HomeMy WebLinkAbout010449-Regular Annual SessionMINUTES The City Commission of ~he at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at ?:30 o'clock P.M. Present: Commissioner Lea R. Lesher, Acting Mayor. ,, Andrew Carraway " RandA1 Chase " John Krider Sr. Commlssioner -Elect F.A. Dyson , , William H Stemper. City Attorney A. Edwin Shinholser Consulting Attorney Fred R.Wllson Acting Manager & Clerk H.N.Sayer. Deputy City Clerk Gordon L.Bradley Chief of Police R.G. Williams Absent: Commissioner Robert A. Williams, Mayor. Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Minutes of regular meetio4~ of December 2?th and adjourned regular meeting of December 29,1948, next read and approved. Commissioner Chase next reported on the conference he had with the automobile dealers and stated that t~ey would approve a license fee car dealers, provided the used car dealers meet the same dealers. Matter taken under advisement. City of Sanford, Florlda, met in regular annual session Jan .4, 1949. On motion of Co~mniseloner Carraway, seconded by Commissioner Krlder and carried, the Ccmmlesion next authorized the assessed valuation on Lot 5 Franklin Terrace, be reduced from .~250.00 to $120.00, due to the fact that the Cleminshaw Company assessed a small garage on the property, which should have been asseesed to the adjacent property. On motion of Comm~eeloner Carraway, seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried, the Commission next released Bohannon & Fenn from the obligations under their lease agreement covering facilities in the Hangar Building at the Municipal Airport. The proposed lease with Dunbar Industries, covering the Parachute Room and Shop No. 2 in the Hangar Building, at the Municipal Airport, was next su0mitted for consideration. Thereupon Commissioner Krider moved its approval and that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute same on behalf of the City. Seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried. Said lease being in words and figures as follows: LEASE THIS LEASE, Made and entered into in duplicate on the let day c~ January 19~9, between CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as Lessor, and W.C. DUNBAR and C W DUNBAR, a co-partnership, doing business asDunbar Industries in Sanford, Florida, hereinafter referred to as Lessees, WITNESSETH: That the Lessor, for and in consideration of the rentals agreed to be paid and covenants to be performed by the Lessees, has leased and let and by these presents does lease and let unto the Lessees the following described property, situated at what was formerly the Sanford Naval Air Station, in Seminole County, Florida, to-wit: of $50.00 ~'or new and/or used requirements as the new car · H49~96 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida,...~larl_ll~ry 4.._a!k._.7...'..3.Q....!~. !~ _.19.. 1~ of one (1) year from the date hereof at and for a rental of Fifty-five ($55.00) Dollars per month, payable in advance, with the option to renew this lease for an additional one (1) year upon terms and rental to be agreed upon. The Lessees have rented the a~ove described property of and from the Lessor at and for the aforesaid rental of fifty-five ($55.00) Dollars per month paya01e in advance, the first month's rental having been paid upon the execution and delivery of this lease, and a like rental to be paid on the first day of each and every calendar month after date hereof for and duri~ said term. The Lessor and the Lessees do further covenant and agree to and with each other as follows: 1. The Lessees have inspected said property and accept the same in its present condition, and agree to maintain and keep at their own expense the interior of the aforesaid building in good repair and the grounds surrounding it in good condition and aopearance, and in accordance with the requirements of Lessor and the Civil Aeronautics Administration. 2. The Lessor shall maintain and keep the exterior of the aforesaid building in good repair, of which the Lessor shall be the Judge. 3. In the event the above described premises shall be so damaged by fire or the elements as to be untenantable, Lessor shall in its discretion determine whether the expense is too great to restore and repair said demised premises, and should Lessor determine not to repair said leased premises this lease shall cease and determir~, and the rent shall abate from the time said demised premises became untenantable. In the event the demised property shall be so damaged by fire or the elements and Lessor determines to promptly repair the same, the rent shall Ce abated corresponding with the time and extent to which said property cannot be used by Lessees after damage occurred and before repair. 4. This lease and the Lesseesshall be subject to the restriction, terms and conitions of the Federal Government during the existence of any emergency declared by the President of the United States or the Congress thereof, and also subject to all conditions, covenants, and restrictions embodied in Lessor's title to said property. 5. The Lessees shall promptly pay all bills for utilities service. 6. The Lessor shall have the right to enter the premises at any time during reasonable business hours during the term of said lease for the purpose of inspecting the property in order to determine whether the terms and conditions of said lease are being observed and carried out by the Lessees. ?. The Lessees shall, during the terms of said lease, have the right to make alterations, attach fixtures and erect partitions and signs in and upon the prem~ es, which fixtures, alterations or signs so placed in or upon or attached to said premises shall be and remain the property of the Lessees and man be removed therefrom upon the termination of the lease, and the Lessees, if required by the Lessor, shall, upon the termination of said lease, restore the said premises to the same condition as that existing at the time of the Lessees' entering upon the same under said lease, reasonable and ordinary wear and tear and damage by the elements or by circumstances over which the Lessees have no control excepted, provided, however, that if the Lessor requires such restoration the Lessees shall be given written notice thereof by the Lessor at lease thirty (30) days before the termination of this lease. MINUTES City Commission, Seafood, ..... ........ monthly rentals or default after thirty (30) days written notice mailed to the Lessees at their last known address, in the performance by the Lessees of any of the other covenants contained in this ~ ass on its part to be performed shall work an immediate forfeiture of this lease and the Lessor shall have the right to enter upon said property and retake possession thereof without the necessity to resort to process of law therefor. lC. The Lessees shall surrender possession of all of the aforesaid property at the end of said term or the earlier termination of this lease, unless said lease is renewed, in ae good condition as the same elements excepted. ll. This lease is subject to the now ie , ordinary wear and tear and damsge by the approval of the Civil Aeronautics Authority. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The Lessor has caused these presents to be executed in name by its Mayor and attested and its official seal to De hereunto afflxed by its City Clerk and the Lessees have hereunto est their hands and seals , all on the da~ and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of: ~ K McNab S W Easterby As to Lessor. Lester Harrison Mrs C Dunbar. As to Lessees. SEAL) CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. ~drew Carraway ATTEST: M~V or. H N Bayer City Clerk. W.C .Dunbar (SEAL) Clyde W. Dunbar. (SEAL) A co-partnership doing business as Dunbar Industries. On motion of Commissioner Carraway, seconded by Commissioner Krider and carried, the Commission next authorized an advance payment of rent for three months, to the Fernald-Laughton Memorial Hospital, for office space in the old hospital building occupied by the State Welfare Board. There being no further business to be transacted by the out-going Board, Commissioner Krider moved that the meeting adjourn sine die. Seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried. At this time N~. Lesher expressed his thanks and appreciation to COmmission and the employees in the various departments of the City for during and Mr. of the the members of the their cooperation his term of office as Commissioner. The Cor~ission then re-convened for the purpose of organization, Yr. Fred A. Dyson William H. Stemper, signing t~e oath of office and being seated as Commissioners City of Sanford, Florida, for three year terms Thereupon Commissioner Chase moved that Commissioner Dyson be made temporary Chairman, pending the election of a Mayor. Seconded by Commissioner Krider and carried. The first order of business being the election of Nayor for the ensuing year, Commissioner Krider nominating Commissioner Carraway ae Nayor of the City of Sanford, Florida, for the year 1949. Seconded by Commissioner Chase. There being no further nominations, Commissioner Stemper moved that the nominations be closed. MINUTES City Commission, San/ord, Florida,+[~!4...a..~ 4 at ~:30 p Il 19 49 ensuing year. Seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried unanimously. Thereupon Commissioner Carraway signed the oath and acceptance of office and was duly installed as Mayor of the City of Sanford for the year 1949. Application next received from Attorney Karlyle Housholder, for the position as Municipal Judge, and on motion duly carried same was ordered filed. Communication next received from William A Mikkola, requesting that the property at the southeast corner of ?rench Ave. and Twentieth St. be re-zoned from residential to commercial use. Thereupon Commissioner Chase moved that Nr. Nikkola's request be referred to the Zoning Board. Seconded by Commiasioner Dyson and carried. Jerry Jones, colored, next appeared before the Board and requested that he be totally exempt from taxation on hie home, described as Lot 6 Rand's Addition, due to the fact that he is totally blind. The Tax Assessor advised that he is being granted an exemption of $500.00 as authorized by State Law, and that his property is assessed at $1,360.00 , leaving a taxable value of $~60.OO. Natter taken under advisement pending inspection of t~e property by the Commission. There being no further business the meeting then adjourned. Attest: City Clerk. Mayor.