HomeMy WebLinkAbout080849-Regular SessionMINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida~..~gB.~..~........8_.. ~-~-$.._:.._OD_.P.....~ ......... 19 ~9 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in regular session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at ~:O0 o'clock p M August ~, 1949. Present: Commissioner Andrew Carraw~y, Mayor. # Randall Chase " F A Dyson W. H. S temper City Attorney A.Edwin Shinholser City Manager Clifford McKlbbln Jr. Deputy City Clerk Gordon L.Bradley Chief of Police R.G. Wllllams Absent: Commissioner John Erlder City Clerk N.N.Sayer. Meeting called to order by the Chairman. On motion of Commissioner Chase, seconded by Commissioner Stemper and carried, the Commission next approved and authorized payment of current invoices and payrolls for the month of July 1949, as evidenced by voucher numbers 3242 thru 3353. Same having b sen examined and ~approved by the Finance Committee. Monthly reports of streets, sanitation, health, water, police, fire, airport and Library department s for the month of July 1949 submitted and examined. Financial statement and statement of revenue and expenditures during month of July 1949 submitted and examined. Bank statements in all accounts for month of July 1949 properly reconciled, submitted and examined. Minutes of the regular meeting of July 25,1949, next read and approved. Emmett Hunt and R.P.Melton next appeared before the Board and requested the Commission to re-consider the Used Car Dealer, s Occupational License fee, as they felt that a license fee of $300.00 was too high in comparison with other business. Thereupon after cons lderable discussion, Commissioner Stemper offered Ordinance No. 455 entitled: AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE ~o. 2?6 OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, REGULATING SD~FDLES OF TD!!GE~ MOTOR C~RS, AND DEFINING TERMS, PRESC~.IBI~G LICENSE TAXES AND DUTIES, CAR SALESMAN, PRESCRIBING A T,r~ ._~E~D_o_A~ DEALER" # USED CAR SALESMAN# ~" NEW FOR SALESME~N OR REPRESENTATIVES OF AGENCIES OR DEALERS IN NEW AND USED MOTOR CARS WHICH .......... -faa ~'ua NEW CAR DEALERS AND USED CAR DEALER~, AND AGENCIES OR DEALERS ARE NOT LICENSED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD, PRESCRIBING BUSINESS LOCATION STANDARDS FOR NEW CAR DEALERS,AND LICENSE REQUIREMENTS FOR NEW AND USED CAR DEALERSI AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. and same was placed on its first reading and read in full by the Clerk. The City Attorney next advised that he had reviewed the easement agreement as sub- mitred by the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company, autaortzlng the City to install traffic lights at the intersection of Thirteenth Street & French Avenue with the necessary cables under the tracks, and recommended the execution of said agreemerZ. Thereupon Commissioner Stemper introduced a resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute said easement agreement with the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co~mpany. Seconded by Commissioner Dyson and carried by the following vote of the Commission: Commissioner Carraway " Chase ~ Dyson # Stemper Said Resolutiom Aye Aye (ATTEST: H. N. S ~y er ~ity Clerk. MINUTES Flo~iaa, July 2~ at ~_: 99_..~....~. 19.69 City Commission, S~,,fo~d, : ............................. FF":: .... 7 i (SEAL) Andrew Carrawa~ F A D2son Mayor Wm H S temper - John Krider Ranaal 1 Chase -. Aa the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. The TsX Assessor then advised that he had completed hie assessments and that the assessment roll would be read~ for the Equalization Board Meeting on August 15, 1949. There bein~ no further business the meetin~ adjourned. Attest: Cit~ Clerk. MINUTES regular meetin6 assembled, that the Mayor-Commissioner be, and he hereby is authorized to enter into an agreement with the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company, and to sign same on behalf of said City whereby the said Railroad Company gives and grants to said City of Sanford, Florida, the rights and privilege to lay and maintain three underground electric power wire lines for the operation of traffic light signals across the right of way and under the tracks of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company at Sanford, Florida, on the Railroad Company's Lake Charm Branch: (a) At a point 1516 feet southeastwardly , measured along the center line of Licensor's main track, from mile post U-769; (b) At a point 1589 feet eoutheaetwardly, measured along said center line, from said mile post; (c) At a point 260 feet northwestwardly, measured along the center line of Licensor's Sanford State Farmers Market spur track from its point of switch; as particularly described in said agreement, which agreement le dated June 14, 1949. Passed and adopted this 8th day o f August 19~9. Andrew CarrawaY _F A D~son Mayor. W H Stemper ~ndall Chase As the city Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. The City Manager next reported that an engineer of the Florida Power & Light Co. and the Chief of Police had made a survey of the street lighting requirements and recommended the installation of 14 lights in the Goldeboro Section ; 9 lights in the Georgetown section and 3 lights in Magnolia Heights Subdivision, all to be 1000 lumen overhead bracket type installed at the following locations: Mulberry at Ninth St, Tenth and Eleventh Bt.; Eleventh at Avacado; Olive & Oleander; Twelfth at Mangoustine; Jessamine & Lake; Thirteenth at Lake; Persimmon & Roosevelt; Fourteenth at Oleander & Mangoustlne; Escambla at Locust; Catalina Drive 300 ft. east of Locust and 600 ft. east of locust; Locust at Eighth Bt. Ninth and Tenth Bt. east of Locust; Pine at Seventh & Tenth; Hickory at Seventh; Ninth & Tenth and one at the south end of Washington Street. The City Manager aleo advised that there would be no cost to the City for installing the above lights and that the cost of operation would amount to approximately $~68.00 per year if all lights were installed. Thereupon Commissioner Stemper moved that the aforementioned street lights be installed. Beconded by Commissioner Chase and carried. Report of July analysis of milk from all dairies operating in Sanford as prepared by Dr. L R Scribner's Laboratories at Orlando, next submitted, such report showing all such milk within the requirements of Grade "A" Milk. Request next received from Aldersgate University to lease the Photo Lab. building at the airport at a rental of $1.00 per year. Thereupon after considerable discussion, and due to the fact that the City has very few buildings under custody at the airport, Commissioner Chase moved that the aforesaid request be denied, but that the City offer the University the Photo Lab equipment, for use in one of their own buildings. Seconded by Commissioner Dyson and carried. Letter of resignation next received from Gordon L. Bradley, August 15,1949. Deputy City Clerk, effective MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, Au~uat.......8..-at-----8--.l~---M ............... 19 .. ~9 Letter of resignation next received from Lt. Jack W.Horner of the Fire Department, effective September l, 1949. Thereupon Commissioner Dyson moved ~hat the aforesaid resignation be accepted. Seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried. Commissioner Dyson next moved that D. Jobs, Journeyman Electrician be appointed as a member of the Board of Electrical Examiners for the year ending December 31, 1949, to fill the unexpired term of Donald Young who resigned, in accordance with Ordinance No. 274 governing electrical construction. Seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried. On motion of Commissioner Dyson, seconded by Commissioner Stemper and carried, the City Attorney was next instructed to prepare an ordinance, amending the Plumbing Code, whereby the members of the examining board would be granted the payment of $1.00 per examination. On motion of Commissioner Stemper, seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried, the Mayor and Clerk were next authorized to execute an agreement with the Fieh and Wildlife Service, U.S.Department of Interior, relative to the rodent control program. Communication next received from the Civil Service Board advising that Russell W. Tench Jr, William A Horn and Frank Rockett, had successfully passed an examination for Desk Sergeant. Thereupon on recommendation of Chief of Police Williams, Commissioner Stemper moved that Russell W.Tench Jr. William A Horn and Frank Rockett be promoted to the rank of desk sergeants and that their salaries be increased from $167.30 to $179.40 per month, effective July 16, 1949. Seconded by Commissioner Dyeon and carried. Offer next received from Welborn Phillips of Orlando, to purchase Lots 23 thru 37 Block 18 San Lanta Second Section at a price of $2,000.00 and an option to purchase Lots 1 thru 18 Block 18 at ~2,O00.00 , and an option on Lots i thru 5, 13 thru 17 and 20 and 21 Block 20 at $1,h80.O0 for the purpose of constructing approximately thirty houses. Thereupon after considerable discussion Commissioner Chase moved that the City accept Mr Phillip's offer of $2,000.00 for lots 23 thru 37 Block 18 San Lanta 2nd Section, and that all the aforesaid lots be taken off the market. Seconded by Commissioner Stemper and carried. On motion of Commissioner Chase, seconded by Commissioner ~yson and carried, the Commission next created the following Job classifications, appointments and salaries for personnel at the airport: Airport Superintendent " Utlllt2 Operator Wm Stansell Geo Culberhouse $200.00 per month 165.00 per month ,, Watchman R E Bedenbaugh 160.00 per month Communication next received from the Board of Bond Trustees covering activities for period of February let thru June 30th, 1949. Said report being in words and figures as follows: July 26, 1949. The Honorable City Commiselonere, Sanford, Florida: Gentlemen: The following report is submitted covering the activities of the Board of Bond Trustees covering the first six months of operation from the Period February l, 1949, through June ~0, 1949. Bonds have been purchased and retired as follows: MINUTES City Commission, Sanford Flor Interest has been pald as follows: Paid.interest to 'arch 1, 1949. on entire bond issue Paid scoured interest on bonds bought 54, a42.5o _85, 3 5.86 There are sufficient funds available and on deposit to pay interest due September let on all bonds outstanding. Attached is statement of the City Clerk, showing the state of the accounts as of July 1st. There are some charges agalnst the account now, and a Commitment to buy ten more. Ponds whlch will leave in the account about $8,000.00 for the further purchase of "A" bonds. Since the dutles of the Board of Bond Trustees as prescribed by City Ordinance include the provision that the Board shall act in an advisory capaclty to the City Commission on matters related to the City's bonded indebtedness, we wish respectfully to submit the following recommendations. We believe that the City should take all practical steps to accelerate the retirement of the City's bonds at the nresent time. We urge thle action is now flrm at around 52~; and no bonds are being offered because the market for City bonds at this price. We believe that the trend of the bond market ls slightly upward, and It ls our Oplnion that this continue Upward for City of Sanford bond ~u~ther, as the lntere __ s~.~sAlng retirement mot ' %r~nd'wlll xnt _ s~ rate increases %sA ? costly as time oes o . .~rest rates forthcom~ __ , .. s tendency will be s~r ~ g . wits ,,~+~ ..... ng will me~m additional a~ , ...... e~gthened. The h er a f~.~=~- auvan%a~e to .... - ~- u~o~ service u ~ ~he City to retire as many b ~ .......... pon the lty s treasu interest rates are comparatively low. ~ on.o =~ ~ussAo~e now while the As one means of accomplishing this purpose, we susgest ~hat the City set aside all monies received from the sale of real estate for bond retirement. It is our belief that such monies received from the sale of what m~y be considered Capital Assets should not be used for operating purposes, but should be used entirely for ~he retirement of funded debt. The Board further recommends that a larger sum be set aside for the retirement of Series ,Bm Water Works Bonds, and that these be set up upon a regular continuing basis. We find that funds appropriated for this purpose have been very irregular and inadequate. The Board appreciates the fine cooperation given it Commission, as well as by City officials in the exercise by the Mayor and members of the to the continued,friendly cooperation with the Commission of its duties. We look forward functions, in the carrying out of our s/ By: ~ovy of Statement Attached CITY OF SANFORD BOARD OF BOND TRUSTEES FUND July 1, 1949. CASH O~ HAND Banford Atlantlc National Bank Florida State Bank 16,604.71 Total ~ Respectfully submitted SANFORD BOARD OF BOND TRUSTEES Frank Shames, Secretary APPROPRIAT IONS F_or REFUNDING SERIES , A" BONDS Reserved for interest due Sept, 1, 1949 For Retirement of bonds FOR REFUNDING SERIES "C" "D" and #E" BONDS Reserved for interest due Sept l, 1949 Reserved for accrued interest on three unex- changed Refunding Series "D" Bonds For retirement of bonds ~OR REFUNDING SERIES "B" ( WATER) BONDB Reserved for accrued lnterdst for months March thru June 1949 For retirement of bonds TOTAL TOTAL FUNDS ON HAND FOR PAYMENT OF INTEREST TOTAL FUNDS ON HAND FOB RETIREMENT OF BONDS 25,162.50 14,184.81 3,060.O0 960.0O .1,968.65 3,804.31 39,347.31 5,982.68 5,398.40 3~,986.81 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, ..AU~Uat._.~.._ai....l~-l-0fl-P--~ ........ 19. Thereupon Commissioner Chase moved that the report of the Board of Bond Truetees be accepted and that the Mayor and City Attorney be appointed as a committee to work out the details of the Bond Trustees recommendat~ne. Seconded by Commissioner Dyson and carried. The City ~anager next reported that the bids for drilling the well for the swimming pool were received at ~:00 o'clock P M August 5th,1949 on a basle of : Unit price per foot for first 100 ft. of drilling; unit price for second 100 ft of drilling and unit price per foot of standard casing installed for 100 ft. steel drive shoe. Tabulation of bids being as follows: Libby & Freemen $644.50 Lssne Atlantic Co. S96.~0 A D Rosier SO0.O0 M G Modges 1029.90 Thereupon aftsr reviewing the tabulation of bide ae submitted, Commissioner Dyeon moved that the City accept the lowest bid, that of Libby & Freeman in amount of $644.50 Seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried. On motion ofmCommis~l°'ner Stemper'~ sec~r~ed bY Commissioner Chase and car~.ied, ~he Commissi°nnext accepted the ~fer of th~iElks Club to construct a playground near bhe swimming pool, provided the City Manager supervise the location, equipment needed and the management thereof. On motion of Commissioner Chase, seconded by Commissioner Dyson and carried, the Commission next appointed County Judge O. Douglas Stenstrom to serve as Judge of the Municipal Court during the absence of Municipal Judge J.G.Sharon, for a period of three weeks, and that the City pay Judge Stens~rom $50.00 for such services. On motion of Commissioner Dyson, seconded by Commissioner Stemper and carried, the Commission next approved the conveyance without cost of lot 9 Block 20 San Lanta Second Section to A.B.McBaney, veteran of World War II to construct a dwelling thereon within six months of conveyance , under authority of Special Act of 19~5 Legislature. Mayor Carraway next appointed Commissioner Krider as the FinanceCommittee for the the month of August. There being no further business the meeting then adjourned until S:O0 P.M. August 15, 1949. Attest: .... ~ity C1 er~.