HomeMy WebLinkAbout112348 MINUTES Commission, Sanford, Flozida,_..._.N~v. emher.._~.$...at...~.y..:._$O_..~..~19 The City~ Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in adjourned regular session at the City Ha/1 in the City of Sanford, Florida, at ?:30 o'clock p M November 23, 1948. Present: Commissioner Lea R.Lesher, Acting ~ayor Randall Chase " John Krlder, Sr. City Attorney A. Edwin Shinholser Consulting Attorney Fred R. Wilson City Manager & Clerk H.N. Sayer Deputy City Clerk Gordon L Bradley Chief of Police R.G.Williams Absent: Commissioner Robert A Williams, Mayor. Andrew Carraway Meeting called to Order by the Chairman. Mlnutes of all adjourned, regular and special meetings of the Cormmission for the period of October 25th thru November 22,1948 next read and approved. Nra Lois Wight, Owner of the Welaka Apartments, described as Lots 3,4,? and 8 of Block 2 Tier 4, E R Trafford's Nap of Sanford, next appeared before the BOard relative to the assessed valuation of $?2,560.00 on her property, statlng that she felt that the assessment was too high due to the fact that she had only been offered $50,000.00. Mr. Fred Bender, local Realtor, next appeared before the Board and reiterated the proposed sa~e of the aforesaid property, stating that the most he was able to sell it for was $50,000.00. Thereupon the Commission instructed the Tax Assessor to make a re-appraisal of the property. ~. Fred Bender next appeared before the Board relative to the prop&rty west of Plnehurst Subdivision and no~th of West Twentieth Street, stating that he contemplated replattlng it into a subdivision for colored residents, but that under authority of Resolution No. 6?6 passed and adopted by ~he Commission on March 13, 1944, in which the Commission requested the County Commissioners not to approve any plat within one mile of the City until the City had reviewed the proposed plat, he requested the a.oproval of the City before he incurred the expense of preparing the plat. Matter taken under advisement spending the submisslonof the plat with a 120 f t. depth frontage along Twentieth Street. Bids next submitted for furnishing one 1/4 yard combination Clamshell-Dragline Machine, to be mounted on truck to be furnished by City, less trade-in-allowance on one Hubert 10-Ton Roller, one Adams Motor Patrol Grader and one International Crawler Tractor, as follows: ~IBBS EQUIPMENT CORP. One Lorain Model T~.-20, 6x4 Moto-Crane with 30' Boom equipped to be used with Dragline or Clamshell Bucket and also as a Lifting Crane. This machine has rated capacity from 3/8 to 3/~ cu.yd, with drag or clamshell bucket. It is powered with 6 cylinder, type JXD Hercules Gasoline Engine capable of 59 net H.P. at full load speed of 1500 R.P.M. Truok mounting is by the same manufcaturer and built around basic unit for a completely balanced package. It has 6 wheels (lC tires) with 4 rear wheels driven. Power for propelling truck is by means of 6 cylinder, type JXLD Hercules Gasoline Engine rated, without accessories, at 121 B.H.P. at maximum Speed of 2600 R.P.M. Price f.o.b. Lorain, Ohio $16,~25.00 Freight, Lorain O. to Sanford, Fla. 661.21 For 1/2 MINUTES .... ~i~ty Commission, San~ord, Florida, ---No-~nhe~ Less trade-in allowance ......... ........ ....... · · Ne~ amount of ~is bid ........ ................... 16,000. O0 If defe~ed payments are deleted, a down p~ment of ¢~,000.00 willbe required on deliver2 and four quarterly P~ent of ¢3,000.00 each, and bering interest at 8¢ , being due ~d pa~able ~ months, 6 months, 9 months, and 12 months from date of deliver~. DEAL MACH INERM One 1/~ cu. ~d. Schield B~ntam to be mounted on ~our t~ck, complete wl~h 1/} cu. yd. dragline bucket, one 1/~ yard cl~shell uc~et, tagline winder, all necessar2 cables and b la~lng to operate as ~ cl~ and drag, mounted on 2our truck f.o.b. S~ford, Florida ................................... $6190.00 Less trade-in allowance .................................. $2190.00 leavi~ a balance of 98000.00 to be paid in equ~l quarter- 12 payments of ¢1000.00 each at 6¢ interest. 9HAPMAN MACH INERM One Schield Bantam combination dragllne and clamshell machine with 1/3 yard dragline bucket, 1/4 yard clamshell Oucket and Morln tagline, 25' all ste~l all welded boom, necessary head sheaves and fairleads for the machine. This machine to ce mounted on an Army Surplus half-track extended 36" with dragline setting over the center of the bogey wheels. This truck has a normal capacity of six to seven tons with a 95% level body over any type terrain, will travel from 5 mph to 45 mph over the highway, has double reduction front and rear drive, with 150 H.P. White AX Model engine as a power unit. The price of the above machine is~690.00 delivered to any point in Seminole County. Above dragline bucket can be increased to a 1/2 yar~ bucket by the addition of a 3" band ~round the uoper edge of the bucket. The clamshell bucket can be increased to approximately ~/8 cu. yd. by the addition of a ~" b~nd around the upper side of the bucket. One Schield Bantam basic machine including full hoo~ rollers, clamshell bucket, dragllne bucket, Morln Tagline, 25' all steel all welded boom, and necessary clamshell and dragline attachments such as head sheaves and fairleads at s total figure of .... ~6,190.00 less 5~ making a net cost of ............................... 5,880.50 with i down, the balance in four euarterly installments through a local bank at 6% interest. Please note this is a 1/3 yard machine c~n be made into a 1/2 yard drag bucket by welding a 3" band around upper edge bucket. of FLORIDA-GEORGIA TRACTOR COMPANY MGdel J Quick-Way Combination Clamshell/Dragline Machine ~/4 Cubic Yard Shovel Bucket Capaclty~ full revolving powered wlth interaationsl Harvester Model U-q gasoline engine, 31~ H.P. with 4-sided steel cab. complete with 20' lattice? type Boom, Fairlead and Tagline; for mounting on standard l~ ton truck having a minimum of 84" from back of truck cab to center of rear axle; including Clamshell and Dragline ~uckets. Net Price F.O.B.Sauford, and mounted ........................ Less trade-in allowance ...................................... Total price , less trade-ins .................................. $5,789.00 5,250.00 539.00 i UNIT Model 357 Standard Basic ~achlne with 8 cylinder 67 h.p. Chrysler Industrial Engine with battery ignition, elec- tric starter; Wisconsin Timken Double Reduction Drive Axle with four ll. OOx20 Tires; Wodlfied Tlmken Detroit Oscillating Type Steerlng Axle with two ll. OOX20 Tlres; 4-wheel Air operated Brakes; Hyraulic operated steering by Single-Lever Control; Full Vision Cab, complete with 3/8 Yard Clamshell and Drag- line Buckets:Ta--li ~ Type Boom. ' ~ n_ and Fairlead; with 25' Tubular Lsttlce- Weight of this machine Price F.O.B.Banford and Less trade-in allowance : 28,050 lbs. ready for~se ......................... $15,685.00 " 5,2~0.o0 Net Bid Price including trade-ins ........................... 10 435 O0 The City Manager and Superintendent of Streets, S M RiChard, both recommended a small machine, due to the fact that a large machine could not MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida,- ......... i~io.y.¢.mhar.__.23....~.~---l13-Q that of' Florida-Georgia. Tractor Co, for the purchase of 1/4 yard combination Clamshell- Dregline ~acnlne, less a trade-in allowance on one Hubert lO-ton Roller, one Adams 5~otor Patrol Grader and one International Crawler Tractor at a net remount of $539.00. Seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried. Consideration was next given to the property described as Lot l~? and East 1/2 of Lot 1~8 Sanford Heights, owned by Arthur H Beckwith Jr, on which he erected a new house and did not move in until January 10,19~8. The Tax Assessor advised that the City had assessed the house for 19~8, but that the County had assessed the property as vacant property and did not re~uire ~r. Beck- with to file an application fox' homestead exemption. Thereupon Commissioner Krider moved that the assessment Oe reduced to vacant lot value. Seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried. 5~r. John O. Andes of 1602 French Ave., next aopeared before the Board and requested the City to clean the parkway between the street end his property line. The City ~danager advised that ~r. Andes had a fence around his property which came out to the street, enclosing the city parkway, and that the City could not get the mower in there until ~r. Andes took down his fence. Thereupon Cos~ission advised Er. Andes to remove his fence and that the City would clean off the parkway. Nr. Donovan Dean, Architect of Orlando, and JackRatigan , next appeared before the Board to give further consideration to the proposed swimming pool. The report of Nr. Robert M Angas, Engineer of Jacksonville w~s next submitted, in which Mr. Angas concurred in the construction of a Lintel Block Type pool. Thereupon Commissioner Chase moved that ~r. Dean be instructed to prepare plans and specifications for the aforesaid pool so that the City can call for bids for its uonstruction. Seconded by Commissioner Krider mid carried. Bids were next received for furnishing 500 ft. of 2½" t..~ultex 2-ply ~ltlple Woven Fire Hose, as follows: CAI~ERON & BARKLEY CO. 500-~ ~anhattan Economy Brand Underwriters Labelled, Double Jacketed CRC Fire Hose, Uncoupled, in 50 foot lengths Radio Active Treated Extra for attaching your old couplings With Brass Pin Lug Expansion Ring Couplings S~ae except with Rocker Lug Type Couplings $1.17 per foot 1.00 per set. 1.36 per foot. 1.3~ per foot. EUREKA FIRE HOSE: 500 Ft. 2~" ~,~ultex 2-Ply ~ultiple Woven Fire Hose complete with new couplings N S T ~O0 Ft. 2~" ~ultex 2-ply ~fultiple Woven ?Ire Hose with City's couplings attached Thereupon upon the recommendation of Fire Chief M N Cleveland, Commissioner Chase moved that the Commission accept the bid of Eureka Fire Hose for 500 ft. of 2½" ~iultex 2-Ply Multiple Woven Fire Hose with City's couplings attached, at a price 1.50 per foot 1.~3 per foot of $1.43 per foot. Seconded by Commissioner Krider and carried. On motion of Commissioner Krider, seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried, the ~ .....~nn next authorized the salary of John S Lee, Fireman, be increased from $161.2~ MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, ....... _.N..o.~e~._b..er 23 at Z:~.O 19 48 ~?~ ' ~ ................. :~" ;:7'77;::;7 :'*:~':~'t': [:~ .';"'7;1:~ 'i12'"ii Consideration was next given to the new house erected on ~t 46 Senford HeiSts, w~ich was completed on January 12,1948 and Owned by ~rs. Elizabe~ Lynch, also the new house erected on E 1/4 of N E 1/4 of Block 5 Tier 13, Trafford's ~ap, which was not complted until after January l, 194~, sad Owned by Edgar W Smith. The Tax Assessor advised that the City had assessed both of these houses for 1948 Out that the County had assessed the properties as Vacant and did not require the owners to file an application for homestead exemption. Thereupon Co~issioner Chase moved that ~e assessment on bo~ of these properties be reduced to Vacant lot value. Seconded by Commissioner Krider and c~ried. Consi~eration was next given to the property described as Lot 2 Block 3,San L~ta owned by E.S.~cCsll. The Tax Assessor advised that the Owner had filed for homestead exemption but it failed to be recorded on the 1948 tax roll. Thereupon Commissioner Krider moved that homestead exemption be allowed on the aforesaid property. that Seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried. On motion of Commissioner Chase, seconded by Commissioner Krider and carried the Commission next authorized the Tax Assessor to allow homestead exemption on Lot 2 (Less E. 6 ft) Nusson & Abercrombie Subdiv. owned by Nfs Stell8 L Noore, due to the fact that in a recent decision handed down b3' the Florida Supreme Court, owners of property who rent their house for the winter Season are entitled to homestead exemption. On motion of Commissioner Chase, seconded by Commissioner Krider and carried, the Commission next authorized the Tax Assessor to allow Widow's exemption to i~rs. ~aude N Niller of Jacksonville on her property described as Lot 13 and N. 25 ft of E. 15.3 Ft. of Lot 14 Blk 6 Tier 2, Sanford, due to the fact that ~ Miller had been gettirg Widow's exemption on the property for years, but had failed to file application for 1948. Consideration was next given to the Personal Property Assessment agaim t the American Oil Company, in which the six Air Compressors were assessed at $150.00 each. The Tax Assessor advised that the sppraisal engineers had made an error in their assessment inasmuch as the compressors of all the other oil companies were assessed at $?0.O0 each, and that he had called it to their attention, but that they failed to correct it. Thereupon Commissioner Chase moved that the assessed.valuation on the six air com- pressors of the American Oil Co. be adjusted to $?0.00 each. Seconded by Commissioner Krider and carried. Considerstion was next given to the Personal Property ( household furnishings) in the garage apartment at 2000~ S~nford Ave, which the apprsisal engineers assessed to C.L.Scudder in error. The Tax Assessor advised that this was a duplicate assessment because the property is owned by ~{rs F B ?;est aaa assessed to her also. Thereupon Commissioner Chase moved thst the assessment to C.L. Scudder for the a ores=id property be canceled. Seconded by Commissioner Krider and carried. Communication next received from South Atlantic Gas Company, advising that it would Cost $4,865.45 for them to lnstnll a gas service at Fourteenth Bt. and Park Ave. for Poet, for MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida,---N~¥ their annual Chr~.stmse program for furnishing gifts for old folk mud underprivl- leged children. Coneideratlon was next given to the request of },r.C.&.~laddy, Supt. of the Fellow- ship Foundation to pay the 25 years rental in advance on all the property at the airport under lease at a price of $250,000.00, payable in three years The City ~anager advised that ~r. ~sddy had amended his request by releasing the Laundry Building and sddlng the ~.~aintenance Building and increased his offer to $300,000.00 payable in three years. Thereupon after considerable discussion, Commissioner Chase moved that the City would not enter into an agreement to give 5~r. ~.~addy a deed for the property, but would give further consideration to accepting full payment of the rentals in adva. nce. Seconded by Commissioner Krider and carried. Attorney Shinholser next reported that he had received a certified copy of that return stock of merchandise as portion of the income tax/made by A.D.Rosier relative to his of January 1,194~ for hie plumbing business, and that such return snowed a stock inventory of Sh,O00.O0. Thereupon Commissioner Chase moved that the Personal property assessed valuation on ~.D.Rosier's Plumbing Business t;e adjusted to the ~ame amount ae epoeared on hie income tax report ae returned to the Collector of Internal ~evenue, that of $~,000.00, less the reduction of 25~ and 15~ which the Commission granted all merchants on their inventories. Seconded by Commissioner Krider and carried. On motion of Commissioner Chase, seconded by Commissioner Krider and carrled, the City Mansger was next authorized to employ someone to supervise the numbering of all houses in Goldsboro, due to the fact tha. t the Post Office will make mail deliveries if all the houses are numbered correctly. There being no furti]er business the meeting adjourned until ~:3© o'clock P.~. December 6, 19~. ~L.~" '-- - Acting ~a~r. Attest: '- ~ty Clerk.