HomeMy WebLinkAbout120648 MINUTES City Commission, S~__~fo~d, Florida,.D.-e..%.-..~---a-~..-~.-:-~-O~.-.P-..---M- .................... 19....~/~ The City Commisslo n of the City of ~anford, Florida, met in adjourned session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at ?:30 o'clock P M December 6, 1948. Present: Commissioner Lea R.Lesher, Acting Mayor. " Andrew Carraway ,' Randall Chase " John Krider Sr. City Attorney A. Edwin Shinholser City Maneger & Clerk H N Sayer Deputy City Clerk Gordon L.Bradley Absent: Commissioner Robert A.Willia~, Mayor. Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Consideration was next given to the proposal of C.A.Maddy, Supt. of Fellow~mip Foundation to pay rental for entire term of lease, within three years, at a cash sum of $300,000.00. Thereupon after considerable discussion, the Commission agreed not to accept the proposition due to the fact that there would be no way to safeguard the funds. However the Commission agreed that they would accept the proposition if the funds could be de- posited in a bank as a Trust Fund, payable annually to t~e City along with all interest accrued to such fund, and instructed the City Attorney to negotiate with Mr. Maddy and the Sanford Atlantic National Bank to ascertain the feasibility of the creation of such a fund. Consideration w~s next given to the traffic hazard at the intersection of Thirteenth Street and French Avenue and the need for a traffic light at said intersection. Thereupon after reviewing the recommendations of the Ward Engineeri~g Co. of Jacksonville,Commissioner Chase moved that the City purchase four two-way three section p~destal mounted signals at ~ cost of $1,159.20, to be installed at said intersection Seconded by Commissioner Krider and carried. On motion of Commissioner Krider, seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried, the Commission instructed the City ~anager to notify the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co. to install an automatic warning crossing signal at their grade crossing on Geneva Ave. Consideration was next given to the property at the Southwest corner of Eighteenth Street and French Avenue owned by G.A. & V A Speer, which they requested be rezoned to Commercial Retail The Commission having held a PuBlic Hearing on OctoDer 28,1948, relative to the rezoning of said property. The City ~anager advised that the Seminole County Board o~' Public Instruction contemplated purchasing the property, but that they c~nnot do so until it has been re- zoned for commercial use. Also that ~he School Board will meet on December ?, 19~8, and would like to consummate the purchase at that time. Thereupon Commissioner Chase moved that the Commission go on record, that Ordinance No. 641 relative to re-zoning the aforesaid property would be passed at the next regular meeting of the Commission. Seconded by Commissioner C~rrawsy and carried. On motion of Commissioner C~rraway , seconded by Commissioner arider and carried, the Cos~ission agreed to lease the Laundry Bultldlng at the Airport to ?lori~a Fashions, Inc. at a rental of $100.O0 per month for a term of three years, subject to renewal for an H-8979§ MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, D.e..~. 6~....~._t. Z.:.3.0....P m ...... 19. ~ Commission next authorized the Show~lter Coip. to cay the same token rental of $25.00 per month, for an additional three mont~s for their facilities at the Airport. On motion duly carried the request of J L Kirkland of the U.$.Dept of A~riculture, for office space at the City Hall was denied due to the fact tns~t there is no availaole space for such an office. The Tax Assessor next suOmi~ted a communication from ~z'a Lois ~'ight, owner oI' the V~elaka Apartments, together with the book records covering the operation of the ~ullding for the period of January thru October 1948, and reeuestlng a reduction in assessed w-.luatlon due to the fact. theft the rent,als are under O.P.A Regulations and that it is impossible to increase the rentals so as to bring the income of the buildir~ up to a point of justlfying ownership. After considering the low rentals being received from the property Commissioner Krider moved tna~t a functional depreciation of 10% be granted !:'~r~ Wl~hton the aforesaid property. Seconded by Co~ulssioner Chase and carried. Report next submitted from Dr. E.D.Brownlee and Randall Chase relative to the examination of the books of S~nford Lodge No. 62 F. & A M., such report stating that "This order during this year has given much more to charity than they received in net income from rents, as the building is only fifty percent rented," and requesting that the ouildlng be tax free as authorized under Florida Statute 1941, Sec. 192.06 Sub Bec.3. Thereupon Commissioner Chase moved that the ~,',asonic Lodge B~ildin~ be declared free and that if the $anfo~'d Lodge No. 2~ I.O.O.F. and Celery Camp No. ~25 W.O.W. satisfy the Tax Assessor as to the use of the incomes from the respective buildings are for chari- table purposes, that they be declared tax free also, and that the ta~es for 1948 be canceled. Seconded by Commissioner Krider and carried. There oe[ng no further business the meeting then adjourned. Attest: City Clerk.