HomeMy WebLinkAbout031449-Regular Session MINUTES City Commission, S~ord, Florida,....M~_ck.3,~...~.~...$1_.P.._..~ .................. The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in regular session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida at 8:00 o'clock P M March 14, 1949. Present: Commies loner Andrew Oarraway, Mayor. " Randall Chase " F A Dyson " John Krider, Sr. " W. H Stemper City Attorney A. Edwin Shinholser City Manager Clifford McKlbbin Jr. Deputy City Clerk,Gordon L Bradley Chief of Police R.G. Wltllams A0eent: City Clerk H N Sayer Neetlng called to order by the Chairman. Minutes of the Regular meeting cf Fe0ruary 28th and of the adjourned meeting of March ?th,1949 next read and approved. Current invoices and payrolls for the month o f February 1949 property audited and vouchered as evidenced by voucher nos. 26?2 thru 2?88 submitted, examlned , approved and payment authorized. Monthly reports of streets, sanitation, health, water, police, fire, airport and library departments for month of February 1949 submitted and examined. Financial statement and statement of revenuee and expenditures during month of February 1949 submitted and examined. Bank statements in all accounts for month of February 1949 properly reconciled, --~ eubmitted and examined. Capt. Byrd Hudson of the Salvation Army next appeared before the Board and requested the City to increase the appropriation for feeding indigent transients from $200.00 to $300.00 this year, due to the increased number of transients in the City. Thereupon after considerable discussion, Commissioner Krlder moved that the appro- priation to the Salvation Army be increased $100.00. Seconded by Commissioner Stemper and c arrled. Mr. Floyd Palmer and Mr Lloyd Anderson of the Prudential Life Insurance Company of America, next appeared before the Board and submitted a Group Welfare Plan, which would increase the group insurance on each employee from $500.00 to $1,0OO.00 and in- clude hospital and surgical benefits for employees and their families. on the Matter taken under advisement. The proposed agreement with K.L. "Jack" water tank and tower at the water plant, Sharpe of Orlando, covering maintenance was next submitted for consideration. Thereupon Commissioner Chase moved its approval and that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute same on behalf of the City. Seconded by Commissioner Stemper and carried. Said agreement being in words and figures as follows: AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, Made this 14th day of March 1949, by and between K.L."Jack" Sharps, or Orlando, Florida, Party of the First Part, and the City of Sanford, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida,Party of the second part; MINUTES _ _ ~i~ Oommission, Sanfo~d, lorida, l~a:nch 16 · ~ ..... F ............. a:k..~.. I~.._.~ ....................... 1949 1. That party of the first part agrees to keek and maintain the interior and exterior of party of the second part's elevated Water storage tank and tower in said city reasonably free of rust and painted at intervals necessary to keep said tank and tower in good and usable condition at all times for a period of five (5) years from date of tais agreement, said tank being of 200,000 gallons capacity. 2. Party of the first part further agrees that he will inspect said tank and tower annually and will keep the interior of said tank free of all foreign matter and properly flu sh ed. 3. That during the period of this agreement, party of the second part has the responsibility of keeping the telltale device and expansion joint properly adjusted. 4. Party of the first part hereby agrees to take care of ~ll maintenance of Said tank and tower, including all steel and other materials necessary for said maintenance, except as herein otherwise provided and except from damage by Acts of God, wind, airplane, settling of foundations and accident or vandalism. Party of the first part agrees to paint said tank during the second year of this contract and daring the fifth year of said contract, such painting to Cover interior of tank above the water line and exterior of tank and tower. 5. Party of the second part hereby agrees to pay party or' the first part the sum of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) each year for the term of this contract for services and materials as herein provided. Each year's payment of Three Hundred ($300.00) Dollars is to be made within thirty (30) days after completion of the work for each respective year. 6. Party of the second parc may terminate this contract at any time by written notice of such termination for reason of the failure of party of the first part to comply with any of the terms of this contract, if in fact party of the first part has failed to com- ply with any of the terms of this contract. Party of the second m rt may terminate this contract at any time by written notice of such termination and by oaying party of the first part the sum of Three Hundred Dollars ($3OO.00) as consideration for such cancellation. 7. Party of the first part may terminate this contract at any time by written notice of such term inaton and by paying party of the second part the sum of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) as consideration for such cancellation; provided, however, that said tank and tower is in satisfactory condition in the opinion of party of the second part at time of such notice of cancellation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, and year first above written. Wigned, sealed and delivered in the presence of : _ John Walmer K. L" Jack" Sharps K L "JACK" SHARPE Party of the first part t~e day (SEAL) Louise T Walmer Ae to party of the first part. ATTEST: CITY OF SANFORD Andrew Carraway Mayor. Gordon L Bradley Deputy City Clerk. (SEAL) Mr. John Gore of 1018 W. First Street, next appeared before the Board relative to the burning of trash at the City Dump and stated that it was an unhealthy situation for the residents in the vicinity, due to the fact that the wind blowy MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida,- ........ M~r~)~ !.~..~-~-.~..;..0.0...~...M._.19...~9 Seminole Boulevard. Matter taken under advisement. Consider~tion was next given to the proposed ordinance regulating the license fee to be paid by new and/or used car dealers, and same was taken under advisement. Commissioner Chase then moved that the T~x Collector be Instructed to collect the license fee in amount of ~300.00 from all used car dealers in the City in accordance with Ordinance No. 2~6. Seconded by Commissioner Stamper and carried. The City Nanager next reported that he had conferred with ~r. Burton Smith of Leedy,Wheeler and Alleman, relative to establishing a ~unicipal utility including proposed d dock facilities, street lighting equipment, sanitary sewerage facility, the water depart- ment and electrical distribution system with various City funds pledged toward the retire- ment of various revenue certificates issued under this utility. The ~anager recommended that the Commission meet with ~r. Smith and Wylie Gillespie,Engineer of the firm of Smith and Gillesple, ~onday ~arch 21, 1949 at 8:00 o'clock P ~. Report of February analysis of milk from all dairies opersting in Ssnford as prepared by Dr. L.R. Scribner's Laboratories at Orlando, next submitted, such report snowing all such milk within the requirements of Grade "A" Nilk. On motion of Commissioner Krider seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried, the Commission next approved the conveyance without cost of Lot 6 Block 10 of Bel Air to Herbert Ellis, veteran of World War ii to construct a dwelling thereon within six under authority of Special Act of 19~5 Legislature. months of conveyance, Ordinance No. ~9, entitled: ORDINANCE No. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA A~NDIN= SECTION ~ OF ORDINANCE No.328 PASSED AND ADOPTED OCTOBER 26, 19~2, SAID SECTION RELATING TO CERTAIN UNLAWFUL PRACTICES IN THE OPERATION OF MOTOR VEHICLES IN THE TAXI CAB BUSINESS IN THE CITY OF SANFORD, Florida. introduced and ~laced on its was next placed on its final first reading at the regular meeting of FeD. 28,1949, reading and read in full by the Clerk. Thereupon the roll was called for final passage and adoption of said Ordinance No. $49, the vote being as follows: Commissioner Carrawsy Aye ,, Chase Aye " Dyson Aye " Krider Aye " Stamper Nay Thereupon the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Banford, Florida, had passed and adopted said Ordinance No. 4~9, entitled: AN O~DINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN?ORD, FLORIDA, ~ENDING SECTION ~ of ORDINANCE No. 328 PASSED AND ADOPTED OCTOBER 26, 1942, SAID SECTION RELATING TO C~RTAIN UNLAWFUL RRACTICES IN THE OPERATION OF ~OTOR VEHICLES IN THE TAXI CAB BUSINESS IN THE CITY OF SANFO~D, FLORIDA.. On motion duly adopted Ordinance N0.449 was next ordered POSTED at the frontdoor of the Clt~ Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida in accordance .with the terms of the Charter, as amended. Ordinance No. 450, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF S ANFORD,FLORIDA, ~ENDING SECTION 9 of ORDINANCE 256, PASSED AND ADOPTED JUNE 28, 1937, as amended by Ordinance No. 330, passed and adopted DEC~%~BER28,19~2 AND AS FURTHER AY. ENDED BY ORDINANCE NO 351 pASSED AND ADOPTED JULY 24,1944, SAID SECTION RELATING TO THE SALE OF INTOXICATING BEVEl%AGES AND WINES AND BEER. ~o ~o~m ~uT~ ~m ~ME REGULAR MEETING OF Fel~8,1949 MINUTES ! City Commission, Sanford. Florida, ~.a_rcn 14 at 8:00 P M 19 49 ~ ~ _. _ : . .......................................................................... Commissioner Carraway Aye " Chase Aye " Oyson Aye " Krlder Aye " Stemper Aye Thereupon the chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, by unanimous vote had passed and adopted said Ordinance No. 450, entitled: ORDINANCE No. 450 P-- , AN ORDINANCE OF THE -- ASSED AND ADOPTED jm,~ ~I_T_Y_OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. D~OE~,!BER,~8, 1942 AN~*'~;,~,3.~-' .AS. ~W.~DED BY ORD~NA~c~D{I~oG SECTION 9 OF ORDINANCE NO.2 6 ~ ~n~ ~ALE OF INTOXICATING ~1-~-~-~ Al~g ADOPTED JULY o~'~.~a~Es AND WINES AND BEER. On motion duly adopted Ordinance No. 450 was next ordered POSTED at the front door of City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, in accordance with the terms of the Charter, as amended. The City ~%fanager next submitted a purchasing procedure for consideration by the Commission. Thereupon Commissioner Chase moved %hat the aforesaid purchasing procedure as submitted by the City ~anager, be adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Krider and carried. Said purchasing procedure ~elng in words and I'lgures as follows: 1. All purchases shall be made b~ the Department Head, or his au~xorlzed representative. Single items or jobs costing more than $25.00 shall have the approval of the City ~anager prior to placing order. Out-of-town purchases shall be made by Purchase Order. 2. Purchases in Sanford, unless required by vendor, need no longer ~e made by Purchase Order, either reguler or emergency. Sales slip or invoice will ~e marked "OK" and initialed by Department Head. Vendor should be cautioned to w~ite up the sale plalnly. Accountants have had some trouble in the past trying to decipher sales slips. Delay in payment might result if slips are too difficult to read. Monthly statements of vendors shall also be initialed by Department Heads. 3. Chairman of the City Commission Finance Committee will receive all statements and invoices for checking prior to a City Commission meeting, Statements and invoices initialed by City l~anager and Department Heads will then be checked; if bills found in order, Chairman will then move approval and payment at the Commission meeting. On motion of Commissioner Dyson, seconded by Commissioner Stemper and carried Deputy City Clerk Gordon L.Brsdley was next authorized to attend the short course for Municipal Finance Officers in Gainesvllle on l~arch 21st thru 23rd,1949, and that the expenses in connection therewith be borne by the City. Consideration was next given to the policy on expired taxi-cab liability insurance, whereby the City has been granting permission %o taxi-cabs to operate until arrangements have been made to procure said insurance if done within a reasonable length of time. Thereupon after considering the fact that the taxi-cabs use %Se City streets and on motion duly carried, the Tax Collector was instructed to notify all taxi-cab opera%ors that they must obtain their liability insurance within ~4 hours after said insurance has expired. Commissioner Krider next offered 0rdirmnce No. 451 , entitled: ORDINANCE No. 451. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, P~.OVIDING FOR THE LEVY,ASSESS~,~ENT, COLLECTION AND PAY~ENT OF A TAX ON ADMISSIONS AT THE SANFORD MUNICIPAL ATHLETIC FIELD, PRESCRIBING THE A~OUNTS THEREOF, AND THE I~.ANNER OF COLLECTION AND PAY~ENT THEREOF, AND PROVIDING FOR DEPOSIT WITH THE CITY CLERK OF THE FUNDS COLLECTED HEREUNDER, AND APPROPRIATING said funds for construction of a new public grandstand to be built AT SAID SANFORD ~.NJNICIPAL ATHLETIC FIELD. and same was placed on its first reading and read in full by the Clerk. On motion nf ~t~ramt~tnn~ /Th,~ MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Floriaa,-. Field to the City. Petition next submitted from the members increase in pay or a decrease in working hours. Matter taken under advisement. There oein& no further business the meeting then adjourned until of the Police Department, requesting an 8:00 o'clock p ~ ~arc~ 21,19~9. Mayor. Attest: