HomeMy WebLinkAbout091548 MINUTES - Ci~ Commission, Sanford, Florida, September 15 a~ 4:00 P M19 8... ~ The City Commission of the City of Sa. nford, Florida, met in adjourned session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida at 4:00 o'clock p M September 15, 1948. Present: Commissioner Lea R. Lesher, Acting Mayor. " Andrew Carraway Rsndall Chase John Krlder, Sr. City Attorney Fred R t~ilson Assistant City Attoney A Edwin Shinholser City Manager & Clerk H N Sayer Deputy City Clerk Gordon L Bradley Absent: Commissioner Robert A ~illiams, Mayor. Meeting called to order by the Chairman. The Commission then convened as a Tax Equalization Board to consider any further complaints as to assessed valuations on the 1948 Tax Roll. Mr H H Coleman, Manager of the Florida Power &Llght Company, next appeared and requested that they be given the 15% reduction in the assessed valuation on their personal property that the Board granted on the assessed valuations of stock of merchandise of merchants; stating that it was inequitable to reduce the assessed valuations on one class of personal property and not on others,and that he felt that they had 'been discrimi- nated against. Reduction denied. Further consideration next given to request of Central Florida Quick Freeze & Storage Company for a reduction in the assessed valuation in amount of ~20,440.O0 on their property described as Lots l, 2 and 3 of Block 15 Tier 7, Sanford, and the assessed val- uation in amount of ~ll,4?O.OO agalnst their personal property because they are only utilizing part of the building and part of the machinery and eouipment in Connection with their cold storage business. Thereupon on advice of the City Manager that only about 60% of the building is being used, andon motion duly carried, the Board ordered the assessed valuations on Lots 1,2 and 3 of Block 15 Tier ?, Sanford, reduced to $18,OOO.O0, representing an additional lO~ functional depreciation on the building because of non-occupancy. The Commission then adjourned as a Tax Equalization Board until 4:00 P.~.September 17,1948 and immediately proceeded to a further study of the budget of revenues and ex- penditures for fiscal year 1948-1949. Fire Chief Cleveland next appeared and requested reconsideration of the reduction made by the Commission in the appropriation of the Fire Department in the proposed budget for fiscal year 1948-19~9, which will necessitate eliminating two firemen from the force in order for the department to operate within the appropriation; stating that the present force is not sufficient to furnish adequate fire protection, with new buildings being constructed throughout the City and the airport properties added thereto; and that in his opinion it would be very unsound economizing to reduce the personnel. Thereupon the Chairman advised thst it had been necessary for the Commission to curtail operating expenses in order to balance the 194g-1949 budget, and if the Fire Chief could effect a sufficient savings on other expenses in his department to offset the 10% reduction in appropriation, it wild not be necessary to reduce the personnel. The City Manager then advised that the appropriations for expenses other than salaries are very essential to the operation of the Fire MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Floxicla,._S_9_p. tember 15 at 4:00 P M ~ ~ Consideration next Elven to the appropriation for Department of Publicity for fiscal year 1948-1949. Thereupon Commissioner Chase moved that the appropriation for Seminole County Chamber of Commerce be reduced to $5,000.00. Seconded by Commissioner Krlder and carried over the dissenting vote of Commissioner Carraway. Commissioner Carraway next moved that 6600.00 be appropriated for Seminole County Junior Chamber of Commerce~ .... ,l__i_.~ ;-~ t-~.~-!-~', ~so,,~and same died for lack of a second. Commissioner Chase %hen moved that $900.00 be appropriated for Seminole County Junior Chamber of Commerce~ Seconded by Commissioner Carraway and carried over the dissenting vote of Commissioner Lesher. After a further study and discussion of other items in the proposed Dudget of revenues and expenditures for fiscal year 1948-1949, the meeting adjourned until 4:00 o'clock P N. September l?, 1948. Attest: Acting Na~r. ~