HomeMy WebLinkAbout112149 MINUTES City Commissio~ Saniord, Florida,....~a~eahe.~...2L._.~l__~Z-~-..-E-.-~-19..~9. The Cit~ Commission of the City of ~anford, Florida met in adjourned session at the City Hall in the City of S~nford, Florida at 8:00 o'clock P N November 21,1949. Present: Commissioner Andrew Carraway, Nayor. " Randall Chase " John Krider ,' W.H.Stemper City Attorney A. Edwin Shinholser City Nanager Clifford NcKlbbin Jr. City Clerk H N Sayer Absent: Commissioner F A Dyson Neeting called to order by the Chairman. Nessrs F.B.Ashdown, H.Jsmes Gut, Edward Higgins, J.L. Ingley and E.F.Lene,members of t. he Zoning Board of Adjustment, next met with the Commission to consider proposed changes in the Zoning Ordinance. Nr Ingley, Chairman of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, then advised that the Board had reconsidered their request to amend the Zoning Ordinance so that the minimum re- quirement for ground floor area for dwellings in Districts R-1 and R-1-A would in- clude paved porte-cocheres and porches where all are under one roof, and now recommend that it be amended, whereby, in Districts R-1 the minimum ground floor area of 800 square feet for a one story dwelling, exclusive of porte-cocheres and attached porches will be changed to require a minimum ground floor area of not less than 600 square feet in the house proper, exclusive of car ports, porte-cocheres, porches and attached garages. Nr Ingley stated that his Board felt that any reduction in ground floor area for dwellings should be applicable to all areas zoned in District R-l, instead of specific areas, so as to allow all property owners in such zones an equal opportunity to construct this type of dwelling. Nr Higgins and Nr. Gut also concurred in the recommendations submitted by Nr. Ingley. Thereupon Commissioner Chase moved that the Commission accept the recommendations of the Zoning Board of Adjustment and that a Public Hearing be held at 8:00 o'clock P.N. December 8, 1949, to consider the aforesaid changes in the Zoning Ordinance and that legal notice of such hearing be published in the Sanford Herald. Seconded by Commissioner Krider and carried. At this time the Nayor , on behalf of the City Commission, commended the members of the Zoning Board of Adjustment for the services they are rendering, and expressed the appreciation and gratitude of the Commission for their serving on the Board. Commissioner Stemper next introduced Resolution No. full, moved its passage and adoption. time and efforts devoted to ?67, and after being read in Seconded by Co~missioner Commissioner Carraway " Chase " Krider " Stemper said Resolution No. 767 , Chase and carried by the following vote of the Commission: Aye Aye Aye being entitled: · H~796 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida,.....}!pv~.~.er ~!.....~.~....~..LQ.Q_ ~ ~19~9 W H Stemper John Krider Randall Chase l~ayor. ATTEST: H N S~er City Clerk. (SEAL) As the City Commission of the City of Sanford,Florida. On recommendation of City Manager, and on motion of Commissioner Stemper, seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried, the salary of James T.Hardy, water serviceman, was next authorized increased from $213.50 to $221.67 per month. On motion of Cmmmissioner Chase, seconded by Co~nissioner Krider and carried, a quit-claim deed from City to John O. Andes for Lot 5 A.V.French's Su0dlvision, was next authorized. The City having acquired title to said property at one time ~hru foreclosure of tax liens. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Attest: -- C~/~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CO~.IISSION OF THE CITY OF S~NFORD, FLORIDA, UPON THE DEATH OF JA~{ES ~ NOUGHTON. WHEREAS, death has come to James ~.Noughton at the end of an act lve and useful life lived in and devoted to the interests of the City of Sanford, and WHEREAS, for more than thirty-five years James N. Noughton was officially connected with the City of Oanford, serving first as its Sanitary Inspector, and then, for the remainder of his term as Superintendent of Streets and Parks, in which latter capacity he conceived and fostered the idea for the Yunicipal Zoo, which primarily through his interest and continued efforts, became an outstanding attraction of the City of Sanford, and one which has gained national attention and recognition for the City, and WHEREAS, the City is indebted to James N. Noughton for his long years of devoted ser- vice and the fine spirit in which he performed his service to the community, and by reason of his death the people of Sanford have suffered a great loss, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida that the City by and through its City Commission does hereby declare its appreciation of the services of James M Eoughton and does hereby extend to his family its deepest sympathy in their bereavement. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this resolution be spread on the minutes of 'the City Commission and that a copy thereof be sent to the family of James M. Moughton. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 21st day of November , 1949. Andrew Carraws~