HomeMy WebLinkAbout102449-Regular Session470 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, ........... ~O.~O.~.e.~...~.~_...~. ~ ~ ]9 1,o . w-s%7~6 . ............................. The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in regular session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at ~:OO O'clock P M October 24, 1949. Present: Commissioner Andrew Carrawa~, Mayor. " Randall Chas. " F A Dyson " John Krider " W H Stemper City Attorney A Edwin Shlnholser City Manager Clifford McKlbbin Jr. City Clerk H N Sayer Chief of Police R.G. Willlams Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Minutes of regular meetings of September 26, and October lC, 1949 next read and approved. Commissioner Chase next offered Resolution No. 765, and after being read in full , moved its passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Dyson and carried by the following vote of the Commission. Commissioner Carraws,V AVe " Chase A~e " Dyson Aye " Krider Aye " Stemper Ave said resolution being entitled as follows: RESOLUTION NO. ?65 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, UPON THE DEATH OF MRS. FRED R. WILSON WHEREAS, FRED R. WILSON, by hie friendly spirit and his many years of faithful service to this community, has endeared himself to the hearts of this Commission and the citizens of this community, and WHEREAS, the recent death of his wife has brought sorrow to Mr. Wilson and to his family, which sorrow is sincerely shared by this Commission and the many other friends of Nr Wilson and his family. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, that the City by and through its City Commission does hereby extend to Fred R.Wllson and his family its condolences and deepest sympathy in their bereavement. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be spread on the minutes of the City Com- mission, and that copies thereof be sent to FRED R. WILSON and his family. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 24th day of October , 1949. Attest: H N Sa~e~ City Clerk. ( SEAL ) Andrew Carraws~ Mayor. F A D~'son W H Stemper Randall Chase John Krlder As the City Commlssio~ of the City of Sanford. Florida. Mr. T.A. Stlles next appeared with reference to his application with the City to pur- chase Lot i of Block ~-A San Lanta Second Section, located at southwest corner of Celery MINUTES Cit~ ~ommission, Sanford, Flo~ida,._O.c.~i~.~....~.....a.~.. ~..?....M. .................. 19 ..~?. request of the Sanford Housing Authority to reserwe this property for the purpose of a site for the proposed low-rent housing project. The Clerk then advised the Commission that the aforesaid property is zoned for resi- dential purposes, and the the Sanford Housing Authority had selected all the City owned property in Block 4-A as a part of the site for the white housing project, and had requested that it be withheld for this purpose, pending approval of the Public Housing Administration. Thereupon after considerable discussion and on motion duly adopted, the Commission agreed to convey Lot i of Block ~-A San Lanta Second Section to Mr. Stiles at the sale price of $200.00, provided the Zoning Board of Appeals recommends that it be re-zoned for commercial use, and directed that the other lots in Block 4-A be reserved for the Sanford Housing Authority. Mr Julian F. Harrlson next appeared with reference to his application for the position of Building Inspector, claiming that a copy of his application had not been submitted with the copies of other applications to the Commissioners for consideration. Thereupon the Chairman informed Mr. Harrison that his application had been submitted to the Commission and given due consideration. Ordinance No. 462, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SA~FORD, FLORIDA, LEVYING AND IMPOSING AN EXCISE OR PRIVILEGE TAX UPON THE SALE, RECEIPT, PURCHASE, POSSESSION, CONBUNPTION,HANDLING, DISTRIBUTION AND USE OF CIGARETTES IN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: PROVIDING FOR THE METHOD OF PAYMENT AND COLLECTION; PROVIDING FOR THE EXPENDITURE OF THE FUNDS DERIVED THEREFROM; DEFINING VIOLATIONS OF THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES THEREFOR; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. introduced and placed on its first reading at the regular meeting of October 10, 1949, was next placed on its flrml reading and read in full. Thereupon the roll was called for the final passage and adoption of said Ordinance No. 462, the vote being as follows: Commissioner Carraway Aye " Chase Aye " Dyson Aye " Krider Aye " Stemper Aye Thereupon the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida by unanimous vote had passed and adopted said Ordinance No. 462, entitled AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, LEVYING AND IMPOSING AN EXCISE OR PRIVILEGE TAX UPON THE SALE , RECEIPT , PURCHASE, POSSESSION, CONSUMPTION, HANDLING, DISTRIBUTION AND USE OF CIGARETTES IN THE CITT OF SANFORD, FLORIDA; PROVIDING FOR THE METHOD OF PAYMENT ~r~-N-~COLLEC~THEREFROM; DEFINING VIOLATIONS OF THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES THEREFOR; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND PROVIDING FOR T~E EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF The City Manager next reported that the local fire insurance agents met on October 14, and unanimously agreed to the following division of the commissions on the fire insurance coverage of City properties under the schedule policy: l_.Crumley & No~t~ith_~%; H.James Gut Agency 20ti.Andrew Carraway Agency 20~; Frank L Woodruff O~; C.M.,~yd & ~o. ~; Bayard.Realty Company ?$~.; Fox-Williams ?~; Raymond Ball 5%; Ed Lane 2~, Malcolm MacNelll 2~; Robert Karns Also recommended that the division be reviewed annually and that the same number of ten policies be maintained. Thereupon Commissioner Chase moved that the City accept the foregoing recommendations as to the division of the insurance premiums, and that same be reviewed annually. Seconded by Commissioner Krider and carried. Report of September analysis of milk from all dairies operating in Sanford , as prepared by Dr. L.R. Scribner's Laboratorlee at Orlando next submitted, such report showing all MINUTES Ci~ Commission, Sanford, Florida, .....Q~..er...86. Board of Health, next submitted, such report showing the water satisfactory. Application next received from )~rs Myrtle Burris for permit to sell beer and wines , to be consumed off premises, at 619 Celery Avenue, and on recommendation of the Chief of Police same was approved. On motion of Commissioner Krlder, seconded by Commissioner Dyson and carried, the City Manager was next authorized to attend the International City Managers' Association Conference to be held in Palm Beach on December ~-~, the expenses in connection therewith to be borne by the City. Request next received from Floyd A Palmer for the City to place in operation the whiteway street light on south side of Valencia Drive immediately west of his residence. Thereupon Commissioner Krider moved that the Florida Power & Light Company be authorized and directed to place the aforesaid street light in operation. Seconded by Commissioner Dyson and carried. Application next received from Frank H. Manning for permit to operate a taxi-cab from the airport. No action taken. On motion of Commissioner Stemper, seconded by Commissioner Krider and carried, the Commissio~ next approved the conveyance without cost of Lot 6 of Block 13, San Lanta Second Section to Marvin E. Ledden, Veteran of World War II to construct a dwelling thereon within six months from date of conveyance, under authority of Special Act of 1945 Legislature. Consideration next given to request of Mayfair Inn for the City to send a representative to the Southern Building Code Congress Conference to be held in Nashville, Tenn. on Nov. 13-16, for the purpose of extending the Congress an invitation to hold its 1950 Conference in Sanford at the Nayfair Inn~ Thereupon after considerable discussion% and on motion duly adopted, the City Clerk and Building Inspector were authorized to attend the aforesaid Conference and extend the in- vitation on behalf of the City, the expenses in connection therewith to be borne by the city. The City Manager next submitted a cost estimate in amount of $1,565.00 for paving approximately 200 lineal feet of nort~ ~ellonville Avenue with limerock base and asphalt surface. Thereupon after careful consideration, Commissioner Dyson moved that the aforesaid pave- ment be authorized on the basis of the City paying one-third of the cost of constructlom each and one-third/to be paid by the abutting property owners. Seconded by Commissioner Stemper and carried. Consideration next given to the request for paving Second Street from Avacado Avenue west to Mill Creek Bridge, and for paving Lilly Court from Geneva Avenue north a distance of approx- imately 225 feet. Thereupon the City Manager was directed to prepare an estimate of the cost of paving the aforesaid streets, and to contact the abutting property owners to ascertain whether or not they are agreeable to paying the one-third of such cost. Further consideration next given to the renewal of the November 29, 1939, with the Florida Power & Light Company, 29, 1949. street lighting contract dated which terminates on November ~l~,)~t~n_ th~ Chairman anno'inted a committee, consisbin~ MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida,......ac.toher....26..a.t...8...l~...il .............. 19...1,9. Co~nmissioner Stemper then moved that Commissioner Chase be authorized to negotiate with Florida Power & Light Company concerning renewal of the street lighting contract dated November 29, 1939, and unless satisfactory arrangements can be reached, he be authori- zed to deliver a written notice on behalf of the City to the Florida Power & Light Compar~ of the City's desire to terminate the said street lighting contract dated November 29, 1939. Seconded by Co~missioner Dyson and carried unanimously. The City Nanager next reported that he had found a suitable location on the east end of the airport property that can be utilized for a dump for disposing of trash and rubbish by burning, and recommended that it be utilized for this purpose, and on motion duly adopted, same was authorized. Commissioner Chase next introduced Ordinance No. 463, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, MLORIDA, VACATING AND ABANDONING A CERTAIN RESER- VATION FOR UTILITIES IN BLOCK l0 OF NAYFAiR LAKE FRONT ADDITION IN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AS SHOWN BY PLAT THEREOF IN PLAT BOOK 5 page 81, SENINOLE COUNTY RECORDS. and same was placed on its first reading and read in full. Further consideration next given to the request of Florida Home Gas Company for a letter of consent from the City for the assignment to said company of the existing franchise to operate and maintain a gas system in Sanford. Thereupon after considerable discussion, Commissioner Stemper moved that a letter of consent be authorized, in view of the fact that the City has not received an adverse report on the individuals concerned with the Florida Home Gas Company, and that the assignment is in accordance with the provisions of the original franchise granted the Sanford Gas Company. Seconded by Commissioner Krlder and carried. On motion of Commissioner Chase, seconded by Commissioner Stemper and carried, the Clerk and Geo. H Will isms, Jr . Public Accountant were next authorized access to the safety deposit box at the Sanford Atlantic National B~nk for the purpose of verifying the con- tents. On motion duly carried, the Commission next authorized the salary of Solon Testo~, caretaker of the cemeteries increased from $35.40 to 38.50 per week, and the wages of Robert Zanders increased from 68~ to ?O~ per hour. Offer in amount of $?,500.00 next received from A.B.Peterson, Realtor, for a client to purchase the City-ow~$d property described as Lots 9 and lO Block 3 Tier 1, E R Trafford's Nap, located at northeast corner of Palmetto Avenue and Second Street, on which there is located shuffleboard courts and the auxiliary water pumping station. Thereupon after considerable discussion, Commissioner Dyson moved that the City accept the offer of $?,500.00, subject to the approval of the City Commission as to the use to be made of the property. Seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried. The meeting then adjourned until 12:30 o'clock P N October 2g,1949. Mayor. Attest: Ctt~y Cle~ -