HomeMy WebLinkAbout032149MINUTES City Commission, Sanfo,d, Florida, .............. ~r.¢.~_......Z~,.....~...~D-Q'*4' .............. 19......~9 ........ The C~N Oo~ss~on of ~he Ol~N of 5anford, ~or~4a, me~ ~n ~4Jour~d session at ~e City Hall In the City of Sanford, Florida, at ~:O0 o'clock P M. March 21,1949. ~resent: Commissioner Andrew C~rraw~, E~yor. , Randall Chase ,, John Krider Br. i, W.H. Stemper City Attorney A.Edwin Shl~olser City M~ager Clifford ~,~cKlbbin Jr. Absent: Commissioner F.A. Dyson City Clerk H.N.S~er Deputy City Clerk Gordon L. Bradley. Meeting called to order by ~e Chairm~. On motion of Commissioner Krider, seconded by Co~issioner Stemper and carried, the Campbell Lossing Post of the ~erican Legion wac next authorized to conduct a Seminole County Flar for the week ending March 26,1949, subject to ~e following regulations: 1.That the Fal~ will close at ll:O0 o'Clock p.M.durlng ~e week. 2.That the Fair will close at 12:OO o'clock p.~.Saturd~ nl~t. 3.That ~e American Legion p~ for police protection. On motion of Commissioner Krider, seconded by Commissioner Stemper and carried, the N~or and Clerk were next authorized to execute a QuitCla~ Deed to L.B.Hodgins Jr. and Connie Hodgine, his wife, for ~t 31 of ~ended Plat of l~agnolia HeiSts , releasing the title of Grantee from ~e reservation in earlier Deed requiring t~t a dwelling be const~cted on said lot within six months, s~e having been complied with. On reco~endation of the City Eanager, Commissioner Krider moved ~at the City purchase a Detroit Mower, of the sickle bar type, from the Britt Tractor Company at a cost of $294.30 to be used for maintenance of City parkw~e. Seconded by Co~iseloner Stemper ~d carried. Consideration was next given to ~e claim filed by D~rs. ~ary E.~nn for dam~es caused from falling on sidew~k near corner of Ei~ Street ~d Elm Avenue on November 29,194S. Thereupon Co~issioner Krider moved that the City pay Mrs. Lynn $~00.00 as full settle- ment for hospit~ charges and doctor bills incurred, provided Mrs. Lynn releases the City from any fur~er cla~ as a result of said accident. Seconded by Coa~lssioner Stemper and ca~led. Mr Burton Smith of ~e firm of ~e~,~eeler & Alleman of Orlando, next appeared before ~e Board to discuss the advantages to be gained by ~e City's entering into a fiscal ~ency agreement wl~ his firm, in connection wi~ a Utility ~at would embrace the terminal facility, 8ewer~e system expansion, water utility and a~ other items deemed advisable to include. Adv~t~es of open end financing were discussed and the procedures follow~ at ~e suggestion of his fi~ by other municipalities in obt~ining utility financing, were presented. ~e Co~lssion then requested ~r. Smith to submit a proposal for a fiscal agency agreement between the City and Leedy,~eeler & Alleman, based on a l~ fee, at the next regular meeting of the Commission. Nr. Wylie W. Gillespie of the next appeared before the Board to Thereupon Commissioner Chase moved that the engineering firm of Smith & Gillespie of Jacksonville, discuss municipal operation of the Street Lighting circuit. City enter into sn agreement with Smith . 64 .H~9796 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida ~.rcl~..~.l_._~t 8.J_~_ .............. 19 ~? Seconded by Commissioner Erider and carried. Said agreement being in words and figures as follows: March 21,1949. Honorable Mayor and City Commission City of Sanford, Florida. Subject: Proposal for Engineering Services in connection with Study and Report on Street Lighting System. Gentlemen: In line with previous conversations an8 conferences with your Body and the City Nanagerin regard to the possibility of the City of Sanford acquiring the Street Lighting System snd operating the system by municipally generated power or by purchased power, we have the honor to make the following propossl: We will make such studies and investigations necessary to furnish you with an Engineer's Report, which will present those facts necessarily to Oe considered in making decisions concerning the matter. The Stud,v will include : 1. Inventory of Physical Properties and valuation of existing Street Lighting System. The Report will Determination of present diesel engine operating costs. Study of cost of street lighting under present contract. Study of changes necessary to present system If purchased by .~nclude: the City. 1. Description and cost of system required for municipal ownership of street lighting system. 2. Estimates of cost of constructing a new municipslly owned system of street lighting facilities. 3. Cost of system expansion to provide additional lighting units. 4. Generation facilities, first cost and operating costs. 5. Recommendations regarding rehabilitation of ~Vhite Way System. 6. Comparison of municipal ownership of street lighting system with present contract. ?. Recommendstions regarding acquisition of lighting system by the City and improvements incidental thereto. The report will provide engineering and economic data, which will enable you to make a proper determination as to what course the City should follow with regard to street lighting in Sanford. The report will be presented and explained personally by a representative of t~is firm. We will perform these services for the sum of One Thousand Four Hundred Dollars ($1,400.00) paya01e upon completion and presentation of the report. Your acceptance of this proposal will serve as an agreement between the City of Sanford and this firm to perform the services outlined above, and we will begin work upon the studies at once. Very respectfully submitted, SMITH AND GILLESPIE, ENGINEERS (SEAL) Attest: H. N. Sa2er City Clerk. By Wylie W Gillespie Partner Accepted this twenty-first day of March A.D.1949 at an adjourned meeting of the City Commission at Sanford, Florida. By Andrew Carrawa~ Mayor or Chairmsn. MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida,_ .M..arch 21 at On motion duly carried, instructions were next issued to advertise notice of intention to present Bills for passage by ~he 1949 Session of the Legislature as follows: To authorize the City of Sanford to borrow money from U.S. or any of its Agencies or from any private sources for the purpose of financing dock and terminal facilities. To authorize and direct the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County to deed and convey to City of Sanford certain real and personal property on Mellonville Avenue known as the new baseball field. To autorize and dlrec% the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County to deed and convey to City of Sanford certein real property on East First Street, known as proposed Hospital Site. There being no furtherbuslness the meeting then adjourned. Attest: Deputy '" Mayor.~