRAINING SCHOOL, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of t~e Stste of West Virginia has, for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar and other valuable considerations, to it in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, released and discharged City of Sanfor~ Florida, from any and all obligations of every kind under that certain letter dated Decemb~ 27, 1947, and recorded in Minute Book 9, Page 100, of the records of the City of °anford, Florida, from said City of Oanford, Florida, to The West Virginia Training School, wherein and whereby said City of Sanford Florida agreed under ~ertaln conditions to lease certain lands and buildings situate at what was formerly Sanford Naval Air Station, Sanford, Florida, for a period of 99 years, to said The West Virginia Training School. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The West Virginia Training School has caused these presents to be executed in its name by its President and attested by its Secretary , on this the 25th day of August , 19~8. THE WEST VIRGINIA TRAINING SCHOOL BY ~ A Madd~ Its President. Executed in the Presence ~ar2 L Cash By .... Osie Ensland of: Its Secretary. Gordon L Bradley The proposed amendment to the 99 year lease with Fellowship Foundation releasing the Ship Service Building and adding on the Paint and Oil Building at the airport was next submitted for consideration. Thereupon Commissioner Chase moved its authorized to execute same on behalf of the approval, and that the Mayor and Clerk be City. Seconded by Commissioner Carraway and carried. Said amendment being in words and figures as follows: AMENDMENT of NINETY-NINE YEAR LEASE. THIS AGREEMENT, Made and entered into in duplicate on the let day of September, 19~, between FELLOWSHIP FOUNDATION, a corporation not for profit, organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida, located at Sanford, Seminole County Florida, as party of the first part, and CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation created by the Laws of the State of Florida, and existing in Seminole County, Florida, as party ~ the second part, WITNESSETH THAT: WHEREAS. the party of the second part, by lease dated August 25, 1948, leased and let MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida,. .......... S~.pZemhe. r..._...13.., a~....7: 3_0_19 k~. S.~. Corner Beginning at a point 150 feet west and 1~15.5 feet north of the ~ of the S.W 1/~ of Section 6 Township 20,South, Range 31 ~~ 0 seconds --t- ~l~rlda. run north 89 degrees 5~ ~Inute~_3_ A ~ '7 t ~hence No~th 36 degrees 50 minutes West 2~£./ ree~, run thence North 50.1 feet, run thence South 89 degrees 5~ minutes ~ seconds E~st 907.8 feet, run thence South 283.3 feet to the point of beginning; and the following building thereon to-wit: Building No. 16 , Recreation. and the following described personal property therein: I Oasis Electric Water Cooler, Ebco Nfg. Co., Columbus, Ohio. I Soda Fountain and Condensing Unit, Bostian-Blessing 60 Gal. capacity. 1.Compressor: Huseman, Serial $0833, Wagger Elect. ~otor AC, type 866Oiv Serial ~U , Nodel ~lO~6Al~57 1/30 HP ~otor, RP~, 60 cycle, 1 phase. 1080 RPM ,60 cycles , g p , ~2 ~anufactured by ~Vestinghouse. i Fan: Exhaust, ~agner Elec, 1/30 HP, 60 cycle, Style 6206617, Serial D~27192,9-blade. 6. Cabinets; Barber's storage; bakalite top 2?"x~2~"xl~". 6. Sinks: Enamel, Barber's 27" long , 22" wide , 31" high. I Counter: Wood, bakalite top, 2~" wide , 100" long , ~l' high, 2 shelves right and left side, 3 shelves in middle, with Dakalite extension leafe, 2~" wide , 28" long. 3Lights: Flood, stage, daybright , battery of 12 lights per unit; ~--red, 4-white,~-01ue, length of unit 55" long. i Sink: Scullery, 2 compartments, 18" Sq. 12" deep, metal top, 2~" wide, 86" long, 35"high, ~Ifg. by Westbrook, mounted on steel legs. ~. Booths: luncheon, stationery, tables of wood, 24" wide,~8" long,30" high, seats 76" long, 18" wide, b~ckrest 36" high, overal height , 5~'' ~ 2 seats and i table comprise one complete booth.) And, ,~ereas, the party of the second part has requested the party of the first part to release from said Ninety-nine year lease the above particularly described real estate designated as "Block D" and building thereon designated as Building No. 16, Recreation, and the above described personal property therein, and the party oI' the first part has agreed to release the same in consideration of the party of the second part substituting therefor the following described real property and ~uilding located at what was formerly said Sanford Naval Air Station, to-wit: From the Southeast corner of the Southwest Quarter of Section ~ Township 20 South, Range 31 East, Seminole County, Florida, run West 100 feet to center of Mellonville Avenue; Dun thence north along said center line 1312.58 feet; thence north 89 degrees 5Y minutes 3© seconds East 597.~5 feet; thence North O degrees i minute East 91.95 feet to point of beginning; run thence North 0 degrees I minute East 93.34 feet, thence West l~? feet, thence South 0 degrees i minute West 93.3~ feet to the north line of Block C as described in original lease agreement dated Ausust 25th, 1948; run thence South 89 degrees 57 minutes 30 seconds East to point of beginning; and Building Number 24, Paint and Oil, situated thereon. and in further consideration of the reduction of the first year's rental of $13,0OO.00 under said Ninety-nine year lease by the sum of f3,000.00, $2,000.00 of said reduction being for the cost of improvements to said building No 16, Recreation, and $1,000.00 as represent- ing a fair pro rata for the annual rental of said building to the total annual rental for the property embraced in said Ninety-nine year Lease, making the first year's rental $10,O00.00, and a reduction of said annual rental of ~l~,O00.O0 to ~12,000.00 per annum aft~ said first year's rental and to continue as long as said ~13,000.00 rental was payable under said Ninety-nine year lease: NOW, THEREFORE , for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars and other valua- ble considerations each to the other in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the party of the first cart has released and discharged and by these presents does release and discharge of and from the aforesaid Ninety-nine year lease from the party of the second part to the party of the first part the above particularly described real estate designated as Block D and building thereon to-wit: Building No.16, Recreation, and the ~ove particularly described personal property in said building No. 16, Recreation as fully and completely as if said property had not been included in MINUTES , ~ City Commission, Sanford, Florida,._..~ept l~ at 7:~o P ~ 19 48 described property released from said Ninety-nine year ~ease the real property secondly herein above described and building No. 24, Paint and Oil, situated thereon as fully and completely as if said last above mentioned property had been originally included in said Ninety-nine year lease, and does reduce the first year's rental of $13,000.00 of said Lease by the sum of $3,000.00 as aforesaid, making the first year's rental $10,000.00 and agrees that said rental shall continue thereafter at the sum of ~12,O00.00 per year payable as in said Ninety-nine year lease stated and for the remainder of the time that the original rental of $13,000.00 was payable thereunder, and all of the terms and conditions of said Ninety-nine Year lease, are hereby declared by the party of the first part to be applicable to said last described property, and said Ninety-nine Tear Lease is hereby ratified and confirmed, except as amended hereby. IN WITNESS WHEREOF , the party of the first part has caused these presents to be executed in its name by its President and Board ~ember and attested and its corporate seal hereunto affixed by its Secretary and Board ~.(ember, and the party of the second part ha caused these presents to be executed in its name by its ~ayor and attested and its official seal hereunto affixed by its City Clerk, all as and of the 3rd day of Sep&ember 1948. FELLOWSHIP FOUNDATION Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: ~rla J Lundqulet Gordon L Bradle~ As to Fellowship Foundation (S .AL) BY Osie Eng~land Its President and Board ~ember. Attest' ~illiam ~arsK Its Secretary and ~ard Nember. CITY OF SANFORD; FLORIDA. BY_ Robert A ~illiams Its Nayor. Attest:_ H Its City Clerk. Aria J. Lundquist As to City of Sanford, Florida. Consideration was next given to the request of ~r. C A Naddy of the Fellowship Foundation to lease the Synthetic Trainer Building at $2,400.00 per year, the I~Undry Building at $960.00 per year and the farm and grazing land at $1,000.00 per year, at the airport. Thereupon after considerable discussion, Commissioner Carraway moved that the City Attorney prepare an amendment to the 99 year lease to include the Synthetic Trainer Building and the Laundry Building, and a ten year lease on the farming and grazing land. Further consideration was next given to the request of Florida Fashions Inc. to lease the Supply Building at the airport. Thereupon Commissioner Chase moved that the City Attorney prepare a lease with Florida Fashions Inc. for three years at a rental of $225.00 per month, with the provision of re- newal for two years, on the Supply Bullding at airport. Seconded by Commissioner Carraway and carried. On motion duly carried the City ~anager was next authorized to advertise for bids to paint the Supply Building at airport. Consideration was next given to the condition of the exterior of the buildings at airport occupied by Tec Bilt Homes, Inc, and Paul Campbell and the stipulation in the leases whereby the tenants are required to maintain the exterior of the buildings. Thereupon on motion duly carried, the Board instructed the City ~anager to notify MINUTES City Commission, Saniord, Florida, ........ 5eoI,--1-~,----a~-7:-3-O--P'''I~I'-19'''' !ll~ Communication next received from ~r Charles G ~arlon of the National Exhibition Co. , requesting the City to repair the roof on the Ship Service Building at airport. ~.~atter taken under advisement. On motion of Commissioner Chase, seconded by Commissioner Carraway and carried, the Commission next authorized the salary of Wilbur D. Spivey, fireman , be increased from ~155.20 to $161.2~ per month, effective as of September l, 19~8, in accordance with the schedule set up for promotion of firemen. Application next received from T H Scobell, Shell oil Co. Distributor to purchase the three lots at southwest corner of French Avenue and Fulton Street to be used for service station site at such time the new road comes through. Mat,,er taken under advisement. Further consideration was next given to the request of Edward F Lane for his pro rata share of the fire insurance on City buildings. Thereupon the City Manager submitted the following list of Fire Insurance Agents in the City showing the number of companies represented by each: Raymond M Ball 7; C.~.Boyd ll; Andrew Carraw~y Agency ll; Crumley & }~onteith lO; E.F.Lane l; P Bayard Smith 3; Frank L Woodruff Jr 5; H.James Gut Agency 12; and T.M.Fox 1. No action taken. On motion of Commissioner Chase, seconded by Co~-zmissioner Carraway and carried, the Commission next autnorized the City Manager to call for bids for removal of the steel posts and installation of steel beams in fire station so that when the new fire truck is delivered the building will be ~ble to accomods, te all of the equipment. Consideration was next given to the collection of the unpaid fees for building permits of R.T.Cowan for houses constructed in Magnolia Heights. Thereupon Commissioner Carraway moved that the collection of the aforesaid fees be turned over to the City Attorneys for settlement. Seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried. Communication next received from Mayor Robert A. Wllliams submitting his resignation to the Commission: No action taken. Said communication being as follows: "September 8, 19~8. The City Commission Sanford Florida. Dear Sirs: As you are aware I have not been able to attend meetings and be active in City affairs since July ll, 1948 due to illness. I have hoped from week to week I would be able to return to active duty, however, it has not turned out that way, and I have now been convinced that it is very indefinite as to if and when I will be able to be active again. Due to the above reasons of poor health, I hereby submit my resignation to the City Commission. I would like for the citizens of Sanford and the City Commission to know that it hurts me very much to have to make this decision, but with my health as it is I ~ave no other choice. I have considered it a privilege to serve my City as Mayor-Commissioner, and have thoroughly enjoyed working for a better and more progressive Sanford. I would like to thank the members of the Commission, City Manager, Department Heads and employees of the City for their cooperation during my term as Mayor. I would like to make one request of the Commission. If work has not been started on facilities for the George Bart Umpire School at the Airbase, I request that work be started immediately and finished as soon as possible. Also to advise George Barr of MINUTES City Commission, S~-ford, Florida,_.~5.cpqt_13....a;_.Z.;.3.(2._p....~ .................. 19..1~.. I am enclosing two extra copies of this letter, please give a copy to the Sanford Herald and the Orlando ~,'orning Sentinel. Wishing each of you the best of success as you carry on the affairs of the City. Very truly yours Robert A Willis~s There being no further business themeeting then adjourned until 4:00 o'clock P M. Sept 15th and proceeded to sit as a Tax Equslization Board to consider any further complaints as to assessed valuations on the 1948 Tax Roll. Mr. John D Gove, Mr. W.A. Leavitt, Mr F Hasky Wight, members of the Masonic Lodge next appeared before the Board to protest the assessment on the Free and Accepted Masons Lodge No. 62, stating that as a charitable and fraternal organization it was exempt by law. Thereupon after considerable discussion, Acting Mayor Lesher appointed Commissioner Chase to meet with the oI'ficers of the lodge to ascertain that the receipts from rentals on the building are being used for fraternal and charitable purposes. Consideration next given to the request of George D.Bishop for a reduction of the assessment of his property described as E. 120 ft. of lots ll and 13 Rose Court, as he felt that the assessment of $20,420.00 was too high in comparison with similar properties. Thereupon after considerable discussion, Commissioner Carraway moved that a 10% functional discount be given Mr. Bishop's property. SecOnded by Commissioner Chase and carried. On motion of Commissioner Carraway, seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried, the Board next granted an additional 10% depreciation on the Florida State Bsnk Building, described as the N. 53.25 ft. of Lot I Block 3 Tier 4, E.R.Trafford's Map of Ssnford. On motion of Commissioner Chase, seconded by Commissioner Carraway and carried, the Board next authorized the assessment of the property owned by Mrs Margaret W Kirtley and described as Lots I thru 6 Keeley's Subdivision be reduced from $2,415.00 to $950.00 as long as the property is maintained as a public park. There being no further business the meeting then adjourned until 4:00 o'clock P M September 15, 1948. Acting Mayo~. " Attest: cl, ty MINUTES SeptemOer 15 at 4:00 ? .}I_19 1~ Sanfozd, Flm:ida, The City Commission of the City the City Hall Present: of Sanford, Florida, met in adjourned session at in the City of Sanford, Florida at 4:00 o'clock P N September 15, 1945. Commissioner Lea R. Lesher, Acting ~ayor. ,' Andrew Carraway " Randall Chase " John Krider, Sr. City Attorney Fred R ~ilson Assistant City Attoney A Edwin Shinholser City ~anager & Clerk H N Sayer Deputy City Clerk Gordon L Bradley Absent: Commissioner Robert A Williams, Mayor. Neeting called to order by the Chairman. The Commission then convened as a Tax Equalization Board to consider any further complaints as to assessed valuations on the 1948 Tax Roll. Nr H H Coleman, Eanager of the Florida Power & Light Company, next appeared and requested that they be given the 15~o reduction in the assessed valuation on their personal property that the Board granted on the assessed valuations of stock of merchandise of merchants; stating that it was inequitable to reduce the assessed valuations on one class of personal property and not on others,and that he felt that they had 'been discrimi- nated against. Reduction denied. Further consideration next given to request of Central ~lorida Quick Freeze & Storage Company for a reduction in the assessed valuation in amount of ~20,4~0.~0 on their prooerty described as Lots l, 2 and 3 of Block 15 Tier ?, Sanford, and the assessed val- uation in amount of ~ll,4?O.O0 against their personal property because they are only utilizing part of the Ouildlng and part of the machinery and eouipment in connection with their cold storage business. Thereupon on advice o~' the City Eanager that only about 60~ of the building is being used, andon motion duly carried, the Board ordered the assessed valuations on Lots 1,2 and 3 of Block 15 Tier 7, Sanford, reduced to $18,OOO.00, representing an additional lO~ functional depreciation on the building Oecause of non-occupancy. The Commission then adjourned as a Tax Equalization Board until 4:00 p.i. September ly,19~8 and immediately proceeded to a further study of the budget of revenues and ex- penditures for fiscal year 19~$-19~9. Fire Chief Cleveland next appeared and requested reconsideration of the reduction made ~y the Commission in the appropriation of the Mire Departme~ in the proposed budget for fiscal year 1948-1949, which will necessitate eliminating two firemen from the force in order for the department to operate within the appropriation; stating that the present force is not su!~flcient to furnish adequate fire protection, with new buildings being constructed throughout the City and the airport properties added thereto; and that in his opinion it would be very unsound economizing to reduce the personnel. Thereupon the Chairman advised that it had been necessary for the Commission to curtail operating expenses in order to balance the 1948-1949 budget, and if the Mire Chief could effect a sufficient savings on other expenses in his department to offset the lOgo reduction in s~propriation, it wild not be necessary to reduce the personnel. The City Nanager then advised that the appropriations for expenses other than salaries .............. · ~ +~ .~ ~o~.t~ ~ th~ ~ira D~nartment and cannot be eliminated, and