HomeMy WebLinkAbout032849-Regular SessionMINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, ~.a..ro~....28.....8..,'..QO_. ~...1~ ....................... 19 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida met in regular session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 8:00 o'clock P E March 28, 1949. Present: Commissioner Andrew Carraw~y, Mayor. " Randall Chase " F.A. Dy son " John Krider " W.H. Stemper. City Attorney A Edwin Shin~olser City Manager Clifford McKlbbin,Jr. Deputy City Clerk Gordon L Bradley Chief of Police R.G.Williame Absent: City Clerk H N Sayer Meeting ce~lled to order by the Chairman. Minutes of the regular meeting of March 14th and of the adjourned meeting of March 21st, 1949 were next read and approved. Mr. Ansley, owner ~f Ansley's Sundry Store on Park Ave., the Board and requested that he be issued a license to sell popcorn allowed to place the machine on the sidewalk outside of his store. Thereupon Commissioner Dyson moved that the aforesaid request be granted. Seconded by Commissioner Stemper and carried. Mr C~rl Noes of 2631 Willow Ave. next appeared before the Board and there is no fire hydrant near his home, which has caused the insurance rates to and requested that a hydrant be installed in the vicinity. Matter taken under advisement. Mr. R.F.Nelton, dealer in used cars, next appeared before the Board and requested that the license fee for~used car dealers be reduced to $50.00. Matter taken under advisement. Ordinance No. 451, entitled: next appeared before and that he be AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENT,COLLECTION AND PAYMENT OF A TAX ON ADEISSIONS AT THE SANPORD MUNICIPAL ATHLETIC FIELD,PRESCRIBING THE ~OUNTS THEREOF, AND THE MANNER OF COLLECTION AND PAYMENT THEREOF, AND PROVIDING FOB DEPOSIT WITH THE CITY CLERK OF THE FUNDS COLLECTED HEREL~DER, AND APPROPRIATING SAID FUNDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW PUBLIC GRANDSTAND TO BE BUILT AT SAID SANFORD MUNICIPAL ATHLETIC FIELD. ORDINANCE No. 451. SANFORD, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR THE LEVY,ASSESS- stated that increase, INTRODUCED AND PLACED ON ITS FIRST READING AT THE REGULAR ~fEETING OF 5~RCH 1~,1949, was next placed on ~ts final reading and read in full by the C~rk. Thereupon the roll was cal%ed for final passage and adoption of e aid Ordinance No. 451, the vote being as follows: Commissioner Carraway Aye " Chase Aye " Oyson Aye " Krlder Aye " Stemper Aye Thereupon t~e Chairman annour~ ed that the City Commission of the City of Sanfc~d by unanimous vote had passed and adopted said Ordinance No. 451, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR THE LEVY, ASSESSMENT, COLLECTION AND PAYM. ENT OF A TAX ON A~ISSIONS AT THE SANFORD MUNICIPAL ATHLETIC FIELD,PRESCRIBING THE A~OUNTS THEREOF,AND THE MANNER OF COLLECTION AND PAYMENT THEREOF, AND PROVIDING FOR DEPOSIT WITH THE CITY CLERK OF THE FUNDS COLLECTED HEREUNDER, AND APPROPRIATING SAID FUNDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW PUBLIC GRANDSTAND TO BE BUILT AT SAID SANFORD MUNICIPAL ATHLETIC FIELD. MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, .......... ~!l~...~.l~...2.$.....a~.....~.~._.l~_M ............. 19...149 Commissioner Chase next offered Resolution No. ?46, and after being read in full by the Clerk moved its passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Krider and c~rried by the following vote of the Commission: Commissioner Carraway Aye " Chase Aye " D~son kVe " Krider Aye " Stemper Aye Said Resolution No. ?46 being in words and figures as follows: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, REQUESTING THE BOARD OF C OUNTYC0$~ISSIONERS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, RE-CONVEY TO CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY HERETOFORE CONVEYED BY SAID CITY TO SEMINOL~ COUNTY, FLORIDA, FOR USE FOR HOSPITAL PURPOSES. WHEREAS, by deed dated June 12,1940, and recorded in Deed Book 95, Page 419, among the public records of Seminole Count~, Florida, %ne City of Sanford, Florida, a municipal corporation, conveyed to Seminole County, Florida, certain real property situate in Seminole County, Florida, and more particularly descrlDed as follows,to-wit: Begin at Northwest corner of intersection of Nellonville Avenue and Second Street, or Union Avenue, in %heClty of Sanford, Florida, and run North along the West line of Nellonville Avenue to South line of First Street in the City of Sanford, Florida, thence along the South line of said First Street to the West line of Block ll of the Sub-division known as "Mellonville", according to plat thereof of record in the public records of Seminole County, Florida, in Plat Book l, Page 120$ thence South to the North line of s aid Second Street, or Union Avenue; thence East along the North line of said Second Street, or Union Avenue, to point of beginning, and such deed recited that it was made and delivered upon the express condition that if party of the second part did not erect thereon a hospital under and in accordance with the Works Projects Administration project then aoplied for by party of the second part the title to said lot should immediately revert to party of the first part, and WHEREAS, in order to clear the title to said property for the furtherance of s aid project a quit claim deed was thereafter executed and recorded in Deed Book 92, page 85, public records of Seminole County, Florida, for the purpose of releasing the said reverter clause in the original deed, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County, Florida, by resolution adopted Janurary lC, 1941, expressly recognized the making of the aforesaid quit claim deed for the purpose of releasing t~e reversion to theCity, and declared that Seminole County did not wish to retain title to s aid property if the hospital proposed should not be erected under the Works Projects Administration project then pending, and said Board of County Commissioners resolved therein that ~ such hospital were not erected on said land that Seminole County would re-convey said property to City of Sanford, Florida, and WHEREAS, no hospital has ever been built on said property as was contemplated by the original deed, and by the said project for which application had been made to Works Projects Administration, and there is no pending action fot the securing, or construction of such hospital, and the City Commission of the City of aanford, Florida, now deems it appropriate that the status of said property be clarified, and that the title thereto be re-conveyed to the City of Sanford, Florida, by Seminole County, Florida, and that request for such reconveyance be made to the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County, Florida. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, that the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County, Florida, be, and they are hereby requested to re-convey to the City of Sanford, Florida, the above described real property, situate in Seminole County, Florida, and heretofore conveyed ay the City of Sanford, MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida,. ........... ~,~arch .. 28 at 8 P M .._19 49 Florida, authorize and approve all buch action required for tnemaklng of/ reconveyance, cluding the oDtainlng of necessary legislative authority. PASSED AND ADOPTED tills 28th day of March , 1949. Andrew Carrawa~ ......... Nayor. Jonn Krider Randall Chase F A D~o___nn ATTEST: H.N.Sa~er City Clerk. (SEAL) ~7.H.StemDer As the City Commission of the City of Sanford,Florida. by Commissioner Dyson next offered Resolution No. 747, the Clerk, moved its passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Stemper and carried by the Comm issloner Carraway Aye " Chase Aye " Oyson Aye " Krider Aye " Stemper Aye and after being read in full following vote of the Commission: said Resolution No. 747 beir~ in words and figures as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 747. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CO~i~ISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, REQUESTING THE BOARD OF COUNTY COYJdiSSIONERS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO CONVEY TO THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY OWNED BY S~.~INOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND OF WHICH THE CITY OF $ANFORD, FLORIDA, HAS HERETOFORE BEEN },~DE CUSTODIAN. WHEREAS, by virtue of certain proceedings had pursuant to melinquency in taxes, Seminole County, =lorida, became vested with title to the following described real prooerty situate in Seminole County, Florida, to-wit: Lots lO, ll, 12, 13, and the North 91 3/4ths feet of Lots 22 and 23 and the north 155.7 feet of Lot 24 of Pace's Acres, according to plat thereof of record in Plat Book 3, pa~e 21, public records of Seminole County,Florida, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County, Florida. on October 3, 1944, dedicated said property to the oublic for athletic and recreational purposes, which dedication was concurred in by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, by Resolution No. 680, adopted by said Commission, and by action of the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County, Florida, the City of Sanford, Florida, was made custodian of the aforesaid property, and was authorized to use and improve said property for athletic and recreational purposes, and to remain in possession of the same so long as said property was used for said purposes, and V~EREA$, the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, has made extensive improvement of said property Dy the installation thereon of a baseball aiamond, with fences and related appurtenances, and said City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, anticipates the making of further substantial improvements and ths erection of further structures on such property, and, WHERE&S, by virtue of toe improvements made to and upon the above described property, and hereafter to be made thereon, the Ci~ Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, deems it advisable that title to said property should be vested in the City of Sanford, Florida, and that request should be made to the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County,Florida, for conveyance of said property to said City of Sanford, Florida. NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, MINUTES City Commission, S.~,~ord, Floricla,_~.a_..r-c_h._?_.8._._a_t_.8...~.Q.O.._P-...-M- ............ 19 ........ 1~9 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County Florida, authorize and approve all action required for the making of such conveyance, including the obtaining of necessary legislative authority. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 28th day of March 19~9. ( SEAL ) Attest: H.N.S~yer City Clerk. Andrew Carrawa~ Mayor. John Krlder Randall Chase W H Stemper F A D~son As the City Coa~ission of the City of Sanford, Florida. On motion of Commissioner Dyson, seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried, the Commission next approved the replat of Lots 48 thru 55 of Block C of J.E.Pace's Subdivision and all of the Amended Plat of Victoria Park, to b e known as Fellowship Addition, subject to the approval of the Zoning Board. Proposal next submitted from Leedy,Wheeler & Alleman, of Orlando to act as Fiscal Agent for the City in establishing a Municipal Utility to include proposed Dock Facilities, Street Lighting Equipment,Sanitary Sewerage Facility, the Water Department and Electrical Distribution System, with various City funds pledged toward the retirement of various revenue certificates issued under this Utility, at a fee of l~. Thereupon after considerable discussion Commissioner Chase moved that the City Manager contact Leedy,Wheeler & Alleman to prepare enabling act of legislation, the cost of which to be paid by the City, and that the Manager secure bide from other agencies relative to establishing such a Utility. Seconded Dy Commissioner Krlder and carried. On motion of Commissioner Dyson, seconded by Commissioner Krlder and carried, the Blanket Liability Policy offered by the North American Companies was ordered tabled. Commissioner Krlder next offered Resolution No. 7~, and after being read in full by the Clerk, moved its passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried by the following vote of the Commission. Commissioner Carraway Aye " Chase Aye " ~yson Aye " Krlder Aye " Stemper Aye said Resoultion No. 74~ being in words and figures as follows: RESOLUTION No. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COmmISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, REPEALING RESOLUTION NO 552 PASSED AND ADOPTED FEBRUARY 27, 1939, DETERMINING HOW CHECKS ON THE ACCOUNTS OF THE CITY IN THE CITY DEPOSITORY SHALL BE SIGNED, AND PROVIDING THE METHOD BY WHICH SUCH CHECKS ON CITY DEPOSITORIES SHALL HEREAFTER BE SIGNED. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: That Resolution No. 552, passed and adopted February 27, 1939, being entitled: "A Resolution of the City Commise lon of the City of Sanford, Florida, determining how checks on the accounts of the City in the City Depository shall be signed", be, and the same is hereby repealed. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That checks on the accounts of the City of Sanford, Florida, MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, I~Ia~ch..2~ a~ ~:DO ~ ~ _19 49 BE iT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a certified copy of this Resolution be furnished each of the official depositories upon BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, its passage and adoption. Passed and adopted this 28th ATTEST: H.N.Sayer City Clerk. to of the City of Sanford, Florida. that this Resolution shall become effective immediately day of ~Tarch 1949. Andrew Carraway ~ayor. F A Dyson W H Stemper John Krider Randall Chase ( S E A L ) As the City Commission of the City of Sanford Florida. Nayor Carraway then appointed Commissioner $%emper as %ne Finance Committee for months of April and Nay , 1949. Consideration was %hen given to the need for carrylr~ addition~cash in the Clerk's office for the payment of small expense items. Thereupon after considerable discussion,Commissioner Chase moved that the petty cash fund, on hand in the Clerk's office, be increased to Seconded by Commissioner Rrdier and carried. On motion of Commissioner Stemper, seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried, %he Tax Assessor was next authorized to cancel the 19ha personal property tax in amount of ~2.15 assessed to ~.R.Dekle, due to the fact %hat the household goods were located outside the City. On motion of Commissioner Dyson, seconded by Commissioner Stemper and carried, the Commission next. approved the conveyance without cost of Lot 12 of Block l0 of Bel-Air to Ralph L.Peters, veteran of l?orld War II to construct a dwelling thereon within six months of conveyance, under authority of Special Act of 1945 Legislature. On motion of Commissioner Stemper, seconded by Commissioner Krider and carried, the Commission next adopted the personnel relationship memorandum entitled "Departmental and Nunicipality Organization, as suDmitted by the City ~anager. Said memorandum being in words and figures as follows: ~.!emorandum: From: Clifford NcKibbin, Jr, City ~anager. To: Sanford ~unicipal Employees Subject: Departmental and Eunicipality Organization. The Sanford City Commission, desiring to clarify the responsibility for proper, economical, efficient operation of municipal services in its charge,vested authority in a City Eanager to accomolish this end, subject to provisions of the City Charter, Ordinances and the Civil Service Act. In order to place responsibilities and specify authority to the end that all employees will know to whom they are responsible or for whom they are responsible, the following organiza- tional plan is hereby placed in effect. In a small organization such as this, the coopera- tion of every member is essential to smooth operation. Those in one department, capgDle of doing work in another department, should continue in the former cooperative spirit and lend a hand when their work is momentarily running light. The City Commission holds the City l~a~ger responsible for operation of municipal services, and all Department Heads are in turn responsible to the City Nanager. MINUTES ~lorid~ ~arch 2~ at 8:00 P M City Commission, S~ord, ~ ~, .................................................................................... 19 .......... Mr McKibbin will act as Superintendent of the Water Utility, with_gr. Abraham in charge of the Pcduction Unit, assisted by Ed Williamson and Julian Williamson, with Mr. Hardy in charge of distribution, Administration and collection duties will be handled under Mr. EcKibbin by Mr. Starr, !~rs Brown, Mr. Bailey and Nra. Michael. Roy Williams, as Police Chief and head of the Police Department will, under the City ~anager, carry out Commission policies and work with the City Manager in developing policy for internal operation of t~e Police Department. M.N. Cleveland, Fire Chief, will, under t~e City ~Ianager, carry out Commission policies in matters relating to the Fire Department. Internal operation of the Department will be handled by Chief Cleveland with City Manager's approval. S.M.RiChard will continue as Superintendent of Streets,Parks, Sewer System; Assiting him will be James Dunn, Ass't Supt. , and Utility :nan. Clarence Davis, Zoo i..fanager; Hugh Wynn, Street Moreman; Lesle Prescott, Street Foreman; C.C.Bedenbaugh, Prisoner Foreman; Solon Teston, Cemetery Caretaker; ?red Bryant, charge of Park Crew, ~nd Robert Zanders in charge of Sewer Crew. Operetors, ~.H.Anderson, R.H.Beckham, and B.J.Davis will assist Hr. RiChard. H.E.Johnson, Sanitary Officer, will be assisted by H.H.Nickerson, Rodent Control Foreman, and the following drivers in the Sanitary Department; J.T.Fortier, Wilmer Mathews, Kenneth Murphy and ~.F.Tuten. Public Library will be operated by Mrs. E.J.Moughton, Librarian, tfrs Rlnes and Mrs Brewerton. Airport facilities and NAS buildings not leased privately will be maintained by Supt. W.O.Stansell, assisted by ~atchman G.D.Culberhouse, Patrolman J.B.Quattlebaum and Fireman R.E.Bedenbaugh. ' Inspector Howard Favllle will enforce cons truction and Zoning Ordins. nces and regulations under the City Manager. City Maintenance Shop will continue its work of maintaining all municipal vehicles under Albin Kendall, Foreman. Cooperation among all Departments should result in a high grade o f service to Sanford people at a minimum cost. Approved: Andrew Carraway, Mayor. Clifford McKlbbin Jr. City Manager. On motion o f Commissioner Krider, seconded by Commissioner Stemper and csrried, the City Manager was next authorized to call ~or bids for furnishing fuel oil and lubricating oil for the water plant. On motion of Commissioner Dyson, seco~ ed by Commissioner Chase and carried, the Commission next granted a permit to the B & C Grocery Co, operated by J D. Carlton and J L Baggett, at 501 Celery Ave., to sell beer and wines for consumption off the premises. Donovan Dean, A.W. White,A.P.Michaels, Robert ~lchaels of Orlando and Jack Ratigan next appeared before the Board and submitted the final plans and specifications for the proposed swimming pool. Thereupon after a brief explanation of the plans by Donovan Dean, the Architect, the Mayor appointed Commissioners Dyson and Chase and the City l~anager as a committee to examine the plans snd specifications and to make a report to the Commission. The Mayor next reported on a meeting he had with the City Manager, President and Manager of the Chamber of Commerce and members of the Tourist Club, relative to the available facilities for entertainment of tourists, and recommended that the Tourist Center be made available to the Tourist Club at all times and that t~e local civic clubs hold their meetings elsewhere. Thereupon after considerable discussion, the Ci~' Manager was instructed to contact the local civic clubs to ascertain their thoughts relative to such a proposal. Consideration was next given to the burning of the colored overhead street lights in the Ousiness section on Saturday nights and the fact that the cost is approximately ~350.00 per year. Thereupon Commissioner Chase moved that the City ~anager contact l~r. H.H.Colemsn, MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, ~a~'t.ch...2.8...a~_l~_...._Q0...R..J~ .........19_ 9. Further consideration was next given to the request of the members of the Police Department, for an increase in salaries or a decrease in working hours. Thereupon Commissioner Krider moved that the salaries of the members of the Police Department, with the exception of the Chief, be increased ~5.00 per month for each six months of satisfactory service, with ~ maximum Increase of $20.00 per month, that the Chief's salary be increased from $257.50 16, 1949. Seconded by Commissioner Stemper and carried. Commissioner Btemper then moved salaries in the Fire Department with Seconded by Commissioner Krider and carried. There being no further business 5, 1949. Attest: to $275.00 per month, effective ~arch that the City i~ana~er make a similar study of salaries in other cities. the meeting then adjourned until 8:00 P ~ April