HomeMy WebLinkAbout102548-Regular Session MINUTES Hall ~n the O~y of 8anfo~d, Florida, at Z:30 o'clock p. M. October 25, 19~. Present: Comm!ss!oner Lea R. Lesher, Act!rig Mayor. # Andrew Carraway. " Randall Chase. # John Er!der, Sr., City Attorney A. Edwin Sh!nholser C!ty Manager & Clerk H. N. Sayer Deputy City Clerk Gordon L. Bradley Chief of police R. Absent: 0ommiss!oner R. A. Williams, Mayor Meet!ng was called to order by the Chairman. Commissioner Carraway next offered Resolut!on No. ?39, and after being read !n full by the Clerk, moved !ts passage and adopt!on. Seconded by Commissioner Chase and. carried by the following vote of the Commission: Commlss!oner. Lesher Aye Carraway Chase # Er!der # said Resolut!on No. ?39 be!rig !n words and figures as follows: RESOLU?ION NO. ?39 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, IN RECOGNITION OF THE SER- VICES OF HERMAN. J. LEHMAN, TO EXPRESS RE'RE? AT HIS PASSIN~ AND TO EXTEND SYMPATHY TO HIS FAMILY. WHEREAS, Herman J. Lehman has been a resident of Sanford and Sem!nol e!ght years, and County for twenty- WHEREAS, dur!ng the years of his life spent in Sanford said Herman J. Lehman was actively and constructively interested and engaged !n c!v!c affairs, having ably served his City as Mayor and Comm!ss!oner ,nd hie County as Leg!slator, and having always been prom!nen~ in work!ng for the betterment of his City and County, and WHEREAS, by reason of the death of said Herman j. Lehman the people'of Sanford and Semi- nole County have suffered a great loss, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the C!ty Comm!ss!on of the C!ty of ~anford, Flor!da, ~hat the C!ty by and through !ts C!ty Comm!es!on does hereby extend !ts condolence to the family of Herman j. Lehman and also !ts sympathy in ~he!r great bereavement. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that th!s resolut!on be spread on the m!nutes of the miss!on and a copy thereof be sent to the family of Herman j. Lehman. PASSED AND ADOPTED th!s ~Sth day of October, 19~8. (SEAL) ATTEST: H. N. Sayer, Cl~y Clerk (Signed) Lea R. Lesher, Act!rig Mayor Andrew Carraway John Er!der Randall Chase As the C~ty Comm!ss!on of the City of Sanford, Florida. following bids next received fro renewing the subscriptions MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida,-Q---c'~9~'~ _~.5~_...~.~...~139..P.,M~-.19.~-- for one year to 55 mags- The zines and per!od!ca~.e for the Municipal Library: Lobby News stand $175.oo 16~.zo Mrs. Mary L. Strong Lo Thereupon commissioner Kr!der moved the acceptance of the lowest bid, Strong in the amount of $168.20. that of Mrs. Mary Seconded by Commissioner carraway and carried. On motion of Commissioner Carraway, seconded by commissioner Kr!der and carried, thc Mayor was next authorized to issue an election proclamation, calling for a General Mun!o~pal Election to be held on December 7, l~, for the purpose of electing two City Commies!chefS for terms of three years each, to fill the vacancies to be created by the expiration of the Lesher; the follow!ng being Will!ams and Lea R. Mrs. F. E. Roumillat For inspectors: Mrs. Margaret F. Barnes, Mrs. Ralph Austin Smith, and Mr. J. H. Beck. Report of October analysis of milk from all dar!es operat!ng in Sanford as prepared by Dr. L. R. Scribner's Laboratories at Orlando, next subm!tted, such report showing all such milk within the requirements of Grade "A~ Milk. on motion of Commissioner Carraway, seconded by Comm~ss!oner Kr!der and carried, the City Manager was next authorized to make the necessary arrangements for the annual Barbecue for the City Employees and the!r families. on motion duly carried, the clerk and Geo. H. williams, Jr., Auditor of the f!rm of pentland & Gray were next auth6rlzed access to the safety deposit box at sanford Atlantic National Bank for the purpose of verifying its contentS. On motion duly carried the City Manager was next authorized to attend the annual con- vention of the Florida League of Municipalities to be held in pensacola on November ~th thru' lOth., the expenses in connection therewith to be borne by the C!tY. consideration was next given to the property located at the corner of Third ~treet and palmetto Avenue, described as Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, Block ~, Tier 1, Sanford, which the City agreed to sell to the w!nn & Lovett Grocery Company. Thereupon after considerable discussion and due to the fact that the W!nn & Lovett Grocery Company did not oonsumate the purchase because there was some quest!on as to the City's right to sell the property after it had once been dedicated for public parking purposes, Commissioner Carraway moved that the action of the Comm!ssion of October 13th., to redeem the old unpaid State and county Tax Certificate of the sale of July 2, 1928, in the amount of $1,3OO.81 be rescinded. Seconded by Commissioner Kr!der and carried. Commissioner Kr!der then moved that'the $500.00 binder be refunded to the w!nn & Lovett terms of off!ce of CommiSsioners Robert A. designated as officials of said election: For clerk: Grocery company. Seconded by Commissioner Carraway and carried. on motion of Commissioner chase, Seconded by Commissioner Kr!der and carried, the Com- mission next approved the purghase of one 36" D!ston Chain Saw, driven by 6 HP gas motor, from cameron & Barkley, Jscksonv!lle, at a price of $5~5.00. Mr. Joe Gonzalez, owner of the silver Fleet Cab Company next appeared before the Board and requested the City to establish Loading Zones in front of the grocery stores in the down- MINUTES ._ Cit~ Commission, Sanford, Florida, October 25, at ?:30 P.M. 19 ~ , s~6 _ ......... ~ ................................................................................. Thereupon after cons!datable discuss!on and on mot!on duly cart!ed, the C!.ty Manager wan !nstructed to have the street marked off and the necessary s!gns erected !n front of the gro- cery stores !n the downtown area as Loading Zones for tax!-cabs. On mot!on of OommAss!oner Carraway, Seconded by CommAss~oner Kr!der and cart!ed, the Com- miss!on n~xt approved the purchase of one AllenrWales Add!ng Mach!ne from the Allen-Wales Adding Company, New York, for use !n the Clerk,s off!ce, at a pr!ce of $290.00. On mot!on of Commissioner Er!der, seconded by Comm!ss!oner Chase, and cart!ed, the Com- mlss!on next author!zed the CAty Manager to call for bads for clean~ng and paint!ng the !n- ret!or and exterior of the water tank at the water.plant. On motion of Comm!ss!oner Carraway, seconded by Comm!ssloner Er!der, and cart!ed, the Commies!on next authorIzed the C!t~ Clerk to refund the l!cense fee in amount of $25.OO each to ttr!ckland-Morr!son, Inc., for two licenses they purchased for two ,U# Drive It Oars, due to the fact that 8tr!ckland-Morr!s&n, Inc., have decided to dAscont!nue the operat!on of these cars due to the high !nsurance rate. On mot!on duly cart!ed, the Mayor and Clerk were author!zed to execute on behalf of the C~ty, the deed, conveying Lots 1, ~, 3, ~, and E lOl.~ ft. of Lots 5 & ~ Blk. ~ of Mellon- v!lle, to the 8anford ~arden Club for the purpose of erect!ng the!r Club BU!ld!ng. On mot!on of Comm!aa!0ner ~haee, seconded by Com~!seloner Krlder and carried, the CAty Manager wan next !nstructed to call for bids for tbs purchase of a 1/& yard dragl!ne, both at a cash pr!ce and also less trade-!n of surplus C!ty equlpment. The C!ty Manager next submitted the new 8o~thern Standard BuAlding Code for consideration by the Comm!ss!on. Thereupon CommieS!Char Chase moved that the C!ty Attorney prepare an Ord!nanoe adopt!ng eald Code, and that copies of the Code be submitted to the local Architect and Contractors for the!r cons!darer!on and to return to the C!ty any comments w!thin ten days. Seconded by CommissIoner Carraway and carried. On motAon of Comm!ss!oner Chase, seconded by Comm!sslOner. Kr!der and cart!ed, the C!ty Manager was next instructed to call for blds for 500 ft of 2 1/2# ~ PlY Mult!ple Woven f!re hose. The following proposal of Mr. C. A. Maddy, subm!tted for cons!deter!on by the Commies!on: TO the C!ty of 8anford, Flor!da, Arrant!on: The Honorable Mayor and other ~entt~men of the C!ty Comm!ss!on - 8up t. of the Fellowship Foundation was next October 25, 19~. Act!ng upon advice from you, we, the Fellowship Founder!on, Inc., submit the follow!ng proposal for your cons!darer!on and dec!sion: Inasmuch as our Corporat!on ks chartered to operate a B~blical College, a Homotel and other non- profit, educational and rel!g!ous Inet!tut!cna, we desAre to prosent to the commun!ty a perma- nent, practical and substantial project wh!ch w!ll be of mutual benefAt and concern to all. To accompl!sh th!s, we cons!der !t of v!tal !mportance to the C!ty of Sanford as well as to the thousands of persons !n the North that we shall !nterest !n the development of a Chr~st!an Colony, that we pay the full amount wh!ch we are to be cha~ged for the 99 year lease for the port~on of the Naval A!r Base already described !n wr!t!ng plus some lands and bu!ld!ngs now under adv!sment. reviewing what will most mely -1--- . -- - ns. uer. ng Znat the inflation through which we .... ~_~u econom:c~l±{ !n the next 25 years and e ~n ~ - =~ pass_ng canno~ las~, and after eom ut'n will' retest on the amount to be pa!d in advance, we hal!eve that your Honorable Comm!~ ~ e!ongagTM unan!mously wAth us that $250,000.00 !n hand paid w!tk!n the next three years by the Fellowsh!p Founder!on to the City of Sanford will apply !n a mutual way more than the stip- ulated amount to be pa!d An part!al payments over a per!od of years which shall have more than one !ney!table ct!sAs. Before th!s depression engulfs our present economy, we propose to raise this amount so that our !mprovements and extens!ons can count as assets acceptable to the 8outhern Colleges and other educat!onal agenc!es as endowments wh!ch w~ll enable our Academy, College and 8em!nary to be scored!ted at once. MINUTES City ~ommission, Sanfo~d, Flo~da,.O~P~r. sub-letting rooms, by accept!ng l!fe- Th!a huge fund will be collecte~ by our corporation by + ....... ~at~on of our monthly p~o~_ ~1, and'thro~gh soliciting an~ accep ~ ~ annuities and other contributions. To - applied in retiring t~e obligations of the 99 year lease, --- fa!ced that the funds raised w!ll be properly u;~ga quarterly to the C_tY of Sanford the amounts our corporation also convenants to pa~ used for the.~eo~s~r[~e~ r - -~. nuroose excepting th~.port~., t~ nay to the ~!-~ ~- ~ ..... o-~- ~tme to time, except The Fellowsnzp ~uuS~y-ji .... into the treasur2 ~z~= ~ other finance which m~gnu uum~ and operation. a reasonable reserve for extension ~ ~2=O OOO. 00 w~th'n the set time of . q=~- +- raise the entire amount ox ~ v , .... '~-'~-ld bv it and .~ ~..~ ~t becomes zmpoSS-~ ~¥~ ~_ ~dvanoe to the City ~ount set forth as annual payments ~T .... -~-~ then the amoun~ pa~.-- ~ ~-- ~os!e of the three yea~, ~ --o ..... ente on the regU~m~ ~* ....... ~er ~nc!dent result in credited ae a~van~ ~- executed. Fu thermore 2[ war ~- vernment reposses.*ng b~ ~-..~]t ay been used on our regu~ gO ~e~ thn cunt tha~ ..... h e shall pro-r ...... am unearned balance to the Fellowsbip Foundation. This proposal does not alter the lease on the grove and other lands at the rear of the base now being considered on a 25 year basis w~th $2,OO0.00 a year as the rental price. amounts of regular lease payments which ~are addition to all of ~e ~ ..... ~od or that part of the '2 0.000.OO consideration is ~c~ ~lave been paid and which snail be paid during the three year F~--. three year period which is used in securing the amount mentioned above. t~ ~nt~ate with the present City . that it has been a pleasure w~ll be taken in the counc-1 mee - In closing, permit us ~n~ely hoped that proper action - ~anager who has al- Oomm!Se!~n, and it is - is presented by the.Honorable !ng wh!ch is in session when th~B it applies to the City's finances and the School's ready carefully weighed the propOS!t~on as being accredited. Awaiting and anticipating your wise and immediate action, we remain Respectfully yourS, FELLOWSHIP FOUNDATION, IN0., BY, C. A. Maddy. Thereupon CommiSsioner Carraway moved that the matter be referred to the C~tY Attorney. Seconded by CommiSsioner Kr!der and cart!ed. 6n motion of CommiSsioner Chase, seconded by CommiSsioner Carraway and carried, oh!el of police H. G. W!ll~ams was instructed to erect a flood light in the triangle at 25th street and park Avenue so as to eliminate the traffic hazard of said triangle. on mot!on of. CommiSsioner Kr!der, seconded by comm!ss!oner Carraway and carried, the Commission next authorized the salary of E. H. johnson, Sanitary officer be increased from $186.00 to $211.00 per month. There being no further bus!nesS November 3, 196g. the meeting then adjourned until 12:OO o,clock noon The Attest: --'- O'tY CAerE