HomeMy WebLinkAbout052349-Regular Session40O MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida M.a.~y_ 2~ at 8:O0 P M 1~9 The City Co~nlsslon of the City of Sanford, Florida met in regular session at the C~ty Ha~l in the City of Sanford, Florida at 8:00 o'clock P M M~y 2~, 1949. Present: Commissioner Andrew Carraway, Randall ~ase F A ~son " John Krlder " W H Stemper City Attorney A Edwin 8hl~olser City M~ager Clifford McEibbin,Jr. City Clerk H N 5~er Deputy City Clerk ~rdon L Bradley Chief of Police R. ~. Willies. Meetl~ called to order by ~e Chal~an. Minutes of the adjourned meet~ of May 16~ next read and approved. Mr Hazy Carrington next appeared before the Board and requested a ~0 minute parkin~ zone In front of his store at ~17 Palmetto Avenue, due to the fact ~at persons were parkl~ their cars for lo~ periods of t~e while shoppl~ at o~er stores, ~us preven~ lng trucks from ~load2~ ~roceries at his store. Latter refe~ed to ~e City Man,er ~d ~lef of Pollce to work out a satisfactory solution to the problem. Mr J D ~ri~t of ~e Patrick F~lt Company next appeared before ~e Board and requested ~at the alley behind their pack~n~ house at 121~ French Avenue be closed between Twelfth Street and the Railroad sidl~ into their property,'as ~ey contemplate construct~g an addition to the~ bulldi~ across saXd alley. ~ereupon Commissioner Krider moved that ~e City Manager notify ~e Assembly of ~d Church, at the sou~west corner of Twelf~ Street and ~rel Avenue ~at the City has received application to close ~e alley behind ~elr property, ~d that If ~ey have ~ objections to the closl~ of said ~ley, to file s~e with the City within one week. Seconded by Co~issloner 5temper and c~rled. Mr R.B.Or~, representative of Hildersarde-Superlor Da[rlee, located at St. Au~stlne, Florida, next appe~ed ~d requested the CommXssion ~o approve their appllcatlon for permit to ~olesale milk in S~ford, which was denied by 8anit~y Officer Johnson because the City's milk ordln~ce prohibits the sale of milk pastuerlzed outside of Seminole Count~ Thereupon ~ter consXderable discussion, the ~oresald appllcat~n was denled unless provlslons of ~e existln~ milk ordl~nce ~e c~plied wi~. Co~lssioner Dyson next moved ~at J.B.Quattleba~, watc~an at the aXrbase, be pensioned at $87.2~ per mon~, effective as of June 1st, In accordance wl~ the Clty M~er~ recommendation of Apr~ ~th 1~. Seconded by Co~lssloner Krider ~d c~ried. On motion of Commissioner Chase, seconded by Co~lssioner Dyson and c~rled, ~e Co~lsslon next ~reed to lease Mr Ed Hlntze ~e nor~ slip at the Municipal Pier, at a rental of $2~.00 oer mon~, for the pu~ose of operating a si~tseeing motor boat, provided he maintain trip schedules and carry adequate l[ablll~ insurance. Request next reoelved from John Mackey to lease ~e R~e House at ~e a2rbase for MINUTES 4O ! City Commission, Sanford, Florida, ......... ~ay....2~....at,....8:....P....M .............. 19 ....... ~9 Thereupon Commissioner Stemper moved that the City lease the Range House at t~e Airbase to John Mackey in accordance with the terms of his request, provided the City Manager super- vise the repairs. Seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried. On motion of Commissioner Krider , seconded by Commissioner Stemper and carried, the Co,remission next approved the plans as submitted by Radio Station WTRR for cons tructlon ef their new building to be located on the same property as their tower, which they have under lease with the City. Consideration was next given to the Act which was recently passed by the Legislature authorizing the City to borrow money for the purpose of constructing dock and terminal facilities. Thereupon Commissioner Stemper moved that the City pass a resolution ae follows~: Resolved that the City Commission make, or have made, every effort to secure firm commitments from the shippers in this area of the State; commitments that the shippers will use the terminal facility at Sanford and will pledge a definite tonnage in the minimum aggregate of 50,000 tons per year over a period of five years, and Resolved that in the failure to receive firm commitments from the shippers , that we, as the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, shall not be obligated to expend any monies for the construction of the dock and warehouse terminal facilities, and Resolved further that the City Commission shall make every effort for the quick com- pletion of the terminal facility along sound business princip~les. Seconded by Commissioner Chase and defeated by the following vote of the Commission: Oommissioner Oarraway Nay " Dyson Nay " Krlder Nay # Chase Aye " Stemper Aye On motion of Commissioner Krider, seconded by Commissioner Dyson and carried, the Commission next authorized Mr Edward Hlgglns, Manager of the Seminole County Chamber of Commerce and Mr. George D. Blshop, who has offered his services to assist Mr Hlggins, to contact the shippers in this area for the purpose of securing firm commitments relative to shipping thru the proposed dock ami terminal facilities. Also that the Mayor contact Fred Bell and William Hutchlson for the purpose of making a study and securing water shipping rates. On motion of Commissioner Xrider, seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried, the Commission next approved the payment of $2,22?.55 to Bumby & Stimpson of Orlando, for paving Cypress Avenue between First and Second Btreete. Request next received from Emmett Hunt, dealer in used care, to convert the garage ~bulldlng opposite the Mayfalr Ian into a New Car agency. Thereupon Commissioner Chase moved that the aforesaid request be granted, subject to the approval of the Building Inspector. Seconded by Commissioner Stemper and carried. On motion of Commissioner Krider, seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried, the Commission next denied the request of E.A.Mickens of 510 Cypress Avenue to transfer his beer and wines licnese to Louis Wright at the same address. There being no further business the meeting then adjourned.