HomeMy WebLinkAbout012449-Regular Session MINUTES The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida met In regular session at the Ci~ Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:~0 o'clock p M. J~u~y 24, 1949. Present: Commissioner Andrew Carraway, Mayor. Randall Chase F A Dyeon John Krider Sr. W.H. Stemper City Attorney A. Edwin Shinholser Acting City Nanager & City Clerk H N Sayer Deputy City Clerk Gordon L.Bradley Chief of Police R.G. Willlams Nesting called to order by the Chairman. Nlnutes of the regular meeting of January lC, 1949 next read and approved. Attorney G.W. Spencer, representing Hr. N.W. Castle, next appeared before the Board relative to Mr. Castle sub-leasing the Administration Building and part of the Orange Grove at the Airport, from Fellowship Foundation. Thereupon after reviewing the aforesaid request and on motion duly carried, the Commission gave its consent for the Fellowship Foundation to sub-lease the Administration Building and part of the Orange Grove at the Airport, to Hr. N.W. Castle. The Rev. R.Alton Bradley next appeared before the Board relative to the establishment of a University at the airport and sub-leasing certain buildings from Fellowship Foundatlon. Hatter taken under advisement. Mr. Barker, a representative of the Packer Corporation, next appeared before the Board and requested leasing a portion of the City owned Victor Check property along Seminole Boulevard for the erectlon of signs , at a rental of $15.00 per year per sign. Thereupon on motion duly c arrled, Acting Manager Sayer was authorized to lease a portion of the Victor Check property to the Packer Corporation for the erection of signs, at a rental of $15.00 per year per sign. Report of December analysis of milk I'rom all dairies operating in Sanford, as prepared by Dr. L.R.Scrlbner,s Laboratories at Orlando, next submitted, such report snowing all such milk within the requirements of Grade "A" Nilk. Ordinance No. 444 entitled: ORDINANCE No. 444 AN ORDINANCE OF THE .... BOND TRUSTEEs OF THE CITY 0~'~"~'-~A~-O-R~' FLORIDA, DEFINING THE DUTIES ~ LAWS OF FLORIDA AC~S n~ ~n~°~' ~u,~LURIDA, APPOINTED UNDER S~?~ .... ~D_~OWERS OF THE , ~ ~ ~3 as A~ENDED. PRES M ~-~um ~! or CHAPTER 98 PERFOB/~ED AND EXERCISED, REQUIRIN T ' C IB~G HOW SAID PO,VERB AND DUTI 9?, G _HE FURNISHING OF A BO~n my ~ .... ES SHALL BE ...... auH OF SAID TRUSTEES CON- DITIONED FOR THE FAITHFUL PERFoBt~ANCE OF HIS · TRUSTEES OF F~DS NOW DUTIES, DIRECTING .... r ' IN THE DEBT SERVIC THE TRANS~ TO SAI OUTSTAND:.NG BONDS OF . _E FUND OF SAID CITy FOR __D BOND SAID CITY AND THE PUB THE PAYNENT OF INTER MONTHLY DEPOSIT WITH SAID BO . CHA~E OR paYmENT OF SAID SON · ~ EST ON ND TRUSTEES OF ALL FUNDS ~ ;.*~n my ~,~SA.D__~W~CTING THE CEDING MONTH FOR PAYMENT OF INTEREST ON ITS OUTSTANDING BONDS AND FOR PURCHASE OR PAV!~ENT OF -O.~uAm~ ~ ~mm ~A'i'X DURING THE PRE. SAID BONDS;REQUIRING PERIODICAL AUDITS OF THE , , SAID TRUSTEES TO FILE tVI ACCOUNTS OF SAID BOND . TH THE Clef CO~,~ISSION UA T~LV ~ ........ TRUSTEES, REQUIRING TO SAID BOND TRUSTEES IN KEEPING THE BOOKS OF SAID B~ND TRUSTEES. % AR ....... ~unr~ AND PROVIDING FOR ASSISTANCE introduced and placed on its first reading at the regular meeting of December 29, 1948, was next placed on its final reading and read in full by the Clerk. Thereupon the roll was called for final passage and adoption of said Ordinance No. 444, the vote being as follows: Commiss loner Carraway " Chase Aye MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, ........... Jar~.26 -a~---2-:~O---P----~ ....... 19 '~9' Thereupon the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, by unanimous vote had passed and adopted said OrdinanCe No. k~4, entitled: ORDINANCE No. AN ORDINANCE OF THE. CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, DEFINING THE DUTIES AND pOWERS OF THE BOND TRUSTEES OF THE CITY- OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, APPOINTED UNDER SECTION 57 of CHAPTER LAWS OF FLORIDA, ACTS OF 1923 AS A~ENDED; PRESCRIBING HOW sAID pOWERS AND DUTIES 9897, . , RE FURNISHING OF A BOND BY EACH OF sAID , , EXERCISED, REQUIRING T S' DIRECTING THE TRANSFER SHALL BE PERFO_RM_'E_.D_~AND~ ~u~ F~ITHFUL PERFOBI~ANCE O? HIS DUT__IE~:~ ~v FOR THE pAYI~NT TRUSTEES CONDITION~U ~un ~[~ ~...~ ~,, THE DEBT SERVICE FUND O?' ~a~ ~!L.- ~ ~n e~7~ ~OND TRUSTEES OF FUND~ m~_~_~ .... ~v a~ T~M2E PURCHASE OR pAYmENT ~3. ~ ~"'r ~ST ON OUTSTANDING BONDS~OF~ ~Ai~ u ...... O-' TRWSTEES OF ALL FUNDS OF INTER ....... v n,,~, ~IT WITY SAID B._ND BONDS; DIRECTING THE ~ONT~tbi BY THE CITY Db~RING THE PRECEDING !~ONTH FOR pAY~ENT OF INTEREST ON ITS OUTSTANDING BONDS AND FOR PURCHABE OR PAYMENT OF SAID BONDS; REQUIRING PERIODICAL AUDITS OF THE ACCOUNTS OF SAID BOND TRUSTEES; REQUIRING SAID TRUSTEES TO FILE WITH THE CITY- CO~ ISSION THE E QUARTERLY REPORTS AND PROVIDING FOR ASSIS~ANC TO SAID BOND TRusTEES IN KEEPING BOOKS OF SAID BOND TRUSTEES. On motion duly adopted Ordinance No. ~ w~s next ordered POSTED at the front door of the City Hall in the City of S~nford, Florida, in accordance with the terms of the Charter, as amended. On motion of Commissioner Krlder, seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried, the Clerk and City Attorney were next authorized access %o %he Safety Deposit Box No. ly? at Sanford Atlantic National Bank for %ne purpose of delivering the unexchanged bonds to the Board of Bond Trustees. Ordinsnce No. 445, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, REQUIRING TRANsIENT AND/OR ITINERANT SOLICITORS TO OBTAIN A pERNIT TO SOLICIT FRON THE CITIZENS OF SANFORD FLORIDA, AND PROVIDING THE CONDITIONS OF THE ISSUANCE OF SUCH pEPa~IT INTRODUCED and placed on its first reading at the regular meeting of January lC, 19~9, was next placed on its final read3~ng and read in full by the Clerk. Thereupon the roll wes celled for final passage and adoption of said Ordinance NO. ~5, the vote being as follows: Commissioner Carrawsy Aye , Chase Aye , Dyson Aye , Krider Aye ,, Stemper Aye Thereupon the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, by unanimous vote had passed and adopted said Ordinance No. ~45, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF T~5~ CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, REQUIRING TRANSIENT AND/OR ITINERANT SOLICITORS TO OBTAIN A PEB/~IT TO SOLICIT FRO~ THE CITIZENS OF SANFORD FLORIDA, AND PROVIDING THE CONDITIONS OF THE ISSUANCE OF SUCH PER~IT. On motion duly adopted Oruinance No. ~5 was next ordered POSTED at the fron~ door of the City Hall in %ne City of Sanford, Florida, in accordance with the terms of the Charter , as amended. Co~mmissioner Krider next introduced Ordinance No. ******* see bottom page and same was placed on its first reading and read in full by entitled: the Clerk. Consideration was next given to the possibility of Mr. Allen operating his bus line prior to final passage of Ordinance No. ~d~y, granting him a franchise. Thereupon Commissioner Chase moved that a temporary permit be granted Nr. Allen for the operation of his bus line, subject to his securing the necessary insurance. Seconded by Commissioner Dyson and carried. Commissioner Dyson next moved that Nr. Allen pay a license fee of ~25.00 per bus for the balance of the fiscal year to September 30, 1949. Seconded by Commissioner Krider aud carried. On motion of Con,missioner Stemper, seconded by Commissioner Dyeon and carried, ~^ ~ +~ ~ ~ ~wl~v for alterations MINUTES City C?mm!sS~?~ Sa~?~ Flo,id~,__..Janu~....~_at .... On motion of Commissioner Krlder, seconded by Commissioner 8temper and carried, the Commission next approved the payment of $1,100.O0 to Federal Works Agency on rental- purchase agreement COvering Chamber of Commerce Building. Communication next received from Seminole County Junior Chamber of Commerce request. lng the Commission to hold a public hearing prior to determining the site of the swimming pool. Matter taken under advisement. On motion of Commissioner Chase, seconded by Commissioner Krider and carried, the Commission gave its consent for the Fellowship Foundation to sub-lease the Gate House at the airport to Mr. & Nra Charles E. York. On motion of Commissioner Dyeon, seconded by Commissioner Stemper and carried, the Commission next authorlze~ a refund of the 1948 taxes in amount of $8?°29 to the Sanford Lodge No. 27 I.O.O.F, owner of the property described as S. 24 ft of Lot 12 Block 3 Tier 2, Sanford, due to the fact that as a fraternal ann benevolent organization it is exempt from taxation and satisfied the Tax Assessor that the income of the property Was Used for fraternal and benevo~ntpurposes. Communication next received from l~rs W. C. Lynn 600 Elm Avenue, relative to injuries received as a result of falling on sidewalk in the ?00 block of Elm Avenue, together with medical and hospitalization bills incurred in amount of $36?.95. Matter taken under advisement pending investigation of the 6ass by the City Manager and City Attorney. Application of Attorney Karlyle Housholder for the position of Municipal Judge was next suOmltted for further consideration and on motion duly carried same Was ordered filed due to the fact that no change in the position of Municipal Judge is contemplated at this time. Consideration was next given to the installation of a gasoline service station on the paved area south of the Gate House at the airport. Thereupon Commissioner Chase moved that the Commission approve the installation of the aforesaid gasoline service station. Seconded by Commissioner Dyson and carried by the following vote of the Commission: Commissioner Carraway ;kVe " Chase Aye " D son " Krlder Not votl~ " Stemper ,, ,, There being no further busi~ss the meeting then January 27, 19~9. adjourned until 8:00 o'clock P.M. At%est: M~or. ~v Clerk. ******/~A~/0R;INANCE OF T~ CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, GRANTING TO SIDNEY ANDR~ ALAN, DOIN~ BUSINESS AS S~FORD TRANSIT L[~S. THE ~THORITY, RIGHT, ~D PRIVI~GE A PERIOD OF FIVE ~ARS TO ESTABLISH[ MAINTAIN, ~D OPE~TE A B~ ~ANS- FORTATION SYSTE[ ~ THE CITY OF SANFORD; FLORIDA FOR THE TRANSPORTATION F~ COMPENSATION OF PASSENGERS AND F~ING THE TERI~S AND CONDITIONS OF SU~ G~NT ~D PRESCRIB~G AN ANNUAL LICENSE TAX TO BE PAID BY THE GRANTEE. MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, The City Commission of the City City of Ssnford, Florida, of a public l~earing to consider changes in the boundaries of Sanford, Florida, met in Special Session at at 8:00 o'clock P ~ January 27 ,19~9 of certain the City Hall in the for the purpose districts of~e Present: Zoning Ordinance. Commissioner Andrew Carraway, ,, Randall Chase ~ayor. ,, F A Dyeon John Krlder Sr. ,, W.H. Stamper notice City Attorney A Edwin S~inholser Acting City Manager & City Clerk H N Sayer Deouty Clty Clerk Gordon L Bradley. Meeting called to order by the Chairman who directed the Clerk to read the legal of this Hearing that was published in the ganford Herald on January 12 and 1~,1949. as follows: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED CHANGES IN BOUNDARIES OF CERTAIN DISTRICTS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF TF~ CITY OF SANFORD, FIDRIDA- Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held at the office of the City Commission in the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida., at 8:00 o,clock P.M. January 27, 1949, to consider the following changes and amendments to the zoning ordinance of the City of ganford, Florida. The property Zoned in District R-2 ( ~ultiple F~mily) bounded on the north by 12th Street, east by alley between Park and Magnolia Avenues, South by 13th. Street, and west by alley between Park and Oak Avenues, is proposed to be changed to C-1 (Commercial-Retail) District. The property zoned in District R-1 ( One Single Family) described as Lots ~,5 and 6 of Block A, Lots 1,2,3,6,5 & 6 of Block B; Lots 1,2,3,~, 5 & 6 of Block C; and lots 1,2 and 3 of Block D of Buena Vista,located and abutting on the south side of Celery Avenue between Mellonvllle Avenue and the east ~oundary line of the city, is proposed to be changed to C-1 (Commercial-Retail) District. All parties in interest and citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard at said hearing. All protest against such changes should also be submitted in writing. By order of the City Commission of the City of Ssnford,Florida, this llth. day of January 19~9. H.N.Sayer As ~ity Clerk of the City of Sanford,Florlda (To be published as s. legal notice in the Sm%ford Herald on dates of January 12 and 19,19~9.) The Chairman stated that the Commission would be glad to hear any protest parties interested in the changes proposed in the foregoing notice, from relative to Park Avenue. Attorney E.F.Housholder submitted a petition signed by 63 residents in the vicinity of the property under consideration, and stated that there are some fine homes in the vicinity and that we should preserve the homes and churches. Also that the intersection of Thirteenth Street and Park Ave. is a school crossing. Attorney Housholder also stated that according to the Zoning Ordinance, once %he property is rezoned for commercial use, the property would be left open for the estab- lishment of all types of commercial-retail enterprises. Also, that inasmuch aa Park Ave. is the main highway thru the City, we should keep it as residential and beautified _~+~1 *.~fic attracted by commercial e